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ATR autophosphorylation as a molecular switch for checkpoint activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase is a master checkpoint regulator safeguarding the genome. Upon DNA damage, the ATR-ATRIP complex is recruited to sites of DNA damage by RPA-coated single-stranded DNA and activated by an elusive process. Here, we show that ATR is transformed into a hyperphosphorylated state after DNA damage, and that a single autophosphorylation event at Thr 1989 is crucial for ATR activation. Phosphorylation of Thr 1989 relies on RPA, ATRIP, and ATR kinase activity, but unexpectedly not on the ATR stimulator TopBP1. Recruitment of ATR-ATRIP to RPA-ssDNA leads to congregation of ATR-ATRIP complexes and promotes Thr 1989 phosphorylation in trans. Phosphorylated Thr 1989 is directly recognized by TopBP1 via the BRCT domains 7 and 8, enabling TopBP1 to engage ATR-ATRIP, to stimulate the ATR kinase, and to facilitate ATR substrate recognition. Thus, ATR autophosphorylation on RPA-ssDNA is a molecular switch to launch robust checkpoint response.  相似文献   

The bacterial HslVU ATP-dependent protease is a homolog of the eukaryotic 26 S proteasome. HslU ATPase forms a hexameric ring, and HslV peptidase is a dodecamer consisting of two stacked hexameric rings. In HslVU complex, the HslU and HslV central pores are aligned, and the proteolytic active sites are sequestered in an internal chamber of HslV, with access to this chamber restricted to small axial pores. Here we show that the C-terminal tails of HslU play a critical role in the interaction with and activation of HslV peptidase. A synthetic tail peptide of 10 amino acids could replace HslU in supporting the HslV-mediated hydrolysis of unfolded polypeptide substrates such as alpha-casein, as well as of small peptides, suggesting that the HslU C terminus is involved in the opening of the HslV pore for substrate entry. Moreover, deletion of 7 amino acids from the C terminus prevented the ability of HslU to form an HslVU complex with HslV. In addition, deletion of the C-terminal 10 residues prevented the formation of an HslU hexamer, indicating that the C terminus is required for HslU oligomerization. These results suggest that the HslU C-terminal tails act as a molecular switch for the assembly of HslVU complex and the activation of HslV peptidase.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) is a transmembrane receptor that plays a key role in the regulation of the inflammatory pathway. While inhibition of TNFR1 has been the focus of many studies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, activation of the receptor is important for the treatment of immunodeficiency diseases such as HIV and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease where a boost in immune signaling is required. In addition, activation of other TNF receptors such as death receptor 5 or FAS receptor is important for cancer therapy. Here, we used a previously established TNFR1 fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor together with a fluorescence lifetime technology as a high‐throughput screening platform to identify a novel small molecule that activates TNFR1 by increasing inter‐monomeric spacing in a ligand‐independent manner. This shows that the conformational rearrangement of pre‐ligand assembled receptor dimers can determine the activity of the receptor. By probing the interaction between the receptor and its downstream signaling molecule (TRADD) our findings support a new model of TNFR1 activation in which varying conformational states of the receptor act as a molecular switch in determining receptor function.  相似文献   

Loss of fragile histidine triad (Fhit) expression is often associated with human malignancies, and Fhit functions as a tumor suppressor in controlling cell growth and apoptosis, although specific signal pathways are still undefined. We have used a proteomic approach to define proteins in the Fhit-mediated tumor suppression pathway. Because substitution of Tyr(114) (Y114) with phenylalanine (Y114F) diminishes Fhit functions, we did protein expression profiling to identify proteins differentially expressed in Fhit-negative H1299 lung cancer cells infected with wild-type (Ad-FHIT-wt) and Y114 mutant FHIT-expressing (Ad-FHIT-Y114F) adenoviruses. Among 12 distinct proteins that exhibited 4-fold differences in expression on comparison of the two infected cell lysates, cyclophilin A, the intracellular reporter of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine A, showed a remarkably decreased protein level in cells infected with Ad-FHIT-wt versus Ad-FHIT-Y114F. Conversely, loss of Fhit expression resulted in increased cyclophilin A expression in mouse tissues and cell lines. Restoration of Fhit expression led to down-regulated cyclophilin A protein expression and subsequently prevented cyclophilin A-induced up-regulation of cyclin D1, Cdk4, and resultant cell cycle progression (G(1)-S transition), which was independent of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase inhibitor, KN-93. Interestingly, Fhit down-modulation of phosphatase activity of calcineurin, which controls cyclin D1/Cdk4 activation, was reversed by cyclophilin A treatment in a concentration-dependent manner, a reversal that was inhibited by additional cyclosporine A treatment. Thus, cyclophilin A is a downstream target in Fhit-mediated cessation of cell cycle progression at late G(1) phase. Elucidation of the protein effectors of Fhit signaling may lead to identification of targets for lung cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Rat 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MST) contains three exposed cysteines as follows: a catalytic site cysteine, Cys(247), in the active site and Cys(154) and Cys(263) on the surface of MST. The corresponding cysteine to Cys(263) is conserved in mammalian MSTs, and Cys(154) is a unique cysteine. MST has monomer-dimer equilibrium with the assistance of oxidants and reductants. The monomer to dimer ratio is maintained at approximately 92:8 in 0.2 m potassium phosphate buffer containing no reductants under air-saturated conditions; the dimer might be symmetrical via an intersubunit disulfide bond between Cys(154) and Cys(154) and between Cys(263) and Cys(263), or asymmetrical via an intersubunit disulfide bond between Cys(154) and Cys(263). Escherichia coli reduced thioredoxin (Trx) cleaved the intersubunit disulfide bond to activate MST to 2.3- and 4.9-fold the levels of activation of dithiothreitol (DTT)-treated and DTT-untreated MST, respectively. Rat Trx also activated MST. On the other hand, reduced glutathione did not affect MST activity. E. coli C35S Trx, in which Cys(35) was replaced with Ser, formed some adducts with MST and activated MST after treatment with DTT. Thus, Cys(32) of E. coli Trx reacted with the redox-active cysteines, Cys(154) and Cys(263), by forming an intersubunit disulfide bond and a sulfenyl Cys(247). A consecutively formed disulfide bond between Trx and MST must be cleaved for the activation. E. coli C32S Trx, however, did not activate MST. Reduced Trx turns on a redox switch for the enzymatic activation of MST, which contributes to the maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

Function of Ras as a molecular switch in signal transduction.   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  

The transport of vesicles in neurons is a highly regulated process, with vesicles moving either anterogradely or retrogradely depending on the nature of the molecular motors, kinesins and dynein, respectively, which propel vesicles along microtubules (MTs). However, the mechanisms that determine the directionality of transport remain unclear. Huntingtin, the protein mutated in Huntington's disease, is a positive regulatory factor for vesicular transport. Huntingtin is phosphorylated at serine 421 by the kinase Akt but the role of this modification is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that phosphorylation of wild-type huntingtin at S421 is crucial to control the direction of vesicles in neurons. When phosphorylated, huntingtin recruits kinesin-1 to the dynactin complex on vesicles and MTs. Using brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a marker of vesicular transport, we demonstrate that huntingtin phosphorylation promotes anterograde transport. Conversely, when huntingtin is not phosphorylated, kinesin-1 detaches and vesicles are more likely to undergo retrograde transport. This also applies to other vesicles suggesting an essential role for huntingtin in the control of vesicular directionality in neurons.  相似文献   

Mitophagy is a fundamental process that determines mitochondrial quality and homeostasis. Several mitophagy receptors, including the newly identified FUNDC1, mediate selective removal of damaged or superfluous mitochondria through their specific interaction with LC3. However, the precise mechanism by which this interaction is regulated to initiate mitophagy is not understood. Here, we report the solution structure of LC3 in complex with a peptide containing the FUNDC1 LC3-interacting region (LIR) motif. The structure reveals a noncanonical LC3-LIR binding conformation, in which the third LIR residue (Val20) is also inserted into the hydrophobic pocket of LC3, together with the conserved residues Tyr18 and Leu21. This enables Tyr18 to be positioned near Asp19 of LC3, and thus phosphorylation of Tyr18 significantly weakens the binding affinity due to electrostatic repulsion. Functional analysis revealed that mitochondrial targeting of the LIR-containing cytosolic portion of FUNDC1 is necessary and sufficient to initiate mitophagy when Tyr18 is unphosphorylated, even in the absence of mitochondrial fragmentation. Thus, we demonstrated that phosphorylation of Tyr18 of FUNDC1 serves as a molecular switch for mitophagy. This may represent a novel target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Pathological cardiac hypertrophy is an inevitable forerunner of heart failure. Regardless of the etiology of cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyocyte mitochondrial alterations are always observed in this context. The translocases of mitochondrial outer membrane (Tom) complex governs the import of mitochondrial precursor proteins to maintain mitochondrial function under pathophysiological conditions; however, its role in the development of pathological cardiac hypertrophy remains unclear. Here, we showed that Tom70 was downregulated in pathological hypertrophic hearts from humans and experimental animals. The reduction in Tom70 expression produced distinct pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy both in vivo and in vitro. The defective mitochondrial import of Tom70-targeted optic atrophy-1 triggered intracellular oxidative stress, which led to a pathological cellular response. Importantly, increased Tom70 levels provided cardiomyocytes with full resistance to diverse pro-hypertrophic insults. Together, these results reveal that Tom70 acts as a molecular switch that orchestrates hypertrophic stresses and mitochondrial responses to determine pathological cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The human oxytocin receptor is known to exhibit promiscuous activity by coupling to both Galpha(q) and Galpha(i) G proteins to activate distinct signaling pathways. A single-amino acid substitution within the highly conserved E/DRY motif at the cytosolic extension of helix 3 [i.e., D136(3.49)N] increased the rate of both basal and agonist-stimulated inositol phosphate (IP(3)) accumulation of the receptor. Furthermore, like for a typical constitutively active receptor, the partial agonist arginine vasopressin behaved as a full agonist for the D136(3.49)N mutant. Subsequently, both oxytocin and arginine vasopressin showed an increased potency in stimulating IP3 accumulation as compared to the wild-type receptor. Very interestingly, our experiments provide strong evidence that the D136(3.49)N mutant inhibits receptor signaling via Galpha(i)-mediated pathways while increasing the activity through the Galpha(q)-mediated pathways. Molecular simulations of the free and OT-bound forms of wild-type OTR and of the D136(3.49)N constitutively active mutant suggest that the receptor portions close to the E/DRY and NPxxY motifs are particularly susceptible to undergoing structural modification in response to activating mutations and agonist binding. Furthermore, computational modeling suggests that the OT-bound form of wild-type OTR is able to explore more states than the OT-bound form of the D136(3.49)N constitutively active mutant, consistent with its G protein promiscuity. Taken together, these observations emphasize the important role of the E/DRY motif not only in receptor activation but also in the promiscuity of G protein coupling. Knowledge of the mechanism of selective G protein coupling could aid drug discovery efforts to identify signaling specific therapies.  相似文献   

A synergetic law, being of common physicochemical and biological sense, is formulated: any evolving system that possesses an excess of free energy and elements with chiral asymmetry, while being within one hierarchical level, is able to change the type of symmetry in the process of self-organization increasing its complexity but preserving the sign of prevailing chirality (left — L or right — D twist). The same system tends to form spontaneously a sequence of hierarchical levels with alternating chirality signs of de novo formed structures and with an increase of the structures’ relative scales. In living systems, the hierarchy of conjugated levels of macromolecular structures that begins from the “lowest” asymmetric carbon serves as an anti-entropic factor as well as the structural basis of “selected mechanical degrees of freedom” in molecular machines. During transition of DNA to a higher level of structural and functional organization, regular alterations of the chirality sign D-L-D-L and L-D-L-D for DNA and protein structures, respectively, are observed. Sign-alternating chiral hierarchies of DNA and protein structure, in turn, form a complementary conjugated chiral pair that represents an achiral invariant that “consummates” the molecular-biological block of living systems. The ability of a carbon atom to form chiral compounds is an important factor that determined the carbon basis of living systems on the Earth as well as their development though a series of chiral bifurcations. The hierarchy of macromolecular structures demarcated by the chirality sign predetermined the possibility of the “block” character of biological evolution.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening plays a critical role in mediating cell death during ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Our previous studies have shown that cysteine 203 of cyclophilin D (CypD), a critical mPTP mediator, undergoes protein S-nitrosylation (SNO). To investigate the role of cysteine 203 in mPTP activation, we mutated cysteine 203 of CypD to a serine residue (C203S) and determined its effect on mPTP opening. Treatment of WT mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with H(2)O(2) resulted in an 50% loss of the mitochondrial calcein fluorescence, suggesting substantial activation of the mPTP. Consistent with the reported role of CypD in mPTP activation, CypD null (CypD(-/-)) MEFs exhibited significantly less mPTP opening. Addition of a nitric oxide donor, GSNO, to WT but not CypD(-/-) MEFs prior to H(2)O(2) attenuated mPTP opening. To test whether Cys-203 is required for this protection, we infected CypD(-/-) MEFs with a C203S-CypD vector. Surprisingly, C203S-CypD reconstituted MEFs were resistant to mPTP opening in the presence or absence of GSNO, suggesting a crucial role for Cys-203 in mPTP activation. To determine whether mutation of C203S-CypD would alter mPTP in vivo, we injected a recombinant adenovirus encoding C203S-CypD or WT CypD into CypD(-/-) mice via tail vein. Mitochondria isolated from livers of CypD(-/-) mice or mice expressing C203S-CypD were resistant to Ca(2+)-induced swelling as compared with WT CypD-reconstituted mice. Our results indicate that the Cys-203 residue of CypD is necessary for redox stress-induced activation of mPTP.  相似文献   

Son of sevenless 1 (SOS1) is a dual guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates the guanosine triphosphatases Rac1 and Ras, which mediate signaling initiated by peptide growth factors. In this paper, we show that CIIA is a new binding partner of SOS1. CIIA promoted the SOS1-Rac1 interaction and inhibited the SOS1-Ras interaction. Furthermore, CIIA promoted the formation of an SOS1-EPS8 complex and SOS1-mediated Rac1 activation, whereas it inhibited SOS1-mediated activation of Ras. Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) up-regulated the expression of CIIA and thereby promoted the association between CIIA and SOS1 in A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells. Depletion of CIIA in these cells by ribonucleic acid interference inhibited the TGF-β-induced interaction between SOS1 and EPS8, activation of Rac1, and cell migration. Together, these results suggest that CIIA mediates the TGF-β-induced activation of SOS1-Rac1 signaling and cell migration in A549 cells. They further show that CIIA functions as a molecular switch for the GEF activity of SOS1, directing this activity toward Rac1.  相似文献   

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