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Lymph nodes (mesenteric, popliteal, cervical) of rabbits in fever reaction of different duration have been studied in our work. As a whole morpho-functional changes in lymph nodes in fever reaction indicate the increase of their functional activity: hyperplasia of lymphatic substance with the growth of lymphocytes number and slightly differentiated lymphoid cells in follicles and paracortical zone, hyperplasia of pulposus bands, the signs of macrophagal reaction and plasmatization of lymph nodes are to be observed and all these create prerequisites for the increase of tensity of cellular and humoral immunity. Simultaneously the signs of destruction of cellular elements--lymphocytolysis in the porta tract and the growth of number of PAS-positive cells in the parenchyma of the nodes take place.  相似文献   

The approaches to the problems of primary diagnostics of the hereditary hematoglobinopathias caused by unbalanced synthesis of alpha and beta chains, as well as modern state of screening of hereditary thalassemic hematoglobinopathias are considered. The result of the available information analysis takes into account numerous peculiarities of this problem, including economic ones. Experience of an estimation of the displays of unbalanced synthesis of globin chains concerning the morphology of red blood cells is presented in the generalized form. The latter is a very important for preliminary diagnostics the hematoglobinopathias because, for the first, it may be realized at primary units of public health system service, for the second, it allows to narrow to an acceptable level the group of persons whose blood requires more complex and expensive researches.  相似文献   

By means of histological methods inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes have been investigated in 48 Wistar rats in 2 weeks and 3 months after cessation of inhalation of DNSV at maximum possible dose (0.1 mg/m3) for 2 and 14 days. Cell composition of the lymph nodes and cross sections of structural components have been compared. The cross section of the cortex decreases, while that of the medulla increases in comparison with corresponding parameters of the acute experiment. In 2 weeks and 3 months after DMSV effect for 2 days the part (%) of poorly differentiated cells and middle lymphocytes increases, while content of plasma cells in the medullary cords decreases. During rehabilitation after DMSV effect for 14 days a low level plateau is noted (as in the acute experiment). However, in lymphoid nodules++ within content of the poorly differentiated cells and middle lymphocytes in the cortical germinative centers in 2 weeks and 3 months the number of the poorly differentiated and reticular cells increases essentially, as well as mitotically dividing cells (in comparison to the acute experiment). In the medullary cords of the lymph nodes after 3 months of rehabilitation content of immature plasma cells is essentially higher than in 2 weeks of rehabilitation and than in the acute experiment. During rehabilitation the level of cells destruction in the lymph nodes noticeably decreases in comparison to the acute experiment.  相似文献   

An anatomical investigation of extraorganic lymphatic vessels and regional renal lymph nodes has been performed in 70 dogs. The regional lymph nodes in the right kidney are stated to be quantitatively constant, as well as cranial and caudal lateroaortal lymph nodes in the left kidney in regard to the middle left lateroaortal nodes, that get lymph from the left kidney parenchyma. One middle left lateroaortal lymph node is found in 47 animals examined, two lymph nodes--in 17 animals. In 6 cases a lymphatic vessel, that gets lymph from the renal parenchyma and independently runs into the cistern of the thoracic duct is found for the first time. The variant revealed is an exception from the rule known in lymphology: lymph in its way from periphery to the central collector runs, at least, through one lymph node.  相似文献   

The dependence of pathomorphological changes in the regional lymphatic ganglia of the dog's kidney upon the duration of experimental hydronephrosis is shown. The development of necrosis in some of them points out indirectly to the participation of the renal lymphatic system in carrying off the urine saturated with toxic products persisting in it for a long period. Increased dilatation of intermediate and medullary sinuses is connected with continuous inflow of the lymph that contributes to its congestion and then leads to the retrograde flow. A mechanical obstraction appears on the way of lymph and this fact aggravates mechanical insufficiency of the lymph circulation. At the same time this particular case is lymphogenic sclerosis, which is induced by acumulation of disturbed metabolism products in the intermediate tissue brought by the lymph.  相似文献   

By means of morphological, morphometrical and histochemical methods pelvic and tracheobronchial lymph nodes have been studied in dogs and concentration of lysozyme has been estimated in blood serum, in lymph and the lymph nodes after a single intramuscular injection of lysozyme (2 mg/kg of body mass). In the material investigated total concentration of lysozyme reaches its maximal values in 6 h after injection, then it gradually decreases and in 48 h reaches its control level. Morphometrically changes in cell composition are revealed predominantly of immune-competent cells in T- and B-dependent zones of the lymph nodes. Thus, the volumetric part of lymphoblasts in the germinative centers of the lymphoid nodules reaches its maximal indices by 48 h after lysozyme injection, while plasmatization of the paracortical zone and of medullary cords increases up to the 7th day. By the 14th day the volumetric part of lymphoblasts, immunoblasts and plasmocytes decreases gradually, and in 21 days after injection of the drug contents of the blast forms of the cells in the structural-functional zones of the lymph nodes does not differ from that in the control. The data obtained demonstrate the immunomorphological rearrangement of the lymph nodes in response to the exogenic lysozyme administration.  相似文献   

Influence of strong sulfide baths of the sanatorium "Talgi" to the popliteal and superficial inguinal lymph nodes (LN) has been studied in 35 rats (140-150 g of body mass) and 15 animals have been used as the control. The slices are stained with hematoxyli-eosin, after van Gieson, Romanovsky-Giemsa, Kurnik and silver nitrate impregnation after Foot. The section area of the LN decreases, but amount of lymphoid nodules increases (especially in deep layers of the cortex). In the germinative centers amount of middle lymphocytes and mitoses becomes larger. In the internodular zones of the popliteal nodes amount of macrophages and eosinophiles enlarges significantly, and in the inguinal-amount of mast cells and eosinophiles. In the medullary sinuses amount of macrophages declines. In the medullary cords amount of immature plasma cells and blasts increases, while amount of mature cells decreases.  相似文献   

The structure of the postcapillary venules in the rat lymph nodes has been studied after a single total overheating at 43.5 degrees C. During the first three days an essential role is played by ultrastructural destructive processes, that demonstrate certain unfavourable states in cells. Nevertheless, the postcapillary venules perform their function quite satisfactory and even increase small lymphocytes transfer. The 7th-15th days are characterized with a steady compensation of the functional activity of these microvessels. By the 30th day some unfavourable changes in the endothelial ultrastructure are noted. This is, evidently, connected with a steady effect of the plasma toxic factor on the endothelium.  相似文献   

The biological characteristics of a radiolabeled metalloporphyrin, 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)-porphinato [67Cu]copper (II) ([67Cu]TCPP), in rat lymph nodes, surrounding muscle, fat and blood were determined. Lymphatic tissue localized greater amounts of [67Cu]TCPP than did surrounding muscle and fat. Inflamed lymph nodes localized greater amounts of [67Cu]TCPP than did noninflamed lymph nodes. Time course studies suggest that the uptake of [67Cu]TCPP in noninflamed and in inflamed lymph nodes may involve different biological processes. The affinity of [67Cu]TCPP for inflamed lymph nodes may be influenced by the degree of inflammation. If further studies confirm these results, [67Cu]TCPP may be useful as a potential radiopharmaceutical for imaging inflamed lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Segmentary lumbar, posterior pancreato-duodenal and inferior tracheobronchial lymph nodes have been investigated macro- and microscopically. The segmentary lymph nodes reach 12 X 45 X 45 mm, 10 X 25 X 100 mm in size. Most often these nodes are found among the posterior pancreato-duodenal lymph nodes (92%). They represent a conglomerate of smaller lymph nodes growing together and having their own capsule, parenchyma, sinuses, afferent and deferent lymph vessels and are united into one large node.  相似文献   

The common iliac lymph nodes (CILN) have been investigated on 24 preparations from corpses of elderly persons (5 male and 7 female corpses), died from the causes not connected with the lymphatic system diseases, lower extremities and pelvic organs. The CILN with their afferent and deferent lymphatic vessels are revealed by means of interstitial injection into the lower extremities and pelvic organs, as well as by means of direct injection into lymphatic vessels. The form, amount, size and topography of CILN are studied. Lymphatic vessels, running from certain parts of the body and organs to various subgroups of CILN are described, as well as lymphatic vessels, connecting the nodes both within each subgroup and between the subgroups. There is a tendency in prevalence of amount and size of the lateral subgroup of the lymph nodes over the nodes of other subgroups of CILN; tendency in prevalence of amount of the lymph nodes in men, and their size--in women; prevalence of amount of right CILN and their size in the left--in persons of both sex; in 70% of the cases the amount of afferent lymphatic vessels to CILN prevails over that of the deferent lymph nodes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The degenerative process of lymph nodes is poorly documented. METHODS: 161 lymph nodes of seven fresh and one embalmed human cadavers in the head and neck were studied. We used 6% hydrogen peroxide, lead oxide injectant, and radiographs to demonstrate lymphatic vessels, and found both solidified and transparent lymph nodes. They were removed, fixed in 10% formalin and sent for histopathology cross section. RESULTS: Thirty-eight solidified and 123 transparent lymph nodes were found. A series of histopathological sections show the degenerative process is variable and continuous. Senile involution affects all elements of the lymph node including the cortex, the medulla, and the architecture. CONCLUSION: This study provides actual anatomical and histopathological images of lymph nodes in different degenerative stages in the head and neck region. It may help explain some clinical conditions in the elderly, especially their diminished immunological response to infection and cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

At total overheating a manifested macrophagal reaction is observed in the rat somatic lymph nodes. Concentration of autoantigens in tissues increases, that results in transformation of small lymphocytes towards lymphoblasts and plasma cells. When manifested disorders of hemo- and lymphocirculation are present, eosinophils and mast cells, being tissue regulators of microcirculation and wall permeability of blood capillaries and lymphatic sinuses++., increase in number.  相似文献   

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