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阮海河  白冰  李宁  潘扬  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2013,33(1):110-119
喀斯特森林的生态环境较其他类型的森林更为脆弱.由于抗干扰和恢复能力低,喀斯特森林中种子扩散对维持植物种群的续存与更新具极其重要的作用.叶猴以叶为主要食物,果实是仅列其后的第二大食物资源.对分布于喀斯特生境的叶猴来说,它们对果实的取食具有潜在的种子传播作用.基于此,于2009年7月-2010年12月,在越南广平的风芽-格邦国家自然公园,通过实地跟踪观察结合粪便收集调查了河静黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi hatinhensis)对果实的选择及其对种子的潜在扩散作用.河静黑叶猴全年共采食果实类食物38科131种,取食的果实种类和取食高峰持续期均高于其他地区黑叶猴对果实的取食.这得益于当地原始雨林中丰富的果实食物资源.河静黑叶猴对果实种类没有明显的选择偏好(-0.3<S112种果实<0.3),果实资源的可获得性亦不影响其对果实的取食频次(r=-0.13,P=0.15>0.05),在雨季的果实食物种类和取食强度上均高于旱季(z=-2.903,P=0.02<0.05).在果实性状的选择上,河静黑叶猴对处理难度较小的浆果和核果(两种类型的果实共106种,占80.9%)有明显的选择偏好,更多地选择黄色(46种)、红色(29种)和绿色(14种)(三种颜色的果实占果实种类的68.7%),重量多为5 g以上较大的果实(共104种,占果实种类的79.4%),更多地选择果实内仅有1-2颗种子的果实.河静黑叶猴多吞食直径小于3 cm的种子,在猴群的粪便中发现了85种果实的种子,尤以肉质的浆果和核果最多,如垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)、柿叶青梅(Vatica diospyroides)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)等.最远传播距离可达397 m.对其他的果实,则以吐出或丢弃的方式短距离传播,多集中在6-20 m范围.河静黑叶猴是一些果实较大或果皮较硬的植物重要的潜在扩散媒介,因为此类种子不能依靠鸟类吞食传播,如水浦桃(Syzygium jambos)、红毛丹(Nephelium lappaceum)和木奶果(Baccaurea ramiflora)等.河静黑叶猴一年中在雨季的夏秋两季(8-12月)对果实的取食强度达到高峰,这期间每月在猴群粪便中发现的种子数量均超过1000.结果反映出河静黑叶猴对喀斯特森林中的果实植物种子有潜在的传播作用.  相似文献   

We studied avian dispersal of seeds from the hemiparasitic mistletoe Plicosepalus acaciae (Loranthaceae) to its tree hosts Acacia raddiana and A. tortilis in the Syrian–African Rift (Arava) valley, Israel. The Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) was the sole avian visitor observed feeding on mistletoe fruits. Bulbuls consumed mistletoe fruits whenever they were available, but the fruits only constituted a significant portion of the diet (71% of foraging attempts) when they were most abundant. These birds are potentially good dispersal vectors of P. acaciae because they swallowed the fruit whole and defecated viable seeds that were covered in a viscid pulp, which allowed the seeds to adhere to substrates when voided. In addition, bulbuls spent a large proportion (66–93%) of total observation time perched in Acacia trees, allowing for directed dispersal. Ephemeral river valleys (wadis) with high mistletoe infection were adjacent to those containing no infections, demonstrating that mistletoe dispersal is common within, but not among wadis. This is consistent with the flight behaviour in bulbuls, which do not typically move among wadis. We combined data on bulbul movements between Acacia trees with transit times of mistletoe seeds to create a hypothetical seed shadow as a function of distance from the parent mistletoe plant. Because they are directed dispersers, the movement patterns of bulbuls may explain the current distribution of P. acaciae in the Arava valley.  相似文献   

We examined the ecological relevance of bird versus mammal dispersal syndromes in four species of Solanum, S. americanum Type A, S. americanum Type B, S. ptychanthum, and S. sarrachoides. These plants were selected because their morphological characteristics, such as fruit color, mass, and persistence, resembled those typically associated with classically-defined bird and mammal dispersal syndromes. We monitored persistence of tagged fruits, compared physical and chemical chaacteristics, performed fruit preference trials with northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and American robins (Turdus migratorius), and assessed differences in use of olfactory cues by foraging deer mice. We predicted that principal components analysis of physical and chemical characteristics would place fruits of these species along a clear gradient from bird to mammal dispersal syndromes (S. americanum Type A, S. americanum Type B, S. ptychanthum, and S. sarrachoides). However, physical and chemical characteristics did not consistently follow the gradient. Also, contrary to expectations, both birds and mammals demonstrated a preference for S. americanum Types A and B, both bird fruits. Deer mice and bobwhite quail showed much less discrimination among fruit types than did American robins. While the relatively strong odor of the green-fruited S. sarrachoides suggested a mammalian attractant, deer mice discovered the relatively odorless S. americanum Type A significantly more quickly. We conclude that in Solanum, suites of morphological characteristics resembling bird and mammal dispersal syndromes are not good predictors of fruit choice by birds and mammals. We note, however, that this conclusion is based on a sample of three animal species. Alternative explanations for fruit character suites should be considered. For example, the adaptive significance for an association of green coloration of ripe fruit with impersistence (dropping when ripe), as in S. sarrachoides and some S. ptychanthum, may relate more to photosynthesis and carbon balance in detached fruits than to disperser attraction.  相似文献   

Vander Wall SB  Kuhn KM  Gworek JR 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):281-286
Frugivorous birds disperse the seeds of many fruit-bearing plants, but the fate of seeds after defecation or regurgitation is often unknown. Some rodents gather and scatter hoard seeds, and some of these may be overlooked, germinate, and establish plants. We show that these two disparate modes of seed dispersal are linked in some plants. Rodents removed large (>25 mg) seeds from simulated bird feces (pseudofeces) at rates of 8–50%/day and scatter hoarded them in soil. Ants (Formica sibylla) also harvested some seeds and carried them to their nests. Rodents carried seeds 2.5±3.2 m to cache sites (maximum 12 m) and buried seeds at 8±7 mm depth. Enclosure studies suggest that yellow pine chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) made the caches. In spring, some seeds germinated from rodent caches and established seedlings, but no seedlings established directly from pseudofeces. This form of two-phase seed dispersal is important because each phase offers different benefits to plants. Frugivory by birds permits relatively long-range dispersal and potential colonization of new sites, whereas rodent caching moves seeds from exposed, low-quality sites (bird feces on the ground surface) to a soil environment that may help maintain seed viability and promote successful seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Animals may disperse cultivated trees outside the agricultural land, favoring the naturalization or, even, the invasiveness of domestic plants. However, the ecological and conservation implications of new or unexplored mutualisms between cultivated trees and wild animals are still far from clear. Here, we examine the possible role of an expanding and, locally, overabundant pigeon species (Columba palumbus) as an effective disperser of domestic olive trees (Olea europaea), a widespread cultivated tree, considered a naturalized and invasive species in many areas of the world. By analyzing crop and gizzard content we found that olive fruits were an important food item for pigeons in late winter and spring. A proportion of 40.3% pigeons consumed olive seeds, with an average consumption of 7.8 seeds per pigeon and day. Additionally, most seed sizes (up to 0.7 g) passed undamaged through the gut and were dispersed from cultivated olive orchards to areas covered by protected Mediterranean vegetation, recording minimal dispersal distances of 1.8–7.4 km. Greenhouse experiments showed that seeds dispersed by pigeons significantly favored the germination and establishment in comparison to non-ingested seeds. The ability of pigeons to effectively disperse domestic olive seeds may facilitate the introduction of cultivated olive trees into natural systems, including highly-protected wild olive woodlands. We recommend harvesting ornamental olive trees to reduce both pigeon overpopulation and the spread of artificially selected trees into the natural environment.  相似文献   

I. Izhaki  C. Korine  Z. Arad 《Oecologia》1995,101(3):335-342
The fruit-bat Rousettus aegyptiacus (Pteropodidae) in Israel consumes a variety of cultivated and wild fruits. The aim of this study was to explore some of its qualities as a dispersal agent for six fruit-bearing plant species. The feeding roosts of the fruit-bat are located an average of 30 m from its feeding trees and thus the bats disperse the seeds away from the shade of the parent canopy. The bat spits out large seeds but may pass some (2%) of the small seeds (<4 mg) through its digestive tract. However, neither the deposited seeds nor the ejected seeds (except in one case) had a significantly higher percentage germinating than intact seeds. Although the fruit-bat did not increase the percentage germinating, seeds of three plant species subject to different feeding behaviors (deposited in feces or spat out as ejecta) had a different temporal pattern of germination from the intact seeds. The combined seed germination distribution generated by these different treatments is more even over time than for each treatment alone. It is sugested that this increases asynchronous germination and therefore enhances plant fitness by spreading the risks encountered during germination, especially in eastern Mediterranean habitats where the pattern of rainfall is unpredictable.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary seed dispersal was investigated for the glacier lily Erythronium grandiflorum in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. These heavy seeds have no obvious adaptations for biotic or abiotic dispersal, but can be thrown short distances when the dehiscent fruits are shaken by wind. We used sticky traps to measure primary transport of seeds up to 1 m away from individual plants. A seed cafeteria experiment examined the role of ants and rodents in secondary seed transport. Primary dispersal by wind was positively skewed and median transport distances were influenced by variation in plant height. Secondary dispersal was negligible compared to Viola nuttallii, an elaiosome-bearing species. Thus, seed dispersal was highly restricted in E. grandiflorum, and a 1 m radius encompassed the modal section of the seed dispersal curve. The seed dispersal component of gene flow was quantified and combined with previous measurements of pollen flow to yield a more complete estimate of Wright's neighborhood size, N e, for E. grandiflorum. The lack of a special seed dispersal mechanism in E. grandiflorum is discussed in terms of a source-sink model for seedling establishment with respect to distance from the parental plants.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of avian seed dispersal on the structuring of genetic diversity in a population of a tropical tree, Ocotea tenera (Lauraceae). The seeds of O. tenera are principally dispersed by four, relatively specialized, fruit-eating bird species (emerald toucanets, keel-billed toucans, resplendent quetzals, and three-wattled bellbirds). We found high genetic diversity within the overall population and significant, nonrandom structuring of that diversity among subpopulations. Subpopulations contained members of several sibling groups, and most saplings within subpopulations were shown not to be the progeny of adult trees within the same subpopulation. Our data indicate that O. tenera subpopulations are founded with several seeds from few maternal families, and that this mode of establishment is an important determinant of population genetic architecture.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between the removal rate and the spatiotemporal availability of ripe fruits of the tropical deciduous shrub Erythroxylum havanense in western Mexico. We also evaluated the effects of dispersal on seed survival during the first stages of establishment. Fast and early dispersal should be favored in E. havanense, since propagules have more time to grow and accumulate resources before the beginning of the severe dry season. In general, high rates of fruit removal imply faster and earlier dispersal. Thus, plants producing large crops should benefit from high removal rates, which will increase the probability of successful establishment by their progeny. To characterize both individual and population fruiting patterns, we made daily counts of fruits on 51 plants arranged in six clumps of different sizes. The daily number of fruits removed per plant was higher for plants with larger initial crop sizes and larger numbers of ripe fruits on a given day, but decreased as clump size increased. Additionally, we monitored postdispersal survival and germination in an experiment manipulating seed density, distance from adult plants, and seed predation. Early establishment was independent of density or distance, and vertebrate seed predation was the main agent of seed mortality. Our results indicate that the critical variable with respect to fruit removal is the number of fruits a plant produces, large plants having higher dispersal rates. Large plants are also more likely to have more seeds escaping postdispersal seed predation.  相似文献   

Wildfires are an increasing threat to tropical rainforests, yet little is known about their effects on fruit production and forest wildlife. We examined the effects of both single and recurrent wildfires on fruit production and large vertebrate abundance in a central Amazonian terra firme forest for 3 years following a large fire event. The estimated mortality of 42 and 74% of stems ≥10 cm in once- and twice-burnt forest led to a substantial loss of fruiting tree basal area (29 and 62% were lost in once- and twice-burnt forest, respectively) and crown coverage of fruiting woody lianas (89 and 97% were lost in once- and twice-burnt forest, respectively). Some important tree families producing fleshy fruits were less abundant than expected in once- and twice-burnt forest, suggesting that tree mortality was non-random in terms of species composition. Asynchronous fruit production was affected, and burnt forest transects sustained a much lower fruiting basal area, and fewer fruiting species during the dry season period of fruit scarcity. The number of fruiting trees in once- and twice-burnt forest was higher than the number predicted from actual levels of tree mortality recorded in each fire disturbance treatment, suggesting some surviving trees which may have benefited from higher irradiance levels and lower competition for resources. Many large frugivores and other vertebrate species declined in response to single fires, and most primary forest specialists were extirpated from twice-burnt forest, which sustained a higher number of species associated with second growth and other disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Understanding the mutualisms between frugivores and plants is essential for developing successful forest management and conservation strategies, especially in tropical rainforests where the majority of plants are dispersed by animals. Gibbons are among the most effective seed dispersers in South East Asia's tropical forests, but are also one of the highly threatened arboreal mammals in the region. Here we studied the seed dispersal of the Pacific walnut (Dracontomelon dao), a canopy tree which produces fruit that are common in the diet of the endangered southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae). We found that gibbons were the most effective disperser for this species; they consumed approximately 45% of the fruit crop, which was four times more than that consumed by macaques – the only other legitimate disperser. Gibbons tracked the temporal (but not spatial) abundance of ripe fruits, indicating this fruit was a preferred species for the gibbon. Both gibbons and macaques dispersed the majority (>90%) of the seeds at least 20 m away from parent crowns, with mean dispersal distances by gibbons measuring 179.3 ± 98.0 m (range: 4–425 m). Seeds defecated by gibbons germinated quicker and at greater rates than seeds spat by macaques, or in undispersed fruits. Gibbon-dispersed seeds were also more likely to be removed by unknown seed predators or unknown secondary dispersers. Overall, gibbons play a key role in the regeneration of the Pacific walnut. Our findings have significant implications both for the management of the Pacific walnut tree dominating tropical rainforest as well as the reintroduction program of the Southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon.  相似文献   

Timothy G. Laman 《Oecologia》1996,107(3):347-355
Due to their copious seed production and numerous dispersers, rain forest fig trees have been assumed to produce extensive and dense seed shadows. To test this idea, patterns of seed dispersal of two species of large hemiepiphytic fig tree were measured in a Bornean rain forest. The sample included four Ficus stupenda and three F. subtecta trees with crop sizes ranging from 2,000 to 40,000 figs (400,000 to 13,000,000 seeds). Seed rain out to a distance of 60 m from each study tree was quantified using arrays of seed traps deployed in the understory. These trees showed a strongly leptokurtic pattern of dispersal, as expected, but all individuals had measurable seed rain at 60 m, ranging from 0.2 to 5.0 seeds/m2. A regression of In-transformed seed rain density against distance gave a significant fit to all seven trees' dispersal patterns, indicating that the data could be fitted to the negative exponential distribution most commonly fitted to seed shadows. However, for six of seven trees, an improved fit was obtained for regressions in which distance was also In-transformed. This transformation corresponds to an inverse power distribution, indicating that for vertebrate-dispersed Ficus seeds, the tail of the seed rain distribution does not drop off as rapidly as in the exponential distribution typically associated with wind dispersed seed shadows. Over 50% of the seed crop was estimated to fall below each fig tree's crown. Up to 22% of the seed crop was dispersed beyond the crown edge, but within 60 m of the tree. Estimates of the maximum numbers of seeds which could have been transported beyond 60 m were 45% for the two largest crops of figs, but were under 24% for the trees with smaller crops. Seed traps positioned where they had an upper canopy layer above them were associated with higher probabilities of being hit by seeds, suggesting that vertebrate dispersal agents are likely to perch or travel through forest layers at the same level as the fig crown and could concentrate seeds in such areas to some degree. The probability of a safe site at 60 m from the fig tree being hit by seeds is calculated to be on the order of 0.01 per fruiting episode. Fig trees do not appear to saturate safe sites with seeds despite their large seed crops. If we in addition consider the rarity of quality establishment sites and post-dispersal factors reducing successful seedling establishment, hemiepiphytic fig trees appear to face severe obstacles to seedling recruitment.  相似文献   

Although seed dispersal is considered to be a key process determining the spatial structure and spread of non-native plant populations, few studies have explicitly addressed the link between dispersal vector behaviour, seed distribution and seedling recruitment to gain insight into the process of exotic species invasion within a fragmented landscape context. The present study analyses the relationship between avian frugivory and spatial patterns of seed deposition and seedling recruitment for an expanding population of the invasive Prunus serotina in a hedgerow network landscape in Flanders, Belgium. We quantified fruit production, observed frugivores, and determined the spatial distribution of bird droppings and P. serotina seedlings. A relatively diverse assemblage of frugivores visited P. serotina seed trees, with Columba palumbus and Turdus merula being by far the most important dispersers. Landscape structure strongly affected dispersal vector behaviour and the spatial distribution of perching birds, droppings and seedlings. Frugivorous birds non-randomly dispersed seeds to perching sites and an association between perching birds, seed deposition and seedling recruitment was found. Results indicate that landscape structure contributes to non-random seed deposition of P. serotina by common local frugivores. Cutting the larger seed trees is proposed as the most feasible measure to slow down the invasion rate.  相似文献   

Howe  Henry F. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):149-162
This paper explores the causes and consequences of seed and seedling mortality of the tree Virola nobilis (Myristicaceae) Central Panama in order to understand the advantage to local seed dispersal by birds and monkeys. Post-dispersal mortality due to insects (primarily Conotrachelus spp., Curculionidae) accounts for 30–35% of seed and seedling death during the first 12 weeks after seed fall. Because more seeds and seedlings are killed under and near fruiting trees than 15–45 m away, seed dispersal confers a 20–40 fold advantage on seeds carried 45 m from fruiting adults. In contrast, >60% of seed and seedling death during the first year is due to seed predation by mammals, with >90% due to mammals among the <2% seeds that survive until maternal endosperm is exhausted ±12 weeks after seed fall. Mortaliy due to mammals is independent of distance from parent trees, confering no advantage to seed dispersal. Insects account for variation in mortality attributable to distance effects, mammals to between site effects.Early weevil infestations put a premium on seed removal by large birds (Ramphastos swainsonii, R. sulfuratus, Penelope purpurascens), which carry >50% of the seeds that they eat >40 m, as compared with smaller birds (Baryphthengus martii, Tityra semifasciata, Trogon massena) and monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), which leave most or all of the seeds that they eat under or near the tree crown.  相似文献   

Quantity,quality and the effectiveness of seed dispersal by animals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Disperser effectiveness is the contribution a disperser makes to the future reproduction of a plant. Although it is a key notion in studies of seed dispersal by animals, we know little about what determines the effectiveness of a disperser. The role of the present paper is to review the available information and construct a hierarchical framework for viewing the components of disperser effectiveness.Effectiveness has both quantitative and qualitative components. The quantity of seed dispersal depends on (A) the number of visits made to the plant by a disperser and (B) the number of seeds dispersed per visit. The quality of seed dispersal depends on (A) the quality of treatment given a seed in the mouth and in the gut and (B) the quality of seed deposition as determined by the probability that a deposited seed will survive and become an adult. In this paper I review the ways disperser behavior, morphology and physiology can influence these major components of disperser effectiveness, and when data permit present preliminary analyses of relationships among components.  相似文献   

Rex Sallabanks 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):296-304
Summary The fate of fruits from a population of European hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) in western Oregon, USA, was examined over a two-year period. Only one frugivore, the American robin (Turdus migratorius) foraged on the C. monogyna fruits, making this an unusually straightforward fruit-frugivore system. Dispersal efficiency was low, with an average 21% of seeds being dispersed (carried away from parent plants) each year; the most common fate of fruits was to simply fall. Robins dropped 20% of the fruits that they picked, and defecated/regurgitated 40% of the fruits (seeds) that they swallowed, beneath parent plants. One trait, gruit abundance, strongly affected the probability of bush visitation by robins, bushes with larger fruit displays being preferred. Both absolute dispersal success (number of seeds) and dispersal efficiency (proportion of seeds; success per propagule) were also found to be correlated most strongly with initial fruit abundance. Individual plant fecundity and fruit quality were found to vary little between years; as a result, dispersal efficiencies for individual plants were also annully consistent. Larger (older) plants produced more fruits and therefore had higher fitness. These results suggest that the optimal fruiting strategy for C. monogyna is therefore to get as big as possible as quickly as possible by delaying fruiting until later in life.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal patterns were studied in a north-western Spain temperate forest community to assess the performances of alternative dispersal kernels during two years with ecologically contrasting scenarios; a non-mast year, and a mast year of the dominant canopy species, beech Fagus sylvatica. Dispersal kernels were fitted under a Bayesian modeling framework. Both simple and mixture kernels were considered for the five more abundant tree species (Corylus avellana, Crataegus monogyna, F. sylvatica, Ilex aquifolium and Taxus baccata). Mixture kernels provided a better fit for almost all species, and the log-normal performed best for T. baccata. No relationship between dispersal syndromes and the best dispersal kernel function emerged. However, we found temporal changes in the shape of the dispersal kernels that seemed to be related to variation in relative fruit production among species and the resulting changes in the responses of dispersal vectors. This reveals a potential role for disperser-mediated indirect effects in terms of introducing temporal variation in species spread. In this sense, our results highlight the need to consider single species seed dispersal as a community process. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

C. A. Nalepa  W. H. Piper 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):200-202
Multiflora rose seeds containing larvae of the phytophagous wasp Megastigmus aculeatus nigroflavus were fed to a caged mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). Ninety percent of the seeds were recovered from the bird's feces, and there was no significant difference in subsequent emergence of the wasps from these seeds when compared to controls. This study indicates the dispersal of seed-feeding hymenoptera by avian frugivores may be a widespread and significant phenomenon.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal systems in degraded areas can be compromised following the decline of large-bodied frugivore populations responsible for their dispersal. In this context we examined the seed dispersal ecology of a large fruited deciduous tree (Dillenia pentagyna) along a forest degradation gradient in India. We examined the effect of structural components of vegetation and frugivore foraging behavior on D. pentagyna seed dispersal. Depauperate mammalian community and declined large avian frugivores e.g. hornbills in our study site make this system a specialized one and currently dependent on only two large bodied avian frugivores. Seed dispersal followed an overall leptokurtic pattern and the seed dispersal kernels were best explained by an inverse power function. Seed dispersal kernels in dense forest indicated longer dispersal distances than moderately dense forest and degraded forest. In degraded areas, no dispersal away from the crown was recorded for D. pentagyna and it occurred at low density. Canopy foliage abundance of the surrounding vegetation of the focal trees was best explained by quantity of seed dispersal by large avian frugivores. The number of avian frugivore species those are effective disperser of D. pentagyna decreased along the degradation gradient. Avian frugivore behavior in terms of visitation and seed swallowed is a determining factor that controls quantity of seed dispersal. Our study underscores deleterious impact of forest degradation on avian disperser community which in turn would affect regeneration capacity of degraded forest.  相似文献   

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