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Abstract. 1. Fertilized field plots of Borrichia frutescens (L.) de Candolle produced plants with a higher apical-leaf nitrogen content than control plots.
2. Gall frequency of the cecidomyiid Asphondylia borrichiae Rossi & Strong on stems of B.frutescens , increased significantly on fertilized plots after approximately 3 months.
3. Fertilizer treatment did not result in changes in stem density but did tend to increase proportion of stems flowering and overall plant size. Galls are not normally found on flowering stems.
4. Galls grew at a faster rate and to a larger final size on fertilized plots.
5. On three sampling dates, per cent parasitism of galls was the same on fertilized and control plots; therefore, this study does not support the galldiameter hypothesis.  相似文献   

The interactions of plant clone and abiotic factors on a gall-making midge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anthony M. Rossi  P. Stiling 《Oecologia》1998,116(1-2):170-176
Within and around Tampa Bay, Florida, monoclonal populations of the sea daisy, Borrichia frutescens, can be found on small, isolated islands growing within the intertidal zone. Stem tips of Borrichia are attacked by the gall-making cecidomyiid, Asphondyliaborrichiae. We used reciprocal transplants of Borrichia clones between islands to assess the importance of plant genotype and local environmental conditions (shade and host-plant nitrogen) on gall abundance. In another experiment, we controlled for host genotype effects by inducing differences in local environmental conditions through the addition of NH4NO3 fertilizer and/or shade to field plots at the only monoclonal site with a large enough population of Borrichia to facilitate the experiment. We also examined the effect of these variables on attack levels of Asphondylia by parasitoids. In the reciprocal transplant, while some Borrichia clones always supported more galls than others, regardless of environmental conditions, all four clones developed more galls when they were placed in the shade, compared to those in the sun, at all four sites. In addition, some islands always supported more galls than others and we found a significant clone × site interaction. In the single-clone experiment, Borrichia in fertilized- and shaded-only plots developed more Asphondylia galls than those from nonmanipulated control plots, and plants that received both shading and fertilizer developed the most galls. Although shade and fertilization produced an additive increase in plant nitrogen content, their effects resulted in a synergistic decrease in C:N ratio. Neither shading nor host plant nitrogen content had a significant effect on levels of parasitism between experimental and control plants. Our results suggest that genetic differences in Borrichia's susceptibility to Asphondylia attack are important in shaping the distribution of galls, but environmental factors such as soil nitrogen and degree of shading are at least as important as genetic differences between host plants. Received: 12 June 1997 / Accepted: 6 April 1998  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The gall midge, Asphondylia borrichiae , attacks the terminals of three plants in the aster family: Borrichia frutescens , Iva frutescens , and I. imbricata .
2. In the field, Borrichia suffers the highest rate of galling and I. imbricata the lowest. Common garden experiments also revealed highly significant differences in the attack rates of the three host species by Asphondylia . However, these differences depended on the source of the attacking midge population.
3. Midges collected from Borrichia and I. frutescens attacked the host in which they developed almost exclusively, whereas those from I. imbricata attacked both Iva spp.
4. Each Asphondylia larva develops in its own chamber within a gall. Borrichia galls were 2.5–3.5-fold less crowded than those from I. imbricata and I. frutescens , respectively. Consequently, midges that developed in Borrichia were significantly larger and eclosed with 30–40% more eggs than those that developed in I. imbricata and I. frutescens , respectively.
5. Although performance of Asphondylia larvae was lowest on the two Iva spp., especially I. frutescens , these hosts may provide an escape from natural enemies as a trade-off for reduced offspring performance.
6. Differences in host-plant species phenology may reduce gene flow among host-associated populations of Asphondylia , thereby favouring the formation of races at the level of plant genus.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nuttall and A.polycarpa (Torrey) Watson (Chenopodiaceae) support twelve morphologically distinct gall types in southern California. Thirty-seven common species of parasitoids, predators and inquilines are associated with these galls. 2. The galls incited by eight members of the Asphondylia atriplicis Cockerell (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) species complex are linked into a single, interacting community through shared hymenopterous parasitoids and inquilines. 3. Cluster analysis (UPGMA) grouped the fifteen most common species of Chalcidoidea into three host guilds of five species each: (1) specialists in tumour stem and blister leaf galls on A.canescens, (2) specialists in woolly stem galls on A.poiycarpa, and (3) generalists that attack all galls. Guild 1 dominated the galls with which it was primarily associated, while guild 3 dominated the remainder. 4. The abundances of the parasitoids of the tumour stem and blister leaf galls were negatively correlated with the abundances of two organizer species, a gall-forming inquiline, Tetrastichus cecidobroter Gordh and Hawkins, and an internal, larval—pupal parasitoid, Tetrastichus sp. B. The abundances of nine of the twelve most common chalcidoids were not correlated with the abundances of all coaccurring species in six other galls. 5. Host seasonality partly determines parasitoid population dynamics and guild structure. Parasitoid dominance increased with gall duration, suggesting that parasitoid competition depends on resource stability. The two continuously available galls were dominated by their specialist guild, while all seasonal galls were dominated by generalists. The subdominant specialists of woolly stem galls may represent competitively inferior species that utilize those galls opportunistically, because of the gall's widespread distribution and 9–10 month yearly availability. 6. Sites in the Colorado Desert and chaparral that supported several gall types showed stable relative abundances of the major parasitoid species, whereas sites in the Mojave Desert that supported only woolly stem galls had unpredictable parasitoid species assemblages. 7. The competitive success of Atriplex gall parasitoids may depend primarily on voltinism (multivoltine species dominated univoltine species) and mode of feeding (phytophagous, mixed entomophagous—phytophagous and facultatively hyperparasitic species in general dominated strict primary parasitoids).  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytes Ranunculus aquatilis and Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum were transplanted into substrate trays and placed in a stream alongside unvegetated substrate. Macrophytes were observed to have significant effects on 1) invertebrate community structure, 2) guild structure, and 3) microdistribution. 1) Significantly higher taxa richness and community abundances were associated with macrophytes. 2) Significantly higher abundances of shredder, scraper, and predator guilds were associated with macrophytes in fall, and all guilds had higher abundances in macrophytes in spring. However, guild frequency distributions did not differ among habitats except in spring. 3) Enallagma, Gammarus, Gyraulus, Physa, and Pisidium exhibited a strong association with macrophytes, while Hydropsyche, Simulium, Baetis tricaudatus, Glossosoma velona, and Helicopsyche borealis appeared to avoid them. A strong correlation appeared to exist between current velocity preferences of these taxa and their selection or avoidance of vegetated habitat. Thus, the effect of macrophytes in reducing current velocities appeared to be the most important influence on invertebrate microdistribution. However, macrophytes also increase physical heterogeneity and their large surface areas benefit invertebrate community abundances by creating additional living spaces in the water column where none exist above unvegetated substrate.  相似文献   

1. Wide temporal fluctuations in host abundance are a potential source of instability and stochasticity in the spatiotemporal population dynamics of associated parasitoid species. Within parasitoid guilds (i.e. parasitoids with similar modes of host utilisation), a conceivable outcome is guild organisation according to a lottery model, in which guild members attain local dominance by colonising previously emptied habitats during increasing host density, before other guild members. In the spatial dimension, an expected manifestation of such dynamics is variable guild structure even across homogeneous habitats. 2. We examined the extent of large‐scale spatial patterning of guild characteristics in larval parasitoid wasps associated with cyclically outbreaking populations of the geometrid moth Operophtera brumata in northern Fennoscandia. The study was performed at the onset of the crash‐phase of the geometrid's outbreak cycle, along a 70‐km transect in costal northern Norway, characterised by largely homogeneous environmental conditions, except for a small climatic gradient. 3. There was a distinct large‐scale spatial turnover in dominance among the major parasitoid groups (i.e. guild structure) in O. brumata along the transect, whereas the total prevalence rate of the guild and its diversity showed no consistent variation. Guild structure was unrelated to host density. 4. Although group‐specific responses to a slight spatial climatic gradient cannot be rejected as a causal mechanism, we conclude that our results are consistent with the expectation from large‐scale stochastic extinction‐recolonisation dynamics among functionally equivalent parasitoids relying on a host with strongly cyclic population fluctuations.  相似文献   

Summary A particular linear programming model is constructed to predict the diets of each of 14 species of generalist herbivores at the National Bison Range, Montana. The herbivores have body masses ranging over seven orders of magnitude and belonging to two major taxa: insects and mammals. The linear programming model has three feeding constraints: digestive capacity, feeding time and energy requirements. A foraging strategy that maximizes daily energy intake agrees very well with the observed diets. Body size appears to be an underlying determinant of the foraging parameters leading to diet selection. Species that possess digestive capacity and feeding time constraints which approach each other in magnitude have the most generalized diets. The degree that the linear programming models change their diet predictions with a given percent change in parameter values (sensitivity) may reflect the observed ability of the species to vary their diets. In particular, the species which show the most diet variability are those whose diets tend to be balanced between monocots and dicots. The community-ecological parameters of herbivore body-size ranges and species number can possibly be related to foraging behavior.  相似文献   

  • 1 Rapid and substantial changes have occurred in the parasitoid and inquiline community associated with the agamic galls of Andricus quercuscalicis since it invaded Britain in the late 1950s. The number of parasitoid and inquiline species has risen from one to thirteen over a 15-year period. Although the number of species has been relatively consistent over the last 8 years, the species composition has changed considerably and in a highly characteristic way during this period.
  • 2 The parasitoid complex can be divided into two broadly distinct sets of parasitoid species; one set attacks only the gall former whereas the other set concentrates on the inquilines living in the wall of the gall.
  • 3 The most dramatic change, however, is in the abundance of inquilines which were reported to be virtually absent in earlier studies on this community in Britain. Over a period of only 5 years, between 1988 and 1993, inquiline attack rose from less than 0.01 to an average of 0.26 inquilines per gall. The intensity of inquiline attack is geographically heterogenous, with high inquiline numbers restricted to south-east England. Because of the relatively high specificity of the parasitoids, high inquiline abundance is positively correlated with parasitoid species richness in knopper galls.
  • 4 Parasitism rates, particularly on the gall former, were generally low (<10%). Over the last 5 years, however, seven parasitoid species have been consistently recorded and the mortality caused by these species has increased continuously. The species composition of the community associated with this alien gall wasp in Britain has quickly converged to the community known from its native range in continental Europe. Parasitoid species known to attack the galls of A.quercuscalisis on the continent have been recorded from it in Britain for the first time mainly in areas where inquilines have recently become abundant.
  • 5 Since rates of parasitism of the gall former are still low, parasitoids are unlikely to play a major role in the population dynamics of this invading gall wasp at present, but the rapidly increasing inquiline and parasitoid attack could be a source of increased mortality for native cynipid species which are the alternative hosts of those parasitoid species.

Abstract:  Differences in spatial distribution and abundance of bud galls caused by eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) among Carpinus tschonoskii (Betulaceae) were studied. This mite preferentially induces galls on terminal buds. Four factors influencing gall abundance were examined: host tree size, host tree's reproductive status, altitude and study site. As tree size increased, the number of galls increased to an apparent asymptote. This result suggests that tree size-dependent characteristics such as number of terminal buds, temporal pattern of shoot elongation and reproductive status influence gall abundance.  相似文献   

Among parasitoids which host-feed destructively, there is a tendency for females to partition their feeding and oviposition behaviour in relation to different host stages, feeding preferentially or exclusively on earlier host stages and ovipositing preferentially or exclusively in (or on) later ones. We explored the dynamic implications of this behaviour for parasitoid-host population dynamics, using modifications of the age-structured simulation models of Kidd and Jervis (1989, 1991). Using the new versions of the models, we compared the situation where parasitoids practice host stage discrimination with respect to feeding and oviposition, with the situation where they do not. Additionally, we examined the effects of host stage discrimination on populations by (a) having generations either discrete or overlapping, (b) varying initial age structure, (c) having varying degrees of density dependence acting on host adult mortality, and (d) varying parasitoid develoment times in relation to the length of host development. With either discrete or overlapping generations of the host population, a reduction in the parasitoid development time had a destabilizing influence on the parasitoid-host population interaction. With discrete generations stage discrimination had no effect on the risk of extinction, irrespective of either the degree of density dependence acting on the host population, or the initial age structure of the host population. When parasitoid search was uncoupled from the insect's adult energy requirements, the interaction was always unstable. With continuous generations, stage discrimination affected stability at certain parasitoid development times, but not at others. The relative lengths of parasitoid and host development times also influenced the tendency of the host population to show discrete or overlapping generations.  相似文献   

Summary The densities of four species of gall-forming sawflies were found to vary significantly among willow host plant clones. Two of the speices varied among host plants at four sites in each of three years. The other two species varied in density among host plants at most of the sites in two of the three years. Total sawfly density also varied significantly among clones. Individual species densities on willow clones were significantly positively correlated between years when all sites were combined and frequently when sites were considered separately. Most pairwise species combinations were independent in density between years, but some negative correlations existed between the stem galler and the leaf galler. Gall-former densities also were largely independent among clones within years with all sites combined and with sites considered separately. The significant correlations were nearly all positive. At all four sites the combination of significant variation in sawfly densities among willow clones in the field and independence of species densities among clones resulted in significantly different communities (relative abundance of species) among willow clones in three years. Although sawfly abundances differed substantially among the four sites, this remained true. It is argued that the pattern of community structure among clones is the result of variation in host plant quality of clones. We propose an hypothesis to account for patterns of herbivore species associations based on intrapopulation host plant variation.  相似文献   

农业景观结构对麦蚜寄生蜂群落组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦蚜是中国北方小麦上最重要的害虫之一,既能直接刺吸危害也可传播多种病毒,但麦蚜通常的危害期只有2~3个月。随着现代农业与设施农业的发展,农业景观结构发生了巨大的改变,整个麦蚜寄生蜂群落也随之发生了显著的变化。经典假说认为复杂的农业景观能够维持局部的物种多样性及种间关系,也能够维持更大的天敌资源。作者在4种不同的麦田景观类型下研究了麦蚜及寄生蜂的群落结构,发现简单农业景观与复杂农业景观中寄生蜂寄生率与多样性差异不显著,但初寄生蜂在800m2左右的生境面积中寄生率与多样性最高,重寄生蜂却并没有表现出这种分布,而在更大的生境中重寄生率与多样性更高。研究结果表明:1)生境面积是影响麦蚜及寄生蜂群落的重要因子,2)简单农业景观与复杂农业景观下麦蚜及寄生蜂群落多样性差异不显著,3)一定程度的生境破碎化能够促进初寄生蜂的种群而抑制重寄生蜂的种群,但高度的生境破碎化会同时抑制2种寄生蜂的种群。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The sex determination mechanism in gall midges is little understood, although it is known that the females of several species primarily or exclusively produce unisexual broods throughout their lifetime.
2. The gall midge Izeniola obesula Dorchin is a multivoltine species, inducing multi-chambered stem galls on the salt-marsh plant Suaeda monoica . Each gall contains 5–70 individuals, all being the progeny of a single female. Sampling of more than 450 galls, from which adult midges were reared, suggested that I .  obesula exhibits strict monogeny, resulting in galls that contain either all female or all male progeny.
3. Characterisation of the growth pattern of young S .  monoica shoots revealed that shoots in apical positions grew more rapidly than shoots in more basal positions. Galls that were induced on such shoots were larger and yielded more adult midges.
4. No difference in the site of gall induction was found between male and female galls, with galls of either sex being mainly induced on more rapidly growing shoots. It is concluded that I .  obesula females cannot control the sex of their progeny, and that both female-producers and male-producers strive to maximise their reproductive success by choosing the faster-growing shoots for gall induction.
5. Female galls were larger and more abundant than male galls at almost all times. The sex ratio among galls fluctuated throughout the year, ranging from 4:1 in spring to 1:1 in winter. The skewed sex ratio among galls possibly results from greater mortality rates among male galls than among female galls, due to either primary or secondary factors. Alternatively, it is possible that the number or fitness of male-producers in the population is reduced relative to female-producers.  相似文献   

In August 1998, 72 benthic stations were sampled off the northwestern coast of Mexico. A baseline survey of the polychaete macrofauna was carried out for the southernmost portion of the Southern California Bight (SCB) region. Spatial patterns of polychaete assemblages were characterized to determine evidence of environmental impact from point sources of wastewater discharge near the study area, and to define a standard against which to detect future change. A total of 4231 polychaetous annelids representing 38 families and 210 species were identified, which constituted 53% of the total macrofauna. Families with highest species richness were Spionidae (18 spp.), Onuphidae (15 spp.), and Terebellidae (14 spp.). Species with greatest abundances were Spiophanes duplex (490 ind.), Spiophanes fimbriata (330 ind.), Lanassa sp. D (209 ind.), Pectinaria californiensis (138 ind.), and Euclymeninae sp. A (124 ind.). Based on polychaete assemblages, communities for the southernmost SCB were found to be composed primarily of non-opportunistic species, and no numerically dominant species were found. High values of polychaete diversity (H) indicated the majority of the area of study could be considered an undisturbed environment. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) applied to environmental and faunistic parameters indicated depth, organic carbon, and sediment grain size as the main influences determining the polychaete faunal communities.  相似文献   

杨欣兰  潘瑛子  巴桑 《生态学报》2022,42(8):3216-3227
为揭示我国西藏高原湖泊原生动物群落结构特征及垂直分布格局,于2017年11月及2018年5月和9月,在巴松措中心分7层设置采样点,利用25号浮游生物网采集原生动物。采用活体观察和固定染色相结合的方法,共鉴定到原生动物195种(其中春季86种,夏季93种,秋季80种),隶属于2门11纲24目43科59属。其中以肉鞭门种类较丰富,砂壳类纤毛虫占优势。垂直分布的物种组成和群落结构复杂表现为:表层>中层>底层,物种多样性、丰富度和优势度指数表现为:表层>中层>底层,均匀度指数大多数为1;季节分布的物种组成和群落结构群复杂程度表现为:夏季>春季>秋季,物种多样性、丰富度指数表现为:夏季>秋季>春季,优势度指数表现为:夏季>秋季>春季,均匀度指数表现为:秋季>春季>夏季;优势物种和群落结构都会随水深的增加而减少。总体呈现出物种多样性较低、均匀度较高,具有明显的时空异质性。  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that the evolution of Drosophila melanogaster resistance to attack by the parasitoid Asobara tabida is constrained by a trade-off with larval competitive ability. However, there are two very important questions that need to be answered. First, is this a general cost, or is it parasitoid specific? Second, does a selected increase in immune response against one parasitoid species result in a correlated change in resistance to other parasitoid species? The answers to both questions will influence the coevolutionary dynamics of these species, and also may have a previously unconsidered, yet important, influence on community structure.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of phytoplankton were studied during 1979 in the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario. Genera such as Dinobryon, Oscillatoria, and Gymnodinium tended to be found at discrete depths whereas other genera such as Cryptomonas and Rhodomonas tended to be more uniformly distributed throughout the water column. The discrete depth distribution of some of these genera compared with the weak thermal stabilization of the area suggests depth selection and habitat preference within the algal community.Physical processes probably played a major role in regulating the timing and duration of vertical diatom pulses, and resuspension from the sediment played a major role as to the timing of the autumn growth. Vertical mixing in the nearshore zone was sufficient for some diatom genera such as Tabellaria to maintain populations throughout the summer. These mixing processes, however, affect the stability of community structures and associations that develop within the water column. The role of physical processes and their potential effects on algal production in the Great Lakes is discussed.  相似文献   

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