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Fungi of the genera Beauveria and Paecilomyces were found to produce cyclotetradepsipeptides, beauverolides. Production of beauverolides was not detected at the genus Tolypocladium. Analysis of beauverolides therefore provides a very simple chemotaxonomic test which seems to be suitable for fast discrimination between the genera Beauveria vs Tolypocladium and complementing morphological examination. A GC-MS study of β-hydroxy acid distribution in the beauverolide hydrolyzates revealed that all strains prdouce γ-methyl-β-hydroxy acids only. Their occurrence thus cannot be used as a taxonomic marker of different species within the genera Beauveria and Paecilomyces.  相似文献   

描述并绘制了越南唇形科一新属及新种:日轮果属(Heliacria Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)和日轮果(H. maritima Bo Li,C.L.Xiang,T.S.Hoang&Nuraliev)。日轮果属因具攀援藤本习性,花大且花冠为纯白色,花萼近辐射对称、5深裂、裂片长且在果期增大并开展,果实顶端具放射状的瘤状突起等特征而明显区别于黄芩亚科的其他5属。目前,该属仅发现于越南东南部沿海的平定省、富安省、庆和省和宁顺省,常生于海岸边干旱的低地矮林中。  相似文献   

Hampl V  Cepicka I  Flegr J  Tachezy J  Kulda J 《Protist》2007,158(3):365-383
The family Monocercomonadidae (Parabasala, Trichomonadida) is characterized by the absence of a costa and in most species also of an undulating membrane; both of which are typical structures of trichomonadids. We have examined 25 isolates of Monocercomonadidae species by sequencing of the SSU rDNA and the ITS region and by light and transmission electron microscopy. The isolates formed three distinct phylogenetically unrelated clades: (1) Monocercomonas colubrorum, (2) Monocercomonas ruminantium together with a strain ATCC 50321 designated as Pseudotrichomonas keilini, and (3) Hexamastix. Twenty isolates of Monocercomonas colubrorum split into three clades with no host-specificity. The morphological differences among clades were insufficient to classify them as a separate species. Non-monophyly of the cattle commensal Monocercomonas ruminantium with the type species Monocercomonas colubrorum and absence of Pseudotrichomonas characters in the free-living strain ATCC 50321 led to their reclassification into a new genus (Honigbergiella gen. nov.). The close relationship of these strains indicates a recent switch between a free-living habit and endobiosis. Two strains of Hexamastix represented different species -Hexamastix kirbyi Honigberg 1955 and Hexamastix mitis sp. nov. Polyphyly of the Monocercomonadidae confirmed that the absence of a costa and an undulating membrane are not taxonomically significant characters and were probably secondarily lost in some or all clades. Our observations, however, indicated that other characters - infrakinetosomal body, comb-like structure, marginal lamella, and the type of axostyle - are fully consistent with the position of Monocercomonadidae species in the parabasalian tree and are, therefore, reasonable taxonomic characters.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

Teliospore walls, teliospore germinations, hyphal septations, cellular interactions, and nucleotide sequences from the D1/D2 region of the nuLSU rRNA gene of the marine smut fungi Melanotaenium ruppiae and Ustilago marina were examined and compared with findings in other Ustilaginomycotina. The data show that Melanotaenium ruppiae belongs to the Urocystaceae and Ustilago marina to the Ustilaginaceae. Within the Urocystaceae, Melanotaenium ruppiae is morphologically similar to Melanustilospora and Vankya. However, according to the molecular results Melanotaenium ruppiae can neither be ascribed to Melanustilospora nor to Vankya. Therefore, the new genus Flamingomyces is proposed for Melanotaenium ruppiae. Ustilago marina differs from the other Ustilaginaceae in the mode of sporulation, which exclusively occurs at the base of the host plant culms. Accordingly, the new genus Parvulago is proposed for Ustilago marina.  相似文献   

A Cylindrocarpon species with up to 10 μm wide, straight and predominantly 3-septate macroconidia, subglobose to ovoidal microconidia and chlamydospores, is described as Cyl. pauciseptatum. It is most similar to Cyl. austrodestructans but no chlamydospores and microconidia are formed in the latter. Similar macroconidia also occur in Cyl. theobromicola, which forms oval to ellipsoidal microconidia at least sparsely and has slightly curved macroconidia, and Cyl. destructans var. crassum, which forms abundant 1-celled microconidia. DNA sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 plus the 5.8S rDNA and the partial beta-tubulin gene were used for phylogenetic inferences. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum and Cyl. macrodidymum are monophyletic and are closely related to other species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto including members of the Cyl. destructans (teleomorph, Neonectria radicicola) species complex, which accommodates Cyl. liriodendri (teleomorph, Neon. liriodendri), Cyl. destructans var. crassum and Cyl. austrodestructans (teleomorph, Neonectria austroradicicola comb. nov.). Cylindrocarpon theobromicola is distantly related to species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto or Neonectria sensu stricto. It clustered among cylindrocarpon-like species with curved macroconidia, of which some belong to the Neon. mammoidea group. Relatively voluminous cells in sporodochial conidiophores of Cyl. theobromicola resembled those described for Campylocarpon, which is closely related to members of the Neon. mammoidea group including Cyl. theobromicola. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum has been isolated from roots of Vitis spp. in South-eastern Europe (Slovenia) as well as New Zealand, where it also occurs on roots of Erica melanthera.  相似文献   

Four new species of the hyphomycete genera Phaeoramularia viz. Ph. caesalpinae, Pseudocercospora viz., Ps. tiliacearum, Stenella, viz. S. argyreiae and S. grewiae occurring on Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming (Caesalpiniaceae), Grewia sp. (Tiliaceae), Argyrea sp. Lour (Convolvulaceae) and Grewia sp. L. (Tiliaceae), respectively are described and illustrated here. All these fungi were collected from Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

A single, permineralized ascoma resembling a pseudothecium assignable to the Pleosporales is described from the Eocene Appian Way fossil locality on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The ascoma is globose, ostiolate, and erumpent on a fragment of the bark from an unidentified seed plant. Basally arranged asci contain large, multicelled, obovate ascospores within a single cavity or locule enclosed by a two-layered pseudoparenchymatous tissue that ostensibly represents ascostroma. Given this interpretation of the specimen's morphological features, Margaretbarromyces dictyosporus gen. sp. nov. represents the first report of a corticolous pleosporalean ascoma in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Ascomycete yeasts that both ferment and assimilate xylose were reported previously as associates of insects living in woody substrates. Most notable have been reports of Pichia stipitis-like yeasts that are widely associated with the wood-boring beetle, Odontotaenius disjunctus (Coleoptera: Passalidae), in the eastern United States. Our continuing investigation of insect gut yeasts has lead to the discovery of two new xylose-fermenting yeasts that phylogenetic analysis places as sister taxa. The beetle hosts, O. disjunctus and Phrenapates bennetti (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), are similar in habitat and appearance, and the presence of similar gut yeasts is an additional common feature between them. Here we describe the new yeast genus Spathaspora, the type species S. passalidarum, and its sister taxon Candida jeffriesii and discuss their natural history, including a comparison with Pichia stipitis, another member of a guild of xylose-fermenting yeasts with similar metabolic traits. In addition a morphologically distinct yeast ascospore type is described for Spathaspora.  相似文献   

A new species, Hypocrella panamensis, is described from collections and cultures obtained on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In order to aid in placement of this fungus, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using LSU (rDNA) sequences. Hypocrella panamensis is characterized by possessing pulvinate stromata with a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state and superficial perithecia. Hypocrella panamensis consistently grouped in a clade containing Hypocrella nectrioides, H. phyllogena, and H. africana (100 % PP). Most species of Hypocrella possess Aschersonia or Hirsutella anamorphs. Hypocrella panamensis is unique in the genus Hypocrella in possession of a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state. In its biological habit Hypocrella panamensis is similar to other species in Hypocrella in that it infects and degrades the scale insect, then grows superficially on nutrients that emerge to the plant surface through the stylet wound.  相似文献   

Three novel isolates of haloalkaliphilic archaea, strains IHC-005T, IHC-010, and N-1311T, from soda lakes in Inner Mongolia, China, were characterized to elucidate their taxonomic positions. The three strains were aerobic, Gram-negative chemoorganotrophs growing optimally at 37–45°C, pH 9.0–9.5, and 15–20% NaCl. Cells of strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 were motile rods, while those of strain N-1311T were non-motile pleomorphic flats or cocci. The three strains contained diphytanyl and phytanyl-sesterterpanyl diether derivatives of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerophosphate methyl ester. No glycolipids were detected. On phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, they formed an independent cluster in the Natro group of the family Halobacteriaceae. Comparison of their morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties, DNA G+C content and 16S rRNA gene sequences, and DNA-DNA hybridization study support the view that strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 and strain N-1311T represent separate species. Therefore, we propose Natronolimnobius baerhuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. for strains IHC-005T (=CGMCC 1.3597T =JCM 12253T)/IHC-010 (=CGMCC 1.3598=JCM 12254) and Natronolimnobius innermongolicus sp. nov. for N-1311T (=CGMCC 1.2124T =JCM 12255T).  相似文献   

A locally severe crown disease of exotic plantation Eucalyptus trees has been recorded periodically in New Zealand since 1986. Symptoms include leaf spots, petiole infection and twig and small branch lesions. Outbreaks of disease are episodic and individual trees may show marked variation in crown symptoms ranging from unaffected to total defoliation. Two previously unknown species of Phytophthora are associated with the disease. These are described and formally designated here as P. captiosa, from Eucalyptus botryoides and E. saligna; and P. fallax, from E. delegatensis, E. fastigata, E. nitens and E. regnans. Both P. captiosa and P. fallax have non-papillate, non-caducous sporangia and both are self-fertile. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of ITS rDNA sequence data indicates they are closely related to each other but evolutionarily distant from the majority of described Phytophthora taxa. They share a common ancestor with another assemblage of Phytophthora lineages that includes P. insolita, P. macrochlamydospora and P. richardiae. Sporulation of P. captiosa and P. fallax has not been observed in the field. The mode of infection and spread of these non-caducous Phytophthora species in the eucalypt tree canopy remains unknown. This issue, and the possible geographic origins of these two Phytophthora species are discussed.  相似文献   

The virulence of two isolates of the hyphomycete fungi, Beauveria bassianaand B. brongniartii, and additional fungal species isolated from diseased Bactrocera oleae pupae and Sesamia nonagrioideslarvae were assessed against adults of the olive fruit fly B. oleae and the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Contact and oral bioassays revealed that moderate to high mortality rates for the olive fruit fly occurred when the adults were exposed to conidia of Mucor hiemalis, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, P. chrysogenum and B. bassianaisolates. A strain of M. hiemalis isolated from S. nonagrioides larvae was the most toxic resulting in 85.2% mortality to the olive fruit fly adults. B. brongniartiiand B. bassiana were the most pathogenic to the C. capitataadults causing 97.4 and 85.6% mortality. Metabolites collected from the M. hiemalis and P. chrysogenum isolates were toxic to adults of both species.  相似文献   

A novel aerobic, Gram-negative, non-pigmented bacterium, GCM72(T), was isolated from the alkaline, low-saline ikaite columns in the Ikka Fjord, SW Greenland. Strain GCM72(T) is a motile, non-pigmented, amylase- and protease-producing, oxidase-positive, and catalase-negative bacterium, showing optimal growth at pH 9.2-10.0, at 15 degrees C, and at 3% (w/v) NaCl. Major fatty acids were C(12:0) 3-OH (12.2+/-0.1%), C(16:00) (18.0+/-0.1%), C(18:1)omega7c (10.7+/-0.5%), and summed feature 3 comprising C(16:1)omega7c and/or iso-C(15:0) 2-OH (36.3+/-0.7%). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that isolate GCM72(T) was most closely related to Rheinheimera baltica and Alishewanella fetalis of the gamma-Proteobacteria with a 93% sequence similarity to both. The G+C content of DNA isolated from GCM72(T) was 49.9mol% and DNA-DNA hybridization between GCM72T and R. baltica was 9.5%. Fatty acid analysis and G+C content supports a relationship primarily to R. baltica, but several different features, such as a negative catalase-response and optimal growth at low temperature and high pH, together with the large phylogenetic distance and low DNA similarity to its closest relatives, lead us to propose a new genus, Arsukibacterium, gen. nov., with the new species Arsukibacterium ikkense sp. nov. (type strain is GCM72(T)).  相似文献   

Species of Apiognomonia with their Discula anamorphic states in the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales, are known throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere and cause diseases such as sycamore or plane tree anthracnose. The genus Apiognomonia was described based on A. veneta as the type species; however, there has been disagreement about whether or not A. veneta is a synonym of A. errabunda. Using morphological, ecological, and DNA sequence data we conclude that A. errabunda and A. veneta are different species, although very closely related; thus, A. veneta is the correct name for the type species of Apiognomonia. This conclusion is based on a combined analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of nuclear rDNA for 51 isolates from host plants of eight genera and intron regions from actin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor 1-alpha for over 25 isolates. The type species of the genus Discula is D. nervisequa, the earliest available epithet for D. platani, the lectotype of Discula. D. nervisequa is the anamorph of A. veneta. Based on an examination of the type specimen, we determined that the commonly used name for the anamorph of A. errabunda, D. umbrinella, refers to another species. A. veneta and A. errabunda including their anamorphs are described and illustrated. An account of all synonyms and excluded synonyms is presented.  相似文献   

Three facultative anaerobic acidotolerant Gram-negative motile spirilla strains designated 26-4b1, 26-2 and K-1 were isolated from mesotrophic Siberian fen as a component of methanogenic consortia. The isolates were found to grow chemoorganotrophically on several organic acids and glucose under anoxic and low oxygen pressure in the dark, tolerant up to 5kPa of oxygen. At low oxygen supply, faint autotrophic growth on the H(2):CO(2) mixture was also observed. All three isolates were able to fix N(2). Major cellular fatty acids were 18:1 omega7c, 17:0 cyclopropane and 16:0. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that they formed a deep branch within the family Rhodospirillaceae of the Alphaproteobacteria with the highest similarity of 90.9-92.5% with members of genera Phaeospirillum and Magnetospirillum. Phylogenetic study of nifH (nitrogenase) and cbbL (RuBisCO) amino acid sequence identities confirmed that the new isolates represent a novel group. Based on the phylogenetic analyses and distinct phenotypic characteristics, we are of the opinion that strains 26-4b1, 26-2 and K-1 represent a new species of a novel genus for which the name Telmatospirillum siberiense gen. nov. sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

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