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Field experiments and surveys were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of releasing Fopius arisanus (Sonan) and Psyttalia fletcheri (Silvestri) parasitoids for suppression of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) infesting wild Coccinia grandis L. In 2003 and 2004, P. fletcheri releases combined with natural emergence from wild fly populations resulted in better fly suppression, compared to the control site. While P. fletcheri developed freely on melon fly, F. arisanus was less successful at producing its own progeny, yet causing mortality and a twofold decrease in pupae recovered from ivy gourds. Concurrent releases of both parasitoids exerted a compounded suppressive effect on the melon fly population 2–3 times higher than during the pre-release phase. A similar, less obvious, pattern occurred in 2004, due to reduction of the ivy gourd fruit canopy. In 2005, only P. fletcheri was released, with greatly reduced impact, due to ivy gourd destruction and by growers leaving crop culls in fields, producing large numbers of melon flies unaffected by parasitoid releases.  相似文献   

An area-wide integrated tsetse eradication project was initiated in Zanzibar in 1994 by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar, to eradicate Glossina austeni Newstead from Unguja Island (Zanzibar) using the sterile insect technique. Suppression of the tsetse population on Unguja was initiated in 1988 by applying residual pyrethroids as a pour-on formulation to livestock and by the deployment of insecticide impregnated screens in some of the forested areas. This was followed by sequential releases of gamma-sterilized male flies by light aircraft. The flies, packaged in carton release containers, were dispersed twice a week along specific flight lines separated by a distance of 1-2 km. More than 8.5 million sterile male flies were released by air from August 1994 to December 1997. A sterile to indigenous male ratio of >50:1 was obtained in mid-1995 and it increased to >100:1 by the end of 1995. As a consequence the proportion of sampled young females (1-2 ovulations), with an egg in utero in embryonic arrest or an uterus empty as a result of expulsion of a dead embryo, increased from <25% in the 1st quarter to >70% in the last quarter of 1995. In addition, the age structure of the female population became significantly distorted in favor of old flies (> or = 4 ovulations) by the end of 1995. The apparent density of the indigenous fly population declined rapidly in the last quarter of 1995, followed by a population crash in the beginning of 1996. The last trapped indigenous male and female flies were found in weeks 32 and 36, 1996, respectively. Time for 6 fly generations elapsed between the last catch of an indigenous fly and the end of the sterile male releases in December 1997.  相似文献   



Tsetse flies transmit trypanosomes that cause human and African animal trypanosomosis, a debilitating disease of humans (sleeping sickness) and livestock (nagana). An area-wide integrated pest management campaign against Glossina palpalis gambiensis has been implemented in Senegal since 2010 that includes a sterile insect technique (SIT) component. The SIT can only be successful when the sterile males that are destined for release have a flight ability, survival and competitiveness that are as close as possible to that of their wild male counterparts.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tests were developed to assess the quality of G. p. gambiensis males that emerged from pupae that were produced and irradiated in Burkina Faso and Slovakia (irradiation done in Seibersdorf, Austria) and transported weekly under chilled conditions to Dakar, Senegal. For each consignment a sample of 50 pupae was used for a quality control test (QC group). To assess flight ability, the pupae were put in a cylinder filtering emerged flies that were able to escape the cylinder. The survival of these flyers was thereafter monitored under stress conditions (without feeding). Remaining pupae were emerged and released in the target area of the eradication programme (RF group). The following parameter values were obtained for the QC flies: average emergence rate more than 69%, median survival of 6 days, and average flight ability of more than 35%. The quality protocol was a good proxy of fly quality, explaining a large part of the variances of the examined parameters.


The quality protocol described here will allow the accurate monitoring of the quality of shipped sterile male tsetse used in operational eradication programmes in the framework of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) requires production of large quantities of sterile males able to successfully compete with wild males for wild females. During eradication of a pest population, the release of fertile insects or capture of non‐marked released flies can have deleterious effects and trigger costly control measures. These perceived risks encourage program managers to apply high radiation doses and high doses of marking dye. In addition, mass rearing factories are strategically located away from release areas to prevent escape of fertile individuals within eradicated areas, raising the need for lengthy transport. Such is the case for Anastrepha obliqua Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae) released in mango producing areas of Mexico under an SIT‐based eradication campaign. Here, we examined several standard quality‐control parameters for mass‐reared A. obliqua subjected to various time periods under hypoxia during transport, marked with different doses of fluorescent dye, and subjected to different radiation doses. Such factors were evaluated in isolation and in conjunction. Overall, long periods of hypoxia, high marking doses, and high radiation doses reduced the number of flying adults and increased the number of non‐emerged pupae. Some quality‐control parameters such as number of deformed adults, part‐emerged pupae, and non‐flying adults provided less informative guidance or redundant information of fly performance. Some tests such as mortality under stress and mating propensity in small cages were useless in detecting differences in quality among treatments for parameters evaluated during experiments. We discuss the quantity/safety‐quality/performance conflict during eradication using SIT, propose different strategies according to different stages during eradication (management, suppression, eradication, outbreaks in free areas), where males irradiated at low doses and marked with low doses of dye can be released during early suppression, and examine the pertinence of carrying out different quality‐control tests.  相似文献   

The melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, invaded the Hawaiian Island chain in 1895. In 1999, a program sponsored by the USDA-ARS to control melon fly and other tephritid pests in Hawaii over a wide area was initiated on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu. To control these flies in an areawide setting, understanding how flies move within the landscape is important. To explore the movement of this fly, we examined the movement of marked, male, sterile, laboratory-reared B. cucurbitae on the island of Hawaii in an agricultural setting. Two releases of dyed, sterile flies consisting of approximately 15,000 flies, were released 6 wk apart. Released flies were trapped back by using Moroccan traps baited with a male attractant. These two releases suggest that in the Hawaiian agricultural areas where the areawide control is being sought, melon flies do not move extensively when there are abundant larval host and adult roosting sites. Over the course of this study, only one fly made it the maximum distance that we could detect fly movement (approximately 2,000 m in 2 wk). From these data, it seems that the flies dispersed throughout the study area but then moved very little thereafter. This is very apparent in the second release where the recovery rate after the second week was still fairly high, suggesting that if there are plenty of host fields and roosting sites the flies are unlikely to move.  相似文献   

The dispersal rates of wild and culture cabbage root flies Erioischia brassicae were determined in release-recapture experiments at Wellesbourne in 1971–3. The experiments were concerned mainly with the first 7 days of adult life. The flies, released from nine locations in the area, were recaptured in yellow water-traps. Dispersal was affected by wind, rain and the terrain the flies were crossing. The flies least often recaptured were those released into the host crop when 6–12 days old. The results indicated the following pattern of behaviour. Flies moved little during the first 2 days of adult life but by the third day both sexes had dispersed to c. 100 m from the release point. Flies are known to mate about the fourth day and after this the males continued to disperse at c. 100 m per day for the three subsequent days. ‘Wild’ females from field-collected pupae carried out a ‘migratory’ flight, however, and dispersed at c. 1000 m per day during the fifth and sixth days, the days preceding the start of oviposition. Similar rates of dispersal were recorded from flies released across host crop and non-host crop areas. Some females did not stop at the first crop they encountered. The culture females from the laboratory-reared pupae dispersed only c. one-third of the distance of the wild females. There was considerable intermingling of local populations. The percentage recapture of young culture and wild flies released during the pre-oviposition period of this species was 38 ± 4 and 19 ±4 for males, and 15 + 2 and 8+1 for females, respectively. The dispersal range of the cabbage root fly is probably within a 2000–3000 m radius of the site of infestation.  相似文献   

Ivy gourd, Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt, patches throughout Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Island, HI, were identified as persistent sources of melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett). These patches had a low incidence of Psyttalia fletcheri (Silvestri), its major braconid parasitoid natural enemy in Hawaii, and were used to evaluate augmentative releases of P. fletcheri against melon fly. In field cage studies of releases, numbers of melon flies emerging from ivy gourd fruit placed inside treatment cages were reduced up to 21-fold, and numbers of parasitoids were increased 11-fold. In open field releases of P. fletcheri into ivy gourd patches, parasitization rates were increased 4.7 times in release plots compared with those in control plots. However, there was no significant reduction in emergence of melon flies from fruit. In subsequent cage tests with sterile melon flies and P. fletcheri, combinations of sterile flies and P. fletcheri produced the greatest reduction (9-fold) in melon fly emergence from zucchini, Cucurbita pepo L. Reductions obtained with sterile flies alone or in combination with parasitoids were significantly greater than those in the control, whereas those for parasitoids alone were not. Although these results suggest that the effects of sterile flies were greater than those for parasitoids, from a multitactic melon fly management strategy, sterile flies would complement the effects of P. fletcheri. Cost and sustainability of these nonchemical approaches will be examined further in an ongoing areawide pest management program for melon fly in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The recent development of medfly genetic sexing strains (GSS) enables only male adults to be produced and released for area-wide control using the sterile insect technique (SIT). Before these strains can be incorporated into large operational field programmes, information is required on all aspects of field performance.
In a pilot project in Tunisia, medfly pupae from GSS SEIB-40 [based on a pupal colour mutation ( wp ) and VIENNA-43/44 [based on a temperature sensitive lethal mutation ( tsl ) were shipped from the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology laboratory (Seibersdorf, Austria) and the emerged sterile males released weekly from the ground in oases of the Tozeur Governorate from mid-February until October 1994. During that period, flies emerging from an average of 5000 pupae per hactare were released weekly throughout 105 hectares. Transportation problems were encountered which resulted in damage to the pupae. Nevertheless, the monitoring of the wild population through a trapping network using Jackson and McPhail traps showed that both strains performed equally well inducing a three- to five-fold decrease of the wild population compared with the control oasis (10 wild flies per Jackson trap per day in October in Ain-El-Karma, five in Tamerza and 30 in Bir Kastilia control oasis). Considering the economical and technical benefits inherent in the use of these new strains in the field and as a result of their good field performance, similar strains have been introduced into mass-rearing facilities in Guatemala (1994), Argentina (1995) and Madeira (1996).  相似文献   

Captures of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in Jackson traps baited with trimedlure were compared with captures in cylindrical open-bottom dry traps baited with a food-based synthetic attractant (ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine). Tests were conducted in Guatemala during a sterile male release program in an area where wild flies were present in low numbers. More wild and sterile females were captured in food-based traps, and more wild and sterile males were captured in trimedlure traps. The food-based traps captured almost twice as many total (male plus female) wild flies as the trimedlure traps, but the difference was not significant. Females made up approximately 60% of the wild flies caught in the food-based attractant traps; the trimedlure traps caught no females. The ratio of capture of males in trimedlure traps to food-based traps was 6.5:1 for sterile and 1.7:1 for wild flies. Because fewer sterile males are captured in the food-based traps, there is a reduction in the labor-intensive process of examining flies for sterility. The results indicate that traps baited with food-based attractants could be used in place of the Jackson/trimedlure traps for C. capitata sterile release programs because they can monitor distributions of sterile releases and detect wild fly populations effectively; both critical components of fruit fly eradication programs by using the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

Filth fly parasites reared by commercial insectaries were released on two dairies (MO, DG) in southern California to determine their effect on populations of house flies, Musca domestica L., and stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.). Spalangia endius Walker, Muscidifurax raptorellus Kogan and Legner, and Muscidifurax zaraptor Kogan and Legner were released on the MO dairy from 1985 to 1987 in varying quantities. Parasitism by Muscidifurax zaraptor on the MO dairy was significantly higher (P less than 0.05) from the field-collected stable fly (4.4%) and house fly (12.5%) pupae, compared with a control dairy (0.1%, stable fly; 1.3%, house fly). Muscidifurax zaraptor, released from April through October during 1987 on the DG dairy (350,000 per month), was not recovered in a significantly higher proportion from either fly species relative to the corresponding control dairy. No specimens of Muscidifurax raptorellus were recovered from the MO dairy. Parasite treatments had no apparent effect on adult populations of either fly species or on overall parasitism rate of field-collected stable fly (16.8%, MO; 17.2%, DG) and house fly (23.3%, MO; 20.9%, DG) pupae. Spalangia spp. were the predominant parasites recovered from field-collected stable fly and house fly pupae on all four dairies. Sentinel house fly pupae placed in fly-breeding sites on both release dairies were parasitized at a significantly higher rate, as compared with sentinel pupae on control dairies. The generic composition of parasites emerging from sentinel house fly pupae was 20.6% Spalangia spp. and 73.2% Muscidifurax spp., whereas in field-collected house fly pupae, Spalangia spp. and Muscidifurax spp. constituted 74.3 and 19.6% of the parasites, respectively.  相似文献   

In southern California, the sterile insect technique has been used since 1994 to prevent establishment of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). This method involves the continual mass release of sterile flies, which suppress or eliminate any introduced wild fly populations. In addition, Jackson traps baited with trimedlure are deployed throughout the preventative release region for the dual purpose of detecting wild flies and monitoring released sterile flies. Sterile fly recapture data for a 3-yr period was compared with climate and to host plant (in which traps were placed). Precipitation was negatively correlated; and temperature and relative humidity were positively correlated with fly recapture levels. The highest numbers of flies were recaptured during trapping periods associated with intermediate relative humidity and temperature, and low precipitation. Flies were recaptured throughout the entire year, in traps that had been frequently relocated to host plants with fruit. This finding suggests that these flies were capable of locating acceptable fruit in a variety of abiotic conditions. However, these data do not necessarily suggest that measurements unimportant in explaining sterile fly recapture are not of value in determining other outcomes important to the goals of sterile release programs, such as reducing the likelihood of establishment of an introduced wild Mediterranean fruit fly population. Future research might build on these results in developing more precise models useful in predicting recapture of sterile flies.  相似文献   

The sugar-beet fly, Pegomyia mixta Vill., is the most serious insect pest affecting sugar-beet plantations in Egypt. This study wase carried out in field in the El-Nubaria region ofEl-Behare Governorate. Peak numbers of flies were taken in sweep nets in December. Development of the fly appeared to be restricted to the months between November and May. In the hot months, adults were most active early in the morning and late in the afternoon, but in the cold months the peak of activity occurred at about midday. The flies were generally found on the upper surfaces of the leaves at temperatures below 16 °C and on the lower surfaces at temperatures above 24 °C. Females were generally more numerous than males. The eggs were observed from the first week of November to the end of April; the population was three blotches of eggs and 17 larvae/20 plants. The highest infestation of this insect in El-Nubaria was recorded at the end of March in both seasons (10 blotches of eggs, 20 larvae, and five pupae, and 12 blotches of eggs, 22 larvae, 13 pupae, respectively). The eggs are deposited in groups (3–8 eggs). The larvae bore its blotch in the leaf, about 3–7 larvae may be found in one blotch.  相似文献   

The success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for the control of the Mediterranean fruit fly or medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), depends largely on the ability of sterile flies to spread in the target area and compete with the wild males for wild females. Our objectives in the present study were three‐fold: (1) to evaluate the dispersal ability of sterile male medflies and compare their spatial dispersion patterns with that of wild males, (2) to evaluate how different release methods affect subsequent spatial dispersal, and (3) to determine whether manipulating the pre‐release diet of sterile males affects their dispersal. To achieve these objectives, we conducted three experiments in the field where we quantified and analyzed the spatial and temporal dispersal patterns of sterile medflies and the dispersion of resident wild males. Overall, ca. 5% of the released sterile flies were recaptured 100 m from the release point, and ca. 2% were recaptured 200 m from the release point. The released flies rarely survived longer than 5–7 days. We repeatedly found that the spatial dispersion patterns of sterile males significantly correlated with those of wild males. Release methods strongly affected subsequent fly dispersal in the field as significantly more flies were recaptured following a scattered release vs. a central one. Finally, we show that enriching sterile fly pre‐release diet with protein did not affect subsequent dispersal in the field. We conclude that sterile males are able to match the dispersion patterns of wild males, an outcome that is highly important for SIT success. Large releases from central points distant from each other may leave many areas uncovered. Accordingly, scattered releases, repeated twice a week, will provide better coverage of all available aggregations sites. The spatial performance of protein‐fed males suggests that pre‐release diet amendments may be used without detriment as a sexual stimulant in SIT programs.  相似文献   

1. Application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) to the facefly, Musca autumnalis DeGeer, is considered. 2. Six-day-old pupae were exposed to ionizing irradiation at doses in the range 100-1600 rads, each treatment being replicated six times. 3. Eclosion was unaffected but fecundity and fertility was inversely proportional to the radiation dose. 4. 1600 rads gave 97% dominant lethality of sperm in treated males and suppressed ovarian development in females. Irradiated flies did not recover fertility. 5. Irradiation of males and females did not affect insemination rates. 6. Sterile males showed a decline in longevity and reduced mating competitiveness. 7. Local eradication of M. autumnalis is considered to be feasible if sufficient diapausing sterile flies are stockpiled and released in early spring, followed by additional releases of non-diapausing flies in late spring and early summer, with further releases of diapausing sterile flies in late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

No-choice tests were conducted to determine whether fruit of southern highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum L., hybrids are hosts for three invasive tephritid fruit flies in Hawaii. Fruit of various blueberry cultivars was exposed to gravid female flies of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (oriental fruit fly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Mediterranean fruit fly), or Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillet (melon fly) in screen cages outdoors for 6 h and then held on sand in the laboratory for 2 wk for pupal development and adult emergence. Each of the 15 blueberry cultivars tested were infested by oriental fruit fly and Mediterranean fruit fly, confirming that these fruit flies will oviposit on blueberry fruit and that blueberry is a suitable host for fly development. However, there was significant cultivar variation in susceptibility to fruit fly infestation. For oriental fruit fly, 'Sapphire' fruit produced an average of 1.42 puparia per g, twice as high as that of the next most susceptible cultivar 'Emerald' (0.70 puparia per g). 'Legacy', 'Biloxi', and 'Spring High' were least susceptible to infestation, producing only 0.20-0.25 oriental fruit fly puparia per g of fruit. For Mediterranean fruit fly, 'Blue Crisp' produced 0.50 puparia per g of fruit, whereas 'Sharpblue' produced only 0.03 puparia per g of fruit. Blueberry was a marginal host for melon fly. This information will aid in development of pest management recommendations for blueberry cultivars as planting of low-chill cultivars expands to areas with subtropical and tropical fruit flies. Planting of fruit fly resistant cultivars may result in lower infestation levels and less crop loss.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique has been used for more than 50 years to control a range of insects around the world. Sterile insect technique is rapidly becoming a major component of many area‐wide fruit fly management programmes. Irradiation of immature life stages induces sterility in adults, which are then distributed over large areas to mate with wild flies, resulting in no viable offspring. However, irradiation in normal air results in declining adult quality. To optimize the quality of sterile adult flies, several techniques are available to lower the levels of oxygen in fruit fly tissues prior to irradiation. The simplest method is to seal pupae in plastic bags and allow the oxygen consumption of pupae to minimize oxygen in both the air and pupal tissue. Some fruit fly species have rapid decreases in eclosion as a result of low oxygen atmospheres. We tested the tolerance of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), to low oxygen for the first time. In the first two experiments, unirradiated B. tryoni pupae were tested for different periods in sealed plastic bags at 17, 21, and 26 °C. Optimum eclosion occurred at 21 °C with the lowest eclosion at 26 °C. In general, mean full eclosion declined at ca. 0.1% eclosion per hour sealed in plastic bags during the first 96 h for all temperatures. In the third and fourth experiments at 17 °C, there was a decline in average eclosion for irradiated and unirradiated pupae of about 13.4% after they were sealed in plastic bags for 192 h. In general, B. tryoni eclosion declined at 0.1% per hour inside sealed plastic bags for periods up to 192 h at 17 °C. Queensland fruit flies can tolerate long periods of conditions found inside sealed plastic bags and current practices for sterile B. tryoni release programmes will result in minimum decrease in eclosion. The possible evolution of tolerance of these conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used to control wild Mediterranean fruit fly introductions in California and Florida in the U.S. In the past, bait sprays containing malathion proved invaluable in treating new outbreaks or large populations before the use of SIT. Recently, a spinosad protein bait spray, GF-120, has been developed as a possible alternative to malathion, the standard insecticide in protein bait sprays. In this study, protein-deficient and protein-fed Vienna-7 (sterile, mass-reared, "male-only" strain) flies and wild males and females were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the GF-120 protein bait containing spinosad with respect to bait attraction, feeding, and toxicology. There were no effects of diet or fly type on feeding duration in small laboratory cages. Wild flies, however, registered more feeding events than Vienna-7 males. Flies that fed longer on fresh bait died faster. Protein-deficient flies were more active and found the bait more often than protein-fed flies. Data suggest that adding protein to the diet of SIT flies may decrease their response to baits, therefore, reduce mortality, and thus, allow the concurrent use of SIT and bait sprays in a management or eradication program.  相似文献   

Understanding species movement in the agroecological system is an important theme in ecology. A mark–release–capture experiment was conducted to study the dispersion behaviour of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.; Diptera: Tephritidae; Medfly) in northern Israel. Four pairs of pear and citrus orchards were selected for the field experiments. Sterile flies dyed with different colours were released in three seasons during 2015 and 2016, based on the phenological stages of the hosts. The total number of captured marked sterile flies per trap (FT) was approx 300 in both April and August. In November, FT values decreased by about 35% to approximately 200. The wild Medfly that were also captured showed an opposite trend, from an FT of 1.8 and 6.4 in April and August, respectively, to an FT of about 330 in November. Marked sterile flies were captured in both the release and the neighbouring orchard sites. We found that the Medfly migrates from pear to citrus orchards during spring and from citrus to pear during summer, when there are no fruit-bearing trees in the orchards. However, during November, when the wild Medfly population prevails in the area, a clear pattern of migration is hard to identify, perhaps because of a possible interaction with the wild fly's population.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been widely used to suppress several fruit fly species. In southern Brazil, millions of sterile flies of the South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus Wiedemann (Dipetra: Tephritidae), will be produced in a mass‐rearing facility called MOSCASUL to suppress wild populations from commercial apple orchards. In spite of standard rearing conditions, the quality of pupal batches can be inconsistent due to various factors. The quantification of poor quality material (e.g. empty pupae, dead pupae or larvae) is necessary to track down rearing issues, and pupal samples must be taken randomly and evaluated individually. To speed up the inspection of pupal samples by replacing the manual testing with the mechanized one, this study assessed a multispectral imaging (MSI) system to distinguish the variations in quality of A. fraterculus pupae and to quantify the variations based on reflectance patterns. Image acquisition and analyses were performed by the VideometerLab4 system on 7‐d‐old pupae by using 19 wavelengths ranging from 375 to 970 nm. The image representing the near infrared wavelength of 880 nm clearly distinguished among high‐quality pupae and the other four classes (i.e. low‐quality pupae, empty pupae, dead pupae and larvae). The blind validation test indicated that the MSI system can classify the fruit fly pupae with high accuracy. Therefore, MSI‐based classification of A. fraterculus pupae can be used for future pupal quality assessments of fruit flies in mass‐rearing facilities.  相似文献   

Currently approved irradiation quarantine treatment doses for Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillet), melon fly; Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), Mediterranean fruit fly; and Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), oriental fruit fly, infesting fruits and vegetables for export from Hawaii to the continental United States are 210, 225, and 250 Gy, respectively. Irradiation studies were initiated to determine whether these doses could be reduced to lower treatment costs, minimize any adverse effects on quality, and support a proposed generic irradiation dose of 150 Gy for fruit flies. Dose-response tests were conducted with late third instars of wild and laboratory strains of the three fruit fly species, both in diet and in fruit. After x-ray irradiation treatment, data were taken on adult emergence, and adult female fecundity and fertility. Melon fly was the most tolerant of the three species to irradiation, and oriental fruit fly was more tolerant than Mediterranean fruit fly. Laboratory and wild strains of each species were equally tolerant of irradiation, and larvae were more tolerant when irradiated in fruit compared with artificial diet. An irradiation dose of 150 Gy applied to 93,666 melon fly late third instars in papayas resulted in no survival to the adult stage, indicating that this dose is sufficient to provide quarantine security. Irradiation doses of 100 and 125 Gy applied to 31,920 Mediterranean fruit fly and 55,743 oriental fruit fly late third instars, respectively, also resulted in no survival to the adult stage. Results support a proposed generic irradiation quarantine treatment dose of 150 Gy for all tephritid fruit flies.  相似文献   

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