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In eight mouse mammary tumors with varying growth fractions DNA and non-histone nuclear protein (NHNP) were determined by absorption cytophotometry of Feulgen-Naphthol Yellow S stained, isolated cells. It was found that: 1. The mean NHNP content of cells with postmitotic DNA content (G0 + G1) increased with increasing growth fraction. 2. The mean NHNP content of S and G2 cells in the eight tumors did not vary significantly with growth fraction. 3. The frequency distributions of NHNP in G0/G1 cells were unimodal and right-skewed. The results are interpreted as follows: A) G0 cells differ from G1 cells by their lower content of NHNP. B). If it is assumed that the G0 and G1 compartments are arranged in series, the cells in the transition from G0 to late G1 may account for the unimodality and skewedness of the NHNP frequency distributions of postmitotic cells.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding site of a previously characterized non-histone chromosomal protein antigen(s) from HeLa cells was investigated for its species specificity. Treatment with large amounts of micrococcal nuclease abolishes immunoactivity, which can then be recovered by the subsequent addition of human or HeLa DNA to reconstitute the immune complex. Neither rat nor calif DNA exhibits this property, but DNA from monkey cells gives considerable activity. The antigen is not, however, detectable in monkey chromatin.  相似文献   

The relationship between cell density and protein content per cell was examined in monolayer and suspension cultures of mouse L cells. In monolayer cultures, the protein content per cell reached a maximum at 6 h after plating and retained this level for 18 h. Thereafter, the protein content per cell declined gradually during the exponential growth phase and finally returned to the initial level at the stationary phase. The changes were neither due to the effect of trypsinization nor to the exhaustion of the medium. The protein content per cell in a sparse culture was always greater than that in a dense culture for monolayer culture of L cells. In suspension culture the increase of protein content per cell during the lag phase was similar to that found in monolayer cultures. However, the gradual decline of protein content per cell observed during the exponential phase of monolayer cultures was not detected during that of a suspension culture. The results suggest that the decrease of protein content per cell in monolayer cultures may be related to some function of cell plasma membrane which could be inhibited by a cell-to-cell contact.  相似文献   

It is reported that okadaic acid (OA)-sensitive phosphatase is related to mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/p90rsk activation in mammalian oocytes. OA is also involved in the positive feedback loop between M phase-promoting factor (MPF) and cdc25c in Xenopus oocytes during meiotic maturation. However, the effect of phosphatase inhibition by OA on MPF and MAPK activities at the MII/G1 in oocytes remains unknown. The aim of this study is to clarify the relationship between OA-sensitive phosphatase and mitosis MII/G1 transition in mouse oocytes. MII-arrested oocytes were, isolated from mice, inseminated and cultured in TYH medium (control group) or TYH medium supplemented with 2.5 μM of OA (OA group). Histone H1 kinase and myelin basic protein (MBP) kinase activities were measured as indicators of MPF and p42 MAPK activities after insemination. Phosphorylation of cdc25c after insemination was analized in OA and control group by western blotting. Seven hours after insemination a pronucleus (PN) was formed in 84.1% (69/85) of oocytes in the control group. However, no PN was formed in oocytes of the OA group (p < 0.001). Although MPF and MAPK activities in the control group significantly decreased at 3, 4, 5, and 7 h after insemination, these decreases were significantly inhibited by OA addition (p < 0.05). Furthermore, OA addition prevented cdc25c dephosphorylation 7 h after insemination. In conclusion, OA-sensitive phosphatase correlates with inactivation of MPF and MAPK, and with the dephosphorylation of cdc25c at the MII/G1 transition in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that cancer stem cells arise either from normal stem cells or from progenitor cells that have gained the ability to self-renew. Here we determine whether mammary cancer stem cells can be isolated by using antibodies that have been used for the isolation of normal mammary stem cells. We show that BRCA1 mutant cancer cell lines contained a subpopulation of CD24+CD29+ or CD24+CD49f+ cells that exhibited increased proliferation and colony forming ability in vitro, and enhanced tumor-forming ability in vivo. The purified CD24+CD29+ cells could differentiate and reconstitute the heterogeneity found in parental cells when plated as a monolayer. Under low-attachment conditions, we detected “tumorspheres” only in the presence of double positive cells, which maintained their ability to self-renew. Furthermore, CD24+CD29+ cells could form tubular structures reminiscent of the mammary ductal tree when grown in three-dimensional cultures, implying that these cancer cells maintain some of the characteristics of the normal stem cells. Nevertheless, they could still drive tumor formation since as low as 500 double positive cells immediately after sorting from BRCA1 mutant primary tumors were able to form tumors with the same heterogeneity found in the original tumors. These data provide evidence that breast cancer stem cells originate from normal stem cells and advance our understanding of BRCA1-associated tumorigenesis with possible implications for future cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The mouse mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) contains several low-molecular-weight proteins which, together with the genomic RNA, constitute the core structure of the virion. The most abundant protein in the core is the 27,000-dalton protein (p27), and, by analogy to the type C viruses, this protein probably forms the core shell. In mouse mammary tumor cell lines (GR and Mm5MT) producing MuMTV the major p57 antigenic specificity resides in a large protein, which migrates in polyacrylamide gels as a doublet of 77,000 and 75,000 daltons (p 77/75). A series of lower-molecular-weight proteins, p61, p48, p38, and p34, is also present in small amounts and is probably derived by proteolytic cleavage of the p 77/75. These proteins have been identified by immunoprecipitation with monospecific antiserum, and their sequence relatedness to p27 has been determined by an analysis of the peptides after trypsin digestion. After a 15-min pulse with [35S]-methionine, all of the p27-related proteins in these cell lines were labelled and, during a subsequent chase, progressively disappeared. The p27 was labeled poorly during the pulse, but the amount of label in this protein increased during the chase. A quantitation of these experiments suggested that the majority of the p27-related proteins were quite rapidly turned over in these cell lines. Hence, if p27 is derived by a progressive proteolytic cleavage mechanism, then the process is inefficient in the GR cells and only moderately efficient in the Mm5MT cells. When MuMTV was isolated from the culture medium of these cells harvested at 5-min intervals, the major p27-related protein was p34. The p27 accounted for only 29% of the anti-p27 serum immunoprecipitable proteins compared to 95% in virus isolated from an 18-h harvest. Incubation of the rapid-harvest virus at 37 degrees C for 2 h resulted in some conversion of p34 to p27. These results suggest that some of the p27 in MuMTV is formed in the virions by proteolytic cleavage of p34.  相似文献   

U K Ehmann  D S Misfeldt 《In vitro》1983,19(10):767-774
Mouse mammary cells of the NMuMG line proliferated faster and formed colonies more efficiently when the air above the cells contained 5% CO2. An increase in colony forming efficiency also occurred if the bicarbonate concentration in the medium was higher (44 versus 13 mM). These growth increases induced by the CO2 or bicarbonate occurred even when the control cultures were maintained at the same pH, and they occurred at every pH tested. Both the growth rate and colony forming efficiency of the NMuMG cells were highest at pH 7.0 to 7.3.  相似文献   

A method of separating lymphoid cells from solid mouse mammary tumors was developed and evaluated. In this method the tumors are digested with 0.01% collagenase, 0.01% DNAase, and 0.025% trypsin in Dulbecco's PBS into suspensions of cells with a viability of 90%. The suspensions are fractionated on a continuous gradient of Ficoll in tissue culture medium. In model experiments this gradient was found to separate, cleanly, admixed cells of an established mammary tumor cell line and dissociated thymus glands. Recovery rates were 50% for the tumor cells and 80% for the thymocytes. The preparation of the cell suspensions and the gradient separation procedure are not harmful to the cells as indicated by trypan blue exclusion and the ability to grow in cell culture.  相似文献   

Non-histone protein fraction NHCP1 of micrococcal nuclease-sensitive and nuclease-resistant chromatin from Kirkman-Robbins hepatoma and hamster liver was studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis followed by Coomassie and silver staining and by microcomplement fixation technique in the presence of antibodies elicited against NHCP1 of both tissues. Apart from many common spots several tissue specific components associated with either nuclease-sensitive or nuclease-resistant chromatin were found. The presence of tissue specific components among NHCP1 from hepatoma and liver was confirmed by immunological analysis. It was stated that these components are exclusively localized in nuclease-resistant part of chromatin from neoplastic and normal tissues thus suggesting their structural function.  相似文献   

Metastatic mouse mammary tumor cell line 4526 was used to determine whether linoleate (LN)-derived cyclooxygenase metabolites were involved in the mechanism of LN-enhanced 4526 tumor growth. Unstimulated line 4526 cells converted LN to both PGE1 and PGE2 in serum free medium (SFM). However, neither prostaglandin (PG) influenced growth, while db-cGMP, but not db-cAMP, stimulated growth to the same extent as LN. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors stimulated growth while suppressing PG synthesis. Lipoxygenase inhibitors decreased growth in a dose dependent manner. Supplemental LN had no effect on cyclooxygenase inhibition while the IC50s for lipoxygenase inhibition were increased several fold. These results indicate that lipoxygenase products rather than cyclooxygenase metabolites play a major role in LN-stimulated growth of line 4526 cells.  相似文献   

A protein (denoted L′) which is similar in structure to immunoglobulin light chain has been isolated from the mouse plasma cell tumor, RPC-20. L′ has a molecular weight which is about 6000 daltons less than light chain. The exact nature of the relationship between L′ and light chain has not been established.  相似文献   

Tao Y  Song X  Deng X  Xie D  Lee LM  Liu Y  Li W  Li L  Deng L  Wu Q  Gong J  Cao Y 《Experimental cell research》2005,303(2):240-251
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is considered to be the major oncogenic protein of EBV-encoded proteins and has always been the core of the oncogenic mechanism of EBV. Advanced studies on nuclear translocation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family have greatly improved our knowledge of the biological function of cell surface receptors. In this study, we used the Tet-on LMP1 HNE2 cell line as a cell model, which is a dual-stable LMP1-integrated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell line and the expression of LMP1 which could be regulated by the Tet system. We found that LMP1 could regulate the nuclear accumulation of EGFR in a dose-dependent manner quantitatively and qualitatively. We also demonstrated that the nuclear localization sequence of EGFR played some roles in the location of the protein within the nucleus under LMP1 regulation and EGFR in the nucleus could bind to the promoters of cyclinD1 and cyclinE, respectively. We further demonstrated that EGFR is involved in the acceleration of the G1/S phase transition by LMP1 through binding to cyclinD1 and cyclinE directly. These findings provided a novel view that the acceleration of LMP1 on the G1/S transition via the nuclear accumulation of EGFR was critical in the process of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  相似文献   

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