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We report the first complete microsatellite genetic map of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.; 2n = 2 × = 14) using an F6 recombinant inbred population. Of the 403 microsatellite markers screened, 82 were mapped on the seven linkage groups (LGs) that covered a total genetic distance of 799.9 cM, with an average marker interval of 10.7 cM. LG5 had the longest and LG7 the shortest genetic lengths, whereas LG1 had the maximum and LG7 the minimum number of markers. Segregation distortion of microsatellite loci was high (61%), with the majority of them (76%) skewed towards the female parent. Genomewide non-parametric single-marker analysis in combination with multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL)-models (MQM) mapping detected 26 definitive QTLs for bast fibre quality, yield and yield-related traits. These were unevenly distributed on six LGs, as co-localized clusters, at genomic sectors marked by 15 microsatellite loci. LG1 was the QTL-richest map sector, with the densest co-localized clusters of QTLs governing fibre yield, yield-related traits and tensile strength. Expectedly, favorable QTLs were derived from the desirable parents, except for nearly all of those for fibre fineness, which might be due to the creation of new gene combinations. Our results will be a good starting point for further genome analyses in jute.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made of the mucogenic epidermis of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio var. communis, and the three Indian major carps, Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala: on the basis of epidermis structural organization, these species are easily differentiated. The epithelial cells in the superficial layer, as in most fishes, show secretory activity, evidenced by positive histochemical reactions, which is high in C. carpio var. communis, moderate in C. catla and low in L. rohita and C. mrigala. The epithelial cells in the underlying two or three layers also give positive reactions, though their intensity is relatively weak. The mucous cells in C. carpio var. communis are distributed in large numbers arranged in several superimposed layers in the outer regions of the epidermis, whereas in C. catla they are fewer in number and are widely separated in the surface layers as well as in the deeper layers of the epidermis; in both species the mucous cells appear rounded, large, and open on the surface by wide pores. In contrast, in L. rohita and C. mrigala the mucous cells are smaller, restricted mainly to the superficial layer, close together in a single row, and open on the surface by narrow pores. The overall density of mucous cells in L. rohita and C. mrigala, as in C. catla, is much lower than in C. carpio var. communis. In the epidermis of C. carpio var. communis there are a large number of mucous cells, and the few club cells are restricted to the deeper layers. In contrast, in the epidermis of the three Indian major carp the overall density of the mucous cells is much lower and the club cells are very numerous. It is suggested that the high density of club cells compensates an overall low density of mucous cells as an adaptation for an effective defence mechanism. Increased mucus production in the epidermis of C. carpio var. communis, as evidenced by a large number of mucous cells in outer regions and high secretory activity of superficial layer epithelial cells, is associated with increased precipitation of mud held in suspension, needed as an adaptation to the species’peculiar bottom-scooping habits. The varied density of the taste buds in the epidermis of the four carp is associated with their feeding habits.  相似文献   

Gene expression in tension wood and bast fibres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tension wood is produced in the xylem of some angiosperm trees, such as poplar (Populus spp.), whereas bast fibers are phloem-derived cells best known from annual crops, such as flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Despite their different origins, secondary walls of both tension wood and bast fibers share distinctive properties, including an abundance of axially oriented, crystalline cellulose produced in a distinctive gelatinous-type layer. Because of these unique properties, tension wood and phloem fibers have separately been the subject of at least nine previously published gene or protein profiling studies. Here we review these experiments with a focus on those genes, whose expression distinguishes both tension wood and bast fibers from the more predominant types of xylem found elsewhere in the stem. Notable among these is an evolutionarily distinctive group of fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins (FLA) and a putative rhamnogalacturonan lyase.  相似文献   



Bast fibres from the phloem tissues of flax are scientifically interesting and economically useful due in part to a dynamic system of secondary cell wall deposition. To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of cell wall development in flax, we extracted proteins from individually dissected phloem fibres (i.e. individual cells) at an early stage of secondary cell wall development, and compared these extracts to protein extracts from surrounding, non-fibre cells of the cortex, using fluorescent (DiGE) labels and 2D-gel electrophoresis, with identities assigned to some proteins by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Mixtalol (a mixture of long chain aliphatic alcohols varying in chain length from C24 to C32) applied to Brassica juncea plants as foliar spray caused an increase in secondary and tertiary branching with consequent enhancement in seed yield through increased number of inflorescences and siliquae per plant. The percentage of immature siliquae and shattering of siliquae decreased with this treatment. Mixtalol increased total dry matter of plants, partitioning coefficient and harvest index. The contents of starch, protein and oil were also higher in seeds from Mixtalol treated plants.  相似文献   

Because seed yield is the major factor determining the commercial success of grain crop cultivars, there is a large interest to obtain more understanding of the genetic factors underlying this trait. Despite many studies, mainly in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, have reported transgenes and mutants with effects on seed number and/or seed size, knowledge about seed yield parameters remains fragmented. This study investigated the effect of 46 genes, either in gain- and/or loss-of-function situations, with a total of 64 Arabidopsis lines being examined for seed phenotypes such as seed size, seed number per silique, number of inflorescences, number of branches on the main inflorescence and number of siliques. Sixteen of the 46 genes, examined in 14 Arabidopsis lines, were reported earlier to directly affect in seed size and/or seed number or to indirectly affect seed yield by their involvement in biomass production. Other genes involved in vegetative growth, flower or inflorescence development or cell division were hypothesized to potentially affect the final seed size and seed number. Analysis of this comprehensive data set shows that of the 14 lines previously described to be affected in seed size or seed number, only nine showed a comparable effect. Overall, this study provides the community with a useful resource for identifying genes with effects on seed yield and candidate genes underlying seed QTL. In addition, this study highlights the need for more thorough analysis of genes affecting seed yield.  相似文献   

野生与栽培茅苍术挥发油成分的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用气相色谱法分析茅苍术〔Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.〕在原产地及引种栽培1年后5个主要挥发油成分的含量变化。结果表明,江苏产茅苍术挥发油成分以苍术酮和苍术素为主;湖北产茅苍术挥发油的主要成分为茅术醇和β-桉叶醇;不同产地野生茅苍术挥发油的主要成分和含量明显不同;引种栽培至同一环境(江苏南京)后,茅苍术挥发油的主要成分及含量差异明显减小,表明产地对茅苍术挥发油有效成分的组成有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of refining on various pulp properties such as freeness, specific surface area, specific volume, surface charge, total charge and elastic modulus. The results indicated that specific surface area of the pulps increased with increased refining, and at the same freeness level the pine pulp exhibited higher surface charge, surface area, and specific volume than the eucalyptus pulps. Also, the eucalypt pulps were much easier to beat than the pine pulps. The total fibre charge, as determined by conductometric titrations, was not affected by refining. However, the surface charge, as determined by titrations with poly-DADMAC, increased with refining. Increasing the specific surface area by refining resulted in a higher fibre surface charge and better fibre-fibre bonding. The change of the fibre surface charge during refining could be monitored using the FTIR characteristic bands within 1700-1300cm(-1).  相似文献   

W W Hauck 《Biometrics》1984,40(4):1117-1123
The finite-sample properties of various point estimators of a common odds ratio from multiple 2 X 2 tables have been considered in a number of simulation studies. However, the conditional maximum likelihood estimator has received only limited attention. That omission is partially rectified here for cases of relatively small numbers of tables and moderate to large within-table sample sizes. The conditional maximum likelihood estimator is found to be superior to the unconditional maximum likelihood estimator, and equal or superior to the Mantel-Haenszel estimator in both bias and precision.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment patterns of G+C-rich satellites of sheep and goat DNA were compared. The 1,712 g/cm3 satellites of both species appear homologous, consisting of repeats 760 base pairs long and showing coincidence of position of primary+ EcoRI, BamHI and most BspRI restriction target sites. The EcoRI and BamHI endonucleases produce mostly monomers of the repeating unit, while oligomers prevail in the A1uI and Bg1II digests. Species-specific differences in the frequency, position and mode of distribution of secondary+ restriction target sites for EcoRI, Bg1II and A1uI were observed. Unlike the 1,712 g/cm3 satellites, the 1,723 g/cm3 component of sheep DNA and the 1,719 g/cm3 material from goat DNA appear species--specific, since no homologous material could ever be detected in the DNA of the other species.  相似文献   

Two trials are described, each of twenty-five varieties tested during two seasons and the intervening winter storage period. Sets were produced from seed in the-first season and planted to produce mature bulbs in the second. In the second seasons of both trials, the effects of time of planting of sets were also investigated as part of a factorial experiment. In the later trial the effects of set size were also tested. Data are presented of varietal differences in bolting, yield, earliness and of behaviour of the sets in storage. The effects of set size and of late planting on these characteristics are also recorded. Some practical recommendations are made: thus, among those tested, varieties were found which bolted little and gave high yields when grown from sets, but it is emphasized that names of varieties as listed in seedmen's catalogues may not be reliable. Efforts are being made to maintain and improve by selection the most satisfactory of these strains. Late planting of sets is not recommended, for, although bolting was effectively controlled by this means, the yields were much reduced. Plants grown from large sets tended to bolt more than those from small, as has been shown by earlier workers; while on the contrary the yields from large and small sets were on the average alike. Comparing different varieties, the highest gross yields of all were produced from the large sets of non-bolting varieties; but for highest yields of bulbs free from flower stalks small sets should be used and this is advisable for all varieties. During storage the large sets lost less percentage weight than the small but they sprouted much more, and this is considered the more serious defect. The storage data demonstrate an additional disadvantage of late planting, for this involves longer storage and both sprouting and weight losses increase rapidly during late spring.  相似文献   

鲇胃肠道、胰脏对7种饲料蛋白质的酶解动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
饲料蛋白质在鱼体消化道内经过消化酶分解为氨基酸、小肽等小分子物质后才被利用。施用辉等 1 认为寡肽的释放量与饲料蛋白质的品质呈正相关关系。    相似文献   

In vitro bioluminescence components of the dinoflagellates Gonyaulax polyedra, G. tamarensis, Dissodinium lunual, and Pyrocystis noctiluca were studied. The luciferases and luciferins of the four species cross-react in all combinations. All of these species possess high-molecular weight luciferases (200,000-400,000 daltons) with similar pH activity profiles. The active single chains of luciferases from the Gonyaulax species have a MW of 130,000 while those from P. noctiluca and D. lunula have a MW of 60,000. Extractable luciferase activity varies with time of day in the two Gonyaulax species, but not in the other two. A luciferin binding protein (LBP) can easily be extracted from the two Gonyaulax species (MW approximately 120,000 daltons), but none could be detected in extracts of either D. lunula or P. noctiluca. Scintillons are extractable from all four species, but they vary in density and the degree to which activity can be increased by added luciferin. Although the biochemistry of bioluminescence in these dinoflagellates is generally similar, the observations that D. lunula and P. noctiluca apparently lack LBP and have luciferases with low MW single chains require further clarification.  相似文献   

Growth,yield, and yield components of ethephon-treated corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field studies were conducted during 1985 and 1986 to study the effect of stage and rate of ethephon application on growth, combine-harvested yield, and yield components of three corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids at two densities. Ethephon was applied at four rates from 0 to 560g ha–1 at three growth stages: tassel elongation (TE 3mm), TE + 6d, and Ear elongation (EE 3mm). The greatest rate of ethephon decreased lodging by 85% in 1985 and 93% in 1986. Reduction in yield at the greatest rate of ethephon was 6% and 2% of the control in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Brace-root rating in 1986 was increased 20%, when comparing the greatest application rate with the control. In the same year, weight per seed was reduced 2%, which was equivalent to the percentage yield reduction. Plant and ear heights generally decreased in a linear fashion with increasing rate of ethephon. The growth stage at the time of ethephon application significantly altered all variables except grain moisture. Grain yield, seed weight, and lodging decreased as ethephon application was delayed. Decrease in seed weight probably caused the yield decrease with delayed application. Stages of application interacted with rate such that ear height was reduced less as ethephon application was delayed. The greatest rate of ethephon applied at the beginning of EE resulted in the best lodging control. However, reduction in lodging did not result in higher yield. Also, ethephon applied at the TE stage mainly affected elongation of internodes below the ear; at the EE stage, elongation of internodes above the ear was affected.  相似文献   

Summary The endoneurial collagen sheath around teased nerve fibres following crush injury was studied by scanning electron microscopy and compared with uninjured sciatic nerve fibres and with fibres from the dystonic mutant mouse. Following crush injury the endoneurial collagen became more abundant than seen in untreated nerve fibres and formed large, separate and longitudinally oriented bundles. However, by four weeks post injury the sheath regained a normal external appearance. Mutant nerve fibres were also associated with more than the usual amount of collagen, but the sheaths were more disorganised, with a marked disorientation and irregular aggregation of collagen, and these abnormalities were not confined to obviously degenerating or demyelinated regions of the fibres. The dystonic abnormalities of the endoneurial sheath may be important in the mechanism of the neuropathy.Medical Research Council, Radiobiology Unit, Harwell, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 ORD  相似文献   

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