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Summary This laboratory recently reported that normal human mesothelial cells require epidermal growth factor (EGF) and hydrocortisone (HC), in addition to fetal calf serum and a complex defined medium component, in order to grow optimally in surface culture (9). We report here that this normal cell type also forms large colonies at high efficiency in semi-solid medium, but exhihits more stringent serum and EGF requirements for anchorage-independent than for surface growth. Mesothelial cells are unable to divide at all in semi-solid medium with added EGF or with less than 2% serum, whereas they grow slowly but progressively in surface culture under such conditions. In semi-solid medium containing 20% serum and HC, mesothelial cells are stimulated to divide by the addition of as little as 30 pg/ml purified EGF. Human urine or male mouse plasma could substitute for purified EGF, yielding growth commensurate with the levels of EGF in these biological fluids previously measured by others using radioreceptor and radioimmune assays. Thus growth of mesothelial cells in semi-solid medium can serve as a highly sensitive assay of EGF biological activity which is unaffected by the presence of serum proteins. In addition, our results demonstrate that fetal calf serum does not provide mitogenic levels of EGF to cultured cells, raising the question of the identity of plasma and serum mitogens. This work was supported by NIH grants RO1 AG02048 and RO1 CA26656 to James G. Rheinwald and by NIH postdoctoral fellowship F32 AG05303 to Paul J. La Rocca.  相似文献   

Summary Pterygium is a degenerative corneal limbal process and UV irradiation has been suggested as being a major environmental predisposing factor. The invasive nature of the fibroblasts associated with pterygia raises the question as to whether these cells are transformed. To test this hypothesis, we established fibroblast strains from autologous and heterologous pterygial and conjunctival specimens, respectively, from subjects between 40 to 50 yr of age, and compared their growth characteristics in culture. All pterygial fibroblast strains exhibited a reduced dependence on serum and exogenous growth factors for growth and reached a saturation population density that was threefold higher than conjunctival fibroblasts cultured under the same conditions. In addition, all pterygial fibroblast strains were able to form colonies in soft agar in 5% fetal bovine serum at a 6.0 to 7.5% efficiency. Under the same experimental conditions, none of the conjunctival fibroblast strains were able to grow. The results presented support the conclusion that pterygial fibroblasts have acquired many of the properties of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

The study of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and the process by which they differentiate into committed progenitors has been hampered by the lack of in vitro clonal assays that can support erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid differentiation. We describe a method for the isolation from human fetal liver of highly purified candidate HSCs and progenitors based on the phenotypes CD38CD34++ and CD38+CD34++, respectively. We also describe a method for the growth of colony-forming cells (CFCs) from these cell populations, under defined culture conditions, that supports the differentiation of erythroid, CD14/CD15+ myeloid, CD1a+ dendritic cell and CD56+ NK cell lineages. Flow cytometric analyses of individual colonies demonstrate that CFCs with erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid potential are distributed among both the CD38 and CD38+ populations of CD34++ progenitors. Published: June 11, 2002.  相似文献   

Summary The requirements of human epithelial cells derived from the amnion membrane for serum factors were investigated. The growth promoting effects of human whole blood serum (WBS), platelet-poor defibrinogenated plasma, and plasma-derived serum (PDS) were examined in primary cultures of these ectodermal cells. The numbers of population doublings recorded after 10 days in the presence of 10% WBS, defibrinogenated plasma, or PDS were 2.3, 2.0 or 1.5, respectively. Although dialysis of sera or plasma had little effect on growth promotion, it markedly decreased the capacity of plasma to maintain cells in culture beyond 10 days. The differences in growth activities could not be attributed to the presence of anticoagulant in plasma and PDS or to the presence of excess calcium in PDS. Platelet lysates and purified platelet-derived growth factor had no effect on growth. Amnion cell growth was enhanced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) or hydrocortisone, but the glucocorticoid did not condition cells to respond to growth factors. Insulin and fibroblast growth factor singly or in combination had no effect on cell replication. Giant cell formation accompanied maintenance in hydrocortisone with defibrinogenated plasma and PDS. Discrete regions of dense population appeared in the presence of hydrocortisone, EGF, and undialyzed supplements.Supported in part by ACS grant PDT-140  相似文献   

Cell‐based therapy using stem cells has emerged as one of the pro‐angiogenic methods to enhance blood vessel growth and sprouting in ischaemic conditions. This study investigated the endogenous and induced angiogenic characteristics of hCDSC (human chorion‐derived stem cell) using QPCR (quantitative PCR) method, immunocytochemistry and fibrin‐matrigel migration assay. The results showed that cultured hCDSC endogenously expressed angiogenic–endogenic‐associated genes (VEGF, bFGF, PGF, HGF, Ang‐1, PECAM‐1, eNOS, Ve‐cad, CD34, VEGFR‐2 and vWF), with significant increase in mRNA levels of PGF, HGF, Ang‐1, eNOS, VEGFR‐2 and vWF following induction by bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). These enhanced angiogenic properties suggest that induced hCDSC provides a stronger angiogenic effect for the treatment of ischaemia. After angiogenic induction, hCDSC showed no reduction in the expression of the stemness genes, but had significantly higher levels of mRNA of Oct‐4, Nanog (3), FZD9, ABCG‐2 and BST‐1. The induced cells were positive for PECAM‐1 (platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1) and vWF (von Willebrand factor) with immunocytochemistry staining. hCDSC also showed endothelial migration behaviour when cultured in fibrin‐matrigel construct and were capable of forming vessels in vivo after implanting into nude mice. These data suggest that hCDSC could be the cells of choice in the cell‐based therapy for pro‐angiogenic purpose.  相似文献   

Because of their large sizes and simple shapes, giant‐celled algae have been used to study how the structural and mechanical properties of cell walls influence cell growth. Here we review known relationships between cell wall and cell growth properties that are characteristic of three representative taxa of giant‐celled algae, namely, Valonia ventricosa, internodal cells of characean algae, and Vaucheria frigida. Tip‐growing cells of the genus Vaucheria differ from cells undergoing diffuse growth in V. ventricosa and characean algae in terms of their basic architectures (non‐lamellate vs. multilamellate) and their dependence upon pH and Ca2+ for cell wall extensibility. To further understand the mechanisms controlling cell growth by cell walls, comparative analyses of cell wall structures and/or associated growth modes will be useful. The giant‐celled algae potentially serve as good models for such investigations because of their wide variety of developmental processes and cell shapes exhibited.  相似文献   

Summary A cell line was established from an anaplastic astrocytoma from a 69-yr-old female. The cells have been serially subcultured over 300 times for 6 yr without showing any sign of cell senescence. Their doubling time is about 36 h. The cells are fusiform and often hexagonal in sparse culture, but become spindle-shaped and formed mosaic structure in confluent culture. Under electron microscopy, intermediate filaments were randomly distributed in the cytoplasma, especially in the perinuclear space. The chromosome number was near tetraploid and varied from 86 to 94 chromosomes with a modal number of 91. The alpha and beta subunits of S-100 protein, vimentin, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which are reliable markers of astrocytic cells, were demonstrated in a large number of cells by immunoperoxidase staining. The results of immunoblotting showed that the expression of vimentin was much higher than that of GFAP. The tumorigenicity of the cells was revealed by xenografting into nude mice, which were X-irradiated before inoculation. Culture medium conditioned by the cells promoted growth of these cells in serum-free conditions and of normal rat glial cells in serum-depleted culture. The growth-promoting effect of conditioned medium was lost by trypsinization and reduced by boiling. These findings suggest that these cells are derived from neoplastic astrocytic cells and secrete a self-acting polypeptide growth-promoting factor into the culture medium. This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid containing a full length human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) cDNA sequence in antisense orientation was transferred into cells of a human liver carcinoma cell line BEL-7404. Compared with the control cell clone JX-0 transferred with the vector plasmid and the parent BEL-7404 cells, the antisense EGFR transferred cell clone JX-1 showed a decreased EGFR gene expression and reduced significantly the growth potential either in anchorage-dependent or anchorage-independent growth. Furthermore, JX-1 cells appeared to be distinctly dependent on serum concentration for monolayer growth. The results suggested that antisense EGFR could partly block the EGFR gene expression and reverse the malignant growth properties of human liver carcinoma cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary When multiple types of cells from normal and diseased human skin are required, techniques to isolate cells from small skin biopsies would facilitate experimental studies. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a method for the isolation and propagation of three major cell types (keratinocytes, microvascular endothelial cells, and fibroblasts) from a 4-mm punch biopsy of human skin. To isolate and propagate keratinocytes from a punch biopsy, the epidermis was separated from the dermis by treatment with dispase. Keratinocytes were dissociated from the epidermis by trypsin and plated on a collagen-coated tissue culture petri dish. A combination of two commercial media (Serum-Free Medium and Medium 154) provided optimal growth conditions. To isolate and propagate microvascular endothelial cells from the dermis, cells were released following dispase incubation and plated on a gelatin-coated tissue culture dish. Supplementation of a standard growth medium with a medium conditioned by mouse 3T3 cells was required for the establishment and growth of these cells. Epithelioid endothelial cells were separated from spindle-shaped endothelial cells and from dendritic cells by selective attachment toUlex europeus agglutinin I-coated paramagnetic beads. To establish fibroblasts, dermal explants depleted of keratinocytes and endothelial cells were attached to plastic by centrifugation, and fibroblasts were obtained by explant culture and grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing fetal bovine serum (FBS). Using these isolation methods and growth conditions, two confluent T-75 flasks of keratinocytes, one confluent T-25 flask of purified endothelial cells, and one confluent T-25 flask of fibroblasts could be routinely obtained from a 4-mm punch biopsy of human skin. This method should prove useful in studies of human skin where three cell types must be grown in sufficient quantities for molecular and biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

The effects of genistein on testicular cells, TM3, TM4, and GC-1 spg, were studied in vitro. First, each cell line was cultured with pre-determined concentrations of genistein for a maximum of 72 h to assess the effects of genistein on in vitro growth of the test cells. A second series of experiments were performed to determine the degree of genistein-induced apoptosis in these cells, using Apop-TagR kit reagents, to detect apoptotic cells in situ by specific end labeling, and detection of DNA fragments produced by the apoptotic process. The results obtained indicate that: i) genistein inhibits the growth and proliferation of testicular cells; ii) growth inhibition and proliferation is dose- and exposure-time dependent; iii) there is significant difference in sensitivity of the different testicular cells to genistein; iv) genistein induces apoptosis in testicular cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Genistein-induced apoptosis identifies genistein as a potential diagnostic and therapeutic tool in testicular pathophysiological research.  相似文献   

A range of cell lines was isolated fromPorphyra umbilicalis L. (Rhodophyta) tissue using a variety of methods, the most successful involving exposure to a limpet acetone powder enzyme extract for 24 h, homogenisation and filtration through a series of polyester meshes. All established lines grew as 0.1–5 mm diameter aggregates in liquid culture; most were stable and have been grown in shake-flask or air-lift culture for periods in excess of 1 yr without reverting to the foliose growth form. An investigation of the medium used to grow these lines indicated that it was not nitrogen-deficient and that the sodium chloride concentration was optimal. The addition of an organic buffer increased the final cell yield. None of these cell lines grew heterotrophically in medium supplemented with a range of fixed carbon sources. The infrared spectra of polysaccharides isolated fromPorphyra aggregates and from tissue grown under identical conditions indicated that the structures of the two isolates were analogous.Presented at the XIIIth International Seaweed Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, August 1989.  相似文献   

Summary Growth rate, morphology, and responsiveness to mitogenic stimuli and pharmacological treatments were evaluated in early and late cell passages derived from the same clone of the widely used MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line. Our results indicate dissimilarities between early (E) and late (L) passages for some of the parameters analyzed. The cells that underwent many subcultivations grew faster than the others; both appeared homogeneous in size and shape. The E cells, subcultured for almost 1 yr, displayed higher sensitivity to the mitogenic action of both estradiol, according to the level of estrogen receptor, and insulin-like growth factor-I than did the L cells, kept in culture for more than 10 yr. Cell responsiveness to two drugs, a novel steroid antiestrogen and a polysulfonated distamycin A derivative, was more pronounced in the early cultures only at the longer time of exposure to the higher concentration of the estrogen antagonist. In addition, a drug-induced inhibition of insulin-like growth factor-I binding to its receptor was shown in both E and L cells, the latter being less sensitive than the former when exposed to the antiestrogen. Finally, MCF-7 E and L cells showed similar behavior when drug-induced apoptosis was tested.  相似文献   

Amino acid uptake mediated by system A was studied in cultured fetal and adult hepatocytes, subjected to growth stimulation by EGF and insulin, or to growth inhibition by high cell density. The mitogenic stimulation induced a strong transport increase only in fetal cells, while the cell density-dependent growth inhibition, probably mediated by molecules present on adult hepatocyte membranes, provoked the decrease of amino acid uptake only in the adult cells. The results indicate that the different modulation of amino acid transport by cell growth is dependent on the age and the differentiation stage of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is translated as a pre-pro-peptide that is posttranslationally processed to its mature form by proteolytic removal of the signal peptide and the E-domain peptide. Contrary to the mature human (h) IGF-I, the recombinant rtEa4 -peptide significantly reduced the anchorage-independent cell growth in human neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-F1), shown by colony formation assay in vitro. Significant inhibition of colony formation is also observed in SK-N-F1 cells stably transfected with a bicistronic expression construct encoding a secretory form of the rtEa4 peptide. Furthermore, treatment with the recombinant rtEa4 peptide, but not the mature hIGF-I, resulted in morphological differentiation of SK-N-F1 cells characterized by long neurite outgrowth. Similar morphological differentiation is also observed in SK-N-F1 cell clones stably transfected with the rtEa4 peptide expression construct. A spectrum of biological activities similar to those of rtEa4 peptide is also observed in the synthetic hEb peptide, but not-the hEa peptide. Results of further characterization reveal that neurites induced by rtEa4 or hEb peptide contain neuronal-specific MAP-2, Tau, and neurofilament (NF-160), accompanied by an increased expression of the neuronal marker gene neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY). Furthermore, effects of signal transduction inhibitors are indicative of the involvement of MAP-kinase PI-3-kinase cascades. The activation of ERK-1/-2 is markedly increased in response to rtEa-4 or hEb peptide stimulation, further indicating the involvement of MAPK signaling cascade. These unique biological activities exhibited by the rtEa4 or hEb peptide suggest that E peptide of the pro-IGF-I may play distinct roles in regulating cell growth and differentiation in neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) research progressively moves towards clinical phases. Accordingly, a wide range of different procedures were presented in the literature for MSC isolation from human tissues; however, there is not yet any close focus on the details to offer precise information for best method selection. Choosing a proper isolation method is a critical step in obtaining cells with optimal quality and yield in companion with clinical and economical considerations. In this concern, current review widely discusses advantages of omitting proteolysis step in isolation process and presence of tissue pieces in primary culture of MSCs, including removal of lytic stress on cells, reduction of in vivo to in vitro transition stress for migrated/isolated cells, reduction of price, processing time and labour, removal of viral contamination risk, and addition of supporting functions of extracellular matrix and released growth factors from tissue explant. In next sections, it provides an overall report of technical highlights and molecular events of explant culture method for isolation of MSCs from human tissues including adipose tissue, bone marrow, dental pulp, hair follicle, cornea, umbilical cord and placenta. Focusing on informative collection of molecular and methodological data about explant methods can make it easy for researchers to choose an optimal method for their experiments/clinical studies and also stimulate them to investigate and optimize more efficient procedures according to clinical and economical benefits.  相似文献   

Hepatoblasts, which are considered one type of hepatic progenitor cell, reside in the fetal liver. To selectively identify these cells, we transfected primary cultured human fetal liver cells (FLCs) with a pGL3 vector bearing the gene for the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) under the control of the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) promoter expressed in hepatoblasts. The FLCs were then sorted by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) on the basis of AFP promoter-driven EGFP expression. The EGFP-positive cells expressed AFP, albumin, and cytokeratin 19, and could be expanded in vitro. Thus, the AFP promoter-EGFP reporter system is highly useful for identification and isolation of hepatic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to identify and characterize a compound produced by the plant growth promoting bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis non-Bradyrhizobium Endophytic Bacterium 17. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bacterial peptide was analysed and purified via HPLC. Using the disk diffusion assay this peptide inhibited the growth of 16/19 B. thuringiensis strains, 4/4 Bacillus cereus strains, among others, as well as a Gram-negative strain Escherichia coli MM294 (pBS42). Both bactericidal and bacteristatic effects were observed on B. cereus ATCC 14579 and bactericidal effects were observed on B. thuringiensis ssp. thuringiensis Bt1267. The molecular weight of the peptide was estimated via SDS-PAGE and confirmed with Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Quadrapole Time of Flight mass spectrometry; its weight is 3162 Da. The peptide is biologically active after exposure to 100 degrees C for 15 min, and within the pH range 1.00-9.25. Its activity disappeared when treated with proteinase K and protease, but not with alpha-amylase or catalase. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that this is the first report of a bacteriocin produced by a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (B. thuringiensis) species and have named the bacteriocin thuricin 17. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our work has characterized a bacteriocin produced by a plant growth promoting bacterium. This strain is previously reported to increase soya bean nodulation.  相似文献   

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