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Large-scale identification of leaf senescence-associated genes   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Leaf senescence is a form of programmed cell death, and is believed to involve preferential expression of a specific set of "senescence-associated genes" (SAGs). To decipher the molecular mechanisms and the predicted complex network of regulatory pathways involved in the senescence program, we have carried out a large-scale gene identification study in a reference plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Using suppression subtractive hybridization, we isolated approximately 800 cDNA clones representing SAGs expressed in senescing leaves. Differential expression was confirmed by Northern blot analysis for 130 non-redundant genes. Over 70 of the identified genes have not previously been shown to participate in the senescence process. SAG-encoded proteins are likely to participate in macromolecule degradation, detoxification of oxidative metabolites, induction of defense mechanisms, and signaling and regulatory events. Temporal expression profiles of selected genes displayed several distinct patterns, from expression at a very early stage, to the terminal phase of the senescence syndrome. Expression of some of the novel SAGs, in response to age, leaf detachment, darkness, and ethylene and cytokinin treatment was compared. The large repertoire of SAGs identified here provides global insights about regulatory, biochemical and cellular events occurring during leaf senescence.  相似文献   

Consecutive stages of renal glomerulogenesis were studied in white rats using scanning electron microscopy of microvessel corrosion casts and specimens dried through critical point. The splitting of ingrowing capillaries was shown to be the leading mechanism of glomerulogenesis. The differentiation of endothelial and epithelial components of glomerular filter involves two main processes: progressive spreading and arborization of cells. A suggestion is put forward that the growth and spatial reorganization of cytoskeletal elements in the endothelial and epithelial cells are the basic mechanisms of their differentiation during glomerulogenesis.  相似文献   



The duck-billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) belongs to the mammalian subclass Prototheria, which diverged from the Theria line early in mammalian evolution. The platypus genome sequence provides a unique opportunity to illuminate some aspects of the biology and evolution of these animals.  相似文献   

The glomerular basement membrane (GBM) is a crucial component of the kidney’s filtration barrier that separates the vasculature from the urinary space. During glomerulogenesis, the GBM is formed from fusion of two distinct basement membranes, one synthesized by the glomerular epithelial cell (podocyte) and the other by the glomerular endothelial cell. The main components of the GBM are laminin-521 (α5β2γ1), collagen α3α4α5(IV), nidogen and the heparan sulfate proteoglycan, agrin. By studying mice lacking specific GBM components, we have shown that during glomerulogenesis, laminin is the only one that is required for GBM integrity and in turn, the GBM is required for completion of glomerulogenesis and glomerular vascularization. In addition, our results from laminin β2-null mice suggest that laminin-521, and thus the GBM, contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the glomerular filtration barrier to plasma albumin. In contrast, mutations that affect GBM collagen IV or agrin do not impair glomerular development or cause immediate leakage of plasma proteins. However, collagen IV mutation, which causes Alport syndrome and ESRD in humans, leads to gradual damage to the GBM that eventually leads to albuminuria and renal failure. These results highlight the importance of the GBM for establishing and maintaining a perfectly functioning, highly selective glomerular filter.  相似文献   

Marsupials provide a suitable alternative model to studying mammary gland involution. They have evolved a different reproductive strategy from eutherians, giving birth to an altricial young and secreting milk that changes in composition during lactation. In this study, we used a marsupial-specific EST microarray to identify 47 up-regulated genes during mammary gland involution in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). These include the pro-apoptotic tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily 21 (TNFRSF21) gene, whose expression in the mammary gland has not previously been reported. Genes encoding putative novel milk proteins which may protect the mammary gland from infection were also found to be up-regulated, such as amiloride binding protein 1 (ABP1), complement component 1QB (C1QB), complement component 4A (C4A) and colony stimulating factor 2 receptor β (CSF2Rβ). Our results show that the marsupial reproductive strategy was successfully exploited to identify genes and putative novel milk proteins implicated in mammary gland involution.  相似文献   

Kim JJ  Kim HH  Park JH  Ryu HJ  Kim J  Moon S  Gu H  Kim HT  Lee JY  Han BG  Park C  Kimm K  Park CS  Lee JK  Oh B 《Immunogenetics》2005,57(9):636-643
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, and a number of genetic loci are associated with the disease. Candidate gene association studies have been regarded as effective tools to study complex traits. Knowledge of the sequence variation and structure of the candidate genes is required for association studies. Thus, we investigated the genetic variants of 32 asthma candidate genes selected by colocalization of positional and functional candidate genes. We screened all exons and promoter regions of those genes using 12 healthy individuals and 12 asthma patients and identified a total of 418 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), including 270 known SNPs and 148 novel SNPs. Levels of nucleotide diversity varied from gene to gene (0.72×10−4–14.53×10−4), but the average nucleotide diversity between coding SNPs (cSNPs) and noncoding SNPs was roughly equivalent (4.63×10−4 vs 4.69×10−4). However, nucleotide diversity of cSNPs was strongly correlated to codon degeneracy. Nucleotide diversity was much higher at fourfold degenerate sites than at nondegenerate sites (9.42×10−4 vs 3.14×10−4). Gene-based haplotype analysis of asthma-associated genes in this study revealed that common haplotypes (frequency >5%) represented 90.5% of chromosomes, and they could be uniquely identified with five or fewer haplotype-tagging SNPs per gene. Therefore, our results may have important implications for the selection of asthma candidate genes and SNP markers for comprehensive association studies using large sample populations.  相似文献   

The human kidneys filter 180 l of blood every day via about 2.5 million glomeruli. The three layers of the glomerular filtration apparatus consist of fenestrated endothelium, specialized extracellular matrix known as the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and the podocyte foot processes with their modified adherens junctions known as the slit diaphragm (SD). In this study we explored the contribution of podocyte β1 integrin signaling for normal glomerular function. Mice with podocyte specific deletion of integrin β1 (podocin-Cre β1-fl/fl mice) are born normal but cannot complete postnatal renal development. They exhibit detectable proteinuria on day 1 and die within a week. The kidneys of podocin-Cre β1-fl/fl mice exhibit normal glomerular endothelium but show severe GBM defects with multilaminations and splitting including podocyte foot process effacement. The integrin linked kinase (ILK) is a downstream mediator of integrin β1 activity in epithelial cells. To further explore whether integrin β1-mediated signaling facilitates proper glomerular filtration, we generated mice deficient of ILK in the podocytes (podocin-Cre ILK-fl/fl mice). These mice develop normally but exhibit postnatal proteinuria at birth and die within 15 weeks of age due to renal failure. Collectively, our studies demonstrate that podocyte β1 integrin and ILK signaling is critical for postnatal development and function of the glomerular filtration apparatus.  相似文献   

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous group of diseases in which chromosomal aberrations, small insertions or deletions, or point mutations in certain genes have profound consequences for prognosis. However, the majority of AML patients present without currently known genetic defects. Retroviral insertion mutagenesis in mice has become a powerful tool for identifying new disease genes involved in the pathogenesis of leukemia and lymphoma. Here we have used the Graffi-1.4 strain of murine leukemia virus, which causes predominantly AML, in a screen to identify novel genes involved in the pathogenesis of this disease. We report 79 candidate disease genes in common integration sites (CISs) and 15 genes whose family members previously were found to be affected in other studies. The majority of the identified sequences (60%) were not found in lymphomas and monocytic leukemias in previous screens, suggesting a specific involvement in AML. Although most of the virus integrations occurred in or near the 5' or 3' ends of the genes, suggesting deregulation of gene expression as a consequence of virus integration, 18 CISs were located exclusively within the genes, conceivably causing gene disruption.  相似文献   

The vertebrate gonad develops from the intermediate mesoderm as an initially bipotential organ anlage, the genital ridge. In mammals, Sry acts as a genetic switch towards testis development. Sox9 has been shown to act downstream of Sry in testis development, while Dax1 appears to counteract Sry. Few more genes have been implicated in early gonad development. However, the genetic networks controlling early differentiation events in testis and ovary are still far from being understood. In order to provide a broader basis for the molecular analysis of gonad development, high-throughput gene expression analysis was utilized to identify genes specifically expressed in the gonad. In total, among 138 genes isolated which showed tissue specific expression in the embryo, 79 were detected in the developing gonad or sex ducts. Twenty-seven have not been functionally described before, while 40 represent known genes and 12 are putative mouse orthologues. Forty-five of the latter two groups (86%) have not been described previously in the fetal gonad. In addition, 21 of the gonad specific genes showed sex-dimorphic expression suggesting a role in sex determination and/or gonad differentiation. Eighteen of the latter (86%) have not been described previously in the fetal gonad. In total we provide new data on 72 genes which may play a role in gonad or sex duct development and/or sex determination. Thus we have generated a large gene resource for the investigation of these processes, and demonstrate the suitability of high-throughput gene expression screening for the genetic analysis of organogenesis.  相似文献   

The discovery of microRNAs has brought in another level of intricacy in gene regulation. These microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that have dual ability to act as repressors or inducers of gene activity. MicroRNAs have been implicated in a wide spectrum of biological processes and their expressions have been found to be dysregulated in several diseases. Recently, microRNAs have emerged as a new area of interest in renal development and pathology. MicroRNA profilings have revealed a number of microRNAs that are specific to the kidney or restricted to certain regions of the organ suggesting possible exclusive roles therein. Recently, knockout studies have shown that these riboregulators are critical for normal renal growth and functional renal system. Individual microRNAs have also been identified in renal disease models including kidney cancers, diabetic nephropathy and polycystic kidney disease. Several mechanisms of modulating microRNA activity have also been introduced in recent years. Further progress in the understanding of microRNA activity, identification of microRNA signatures in different states as well as advancement of microRNA manipulation techniques will be valuable for kidney research.  相似文献   

Organogenesis requires the differentiation and integration of distinct populations of cells to form a functional organ. In the kidney, reciprocal interactions between the ureter and the nephrogenic mesenchyme are required for organ formation. Additionally, the differentiation and integration of stromal cells are also necessary for the proper development of this organ. Much remains to be understood regarding the origin of cortical stromal cells and the pathways involved in their formation and function. By generating triple mutants in the Hox10 paralogous group genes, we demonstrate that Hox10 genes play a critical role in the developing kidney. Careful examination of control kidneys show that Foxd1-expressing stromal precursor cells are first observed in a cap-like pattern anterior to the metanephric mesenchyme and these cells subsequently integrate posteriorly into the kidney periphery as development proceeds. While the initial cap-like pattern of Foxd1-expressing cortical stromal cells is unaffected in Hox10 mutants, these cells fail to become properly integrated into the kidney, and do not differentiate to form the kidney capsule. Consistent with loss of cortical stromal cell function, Hox10 mutant kidneys display reduced and aberrant ureter branching, decreased nephrogenesis. These data therefore provide critical novel insights into the cellular and genetic mechanisms governing cortical cell development during kidney organogenesis. These results, combined with previous evidence demonstrating that Hox11 genes are necessary for patterning the metanephric mesenchyme, support a model whereby distinct populations in the nephrogenic cord are regulated by unique Hox codes, and that differential Hox function along the AP axis of the nephrogenic cord is critical for the differentiation and integration of these cell types during kidney organogenesis.  相似文献   

A novel screening approach based on insertion-duplication mutagenesis (IDM) was established to efficiently screen for essential genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium under laboratory conditions. Small, randomly generated genomic fragments were cloned into a conditionally replicating vector, and the resulting library of single Salmonella clones was grown under permissive conditions. Upon switching to non-permissive temperature, discrimination between lethal and non-lethal insertions following homologous recombination allowed the trapping of genes with essential functions. Further characterization of a total of 498 fragments resulting in such lethal knockout revealed 145 known essential genes and 112 functionally characterized or hypothetical genes not yet shown to encode essential genes, among them three Salmonella-specific genes. The essentiality was demonstrated for a prioritised set of 15 putative indispensable genes by creating conditional lethal phenotypes. The results of this large-scale screening indicate that in rich media, the class of Salmonella genes indispensable for growth is composed of approximately 490 genes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms are fundamental key features of developing cells connecting developmental regulatory factors to chromatin modification. Changes in the environment during renal development can have long-lasting effects on the permanent tissue structure and the level of expression of important functional genes. These changes are believed to contribute to kidney disease occurrence and progression. Although the mechanisms of early patterning and cell fate have been well described for renal development, little is known about associated epigenetic modifications and their impact on how genes interact to specify the renal epithelial cells of nephrons and how this specification is relevant to maintaining normal renal function. A better understanding of the renal cell-specific epigenetic modifications and the interaction of different cell types to form this highly complex organ will not only help to better understand developmental defects and early loss of kidney function in children, but also help to understand and improve chronic disease progression, cell regeneration and renal aging.  相似文献   

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