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The time course of the rate of the glycolysis of human erythrocytes and of some metabolites were determined before and after rapid deoxygenation at constant intracellular pH. For this purpose stripped deoxygenated haemoglobin was used as a rapid oxgen acceptor.Deoxygenation causes an increase of the glycolytic rate by 26%. Glucose 6-phosphate is decreased while the adenine nucleotides and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate remain constant. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and the triose phosphates decrease transiently before rising.The data can be explained by increased binding of phosphocompounds to deoxygenated as compared with oxygenated haemoglobin. Thereby the control enzymes hexokinase and phosphofructokinase are influenced. It is concluded that under physiological conditions changes in the oxygenation state of haemoglobin per se alter the glycolytic rate.  相似文献   

The full time courses of some important metabolites of the glycolysis of human erythrocytes are reported following pH-shifts from pH 7.4 to 8.1 and from 8.1 to 6.9. The regulatory enzymes which are affected by the pH-transitions have been identified by computer simulation using a mathematical model of the erythrocyte glycolysis. It is concluded that in the transition to pH 8.1 the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system is activated and the pyruvate kinase is inhibited. At pH 6.9 the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system and the bisphosphoglycerate mutase are inhibited whereas the non-glycolytic ATP-consuming processes seem to be activated.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA), under conditions of low pH, is known to exist in two isomeric forms, the F form at around pH 4.0 and the E form below 3.0. We studied its conformation in the acid-denatured E form using far-UV and near-UV CD, binding of a hydrophobic probe, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS), thermal transition by far-UV and near-UV CD, tryptophan fluorescence, quenching of tryptophan fluorescence using a neutral quencher, acrylamide and viscosity measurements. The results show that HSA at pH 2.0 is characterized by a significant amount of secondary structure, as evident from far-UV CD spectra. The near-UV CD spectra showed a profound loss of tertiary structure. A marked increase in ANS fluorescence signified extensive solvent exposure of non-polar clusters. The temperature-dependence of both near-UV and far-UV CD signals did not exhibit a co-operative thermal transition. The intrinsic fluorescence and acrylamide quenching of the lone tryptophan residue, Trp214, showed that, in the acid-denatured state, it is buried in the interior in a non-polar environment. Intrinsic viscosity measurements showed that the acid-denatured state is relatively compact compared with that of the denatured state in 7 M guanidine hydrochloride. These results suggest that HSA at pH 2.0 represents the molten globule state, which has been shown previously for a number of proteins under mild denaturing conditions.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the glycolysis of human erythrocytes is presented which takes into account ATP-synthesis and -consumption. A set of three differential equations describes the steady states and the time-dependent changes of the metabolite concentrations under blood storage conditions. For a given parameter combination there are in general three stationary points of the system, one of which is unstable. At a low ATP-need the ATP-level is relatively constant for variations in the rate constant of the ATP-consuming processes. Above a critical level of the energy consumption the system breaks down. An important role of the 2.3P2G-bypass of the erythrocytes is its action as an "energy buffer", wasting ATP in case of ATP-overproduction and producing ATP in case of underproduction. A parameter combination consistent with the data on the isolated enzymes was found which gives a good agreement of theoretical predictions with the measured metabolite concentrations. Under blood preservation conditions the difference of the rates of ATP-production and -consumption is the most important factor for a high ATP-level over long periods.  相似文献   

The ATP content in human erythrocytes depleted without glucose falls down to half of the initial value within 2-3 hours and reaches practically zero within more than 10 hours. The ADP content increases 2-3-fold during the 1st hour after depletion and then slowly decreases. The AMP content increases 10-fold during several hours, but the rate of this process constantly decreases. The adenylate pool decreases at a constant rate ranging from 0.13 to 0.25 mmol/l cell. h; this is accompanied by accumulation of IMP. Addition of glucose to depleted erythrocytes results in partial recovery of the ATP level within 1-2 hours. The sooner glucose addition after the depletion, the greater the recovery. Simultaneously the ADP and AMP levels drastically decrease to new constant values. The decline of the adenylate pool ceases and the rate of IMP accumulation increases. Normally, the [ATP]/adenylate pool ratio lies within the small interval 0.85-0.94 irrespective of significant individual differences in the absolute values of [ATP]. This ratio is decreased during depletion and restored to the initial value after glucose addition. The mass-action ratio of the adenylate kinase reaction changes greatly during depletion and restoration of erythrocyte ATP.  相似文献   

The pH-dependence of the distribution of Tyr- and Ser/Thr-protein kinases between cytosol and membrane in human erythrocytes was investigated. When the internal pH of human erythrocytes is decreased from 8 to 7.3 the membrane-associated Tyr-protein kinase activity markedly increases at expense of the cytosolic counterpart, whereas the membrane-bound and cytosolic casein kinase activity are unaffected. This different response of the two kinase activities to the imposed variation of intracellular pH may explain why the Tyr-phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain of band 3 results to be much higher in the ghosts from erythrocytes whose internal pH was 7.3 than that in the ghosts from erythrocytes whose internal pH was 8. By contrast, the Ser-phosphorylation of spectrin beta-subunit (band 2) and band 3 results to be practically unchanged in the ghosts from the erythrocytes treated at both pH values.  相似文献   

An extension of a previous model [2] is proposed of the glycolysis of erythrocytes which includes realistic rat laws for the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system and for the 2,3-P2G phosphatase. Whereas most conclusions previously drawn are reinforced, the mechanism of ATP regulation is different in the present model. The ATP concentration is mainly regulated by the inhibitory action of ATP and the activating effect of AMP on the phosphofructokinase. The role of the 2,3-P2G bypass as a buffer of changes in the ATP demand is of lesser significance than previously thought. Besides the feedback action of the adenine nucleotides on the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system in the quasisteady state the role of 2,3-P2G as an energy source is important since it can yield ATP for a certain period of time. The present version of the model describes qualitatively the experimental data on the modulation of Na+-K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

We compared the response to hypercapnia (10%) in neurons and astrocytes among a distinct area of the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN), the mediocaudal RTN (mcRTN), and more intermediate and rostral RTN areas (irRTN) in medullary brain slices from neonatal rats. Hypercapnic acidosis (HA) caused pH(o) to decline from 7.45 to 7.15 and a maintained intracellular acidification of 0.15 +/- 0.02 pH unit in 90% of neurons from both areas (n = 16). HA excited 44% of mcRTN (7/16) and 38% of irRTN neurons (6/16), increasing firing rate by 167 +/- 75% (chemosensitivity index, CI, 256 +/- 72%) and 310 +/- 93% (CI 292 +/- 50%), respectively. These responses did not vary throughout neonatal development. We compared the responses of mcRTN neurons to HA (decreased pH(i) and pH(o)) and isohydric hypercapnia (IH; decreased pH(i) with constant pH(o)). Neurons excited by HA (firing rate increased 156 +/- 46%; n = 5) were similarly excited by IH (firing rate increased 167 +/- 38%; n = 5). In astrocytes from both RTN areas, HA caused a maintained intracellular acidification of 0.17 +/- 0.02 pH unit (n = 6) and a depolarization of 5 +/- 1 mV (n = 12). In summary, many neurons (42%) from the RTN are highly responsive (CI 248%) to HA; this may reflect both synaptically driven and intrinsic mechanisms of CO(2) sensitivity. Changes of pH(i) are more significant than changes of pH(o) in chemosensory signaling in RTN neurons. Finally, the lack of pH(i) regulation in response to HA suggests that astrocytes do not enhance extracellular acidification during hypercapnia in the RTN.  相似文献   

Ovalbumin assumes a highly ordered molten-globule conformation at pH 2.2. To investigate whether or not such structural nature is related to the existence of an intrachain native disulfide bond, the structural characteristics of disulfide-reduced ovalbumin at the acidic pH were compared with those of the native disulfide-intact protein by a variety of analytical approaches. The disulfide-reduced protein was found to assume a partially denatured molten globule-like conformation similar to the disulfide-intact counterpart as analyzed by the CD and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectra and by the binding of a hydrophobic probe of anilino-1-naphthalene-8-sulfonate. The results from size-exclusion chromatography also showed that the disulfide-reduced and disulfide-intact proteins have essentially the same compact, native-like hydrodynamic volume. The disulfide-reduced protein was, however, highly sensitive to proteolysis by pepsin at the acidic pH under the proteolytic conditions in which the disulfide-intact protein was almost completely resistant. Furthermore, on a differential scanning calorimeter analysis the disulfide-reduced protein had an endothermic transition at a much lower temperature (Tm = 48.5 degrees C) than the disulfide-intact protein (Tm = 57.2 degrees C). Taken together, we concluded that the intrachain disulfide bond should not be directly related to the highly ordered molten-globule conformation of ovalbumin, but that its conformational stability depends on the presence of the disulfide bond.  相似文献   

Streptococcus bovis JB1, an acid-tolerant ruminal bacterium, was able to grow at pHs from 6.7 to 4.5, and 100 mM acetate had little effect on growth rate or proton motive force across the cell membrane. When S. bovis was grown in glucose-limited chemostats at pH 5.2, the addition of sodium acetate (as much as 100 mM) had little effect on the production of bacterial protein. At higher concentrations of sodium acetate (100 to 360 mM), production of bacterial protein declined, but this decrease could largely be explained by a shift in fermentation products (acetate, formate, and ethanol production to lactate production) and a decline in ATP production (3 ATP per glucose versus 2 ATP per glucose). YATP (grams of cells per mole of ATP) was not decreased significantly even by high concentrations of acetate. Cultures supplemented with 100 mM sodium acetate took up [14C]acetate and [14C]benzoate in accordance with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and gave similar estimates of intracellular pH. As the extracellular pH declined, S. bovis allowed its intracellular pH to decrease and maintained a relatively constant pH gradient across the cell membrane (0.9 unit). The decrease in intracellular pH prevented S. bovis from accumulating large amounts of acetate anion. On the basis of these results it did not appear that acetate was acting as an uncoupler. The sensitivity of other bacteria to volatile fatty acids at low pH is explained most easily by a high transmembrane pH gradient and anion accumulation.  相似文献   

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