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Chromosomal deficiencies are a useful genetic tool in fine-scale genetic mapping and the integration of physical and visible marker genetic maps. Viable overlapping deficiencies may permit gene cloning by subtractive procedures and provide a means of analyzing the functional importance of different chromosomal regions. A method is described for isolation of deficiencies in the Arabidopsis genome which encompass specific loci and other extended chromosomal regions. The technique employs pollen mutagenized by γ-irradiation to pollinate marker lines homozygous for recessive mutations. Deficiencies at specific loci were detected by screening for marker phenotypes in the F(1). Screening for lethal mutations in the F(1)/F(2) confirmed specific deficiencies and revealed other deficiencies that did not overlap the marker loci. Further evidence for such mutations was provided by distorted F(2) segregation of the chromosomal markers linked to putative deficiencies. Maintainable (transmissible) and non-transmissible deficiencies were demonstrated by their pattern of inheritance in subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Marine yeasts were collected from coastal and deep sea areas in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan around central and northern Japan to prepare a novel type of natural seasoning. It was found that one of the marine yeasts collected from the Pacific Ocean off Hachinohe showed a high concentration of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in its extract, about 7–10 times higher than those of commercially available bread yeast and other marine yeasts. The marine yeast isolated and named Hachinohe No. 6 catalyzed the reaction from monosodium glutamate to GABA only in the presence of glucose. Subsequently, several marine yeasts belonging to the genera Pichia and Candida were found to have such catalytic activities, but not those belonging to the genus Saccharomyces. Isolate Hachinohe No. 6 was found to have the highest catalytic activity among the yeasts examined in this study.  相似文献   

The observation of biofilm formation is not a new phenomenon. The prevalence and significance of biofilm and aggregate formation in various processes have encouraged extensive research in this field for more than 40 years. In this review, we highlight techniques from different disciplines that have been used to successfully describe the extracellular, surface and intracellular elements that are predominant in understanding biofilm formation. To reduce the complexities involved in studying biofilms, researchers in the past have generally taken a parts-based, disciplinary specific approach to understand the different components of biofilms in isolation from one another. Recently, a few studies have looked into combining the different techniques to achieve a more holistic understanding of biofilms, yet this approach is still in its infancy. In order to attain a global understanding of the processes involved in the formation of biofilms and to formulate effective biofilm control strategies, researchers in the next decade should recognise that the study of biofilms, i.e. biofilmology, has evolved into a discipline in its own right and that mutual cooperation between the various disciplines towards a multidisciplinary research vision is vital in this field.  相似文献   

Isolation of a λdv Plasmid Carrying the Bacterial gal Operon   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A lambdadvgal plasmid carrying genes for controlled plasmid replication from phage lambda and the bacterial gal operon was isolated as a deletion mutant of phage lambdagalq4, which carries the gal operon between lambda genes P and Q. The plasmid DNA was found in cell extracts as covalently closed circular molecules. The plasmid was characterized by using genetic crosses, digestion with the specific endonuclease EcoRI, sucrose gradient centrifugation, and electron microscopy. In one clone analyzed, the plasmid was a complete dimer (O(lambda)P(lambda)galO(lambda)P(lambda)gal); in a subclone derived from it, the plasmid was a partial dimer with only one copy of gal (O(lambda)P(lambda)O(lambda)P(lambda)gal). The partial dimer may be a recombination product of the complete dimer, since test crosses show that the gal and lambda sequences in the plasmid can be separated by recombination. Analyses of the EcoRI digests of plasmid DNAs indicated one cleavage site per lambda gene sequence and none in the gal operon. A lambdadvgal monomer was approximately 6.7 x 10(6) daltons and the lambda gene and gal components were 3.9 x 10(6) and 2.8 x 10(6) daltons, respectively. The lambdadvgal plasmid can be introduced into a new bacterial host by transfection at an efficiency of 10(-6) per DNA molecule.  相似文献   

To determine the origin and the circulation of waters in the different areas of the Ebrié lagoon (Ivory Coast), ionic concentrations (K+ Cl-) and isotopic (18O) measurements were performed. Sixty stations were sampled. Chemical and isotopic analyses were made thrice during a hydrological cycle: in May 1986, at the end of the great dry season; in October 1986, during the maximum of rainfall, in December 1987, after the Comoe river peak flow. From a hydrodynamical point of view, the results reported in this work indicate that the lagoon comprises four distinctive areas. The first is filled with freshwater all the year round and is characterized by an weak isotopic enrichment (these waters are of continental origin and annually renewed); the second corresponds to oligohaline waters highly enriched in18O (waters essentially of continental origin and poorly renewed); the third area is constituted of a mixture of waters of continental and oceanic origins. The latter group can be separated into two subgroups: a group completely renewed by oceanic water during the dry season and another group totally renewed by freshwater during the rainy and flood seasons.  相似文献   

The synthesis and structure-activity relationship (SAR) of a novel series of di-substituted imidazoles, derived from modification of DAPT, are described. Subsequent optimization led to identification of a highly potent series of inhibitors that contain a β-amine in the imidazole side-chain resulting in a robust in vivo reduction of plasma and brain Aβ in guinea pigs. The therapeutic index between Aβ reductions and changes in B-cell populations were studied for compound 10h.  相似文献   

EU-OPENSCREEN is an academic research infrastructure initiative in Europe for enabling researchers in all life sciences to take advantage of chemical biology approaches to their projects. In a collaborative effort of national networks in 16 European countries, EU-OPENSCREEN will develop novel chemical compounds with external users to address questions in, among other fields, systems and network biology (directed and selective perturbation of signalling pathways), structural biology (compound-target interactions at atomic resolution), pharmacology (early drug discovery and toxicology) and plant biology (response of wild or crop plants to environmental and agricultural substances). EU-OPENSCREEN supports all stages of a tool development project, including assay adaptation, high-throughput screening and chemical optimisation of the ‘hit’ compounds. All tool compounds and data will be made available to the scientific community. EU-OPENSCREEN integrates high-capacity screening platforms throughout Europe, which share a rationally selected compound collection comprising up to 300,000 (commercial and proprietary compounds collected from European chemists). By testing systematically this chemical collection in hundreds of assays originating from very different biological themes, the screening process generates enormous amounts of information about the biological activities of the substances and thereby steadily enriches our understanding of how and where they act.  相似文献   

A water soluble, (1→6)-branched, (1→4)linked D-glucan (LB-B1),[α]21D=+174.2° (c 0.87, H2O), was obtained from a hot-water extract of the sporoderm-broken spores of Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) Karst by HPSEC, with 0.001 mol/L sodium hydroxide as the eluant, the molecular weight ( Mw ) of LB-B1 was estimated to be 9.3×103. From the results of total hydrolysis, methylation analysis, acetolysis and 1D, 2D NMR experimentation, it was concluded that LB-B1 was composed of repeating units with the following structure:α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D -Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp 1↓6→4)-α- D -Glcp-(1→4)-α- D -Glcp-(1→4)-α- D -Glcp-(1→4)-α-D-Glcp-(1→4-)-α-D-Glcp-(1→)n  相似文献   

In a recent paper (Zuo et al., Appl Catal A 408:130–136, 2011), the mechanism of dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis from methanol dehydration over γ-Al2O3 (110) was studied using density functional theory (DFT). Using the same method, the effect of surface hydroxyls on γ-Al2O3 in liquid paraffin during DME synthesis from methanol dehydration is investigated. It is found that DME is mainly formed from two adsorbed CH3O groups via methanol dehydrogenation on both dehydrated and hydrated γ-Al2O3 in liquid paraffin. No close correlation between catalytic activity and acid intensity was found. Before and after water adsorption at typical catalytic conditions (e.g., 553 K), the reaction rate is not obviously changed on γ-Al2O3(100) surface in liquid paraffin, but the reaction rate decreases by about 11 times on the (110) in liquid paraffin. Considering the area of the (110) and (100) surfaces under actual conditions, the catalytic activity decreased mainly because the Al3 sites on the (110) surface gradually become inactive. Catalytic activity decreased mainly due to surface hydrophilicity. The calculated results were consistent with the experiment.
The reaction rate decreases by about 11 times on the (110)/liquid paraffin interface before and after water adsorption at typical catalytic conditions (e.g., 553 K).  相似文献   

Four different forms of the enzyme -glutamyl transpeptidase were isolated from rat brain by chromatography on concanavalin A. An approximate 1500-fold purification was achieved. The four forms were characterized with respect to molecular weight,K m for -glutamyl-p-nitroanilide, mobility on polyacrylamide gels, and inhibitory effects of borate-serine. The multiple forms of the enzyme were found to have molecular weights ranging from 74,000 to 234,000 andK ms of 0.07 to 8.6 mM. It was determined that in brain, the major portion of the enzyme activity is associated with plasma membrane fragments and endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The first steps of otolith formation were studied by electron microscopy in zebrafish embryos at different postfertilization (PF) time intervals. Between 19 and 22 h PF, the otic cavity contains glycogen particles derived by an apocrine process from the apical portions of the epithelial cells of the inner ear. The particles are arranged in parallel arrays, then in pseudocrystalloid structures, and finally in concentric arrays to form dense clusters referred to as "spherules". At 23 h PF, a group of "globules", consisting of modified aggregated "spherules" surrounded by several free "spherules", forms the nascent otolith. At 30 h PF, fused globules form a roughly spherical otolith. Spherules undergoing their process of modification and aggregation, are located in its central part, and constitute the so-called "nucleus". At 50 h PF, the otolith is a flattened hemisphere. It is made up of fused globules surrounded by two concentric layers whose organization is similar to that observed in the otolith of the adult fish. At this stage, calcium may be detected in the otolith except in its nucleus. We suggest that glycogen molecules found in the nascent otolith might allow the insertion of molecules such as glycoproteins (collagens) which are known to fix calcium. As a result, glycogen might play a key role in initiating the formation of otoliths and possibly that of other calcified tissues.  相似文献   

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