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Summary In field experiments withAralia hispida inflorescences, the following variables were manipulated: number of umbels per inflorescence, number of flowers per umbel, and amounts of pollen and nectar per flower. Visitation rates by bumble bees, the principal pollinators, were then observed. In the reward-variation experiments, bees appeared to learn the positions of nectar-rich shoots, and visited them significantly more often than nectar-poor shoots. They did not respond to similar variation in pollen production. The nectar preferences developed slowly after the treatments were imposed, and bees continued to favor sites that had been occupied by nectar-rich shoots even after the treatments were discontinued. Visitation rate was approximately proportional to flower number, making it unlikely that increases in inflorescence size produced a disproportionate gain in male reproductive success (a necessary condition in certain models for the evolution of dioecy). For a fixed number of flowers per inflorescence, bees preferred inflorescences with more umbels. In pairwise choice tests of male-phase and female-phase umbels of various sizes, bees preferred male-phase umbels and larger umbels; the preference for male-phase umbels is stronger in bees that had previously fed on male-phase umbels.  相似文献   

1.  The evolution of flowering plants has undoubtedly been influenced by a pollinator's ability to learn to associate floral signals with food. Here, we address the question of 'why' flowers produce scent by examining the ways in which olfactory learning by insect pollinators could influence how floral scent emission evolves in plant populations.
2.  Being provided with a floral scent signal allows pollinators to learn to be specific in their foraging habits, which could, in turn, produce a selective advantage for plants if sexual reproduction is limited by the income of compatible gametes. Learning studies with honeybees predict that pollinator-mediated selection for floral scent production should favour signals which are distinctive and exhibit low variation within species because these signals are learned faster. Social bees quickly learn to associate scent with the presence of nectar, and their ability to do this is generally faster and more reliable than their ability to learn visual cues.
3.  Pollinators rely on floral scent as a means of distinguishing honestly signalling flowers from deceptive ones. Furthermore, a pollinator's sensitivity to differences in nectar rewards can bias the way that it responds to floral scent. This mechanism may select for flowers that provide olfactory signals as an honest indicator of the presence of nectar or which select against the production of a detectable scent signal when no nectar is present.
4.  We expect that an important yet commonly overlooked function of floral scent is an improvement in short-term pollinator specificity which provides an advantage to both pollinator and plant over the use of a visual signal alone. This, in turn, impacts the evolution of plant mating systems via its influence on the species-specific patterns of floral visitation by pollinators.  相似文献   

All volatile organic compounds (VOCs) vary quantitatively, yet how such variation affects their ecological roles is unknown. Because floral VOCs are cues for both pollinators and floral antagonists, variation in emission may have major consequences for costs and benefits in plant-pollinator interactions. In Polemonium viscosum, the emission rate for the floral VOC 2-phenylethanol (2PE) spans more than two orders of magnitude. We investigated the ecological and evolutionary impacts of this immense phenotypic variation. The emission rate of 2PE varies independently of nectar rewards and thus is uninformative of profitability. Emission is elevated in flowers that are morphologically vulnerable to ant larcenists, suggesting that chemical deterrence may compensate for weak physical barriers. In nature, plants emitting more 2PE than their neighbors escape ant damage. Flower-damaging ants die when exposed to 2PE in the laboratory, and they avoid high 2PE emitters in the field. High 2PE also reduces bumblebee visitation and pollination, suggesting an ecological cost of defense in pollinator service. However, at more moderate emission rates, 2PE enhances the amount of nectar left in flowers, at no pollination cost. In conclusion, repellency of 2PE is highly sensitive to dosage, giving it a key role in shaping ecological interactions between skypilot plants and their floral visitors.  相似文献   

Understanding how urbanization alters functional interactions among pollinators and plants is critically important given increasing anthropogenic land use and declines in pollinator populations. Pollinators often exhibit short‐term specialization and visit plants of the same species during one foraging trip. This facilitates plant receipt of conspecific pollen—pollen on a pollinator that is the same species as the plant on which the pollinator was foraging. Conspecific pollen receipt facilitates plant reproductive success and is thus important to plant and pollinator persistence. We investigated how urbanization affects short‐term specialization of insect pollinators by examining pollen loads on insects’ bodies and identifying the number and species of pollen grains on insects caught in urban habitat fragments and natural areas. We assessed possible drivers of differences between urban and natural areas, including frequency dependence in foraging, species richness and diversity of the plant and pollinator communities, floral abundance, and the presence of invasive plant species. Pollinators were more specialized in urban fragments than in natural areas, despite no differences in the species richness of plant communities across site types. These differences were likely driven by higher specialization of common pollinators, which were more abundant in urban sites. In addition, pollinators preferred to forage on invasive plants at urban sites and native plants at natural sites. Our findings reveal indirect effects of urbanization on pollinator fidelity to individual plant species and have implications for the maintenance of plant species diversity in small habitat fragments. Higher preference of pollinators for invasive plants at urban sites suggests that native species may receive fewer visits by pollinators. Therefore, native plant species diversity may decline in urban sites without continued augmentation of urban flora or removal of invasive species.  相似文献   

1. The introduction of livestock in natural areas is a common disturbance that affects both plant and pollinator diversity and might affect their interaction. Understanding whether livestock affect a food resource for pollinators (i.e. flower abundance) and/or a pollinator assemblage (i.e. abundance and richness) has important implications for plant–pollinator interactions and still needs deeper investigation. 2. This study investigated how pollinator communities and flower abundance determined floral visitation frequency along a grazing gradient, using seven large paddocks in Patagonian Monte Desert that varied in livestock densities. Pollinator visitation frequency was measured in five of the most abundant native plant species of the region, present in all the paddocks, but that differed in reproductive strategy ranging from insect‐pollinated self‐compatible and self‐incompatible to wind‐pollinated. The influence of livestock density, insect, and flower abundance on visitation frequency was evaluated using D‐separation hierarchical path models. 3. Intermediate stocking densities showed the highest insect richness and abundance. Livestock density showed a negative quadratic relationship with insect richness; hymenopterans being the main insect group in the region. Flower density decreased with the increase in livestock density. The five plant species shared several pollinator species although each one supported a distinct assemblage. 4. The path model showed that livestock was not directly associated with pollinator visitation frequency; however, this apparent lack of association was as a result of opposite forces acting together. An increase in livestock density reduced visitation frequency through a decrease in insect abundance, yet, livestock simultaneously increased the pollinator visitation rate through decreased flower abundance. 5. This study describes how changes in the density of exotic mammals can affect pollinator and flower abundance, resulting in contrasting effects on flower visitation rates with, apparently, neutral net consequences. This illustrates the complexity of responses to plant–pollinator interactions to anthropogenic disturbances that alter the ecological context.  相似文献   

The diversity of angiosperm flowers is astounding. The conventional explanation for this diversity is that it represents the great variety of ways in which flowers have adapted to attract an even greater diversity of animal pollinators. Many animal behaviourists are therefore interested in how changes in floral morphology affect pollinator behaviour. The establishment of well-characterised model plant species has greatly furthered our understanding of how floral morphology is generated and varied. Many of these model species are pollinated by animals and attract their pollinators through the production of colour, shape, scent, size and rewards. An understanding of the developmental plasticity of floral morphology, and the constraints upon it, should inform research into animal responses to flowers. The use of genetically characterised model species, and the isogenic and near-isogenic lines available in them, will allow dissection of the different components of floral attraction and reward in natural systems. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

Shifts in pollen vectors favour diversification of floral traits, and differences in pollination strategies between congeneric sympatric species can contribute to reproductive isolation. Divergence in flowering phenology and selfing could also reduce interspecific crossing between self‐compatible species. We investigated floral traits and visitation rates of pollinators of two sympatric Encholirium species on rocky outcrops to evaluate whether prior knowledge of floral characters could indicate actual pollinators. Data on flowering phenology, visitation rates and breeding system were used to evaluate reproductive isolation. Flowering phenology overlapped between species, but there were differences in floral characters, nectar volume and concentration. Several hummingbird species visited flowers of both Encholirium spp., but the endemic bat Lonchophylla bokermanni and an unidentified sphingid only visited E. vogelii. Pollination treatments demonstrated that E. heloisae and E. vogelii were partially self‐compatible, with weak pollen limitation to seed set. Herbivores feeding on inflorescences decreased reproductive output of both species, but for E. vogelii the damage was higher. Our results indicate that actual pollinators can be known beforehand through floral traits, in agreement with pollination syndromes stating that a set of floral traits can be associated with the attraction of specific groups of pollinators. Divergence on floral traits and pollinator assemblage indicate that shifts in pollination strategies contribute to reproductive isolation between these Encholirium species, not divergence on flowering phenology or selfing. We suggest that hummingbird pollination might be the ancestral condition in Encholirium and that evolution of bat pollination made a substantial contribution to the diversification of this clade.  相似文献   

Although the function of nectar is to attract and reward pollinators, secondary metabolites produced by plants as anti‐herbivore defences are frequently present in floral nectars. Greater understanding is needed of the effects of secondary metabolites in nectar on the foraging behaviour and performance of pollinators, and on plant–pollinator interactions. We investigated how nectar‐feeding birds, both specialist (white‐bellied sunbirds Cinnyris talatala) and generalist (dark‐capped bulbuls Pycnonotus tricolor and Cape white‐eyes Zosterops virens), respond to artificial nectar containing the alkaloid nicotine, present in nectar of Nicotiana species. Preference tests were carried out with a range of nicotine concentrations (0.1–300 μM) in two sucrose concentrations (0.25 and 1 M), and for bulbuls also in two sugars (sucrose and hexose). In addition, we measured short‐term feeding patterns in white‐bellied sunbirds that were offered nicotine (0–50 μM) in 0.63 M sucrose. Both nicotine and sugar concentrations influenced the response of bird pollinators to nicotine. The birds showed dose‐dependent responses to nicotine; and their tolerance of high nicotine concentrations was reduced on the dilute 0.25 M sucrose diet, on which they increased consumption to maintain energy intake. White‐bellied sunbirds decreased both feeding frequency and feeding duration as the nicotine concentration in artificial nectar increased. Of the three species, bulbuls showed the highest tolerance for nicotine, and sugar type (sucrose or hexose) had no effect. The indifference of bulbuls to nicotine may be related to their primarily frugivorous diet. However, the response of white‐eyes to nicotine in the dilute sucrose solution was very similar to that of sunbirds, even though white‐eyes are generalist nectar‐feeders. Additional testing of other avian nectarivores and different secondary metabolites is required to further elucidate whether generalist bird pollinators, which utilise dilute nectars in which secondary metabolites have stronger deterrent effects, are more tolerant of ‘toxic’ nectar.  相似文献   

Pollination is a requisite for sexual reproduction in plants and its success may determine the reproductive output of individuals. Pollinator preference for some floral designs or displays that are lacking or poorly developed in focal plants may constrain the pollination process. Foliar herbivory may affect the expression of floral traits, thus reducing pollinator attraction. Natural populations of the Andean species Alstroemeria exerens (Alstromeriaceae) in central Chile show high levels of foliar herbivory, and floral traits show phenotypic variation. In the present field study, we addressed the attractive role of floral traits in A. exerens and the effect of foliar damage on them. Particularly, we posed the following questions: (1) Is there an association between floral display and design traits and the number and duration of pollinator visits? and (2) Does foliar damage affect the floral traits associated with pollinator visitation? To assess the attractiveness of floral traits for pollinators, we recorded the number and duration of visits in 101 focal plants. To evaluate the effects of foliar damage on floral traits, 100 plants of similar size were randomly assigned to control or damage groups during early bud development. Damaged plants were clipped using scissors (50% of leaf area) and control plants were manually excluded from natural herbivores (<5% of leaf area eaten). During the peak of flowering, we recorded the number of open flowers, and estimated corolla and nectar guide areas. The number and duration of pollinator visits was statistically associated with floral design and display traits. Plants with larger displays, corollas and nectar guide areas received more visits. Visits lasted longer as display increases. In addition, foliar damage affected attractive traits. Damaged plants had fewer open flowers and smaller nectar guide areas. We conclude that foliar damage affects plant attractiveness for pollinators and hence may indirectly affect plant fitness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is strong support for the monophyly of the orchid subtribe Maxillariinae s.l., yet generic boundaries within it are unsatisfactory and need re-evaluation. In an effort to assemble sets of morphological characters to distinguish major clades within this subtribe, the pollinarium morphology and floral rewards of representative Brazilian species of this subtribe were studied. METHODS: The study was based on fresh material from 60 species and seven genera obtained from cultivated specimens. Variation of pollinarium structure and floral rewards was assessed using a stereomicroscope and by SEM analysis. KEY RESULTS: Four morphological types of pollinaria are described. Type 1 appears to be the most widespread and is characterized by a well-developed tegula. Type 2 lacks a stipe and the pollinia are attached directly to the viscidium. Type 3 also lacks a stipe, and the viscidium is rigid and dark. In Type 4, the stipe consists of the whole median rostelar portion and, so far, is known only from Maxillaria uncata. Nectar, trichomes, wax-like and resin-like secretions are described as flower rewards for different groups of species within the genus Maxillaria. Data on the biomechanics and pollination biology are also discussed and illustrated. In Maxillariinae flowers with arcuate viscidia, the pollinaria are deposited on the scuttellum of their Hymenopteran pollinators. In contrast, some flowers with rounded to rectangular, pad-like viscidia fix their pollinaria on the face of their pollinators. CONCLUSIONS: Pollinarium morphology and floral features related to pollination in Brazilian Maxillariinae are more diverse than previously suggested. It is hoped that the data presented herein, together with other data sources such as vegetative traits and molecular tools, will be helpful in redefining and diagnosing clades within the subtribe Maxillariinae.  相似文献   

 In this paper we emphasize the role of pollinator perception and decision-making processes in mediating floral nectar distribution strategies. Since pollinator choice behavior is guided by how the pollinator perceives and evaluates floral rewards, we hypothesize that plants have evolved strategies that maximize their perceived profitability, through pollinator cognition-mediated coevolution. We focus on two classes of cognitive phenomena, context-dependent evaluations and risk-sensitivity. These phenomena are of interest to psychologists and biologists. Our paper is an attempt to show the value of cross-disciplinary exchange of theories and ideas. A review of the ecology literature suggests that pollinators evaluate variability in nectar volume in proportion to the mean, and thus choice behavior is guided by the coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) of the distribution. This functional relationship is predicted by Weber's law, which describes a wide range of psychophysical phenomena. Simulations show that this phenomenon also affects how pollinators perceive skewed nectar distributions. Cognition-mediated coevolution theory should be a fruitful approach to understanding the evolution of pollinator-plant interactions. Received November 12, 2002; accepted January 15, 2003 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral rewards may be associated with certain morphological floral traits and thus act as underlying factors promoting selection on these traits. This study investigates whether some traits that are under pollinator-mediated selection (flower number, stalk height, corolla diameter, corolla tube length and corolla tube width) in the Mediterranean herb E. mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae) are associated with rewards (pollen and nectar).


During 2005 the phenotypic traits and the visitation rate of the main pollinator functional groups were quantified in 720 plants belonging to eight populations in south-east Spain, and during 2006 the same phenotypic traits and the reward production were quantified in 400 additional plants from the same populations.

Key Results

A significant correlation was found between nectar production rate and corolla tube length, and between pollen production and corolla diameter. Visitation rates of large bees and butterflies were significantly higher in plants exhibiting larger flowers with longer corolla tubes.


The association between reward production and floral traits may be a factor underlying the pattern of visitation rate displayed by some pollinators.Key words: Erysimum, floral traits, nectar, pollen, pollinator visitation rate, reward  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated evolutionary divergence has seldom been explored in generalist clades because it is assumed that pollinators in those clades exert weak and conflicting selection. We investigate whether pollinators shape floral diversification in a pollination generalist plant genus, Erysimum. Species from this genus have flowers that appeal to broad assemblages of pollinators. Nevertheless, we recently reported that it is possible to sort plant species into pollination niches varying in the quantitative composition of pollinators. We test here whether floral characters of Erysimum have evolved as a consequence of shifts among pollination niches. For this, we quantified the evolutionary lability of the floral traits and their phylogenetic association with pollination niches. As with pollination niches, Erysimum floral traits show weak phylogenetic signal. Moreover, floral shape and color are phylogenetically associated with pollination niche. In particular, plants belonging to a pollination niche dominated by long‐tongued large bees have lilac corollas with parallel petals. Further analyses suggest, however, that changes in color preceded changes in pollination niche. Pollinators seem to have driven the evolution of corolla shape, whereas the association between pollination niche and corolla color has probably arisen by lilac‐flowered Erysimum moving toward certain pollination niches for other adaptive reasons.  相似文献   

Foraging pollinators could visit hundreds of flowers in succession on mass-flowering plants, yet they often visit only a small number--potentially saving the plant from much self-pollination among its own flowers (geitonogamy). This study tests the hypothesis that bumble-bee (Bombus impatiens) residence on a particular plant depends on an assessment of that plant's reward value relative to the overall quality experienced in the habitat. In a controlled environment, naive bees were given experience in a particular habitat (all plants having equal nectar quality or number of rewarding flowers), and we tested whether they learn about and adaptively exploit a new habitat type. Bees' residence on a plant (number of flowers probed per visit) was eventually invariant to a doubling of absolute nectar quality and increased only slightly with a doubling of absolute flower number in the habitat. These results help to explain why pollinators are quick to leave highly rewarding plants and suggest that the fitness of rewarding plant traits will often be frequency dependent. One implication is that geitonogamy may be a less significant constraint on the evolution of rewarding traits than generally supposed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection hypothesis suggests that the specialized pollination system of zygomorphic flowers might cause stabilizing selection, reducing their flower size variation compared with actinomorphic flowers. However, the degree of ecological generalization and of dependence on pollinators varies greatly among species of both flower symmetry types and this may also affect flower size variation.


Data on 43 species from two contrasting communities (one alpine and one lowland community) were used to test the relationships and interactions between flower size phenotypic variation, floral symmetry, ecological pollination generalization and species'' dependence on pollinators.

Key Results

Contrary to what was expected, higher flower size variation was found in zygomorphic than in actinomorphic species in the lowland community, and no difference in flower size variation was found between symmetry types in the alpine community. The relationship between floral symmetry and flower size variation depended on ecological generalization and species'' dependence on pollinators, although the influence of ecological generalization was only detected in the alpine community. Zygomorphic species that were highly dependent on pollinators and that were ecologically specialized were less variable in flower size than ecologically generalist and selfing zygomorphic species, supporting the pollinator-mediated stabilizing selection hypothesis. However, these relationships were not found in actinomorphic species, probably because they are not dependent on any particular pollinator for efficient pollination and therefore their flower size always shows moderate levels of variation.


The study suggests that the relationship between flower size variation and floral symmetry may be influenced by population-dependent factors, such as ecological generalization and species'' dependence on pollinators.  相似文献   

Although flowering traits are often assumed to be under strong selection by pollinators, significant variation in such traits remains the norm for most plant species. Thus, it is likely that the interactions among plants, mutualists, and other selective agents, such as antagonists, ultimately shape the evolution of floral and flowering traits. We examined the importance of pollination vs pre-dispersal seed predation to selection on plant and floral characters via female plant-reproductive success in Castilleja linariaefolia (Scrophulariaceae). C. linariaefolia is pollinated by hummingbirds and experiences high levels of pre-dispersal seed predation by plume moth and fly larvae in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA, where this work was conducted. We first examined whether female reproduction in C. linariaefolia was limited by pollination. Supplemental pollination only marginally increased components of female reproduction, likely because seed predation masked, in part, the beneficial effects of pollen addition. In unmanipulated populations, we measured calyx length, flower production, and plant height and used path analysis combined with structural equation modeling to quantify their importance to relative seed set through pathways involving pollination vs seed predation. We found that the strength of selection on calyx length, flower production, and plant height was greater for seed predation pathways than for pollination pathways, and one character, calyx length, experienced opposing selection via pollination vs seed predation. These results suggest that the remarkable intraspecific variation in plant and floral characters exhibited by some flowering plants is likely the result of selection driven, at least in part, by pollinators in concert with antagonists, such as pre-dispersal seed predators. This work highlights the subtle but complex interactions that shape floral and vegetative design in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

对狭义芭蕉科3个属的代表性种芭蕉(Musa basjoo)、象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)和地涌金莲(Musella lasiocarpa)的花蜜腺形态进行了比较研究。结果表明它们的蜜腺属于隔膜蜜腺。雌花的蜜腺着生于子房的上部, 胚珠的上方; 雄花蜜腺占据了整个败育子房的位置。蜜腺结构由许多腔道组成, 这些腔道在横切面上呈现出复杂的发散式迷宫状结构。这3种植物花蜜腺的栅栏状表皮细胞、维管束和蜜腺开口方式相似, 而从纵切面和横切面上观察其结构存在一些差异。PAS反应显示象腿蕉泌蜜组织中淀粉粒含量高于其他两个种; 芭蕉和象腿蕉的蜜腺腔里有许多纤维状物质存在。3种植物的传粉综合征多样化, 花序和花的特征(如花序下垂或直立、苞片的颜色、泌蜜量和泌蜜时间等)和传粉样式之间有密切关系。它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性, 但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。  相似文献   

任宗昕  王红 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):652-657
对狭义芭蕉科3个属的代表性种芭蕉(Musa basjoo)、象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)和地涌金莲(Musella lasiocarpa)的花蜜腺形态进行了比较研究。结果表明它们的蜜腺属于隔膜蜜腺。雌花的蜜腺着生于子房的上部,胚珠的上方;雄花蜜腺占据了整个败育子房的位置。蜜腺结构由许多腔道组成,这些腔道在横切面上呈现出复杂的发散式迷宫状结构。这3种植物花蜜腺的栅栏状表皮细胞、维管束和蜜腺开口方式相似,而从纵切面和横切面上观察其结构存在一些差异。PAS反应显示象腿蕉泌蜜组织中淀粉粒含量高于其他两个种;芭蕉和象腿蕉的蜜腺腔里有许多纤维状物质存在。3种植物的传粉综合征多样化,花序和花的特征(如花序下垂或直立、苞片的颜色、泌蜜量和泌蜜时间等)和传粉样式之间有密切关系。它们的蜜腺结构和传粉者行为之间没有明显的相关性,但是胶质或水质的花蜜对传粉者的取食方式有一定影响。  相似文献   

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