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Outside North America Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. is confined to two areas of Britain. An investigation of British material from apparently native sites in the Outer Hebrides and from a canal in northern England (where it is believed to be introduced) revealed only a single isozyme genotype. Ten putative loci were resolved. The IDH phenotype was uniform and three-banded, consistent with heterozygosity (possibly caused by a duplicated locus or preserved by clonal growth). All other enzyme loci were homozygous.  相似文献   

Eleven isozyme systems were investigated in wild boar (Sus scrofa ferus L.) by means of horizontal starch gel-electrophoresis using liver and kidney extracts. Samples of 103 specimen that originated from three adjunct localities from Rhineland-Palatinate (Fed. Rep. Germany) were analysed. AAT, ACO, GDH, GPDH, LDH, ME, MPI, MR, PGDH, and PGI were invariant. Genetic polymorphism is described for PGM. The genetic polymorphism at Pgm2 is explained by a biallelic model. Observed genotypic structure did not differ significantly from Hardy-Wein-berg-proportions at this gene locus. The degree of heterozygosity is 58,3 % and Wright's Fixation Index F =–0.166 at Pgm2. The allelic structure at this gene locus differed to a great extent from that found in domestic swine, i. e. in domestic swine the faster migrating Pgm2 allozyme was only found in relative low frequencies compared to wild boar. The genetic polymorphisms were moderate in the wild boar population compared to electrophoretic data of other animal species.  相似文献   

In this paper we study aspects of the breeding system of Hormathophylla spinosa (Crucifcrae) to identify the factors responsible for seed production in the absence of insect pollinators. The pollinator-exclusion experiments show that H. spinosa, under natural conditions, does not produce seed by apomixis or spontaneous autogamy. H. spinosa appears to be self-incompatible but slightly geitonogamous. Thus, this plant species needs pollen vectors for reproduction. The results of the wind-exclusion experiments performed during two different years in two populations of H. spinosa support the hypothesis that the wind acts as a pollen vector; flowers excluded from the wind had a lower fruit set and female fertility than flowers excluded from all pollinator insects (winged and wingless). This generalist pollination system (insects and wind) permits this species to colonize and sustain viable populations in high mountains, where this species is the only woody shrub living above 3000 m above sea level in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

In order to determine the pattern of genetic diversity within and among the species of Cicer and to estimate interspecific genetic relationships, allelic variation was assayed for 23 isozyme loci in 63 accessions of 11 species of Cicer using starch gel electrophoresis. The total allozymic variation observed in the genus (H t )was equal to 0.60. When partitioned (G st), 96% of this allelic diversity was found among rather than within species. The allelic diversity among species (D st)and allelic diversity within species (H s)were equal to 0.58 and 0.02, respectively. Cicer reticulatum and C. pinnatifidum had the highest proportion of polymorphic loci (17.39%) and the highest mean number of alleles per locus (1.22 and 1.17, respectively). UPGMA cluster analysis of Nei's unbiased genetic distance revealed four genetic groups. One includes C. reticulatum, C. arietinum and C. echino spermum where the first 2 species represent a putative derivative-progenitor pair. A second cluster contains C. bijugum, C. pinnatifidum and C. judaicum. Cicer yamashitae, C. chorassanicum, C. anatolicum and C. songoricum form a third group. Finally, C. cuneatum, which has a very distinct isozyme profile and peculiar morphological features, is the only member of a fourth species group. This species grouping agrees partially with those obtained from crossability and cytogenetic studies. The results suggest that the annual habit arose from perennial progenitors at least twice in the genus Cicer.  相似文献   

Germination behaviour of variousCapsella bursa-pastoris populations collected from Scandinavia, Middle Europe and the Alps, was tested in unheated, non-illuminated greenhouses (46 populations) and in growth chambers using 5–7 alternating temperature regimes (16 populations). For all populations, the influence of temperature on germination rate is straightforward: the higher the temperature, the greater the germination. Germination capacity, however, may depend on the geographical region. There is also a strong seed age effect on both, rate and capacity of germination. Once dormancy was broken, seeds from all populations were able to germinate over the entire range of temperatures. Some populations revealed a more or less pronounced temperature optimum for germination capacity, others germinated equally well over the entire temperature range. This indicates genetic heterogeneity between populations. However, no correlation between germinability and any environmental pattern was detected. The data indicate thatCapsella bursa-pastoris has adopted a germination strategy which includes a broad temperature tolerance. Germination of wildCapsella plants seems to be regulated by the factors contributing to the inception and breaking of dormancy which depend on pre- and postharvest conditions. Adaptation in germination behaviour inCapsella bursa-pastoris is different from that in other life history traits (flowering behaviour, growth form parameters).  相似文献   

Twenty-one polymorphic and 17 monomorphic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) isozyme loci were identified in 15 enzyme systems. Seven of the polymorphic loci (Ak-2, Ak-3, Fdp-1, Fdp-2, Mpi-1, Pep-gl, and Skdh) had not been described previously. Segregation in F2 and BC families for isozyme and morphological loci demonstrated agreement with the expected 121 and 11 segregation ratio (P<0.01). Nine morphological markers were found to be linked to isozyme loci and were integrated to form a map containing four linkage groups spanning 584 cM with a mean linkage distance of approximately 19 cM. Linkage groups (A to D) contain the following loci in genetic order: A psl, Pep-la, B, Per, dm, Pgm, Mpi-1, Idh, Ar, Fdp-1, Ak-2, Pgd-1, Mpi-2 and gl; B lh, Mdh-2, Pep-gl, Pgd-2, Fdp-2, Ccu, Mdh-3, Ak-3, ll, de, F and Mdh-1, and Gr; C cor, Gpi, and Skdh; D Tu and ss. This study detected four new linkages between morphological markers (dm-psl, de-ll, ll-F, and de-F) and confirmed previously reported linkages, dm-Ar and Tu-ss. The isozyme/morphological map constructed in this study led to a more comprehensive understanding of the genetic relationships between several economically important traits.Mention of a trade name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.  相似文献   

中国十字花科(Cruciferae)的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在评述十字花科(Cruciferae)分类系统,分析主要性状演化趋势和科、属分布的基础上,提出中国十字花科植物可能是本土起源的观点,其起源中心和分布中心可能在以青藏高原为主体的西部高山和丘陵地区,起源时间至少在第三纪晚期以前,并认为中国十字花科植物自起源地(青藏高原)可能有3条主要的散布途径:第1条是自青藏高原向东北部,沿宁夏、陕西、内蒙古、山西、河北,到达东北大小兴安岭一带,并在蒙古高原及东北山地形成次分布中心;第2条自青藏高原向东,经重庆、湖南、湖北,沿长江流域分布,到达东部沿海一带;第3条自青藏高原向东南部,经贵州、广西、广东、福建,延伸到台湾。  相似文献   

Summary Grain isozyme and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) variability was examined in Hordeum spontaneum populations sampled from 27 geographical sites in Israel. Considerable phenotypic variability was observed with variants of ADH1, EST3, EST10, BMY1 and WSP detected, which are not available in the H. vulgare gene pool. Seven new rDNA phenotypes were detected in the H. spontaneum populations. Shannon's index of diversity was used to partition the total phenotypic variation into between and within population components. Most of the variation occurred between H. spontaneum populations. The distribution of both grain isozyme and rDNA phenotypes was non-random and correlated with a range of ecogeographical factors. In particular, the G phenotype of BMY1 was restricted to the Negev Desert and Dead Sea regions of Israel. Over 78% of the variation in the frequency of this particular phenotype could be explained by the number of rainy days per year and mean temperature in January. This suggests that variation at this locus or at loci linked to it may be of adaptive significance and of value in the introgression of genes controlling abiotic stress tolerance from H. spontaneum into the H. vulgare gene pool.  相似文献   

Summary A study of variation in three peptidases (PEP–3 to –5) in a parthenogenetic S. avenae field population at Rothamsted using serial one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (involving changes of gel concentration and electrophoretic run-time) increased the overall number of allozymes (mobility variants) detected from 10 under standard conditions (6% gels, 2 h run-time) to 22, as well as revealing putative heterozygous banding patterns under some test conditions. However, an examination of another enzyme, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) in a sample collected at Rothamsted the following year failed, using a combination of serial methods (changes of gel concentration) and isoelectric focusing, to increase the total number of 6-PGD bands separated (seven, none of which appeared to be allelic in origin). Nevertheless, some major bands were split into several bands, whilst other infrequent bands were either gained or lost. The findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sixty Triticum tauschii (Aegilops squarrosa, 2n=2x=14, DD) accessions were evaluated for the variability of high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenins, gliadins and isozymes of seed esterase, -amylase and glucose-phosphate isomerase. Wide variability was observed for HMW-glutenins and gliadins. The implications of unique HMW-glutenin alleles for quality parameters are discussed. Isozyme evaluations indicated more variability for the Est-D t 5 locus as compared to the Est-D5 of bread-wheat. The polymorphism for -Amy-D t 1 was less than that of -Amy-D1. Similar to the bread-wheat situation, Gpi-D t 1 showed no polymorphism. The variability observed with the traits evaluated can be readily observed in T. turgidum x T. tauschii synthetic hexaploids (2n=6x=42, AABBDD) suggesting that T. tauschii accessions may be a rich source for enhancing the genetic variability of T. aestivum cultivars.  相似文献   

The genus Cochleariopsis Y.H. Zhang was described in 1985, with C. zhejiangensis Y. H. Zhang, the only member of the genus, as its type. However, this species had been published by O.E. Schulz earlier in 1923, named Cochlearia warburgii O.E. Schulz. Hence, this species is not new one, and the type of the ge-nus should be Cochleariopsis warburgii (O. E. Schulz)L. L. Lu .  相似文献   

采于长江三峡库区一个植物新种,属于十字花科堇叶芥属,与大花堇叶芥(Neomartinella grandifloraA l-schehbaz)相比较,其特点为常绿草本,叶两面密被糙伏毛,叶柄密被短柔毛,花序密被短柔毛,长角果略呈镰刀状,长0.9~1.2 cm,命名为兴山堇叶芥(Neomartinella xingshanensisZ.E.Zhao et Z.L.N ing)。  相似文献   

长江三峡库区诸葛菜属(十字花科)一新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采于长江三峡库区一个植物新种,属于十字花科,与诸葛菜(Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O.E.Schulz)相比较,其特点为柔弱草本,多分枝,茎生叶为间断羽状复叶或羽状复叶,种子为圆柱状长圆形,表面网状,命名为秭归诸葛菜(Orychophragmus ziguiensis Z.E.Zhao et J.Q.Wu)。  相似文献   

The flavonoids of nine selected species belonging to different tribes of family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) native to Egypt were surveyed, viz. Rorippa palustris, Coronopus squamatus, Eremobium aegyptiacum, Moricandia nitens, Brassica tournefortii, Farsetia aegyptia, Matthiola livida, Anastatica hierochuntica and Sisymbrium irio. Thirty-eight compounds were isolated and identified, which included six flavonol aglycones, 24 flavonol glycosides including 14 flavonol 3,7-diglycosides, one flavone aglycone, three flavone O–glycosides, two glycoflavones and two dihydroflavonoids. A numerical analysis based on a combination of 97 morphological, anatomical and chemical characters revealed two series, two subseries, two clusters and two groups. The interrelationships between the studied species are discussed.  相似文献   

Endogamous populations belonging to Brahmin, Vysya, Mala, and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh, South India, were investigated for certain red cell enzyme and serum protein genetic markers. Frequency values were statistically analyzed to assess genetic variation among the populations. Average heterozygosity of ten loci and genetic diversity within and between the populations were calculated by using the methods of Nei. Nei's index was used to calculate genetic distances between the pairs of populations. A dendrogram was drawn adapting the modified unweighted pair group method suggested by Li, which agreed with the history of the populations.  相似文献   

Seed samples were collected from wild populations ofCapsella bursa-pastoris along a transsect from Northern to Southern Europe. Progeny was grown in (a) open-field random block experiments (47 populations) and (b) in growth chambers under five to seven controlled temperature regimes (18 populations). Beginning of flowering was recorded, and great differences between and also within populations are documented. Some populations are extremely heterogenous whereas others are homogenous in this respect. Some biotypes react positively when exposed to lower temperatures, others are inhibited. In many cases specific effects of day- and/or night-temperatures can be inferred. In some progenies begin of flowering is independent of temperature as long as this exceeds the 5:10°C regimen. Altogether,Capsella bursa-pastoris displays definite intraspecific variation in time required until flowering. Adaptations to local ecological conditions are obvious. In addition to a genotypic component pronounced environmental interactions provide the plants with a component of phenotypic plasticity. The degree of modificability apparently varies itself and seems to be controlled by selection; the phenotypic plasticity, therefore, displays adaptive variation patterns, too.Adaptation in Life History Traits of Colonizing Plant Species; Part of a doctoral thesis by the first author.  相似文献   

草鱼是中国的土著鱼类,自20世纪60年代以来已被移居到100多个国家和地区,主要用来控制水草或水产养殖。本研究通过线粒体D-Loop区(764bp)和COII+tRNA基因(719bp)序列分析,了解草鱼的中国土著群体(长江、珠江、黑龙江)和国外移居群体(匈牙利多瑙河、美国密西西比河、日本利根川河)之间以及各地方群体间的遗传差异。结果表明,中国土著草鱼群体的遗传变异高于国外移居群体;分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,不同草鱼群体的遗传变异主要来自群体内,而不同地域间的差异极少;群体两两间Fst值比较表明,大多数群体之间遗传差异极显著;由TCS构建的单倍型网络结构图显示,长江草鱼群体是最原始的群体,其他水系草鱼均由长江群体演化而来;通过基因流分析发现,匈牙利多瑙河群体和日本利根川河群体来自长江和黑龙江群体,美国密西西比河群体除引自长江、黑龙江水系外,还有部分引自于珠江水系。  相似文献   

Summary Genetic bases of isozyme phenotypes of alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and glucosephosphate isomerase (GpI) from tuber extracts of potato species of the genus Solanum were investigated by starch gel electrophoresis. Data were obtained from reciprocal F1 matings of S. tuberosum X ssp. andigena (Juz. & Buk.) Hawkes and ssp. tuberosum X (S. phureja X S. chacoense) and BC1 matings where ssp. tuberosum was the recurrent parent. AKP and GPI are dimeric enzymes and the variation observed for each was found to be coded by single tetrasomic loci (Akp and Gpi) with three (A, A, A) and five (G, G, G, G, G) alleles, respectively. Although the G and G encoded homodimers have similar electrophoretic mobilities, the specific enzymatic activity of the G encoded homodimer is approximately 25% that of the G. The predictable genetic bases for these two enzymatic polymorphisms make them suitable for use as genetic markers in the potato. Chromosome mapping of the loci which encode these enzymes is now possible.Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 6663  相似文献   

连蕊芥属(Synstemon Botsch.)为蒙古高原特有属,根据大量的腊叶标本和野外居群调查,将陆氏连蕊芥(Synstemon lulianlianus Al-Shenhbaz et al.)作为连蕊芥(Synstemon petrovii Botsch.)的异名处理,确认连蕊芥属为单种属。  相似文献   

Genetic variability, population structure and differentiation among 17 populations of 5 species and 2 natural interspecific hybrids of section Algarobia of genus Prosopis were analyzed from data of 23 isozyme and 28 RAPD loci. Both markers indicated that the studied populations are highly variable. P. alba populations in average showed lower values of genetic variability estimates from isozyme data, but this trend was not observed for RAPD markers. The hierarchical analyses of the distribution of genetic variability showed that the highest proportion of variation occurred within populations, the differentiation among species was intermediate and the lowest component was observed among populations within species. The consistency between results from both dataset implies that they are not biased and reflect the actual genetic structure of the populations analyzed. The matrices of Euclidean distances obtained from the two sets of markers were highly correlated according to Mantel test. In both cases the corresponding phenogram and MDS plot tended to cluster conspecific populations while hybrid populations were not intermediate between putative parents. Some disagreements between isozyme and RAPD phenograms were observed mainly in the affinities of hybrid populations. Such inconsistencies might result from reticular rather than dichotomic evolutionary relationships. The phenetic associations retrieved gave no support to the division of the section Algarobia into series.  相似文献   

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