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Aims:  To characterize the novel bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus durans .
Methods and Results:  Enterococcus durans QU 49 was isolated from carrot and expressed bactericidal activity over 20–43°C. Bacteriocins were purified to homogeneity using the three-step purification method, one of which, termed durancin TW-49M, was an enterocin B-homologous peptide with most identical residues occurring in the N-terminus. Durancin TW-49M was more tolerant in acidic than in alkali. DNA sequencing analysis revealed durancin TW-49M was translated as a prepeptide of the double-glycine type. Durancin TW-49M and enterocin B expressed similar antimicrobial spectra, in which no significant variation due to the diversity in their C-termini was observed.
Conclusions:  Durancin TW-49M, a novel nonpediocin-like class II bacteriocin, was characterized to the amino acid and genetic levels. The diverse C-terminal parts of durancin TW-49M and enterocin B were hardly to be suggested as the place determining the target cell specificity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This is the first and comprehensive study of a novel bacteriocin produced by Ent. durans . The high homology at the N-terminal halves between durancin TW-49M and enterocin B makes them suitable to study the structure-function relationship of bacteriocins and their immunity proteins.  相似文献   

AIM: To partially characterize the bacteriocin produced by the GM-1 strain of Enterococcus faecium, isolated from the faeces of a newborn human infant. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bacteriocin produced by E. faecium GM-1 showed a broad spectrum of activity against indicator strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio spp., Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Treatment of the GM-1 bacteriocin with proteolytic enzymes reduced its inhibitory activities. The bacteriocin was stable at 100 degrees C for 20 min and displayed inhibitory activity at neutral pH. The optimal production of bacteriocin from E. faecium GM-1 was obtained when the culture conditions were pH 6.0-6.5 and 35-40 degrees C. The inhibitory activity of the bacteriocin was not substantially changed by the use of different carbon sources in the media, except when galactose was substituted for glucose. The use of a sole nitrogen source caused a decrease in inhibitory activity. A bacteriocin gene similar to enterocin P was identified from the total DNA of E. faecium GM-1 by PCR and direct sequencing methods. CONCLUSION: E. faecium GM-1, which was isolated from the faeces of a newborn baby, produces an enterocin P-like bacteriocin with inhibitory activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including food-borne pathogens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: E. faecium GM-1, isolated from infant faeces, produces a new bacteriocin that is similar to enterocin P. This bacteriocin is heat stable and has a broad antibacterial spectrum that includes both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Enterococcus mundtii QU 25, a non-dairy bacterial strain of ovine faecal origin, can ferment both cellobiose and xylose to produce l-lactic acid. The use of this strain is highly desirable for economical l-lactate production from renewable biomass substrates. Genome sequence determination is necessary for the genetic improvement of this strain. We report the complete genome sequence of strain QU 25, primarily determined using Pacific Biosciences sequencing technology. The E. mundtii QU 25 genome comprises a 3 022 186-bp single circular chromosome (GC content, 38.6%) and five circular plasmids: pQY182, pQY082, pQY039, pQY024, and pQY003. In all, 2900 protein-coding sequences, 63 tRNA genes, and 6 rRNA operons were predicted in the QU 25 chromosome. Plasmid pQY024 harbours genes for mundticin production. We found that strain QU 25 produces a bacteriocin, suggesting that mundticin-encoded genes on plasmid pQY024 were functional. For lactic acid fermentation, two gene clusters were identified—one involved in the initial metabolism of xylose and uptake of pentose and the second containing genes for the pentose phosphate pathway and uptake of related sugars. This is the first complete genome sequence of an E. mundtii strain. The data provide insights into lactate production in this bacterium and its evolution among enterococci.  相似文献   

A lipase with a high molecular weight was purified from Chromobacterium viscosum by chromatography using the Amberlite CG–50 and Sephadex G–75. The purified lipase (Lipase A) was found to be homogeneous by disc electrophoresis.

Lipase A had an optimum pH around 7 for lipolysis of olive oil and the enzyme was stable at the range of pH 4 to 9 and below 50°C. Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+ and high concentrations of l-cysteine, iodoacetic acid and NBS had remarkable inhibitory effects. Bile salts were activator. Lipase A was more active on water insoluble esters than water soluble esters. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was pH 4.7.  相似文献   

A tobacco callus strain, OMT-53, was selected from many cultures as a desirable strain having high nicotine producing capacity. Several culture conditions were examined, aiming to get higher nicotine production with the callus strain, OMT-53. It was revealed that the nicotine production was remarkably enhanced when the callus tissues were cultured at a limited concentration of α-NAA in culture medium. The optimal concentrations of sucrose and nitrogen in the culture medium were 3 % and 840 mg N/L respectively. Some precursors in nicotine biosynthesis were examined, and only ornithine gave a slightly positive effect at 2x10-4m concentration. Cultures at 25°C produced the highest yield for nicotine. Considerable amounts of nicotine (ca. 20% of total nicotine) were also recognized in the culture medium. Under the best culture condition mentioned above, nicotine production in tobacco callus tissues has been elevated to 2.14% on D.W, basis at 4 weeks’ culture. This value is near to that of the intact tobacco plants.  相似文献   

AIM: To provide evidence that the production of bacteriocin by lactic acid bacteria can be enhanced by the presence of a bacteriocin-sensitive strain and identify the agent that is responsible for enhancing bacteriocin production. METHODS AND RESULTS: One bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacterium was isolated from kimchi. The strain GJ7 was designated as Leuconostoc citreum GJ7 based on Gram staining, biochemical properties, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The isolate produced a heat- and pH-stable bacteriocin (kimchicin GJ7), which has antagonistic activity against a broad spectrum of micro-organisms. Tricine-sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of purified kimchicin GJ7 showed a single band of molecular weight c. 3500 Da. Cultures of Leuc. citreum GJ7 in the presence of thermally inactivated kimchicin GJ7-sensitive strains, Lactobacillus plantarum KFRI 464, Lactobacillus delbrueckii KFRI 347, or Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCTC 1628, increased bacteriocin production. This inducing factor was characterized and purified from Lact. plantarum KFRI 464, which showed the greatest enhancement of kimchicin GJ7 activity. The inducing factor was purified using a DEAE (diethyl aminoethyl)-Sephacel column and high-performance liquid chromatography, and yielded a single band of c. 6500 Da. N-terminal sequencing of the inducing factor identified 16 amino acids. The N-terminal sequence of the inducing factor was synthesized and examined for the induction of kimchicin GJ7 activity, and was found to induce activity, but at a level about 10% lower than that of the entire molecule. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of a bacteriocin-sensitive strain, Lact. plantarum KFRI 464, acts as an environmental stimulus to activate the production of kimchicin GJ7 by Leuc. citreum GJ7. The inducing factor from Lact. plantarum KFRI 464 is highly homologous to the 30S ribosomal protein S16 from various micro-organisms. The N-terminal sequence of the inducing factor examined in this study is a very important sequence related to the inducing activity. Nevertheless, the inducing factor may not be part of the ribosomal protein S16 itself. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We believe that the present study is the first to identify an agent that is produced by one micro-organism and influences bacteriocin production in another. The bacteriocin-enhancing system described in this study could be effectively used to control the growth of other micro-organisms (sensitive cells) in food systems. Moreover, this enhancement of bacteriocin production can be applied usefully in industrial production of natural food preservatives.  相似文献   

Production of the bacteriocin enterocin 1146 (E1146) by Enterococcus faecium DPC1146 was studied in batch and continuous fermentation. Growth was strongly inhibited by lactic acid. In batch fermentations maximum E1146 activity (2.8 MBU L−1) was obtained in 9 h with 20 g L−1 glucose. Increase in initial glucose concentration did not lead to a proportional increase in E1146 activity. A simple linear model was found to be adequate to explain the relationship between specific bacteriocin production rate and specific growth rate in batch fermentations with initial glucose concentration higher than 20 g L−1. Maximum bacteriocin activity (2.9–3.2 MBU L−1) was obtained in continuous fermentations at dilution rates between 0.12 and 0.17 h−1 and specific bacteriocin production rate increased linearly with dilution rate. Received 31 July 1996/ Accepted in revised form 01 November 1996  相似文献   



This study aimed to develop a simplified chemically defined medium that could sustain the growth and bacteriocin (enterolysin A) production by Enterococcus faecalis B9510.

Methods and Results

The nutritional requirements of Efaecalis B9510 in a chemically defined medium were determined by single omission experiments. It was observed that eight amino acids (arginine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, tryptophan and valine), three B vitamins (nicotinic acid, Ca‐pantothenic acid and pyridoxal) and magnesium sulphate were essential for growth. Based on this information, a Simplified Defined Medium (SDM) was formed consisting of 26 components. Comparison of SDM with M‐17 showed that growth and bacteriocin production in SDM was similar to that in M‐17. The bacteriocin from SDM was then purified by ultrafiltration. The retentate of ultrafiltration step was analysed by SDS‐PAGE and the results showed a single active band in the gel, which was excised and analysed by mass spectrometry, which indicated that the active band was enterolysin A, a cell wall degrading bacteriocin.


A simplified defined medium can be formulated for the growth and bacteriocin production by Enterococcus faecalis, whose efficiency is comparable with that of a complex commercial medium.

Significance and Impact of the Study

The development of such a medium can be useful for bacteriocin production and subsequent purification in a simplified manner and, therefore, helpful in the identification of novel bacteriocins.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the antifungal properties of durancins isolated from Enterococcus durans A5‐11 and of their chemically synthesized fragments. Enterococcus durans A5‐11 is a lactic acid bacteria strain isolated from traditional Mongolian airag cheese. This strain inhibits the growth of several fungi including Fusarium culmorum, Penicillium roqueforti and Debaryomyces hansenii. It produces two bacteriocins: durancin A5‐11a and durancin A5‐11b, which have similar antimicrobial properties. The whole durancins A5‐11a and A5‐11b, as well as their N‐ and C‐terminal fragments were synthesized, and their antifungal properties were studied. C‐terminal fragments of both durancins showed stronger antifungal activities than other tested peptides. Treatment of D. hansenii LMSA2.11.003 strain with 2 mmol l?1 of the synthetic peptides led to the loss of the membrane integrity and to several changes in the ultra‐structure of the yeast cells. Chemically synthesized durancins and their synthetic fragments showed different antimicrobial properties from each other. N‐terminal peptides show activities against both bacterial and fungal strains tested. C‐terminal peptides have specific activities against tested fungal strain and do not show antibacterial activity. However, the C‐terminal fragment enhances the activity of the N‐terminal fragment in the whole bacteriocins against bacteria.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Antifungal properties of durancins isolated from Enterococcus durans A5‐11 and of their chemically synthesized fragments were determined. Treatment of D. hansenii LMSA2.11.003 strain with 2 mmol l?1 of the synthetic peptides led to the loss of the membrane integrity and to several changes in the ultra‐structure of the yeast cells. This work contributes to improve understanding of molecular causes of antimicrobial activities of bacteriocins and their fragments. It may be proposed that the studied peptides affect all the yeast cellular and intramembranes including cytoplasmatic reticulum and nuclear and vacuolar membranes.  相似文献   

AIMS: To screen bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in 52 type and reference strains, which have not previously been studied, with respect to bacteriocins, and to characterize the presence of bacteriocins. METHODS AND RESULTS: Only Enterococcus faecium JCM 5804T showed bacteriocin-like activity. It inhibited the growth of Lactobacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., Clostridium spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE). However, it was not effective against Gram-negative strains, Weisella spp., Leuconostoc spp., Lactococcus spp., or methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The inhibitory activity of Ent. faecium JCM 5804T was inactivated by proteinase K, trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, and papain, but not by lysozyme, lipase, catalase, or beta-glucosidase. The inhibitory activity was stable at 100 degrees C for 30 min, and had a pH range from 2 to 10. The molecular weight of the partially purified bacteriocin(s) was approx. 4.5 kDa, according to tricine-sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing methods identified three different types of bacteriocins produced by Ent. faecium JCM 5804T, enterocin A, enterocin B, and enterocin P-like bacteriocin. CONCLUSION: Enterococcus faecium JCM 5804T produced three different types of bacteriocins, and they inhibited LAB and pathogens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: This is the first report of enterocin A, enterocin B, and enterocin P-like bacteriocin, detected in Ent. faecium JCM 5804T among LAB type and reference strains.  相似文献   

AIMS: Characterization of Ent F-58 produced by Enterococcus faecium strain F58 isolated from Jben, a soft, farmhouse goat's cheese manufactured without starter cultures. METHODS AND RESULTS: E. faecium strain F58 was isolated because of its broad inhibitory spectrum, including activity against food-borne pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. The antimicrobial substance was produced during the growth phase, with maximum production after 16-20 h of incubation at 30 degrees C, and was stable over a wide pH range (4-8) and at high temperatures (5 min at 100 degrees C). The enterocin was purified to homogeneity using cation exchange and hydrophobic interaction on C-18 and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The activity was eluted as two individual active fractions (F-58A and F-58B) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis showed masses of 5210.5 and 5234.3 Da respectively. Both peptides were partially sequenced by Edman degradation, and amino-acid sequencing revealed high similarity with enterocin L50 (I). PCR-amplified fragments containing the structural genes for F-58 A and B were located in a 22-kb plasmid harboured by this strain. We verified that it also holds the structural gene for P-like enterocin. CONCLUSION: E. faecium strain F58 from Jben cheese, a producer of enterocin L50, exerts an inhibitory effect against strains of genera such as Listeria, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, Brochothrix and Bacillus. Enterocin was characterized according to its functional and biological properties, purification to homogeneity and an analysis of its amino acid and genetic sequences. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: E. faecium strain F58 is a newly discovered producer of enterocin L50, the biotechnological characteristics of which indicate its potential for application as a protective agent against pathogens and spoilage bacteria in foods.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to isolate and identify bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) issued from Mongolian airag (traditional fermented mare's milk), and to purify and characterize bacteriocins produced by these LAB. METHODS AND RESULTS: Identification of the bacteria (Enterococcus durans) was carried out on the basis of its morphological, biochemical characteristics and carbohydrate fermentation profile and by API50CH kit and 16S rDNA analyses. The pH-neutral cell-free supernatant of this bacterium inhibited the growth of several Lactobacillus spp. and food-borne pathogens including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria innocua. The antimicrobial agent (enterocin A5-11) was heat stable and was not sensitive to acid and alkaline conditions (pH 2-10), but was sensitive to several proteolytic enzymes. Its inhibitory activity was completely eliminated after treatment with proteinase K and alpha-chymotrypsin. The activity was however not completely inactivated by other proteases including trypsin and pepsin. Three-step purification procedure with high recovery yields was developed to separate two bacteriocins. The applied procedure allowed the recovery of 16% and 64% of enterocins A5-11A and A5-11B, respectively, present in the culture supernatant with purity higher than 99%. SDS-PAGE analyses revealed that enterocin A5-11 has a molecular mass of 5000 Da and mass spectrometry analyses demonstrates molecular masses of 5206 and 5218 Da for fractions A and B, respectively. Amino acid analyses of both enterocins indicated significant quantitative difference in their contents in threonine, alanine, isoleucine and leucine. Their N-termini were blocked hampering straightforward Edman degradation. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriocins A5-11A and B from Ent. durans belong to the class II of bacteriocins. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Judging from molecular masses, amino acid composition and spectrum of activities, bacteriocins A5-11A and B from Ent. durans show high degree of similarity with enterocins L50A and L50B isolated from Enterococcus faecium (Cintas et al. 1998, 2000) and with enterocin I produced by Ent. faecium 6T1a, a strain originally isolated from a Spanish-style green olive fermentation (Floriano et al. 1998).  相似文献   

AIMS: Screening for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) producing bacteriocins and other antimicrobial compounds is of a great significance for the dairy industry to improve food safety. METHODS AND RESULTS: Six-hundred strains of LAB isolated from 'rigouta', a Tunisian fermented cheese, were tested for antilisterial activity. Eight bacteriocinogenic strains were selected and analysed. Seven of these strains were identified as Lactococcus lactis and produced nisin Z as demonstrated by mass spectrometry analysis of the purified antibacterial compound. Polymerase chain reaction experiments using nisin gene-specific primers confirmed the presence of nisin operon. Plasmid profiles analysis suggests the presence of, at least, three different strains in this group. MMT05, the eighth strain of this antilisterial collection was identified, at molecular level, as Enterococcus faecalis. The purified bacteriocin produced by this strain showed a molecular mass of 10 201.33 +/- 0.85 Da. This new member of class III bacteriocins was termed enterocin MMT05. CONCLUSIONS: Seven lactococcal strains producing nisin Z were selected and could be useful as bio-preservative starter cultures. Additional experiments are needed to evaluate the promising strain MMT05 as bio-preservative as Enterococci could exert detrimental or beneficial role in foods. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Only a few antibacterial strains isolated from traditional African dairy products were described. The new eight strains described herein contribute to the knowledge of this poorly studied environment and constitute promising strains for fermented food safety.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate, characterize and identify bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria in soil. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty-four acid-producing bacteria were isolated from 87 soil samples. Antibacterial activities were detected, and one strain, L28-1 produced a bacteriocin that was active against some Gram-positive bacteria. L28-1 was identified as Enterococcus durans by 16S rDNA sequence analysis and API50CHL. This bacteriocin did not lose its activity after autoclaving (121 degrees C for 15 min), but was inactivated by protease K. The bacteriocin was purified by hydrophobic column chromatography, and Sep-Pak C(18). Tricine sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the partially purified bacteriocin contained numerous protein bands. Two bands that displayed antibacterial activities were c. 3.4 and 2.5 kDa in size. In this work, the 3.4-kDa bacteriocin was analysed with N-terminal amino acid and DNA sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis. The results indicated that the 3.4-kDa bacteriocin of Ent. durans L28-1 is a new natural enterocin variant. CONCLUSIONS: Enterococcus durans L28-1 produced a new bacteriocin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study reports a novel bacteriocin that is produced by Ent. durans that has potential for use as a food preservative.  相似文献   

In this study, a non-sterile (open) continuous fermentation (OCF) process with no-carbon loss was developed to improve lactic acid (LA) productivity and operational stability from the co-utilization of lignocellulose-derived sugars by thermophilic Enterococcus faecium QU 50. The effects of different sugar mixtures on LA production were firstly investigated in conventional OCF at 50°C, pH 6.5 and a dilution rate of 0.20 hr−1. The xylose consumption ratio was greatly lower than that of glucose in fermentations with glucose/xylose mixtures, indicating apparent carbon catabolite repression (CCR). However, CCR could be efficiently eliminated by feeding solutions containing the cellobiose/xylose mixture. In OCF at a dilution rate ca. 0.10 hr−1, strain QU 50 produced 42.6 g L−1 of l -LA with a yield of 0.912 g g−1-consumed sugars, LA yield of 0.655 g g−1 based on mixed sugar-loaded, and a productivity of 4.31 g L−1 hr−1 from simulated energy cane hydrolyzate. In OCF with high cell density by cell recycling, simultaneous and complete co-utilization of sugars was achieved with stable LA production at 60.1 ± 3.25 g L−1 with LA yield of 0.944 g g−1-consumed sugar and LA productivity of 6.49 ± 0.357 g L−1 hr−1. Besides this, a dramatic increase in LA yield of 0.927 g g−1 based on mixed sugar-loaded with prolonged operational stability for at least 500 hr (>20 days) was established. This robust system demonstrates an initial green step with a no-carbon loss under energy-saving toward the feasibility of sustainable LA production from lignocellulosic sugars.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate, characterize and identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in dochi (fermented black beans), a traditional fermented food in Taiwan. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 30 samples were collected from three different dochi producers and analysed after different periods of storage. Fifty-two cultures of LAB were isolated from dochi samples and the isolates were divided into classes by phenotype and then into groups by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing of 16S ribosomal DNA. Phenotypic and biochemical characteristics identified six different bacterial groups (A-F) and showed that the majority of the isolates were homofermentative LAB. Enterococcus faecium was the most abundant of the dochi-isolated LAB. All isolated LAB were able to grow in MRS broth containing 6% NaCl, but only Enterococcus, Pediococcus and Tetragenococcus species could grow in MRS broth containing 10% NaCl. Furthermore, antibacterial activities of isolates were determined, and four isolates showed inhibitory activities against the indicator strain Lactobacillus sakei JCM 1157(T). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that Ent. faecium is the main LAB present during the fermentation of dochi. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first report describing the distribution and varieties of LAB that exist in the dochi fermentation process.  相似文献   

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