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We have identified three developmentally regulated oligosaccharide-processing enzyme activities in Dictyostelium discoideum. Two different alpha-mannosidase activities present at extremely low levels in vegetative cells are expressed during development. The first of these activities (MI) rises sharply from 6 to 12 h of development whereas the second activity (MII) rises sharply from 12 to 18 h of development. MI acts on Man9GlcNAc, which it can degrade to Man5GlcNAc but is inactive toward p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-mannoside (pnpMan). MII acts on pnpMan but not Man9GlcNAc. These activities are distinct from each other and from lysosomal alpha-mannosidase activity as demonstrated by pH optima, substrate specificity, sensitivity to inhibitors and divalent cations, developmental profiles, and solubility. The characteristics of these developmentally regulated alpha-mannosidase activities are similar to those of Golgi alpha-mannosidases I and II from higher eucaryotes, and they appear to catalyze the in vivo formation of processed asparagine-linked oligosaccharides by developed cells. In addition, developed cells have very low levels of a soluble alpha-mannosidase activity, which is the predominant activity in vegetative cells. This soluble vegetative alpha-mannosidase activity has properties that are reminiscent of the endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase from rat liver. The intersecting N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity that we have described recently in vegetative cells of D. discoideum (Sharkey, D. J., and Kornfeld, R. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 10411-10419) has a developmental profile that is distinct from that of either of the alpha-mannosidase activities. It has maximum activity at 6 h of development and decreases sharply to its minimum level by 12 h of development. The changes that occur in the levels of these three processing enzymes with development correlate well with the different arrays of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides found in early and late stages of development (Sharkey, D. J., and Kornfeld, R. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 18485-18497).  相似文献   

The N-linked oligosaccharides found on the lysosomal enzymes from Dictyostelium discoideum are highly sulfated and contain methylphosphomannosyl residues (Gabel, C. A., Costello, C. E., Reinhold, V. N., Kurtz, L., and Kornfeld, S. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13762-13769). Here we report studies done on the structure of N-linked oligosaccharides found on proteins secreted during growth, a major portion of which are lysosomal enzymes. Cells were metabolically labeled with [2-3H]Man and 35SO4 and a portion of the oligosaccharides were released by a sequential digestion with endoglycosidase H followed by endoglycosidase/peptide N-glycosidase F preparations. The oligosaccharides were separated by anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography into fractions containing from one up to six negative charges. Some of the oligosaccharides contained only sulfate esters or phosphodiesters, but most contained both. Less than 2% of the oligosaccharides contained a phosphomonoester or an acid-sensitive phosphodiester typical of the mammalian lysosomal enzymes. A combination of acid and base hydrolysis suggested that most of the sulfate esters were linked to primary hydroxyl groups. The presence of Man-6-SO4 was demonstrated by the appearance of 3,6-anhydromannose in acid hydrolysates of base-treated, reduced oligosaccharides. These residues were not detected in acid hydrolysates without prior base treatment or in oligosaccharides first treated by solvolysis to remove sulfate esters. Based on high performance liquid chromatography quantitation of percentage of 3H label found in 3,6-anhydromannose, it is likely that Man-6-SO4 accounts for the majority of the sulfated sugars in the oligosaccharides released from the secreted glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Identification of an endogenous plasmid in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A plasmid has been discovered in a strain of the eukaryote, Dictyostelium discoideum, which has an unstable, non-chromosomal, cobalt resistance phenotype. The plasmid, termed Ddp1, is ˜13.5 kbp in size and is found in the nucleus. It has an A-T content typical of Dictyostelium DNA as judged by its restriction enzyme digestion pattern, and it is not related to either mitochondrial or ribosomal DNA. Similar or identical plasmids have been found in two original, cobalt-sensitive, isolates, NC4 and V12, but no plasmid was detected in three other isolates (WS472, WS526, WS584). The plasmid codes for non-essential functions since it is absent from the latter isolates, and it is lost from mutant strains which are capable of axenic growth.  相似文献   

Lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium discoideum contain high mannose oligosaccharides that contain mannose 6-phosphate and several unusual structures. The synthesis and distribution of these post-translational modifications were studied using probes for different carbohydrate groups. These probes include lectin-like antibodies directed to two distinct sulfated and one nonsulfated N-linked determinants, the lectin Con A, and the mammalian 215-kDa phosphomannosyl receptor. Only Con A binds to newly synthesized alpha-mannosidase present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The other modifications are acquired at different rates and are first detected on protein in light density Golgi-like membranes. Mutations which prevent protein transport to Golgi membranes block synthesis of these moieties, but inhibitors which prevent later transport steps have no effect. The majority of modified proteins are in lysosomes but significant amounts are delivered to nonlysosomal destinations. Different lysosomal proteins contain unequal amounts of each modification.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that particulate preparations from maturing cotton fibers catalyze the transfer of mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose into mannosylphosphorylpolyisoprenol (Forsee, W. T., and Elbein,A. D. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2858-2867). In this report, we show that these particulate preparations also catalyze the inocoporation of mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose into lipid-linked oligosaccharides and into glycoprotein. The oligosaccharide-lipids were treated with dilute acid to liberate the water-soluble oligosaccharides and these oligosaccharides could then be separated into seven or eight distinct radioactive peaks by paper chromatography in isobutyric acid/NH4OH/H2betaO (57/4/39). The smallest of the oligosaccharides appears to be a trisaccharide with the structure Man leads to GlcNAc-GlcNAc. Thus the oligosaccharides attached to the lipids apparently range in size from those having 3 glycose units to those having approximately 8 to 10 glycose units. The radioactivity in the smaller-sized oligosaccharide-lipids could be chased into the larger oligosaccharide-lipids by a second incubation in the presence of unlabeled GDP-mannose. The sugar at the reducing ends of the oligosaccharides was identified as GlcNAc while some mannose (20 to 30%) was present in alpha linkages at the nonreducing ends...  相似文献   

Family 1 cystatins are cytosolic inhibitors of cysteine proteases, and they are conserved in higher eukaryotes. We characterized two newly identified family 1 cystatins of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, cystatin A1 and A2. Their recombinant proteins showed specific inhibitory activity against papain and cathepsin B, respectively. Using specific polyclonal antibodies, we found that cystatin A1 is stably expressed throughout the life cycle of Dictyostelium, whereas cystatin A2 expression is up-regulated during the course of development.  相似文献   

The preaggregative period of Dictyostelium discoideum is composed of two sequential rate-limiting components. The timing mutant FM-1 exhibits a decrease in the length of the preaggregative period and the interval between the maxifinger and early culminate II stage. In contrast, it is normal in all aspects of growth, in the sequence of morphogenetic stages, in spore formation, in the capacity to rapidly recapitulate morphogenesis, and in the erasure event and subsequent program of dedifferentiation. By the reciprocal shift experiment, it is demonstrated that FM-1 is completely missing the first of the two rate-limiting components comprising the preaggregative period. The FM-1 mutation is heritable and behaves as a single mutation mapping to linkage group II. However, the FM-1 variant switches at relatively high frequency to several other timing phenotypes with longer preaggregative periods which in turn switch at high frequency. The FM-1 phenotype is considered in terms of timing regulation, and the process of high frequency switching between timing phenotypes is compared to other newly discovered switching systems.  相似文献   

The sugar N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) plays an important role in nutrient sensing and cellular regulation in a wide range of organisms from bacteria to humans. In the fungal pathogen Candida albicans, GlcNAc induces a morphological transition from budding to hyphal growth. Proteomic comparison of plasma membrane proteins from buds and from hyphae induced by GlcNAc identified a novel hyphal protein (Ngt1) with similarity to the major facilitator superfamily of transporters. An Ngt1-GFP fusion was detected in the plasma membrane after induction with GlcNAc, but not other related sugars. Ngt1-GFP was also induced by macrophage phagocytosis, suggesting a role for the GlcNAc response in signaling entry into phagolysosomes. NGT1 is needed for efficient GlcNAc uptake and for the ability to induce hyphae at low GlcNAc concentrations. High concentrations of GlcNAc could bypass the need for NGT1 to induce hyphae, indicating that elevated intracellular levels of GlcNAc induce hyphal formation. Expression of NGT1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae promoted GlcNAc uptake, indicating that Ngt1 acts directly as a GlcNAc transporter. Transport mediated by Ngt1 was specific, as other sugars could not compete for the uptake of GlcNAc. Thus, Ngt1 represents the first eukaryotic GlcNAc transporter to be discovered. The presence of NGT1 homologues in the genome sequences of a wide range of eukaryotes from yeast to mammals suggests that they may also function in the cellular processes regulated by GlcNAc, including those that underlie important diseases such as cancer and diabetes.  相似文献   

Flavohemoglobins are being identified in an expanding number of prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes. These molecules consist of an N-terminal hemoglobin domain and a C-terminal oxidoreductase domain, and are considered to function in storage or as sensors for O2, and in defense against oxidative stress and/or NO. However, their physiological significance has not yet been determined. Here, we isolated and analyzed two flavohemoglobin genes of Dictyostelium discoideum, DdFHa and DdFHb, which lie close to each other in the genome. DdFHs were induced by submerged conditions, and enriched in the sexually mature cells of D. discoideum. Although they were not essential for growth or development under standard laboratory conditions, disruption of both genes caused an increase in number of large but uninuclear cells, and hypersensitivity to higher concentrations of glucose and to NO releasers. These results indicate that DdFHs are responsible for transducing NO signals to maintain normal cellular conditions against environmental stresses.  相似文献   

The phosphorylated oligosaccharides of Dictyostelium discoideum contain methylphosphomannosyl residues which are stable to mild-acid and base hydrolysis (Gabel, C. A., Costello, C. E., Reinhold, V. N., Kurtz, L., and Kornfeld, S. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13762-13769). Here we present evidence that these methyl groups are derived from [methyl-3H]methionine, in vivo and [methyl-3H]S-adenosylmethionine in vitro. About 18% of the macromolecules secreted from vegetative cells labeled with [methyl-3H]methionine are released by digestion with preparations of endoglycosidase/peptide N-glycosidase F. The majority of the released molecules are sulfated, anionic high mannose-type oligosaccharides. Strong acid hydrolysis of the [3H]methyl-labeled molecules yields [3H]methanol with kinetics of release similar to those found for the generation of Man-6-P from chemically synthesized methylphosphomannose methylglycoside. Treatment of the [3H]methyl-labeled molecules with a phosphodiesterase from Aspergillus niger which is known to cleave this phosphodiester also releases [3H]methanol from a portion of the oligosaccharides. In vitro incorporation of [methyl-3H]S-adenosylmethionine into endogenous acceptors found in membrane preparations shows that the [3H]methyl group of the methylphosphomannose residues can be derived from this molecule.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the high mannose-type oligosaccharides of the biosynthetic intermediates of beta-glucuronidase contain phosphate groups in diester linkage between mannose residues and outer alpha-linked N-acetylglucosamine residues (Tabas, I., and Kornfeld, S. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 6633-6639). We now describe an alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphodiesterase from rat liver that is capable of removing the N-acetyl-glucosamine residues, leaving phosphomonoester groups on the high mannose oligosaccharide units. This activity is greatly enriched in smooth membrane preparations. It can be distinguished from a lysosomal alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase by several criteria, including subcellular localization and differential inhibition by amino sugars. In addition, human fibroblasts with mutations which lead to a deficiency of the lysosomal activity have normal levels of the alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphodiesterase. This enzyme may be involved in the "unmasking" of the phosphomannosyl recognition marker on newly synthesized acid hydrolases which could then direct the targeting of these enzymes to lysosomes.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum glycoproteins contain mannose-6-SO4 in highly immunogenic N-linked oligosaccharides. To more precisely define the structural requirements of the antigenic determinant, we have analyzed the oligosaccharides synthesized by two mutant strains (HL241 and HL243) that lack it. Both mutant strains synthesize N-linked oligosaccharides which are very similar to each other but are smaller and less charged than those derived from the wild-type. Both mutants contain substantial amounts of Man-6-SO4, and only a single residue of Man-6-P-OCH3 per chain, in contrast to the wild-type which may have 1 or 2 such residues. Neutral species are similar to the wild-type in that they can still be modified by the addition of residues of fucose and N-acetylglucosamine. Both mutant strains synthesize a truncated lipid-linked oligosaccharide, Man6GlcNAc2, with the most probable structure being: (sequence; see text) based on Jack bean alpha-mannosidase, alpha-1,2-specific mannosidase digestions and methylation analysis. The presence of this small oligosaccharide appears to result from the loss of the mannosyltransferase(s) needed to synthesize structures larger than Man6GlcNAc2 and not from the absence of dolichol phosphate or dolichol-P-mannose synthetase. These data along with the analysis of another mutant strain suggest that the expression of the antigenic determinant requires a specific arrangement of Man-6-SO4 on the alpha-1,6 branch of the oligosaccharide linked to the beta-mannose.  相似文献   

Cell-free enzyme particles from mung bean seedlings catalyze the incorporation of mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose and GlcNAc from UDP-[3H]GlcNAc into glycolipids and into glycoprotein. The most rapidly labeled product from GDP-mannose was characterized as a mannosyl-phosphoryl-polyisoprenol, whereas that from UDP-GlcNAc was a mixture of GlcNAc-(pyro)phosphoryl-polyisoprenol and a disaccharide composed of two N-acetylglucosamine residues attached to the polyisoprenol by a phosphoryl or pyrophosphoryl linkage. Radioactivity from GDP-mannose and UDP-GlcNAc was also incorporated into more polar lipids which have been partially characterized as a series of oligosaccharide-(pyro)phosphoryl-lipids. The mannose-labeled oligosaccharides released from these lipids by mild acid hydrolysis were found to contain GlcNAc at their reducing end indicating that these oligosaccharides contain both GlcNAc and mannose. Both the GlcNAc-labeled and the mannose-labeled oligosaccharides gave multiple radioactive peaks upon paper chromatography indicating that they are composed of a series of different sized oligosaccharides. Finally, radioactivity from GDP-[14C]mannose and UDP-[3H]GlcNAc is incorporated into an insoluble component. Ten percent of the mannose label and all of the GlcNAc label in this insoluble material could be solubilized by digestion with Pronase. The glycopeptides released by Pronase digestion appeared to be approximately the same size as the oligosaccharides from the lipid-linked oligosaccharides based on gel filtration chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The results are consistent with a mechanism for glycoprotein synthesis involving lipid-linked oligosaccharide intermediates.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum, a unicellular eukaryote amenable to both biochemical and genetic dissection, provides an attractive system for studying microtubule-based transport. In this work, we have identified microtubule-based motor activities in Dictyostelium cell extracts and have partially purified a protein that induces microtubule translocation along glass surfaces. This protein, which sediments at approximately 9S in sucrose density gradients and is composed of a 105 kd polypeptide, generates anterograde movement along microtubules that is insensitive to 5 mM NEM (N-ethyl-maleimide) but sensitive to 200 microM vanadate, and has similar nucleotide-dependent microtubule binding properties to those of kinesins purified from mammals, sea urchin and Drosophila. This kinesin-like molecule from Dictyostelium, however, is immunologically distinct from bovine and squid neuronal kinesins and supports microtubule movement on glass at four-fold greater velocities (2.0 versus 0.5 microns/sec). Furthermore, AMP-PNP (adenylyl imidodiphosphate), which promotes attachment of previously characterized kinesins to microtubules, decreases the affinity of the Dictyostelium kinesin homolog for microtubules. Thus, an AMP-PNP-induced rigor binding may not be a characteristic of kinesins from lower eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and sequence determination of a cDNA containing most of the coding sequence for Dictyostelium discoideum calmodulin. The cloned cDNA was used as a probe to examine the complexity of D. discoideum genomic DNA. These studies indicated that D. discoideum cells possess a single calmodulin gene.  相似文献   

We have purified two cAMP-binding proteins from developing Dictyostelium discoideum cells, which we designate as CABP-1 and CABP-2. Purified CABP-1 consists of two polypeptides of Mr 41,000 and 36,000, which we refer to as CABP-1A and CABP-1B, respectively. Although CABP-1 exhibited specificity for cAMP, it was not labeled at a detectable level when mixed with 8-azidoadenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (8-N3[3H]cAMP). Unlike CABP-1, CABP-2 was labeled efficiently with 8-N3[3H]cAMP. Purified CABP-2 has a molecular weight of 41,000 and an isoelectric point of 5.8-6.0. The physical and biochemical properties of CABP-2 suggest that it is the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase described by others (de Gunzburg, J., Part, D., Guiso, N., and Veron, M. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 3805-3812; Majerfeld, J. H., Leichtling, B. H., Maligeni, J. A., Spitz, E., and Rickenberg, H. V. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 654-661). Although CABP-1A and CABP-2 have the same molecular weight, they appear to be encoded by different genes. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that the two polypeptides had different isoelectric points. Moreover, monoclonal antibodies raised against CABP-1 did not cross-react with CABP-2. Also, in vitro translation followed by immunoprecipitation showed that these two polypeptides were derived from primary translation products. Our finding of a novel cAMP-binding protein, CABP-1, suggests that cAMP-dependent protein kinase may not be the only intracellular regulator mediating the effects of cAMP in developing D. discoideum cells.  相似文献   

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