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The growth of black kites Milvus migrans was studied in 1981, 1982 and 1984 at the Doñana Biological Reserve (south-west Spain). Fifteen variables were submitted to a principal component analysis in order to characterize the growth pattern of the young. In general, in the nestlings that fledged, rapid weight gain corresponded to rapid growth of the tarsus and feathers. For nestlings that starved, tarsus growth took priority over weight gain. Within the same brood, the last-hatched sibling grew more slowly than its older sibling and the differences between them increased in proportion to the hatching asynchrony. Brood size did not affect growth as clearly as hatching order and hatching asynchrony. Increased rainfall and lower maximum temperature, factors that seem to make the search for food more difficult, had negative effects on the youngest sibling in a multiple brood and on single nestlings. The only environmental variable that had an effect on all of the nestlings was the hatching date.  相似文献   

The uropygial gland is a holocrine complex exclusive to birds that produces an oleaginous secretion (preen oil) whose function is still debated. Herein, I examine critically the evidence for the many hypotheses of potential functions of this gland. The main conclusion is that our understanding of this gland is still in its infancy. Even for functions that are considered valid by most researchers, real evidence is scarce. Although it seems clear that preen oil contributes to plumage maintenance, we do not know whether this is due to a role in reducing mechanical abrasion or in reducing feather degradation by keratinophilic organisms. Evidence for a function against pathogenic bacteria is mixed, as preen oil has been demonstrated to act against bacteria in vitro, but not in vivo. Nor is it clear whether preen oil can combat pathogenic bacteria on eggshells to improve hatching success. Studies on the effect of preen oil against dermatophytes are very scarce and there is no evidence of a function against chewing lice. It seems clear, however, that preen oil improves waterproofing, but it is unclear whether this acts by creating a hydrophobic layer or simply by improving plumage structure. Several hypotheses proposed for the function of preen oil have been poorly studied, such as reduction of drag in flight. Similarly, we do not know whether preen oil functions as repellent against predators or parasites, makes birds unpalatable, or functions to camouflage birds with ambient odours. On the other hand, a growing body of work shows the important implications of volatiles in preen oil with regard to social communication in birds. Moreover, preen oil clearly alters plumage colouration. Finally, studies examining the impact of preen oil on fitness are lacking, and the costs or limitations of preen‐oil production also remain poorly known. The uropygial gland appears to have several non‐mutually exclusive functions in birds, and thus is likely to be subject to several selective pressures. Therefore, future studies should consider how the inevitable trade‐offs among different functions drive the evolution of uropygial gland secretions.  相似文献   

Many Holarctic bird species have been shown to be laying progressively earlier in response to global warming. Most studies have been conducted on small-bodied species at northern latitudes. In Italy, black kite Milvus migrans populations are concentrated near large pre-Alpine lakes, whose water temperatures have been increasing steadily in recent decades. Annual black kite laying dates have become 10–11 days earlier during the last nine years. This shift was related to temporal variations in spring air temperatures, with earlier laying in warmer springs. The progressive advancement in laying dates was not associated with an increase in population level productivity, despite the fact that productivity declined with laying date at the individual territory level within years. Avian response to climate change may be occurring more rapidly than previously thought, even in relatively long-lived species, and not only at the most northern latitudes or highest elevations. Because this change has occurred so rapidly, and because laying dates match annual variations in spring temperatures, the response must be facultatively driven by prevailing conditions, rather than genetic in response to natural selection.  相似文献   

Preen oil, the secretion of the uropygial gland, may be an important source of body odour in birds. By characterizing the chemical composition of preen oil, we can describe the olfactory phenotypes of birds and investigate whether odours could have a function in sexual signalling or other chemical communication. Here we analysed the preen oil of a wild passerine, the European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, to find out whether it holds socially relevant information. We sampled both the female and male of breeding pairs during nestling rearing to test for sex differences and within-pair similarity. We additionally sampled the females during incubation to test for changes across breeding stages and for individual repeatability of chemical profiles. Pair mates had similar chemical profiles in comparison with other breeding adults. Furthermore, we found evidence for sex differences and for changes across breeding stages. Notably, the preen oil of females was more diverse and more volatile than that of males, and the preen oil secreted by females during incubation was more volatile than that secreted during nestling rearing. However, we found no evidence for individual repeatability of chemical profiles across breeding stages in females. Our results point towards a function of preen oil in sexual signalling, although other functions should not be excluded. Our study is a first step towards understanding the role of odours in the social life of an important avian model species used in the study of mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The essential oil composition of Calendula arvensis was established for the first time using GC and GC/MS. Eighty-five essential oil components were identified, which accounted for 90.3 g/100 g of essential oil. The oil contained a high concentration of sesquiterpenes, of which δ-cadinene and α-cadinol were the main components. The chemical composition of 25 Corsican C. arvensis oils was analyzed to determine intraspecies variation in essential oil composition. A matrix linking essential oil composition to sample location was composed to identify relationships between concentrations of volatile samples and the geographical origins of samples. Two main groups of compounds were identified according to the amount of sesquiterpenic compounds (hydrocarbons and alcohols) and soil characteristics. Seasonal variation (winter vs. spring) in the concentrations of two major compounds during the flowering period was observed.  相似文献   

The apocrine and sebaceous scent glands of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) appear to serve different social functions. In behavioral experiments, lemurs modulate their responses to scent marks based on the type of odorant, their own physiological state, the signaler's physiological state, and prior social experience. To examine variation in odorant chemistry relative to olfactory behavior, we used gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to analyze over 86 samples of glandular secretion collected over 2 years from 15 adult lemurs. Labial and scrotal secretions contained organic acids and esters, whereas male brachial secretions were composed almost entirely of squalene and cholesterol derivatives. Principal component and linear discriminant analyses revealed glandular, individual-specific, and seasonal variation in chemical profiles but no relationship to the signaler's social status. The chemical composition of the various secretions provides further clues about the function of the different glands: the higher molecular weight compounds in genital and brachial secretions may increase signal longevity and provide lasting information to conspecifics, consistent with a role in advertising resource ownership or reproductive state. Conversely, the lower molecular weight compounds of antebrachial secretions produce ephemeral signals used primarily in social dominance displays and require integration of multiple sensory modalities for effective signal transmission.  相似文献   

Macroalgal seasonality was studied monthly in a second-order stream in the north-west of São Paulo State, S.E. Brazil. Seasonal variation was based on frequency and percentage cover. Seven species were found during the study period, three of which (Chantransia stage of Sirodotia delicatula, Homoeothrix juliana and Klebsormidium subtile) were encountered throughout the year and showed well-defined seasonal patterns as well as the highest value of frequency and percentage cover. Chantransia and H. juliana dominated in summer and fall, while for K. subtile winter was the most favourable period. The remaining species (Oscillatoria agardhii, Microcoleus subtorulosus, Oedogonium sp. and Chaetophora elegans) had no clear seasonal pattern, in addition to their low values of frequency and percentage cover. Individually, K. subtile correlated with higher number of physical and chemical variables (oxygen, pH, precipitation, temperature, daylength, conductance and turbidity) than Chantransia and H. juliana (discharge and depth). Principal component analyses revealed that no single variable was responsible for the macroalgal seasonal dynamics. The variables most closely related to seasonal variation of the macroalgal community were daylength, precipitation, discharge, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. Precipitation and flow were suggested as key factors in determining seasonality of the macroalgae.  相似文献   

Fatty acid and alcohol components of preen oil were determined in three gull species that belong to two systematic genera: herring gull Larus argentatus, common gull Larus canus and black-headed gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus. All gulls were captured in winter, in Gdańsk, Poland. All gulls produced monoesters composed of C7–C16 saturated fatty acids and C11–C20 saturated alcohols, with n-octanoic acid and n-hexadecanol as the major fatty acid and alcohol, respectively. Preen oils of black-headed gull had higher content of trimethyl fatty acids, 2,8-dimethylundecanoic acid, 2,6-dimethylundecanoic acid and 2,6-dimethylnonanoic acid, and lower content of 2-methyl fatty acids than oils of herring gull and common gull. Preen oils produced by black-headed gull also had lower content of 2-methyl alcohols. The relative contents of n-octanoic acid and n-hexadecanol did not differ among species. The differences among species are probably not a result of different diet, as all gulls fed mainly on household refuse. Hence, preen oil analysis confirmed the taxonomic relations among these gull species, that recently were placed into two different genera.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) produces seeds that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and is an important oilseed crop worldwide. Seed oil content and composition largely determine the economic value of soybean. Due to natural genetic variation, seed oil content varies substantially across soybean cultivars. Although much progress has been made in elucidating the genetic trajectory underlying fatty acid metabolism and oil biosynthesis in plants, the causal genes for many quantitative trait loci (QTLs) regulating seed oil content in soybean remain to be revealed. In this study, we identified GmFATA1B as the gene underlying a QTL that regulates seed oil content and composition, as well as seed size in soybean. Nine extra amino acids in the conserved region of GmFATA1B impair its function as a fatty acyl–acyl carrier protein thioesterase, thereby affecting seed oil content and composition. Heterogeneously overexpressing the functional GmFATA1B allele in Arabidopsis thaliana increased both the total oil content and the oleic acid and linoleic acid contents of seeds. Our findings uncover a previously unknown locus underlying variation in seed oil content in soybean and lay the foundation for improving seed oil content and composition in soybean.  相似文献   

福建石荠荣挥发油化学成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了福建省不同产地石蔼荣全草挥发油含量在不同生育期的变化,其含量变化范围为0.320%-1.020%。对五个不同产地的全草挥发油主要化学成分进行分析,其挥发油主要成分为:番荆芥酚、1,8-桉叶油素、百里香酚、β-石竹烯、侧柏酮、异胡萍荷酮等,不同产地的挥发油化学成分存在遗传相似性,但亦有一定差异,石荠荣资源在香精香料、医药、化妆品等行业具有广阔的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

Diurnal raptor habitat use has conservation implications due to environmental and anthropogenic interactions. Three tree-nesting diurnal raptors, black kites (Milvus milvus), steppe buzzards (Buteo vulpinus) and African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer), were studied from December 2016 to October 2017. The objective was to determine factors influencing diurnal raptor habitat selection and use in and around Chembe Bird Sanctuary of Kalulushi district, Zambia. We surveyed for birds in ten randomly selected 200 × 200 m sample plots in each of the five stratified sampling units (miombo woodland, grasslands, human settlements, Lake Chembe and marsh). Seasons and dietary composition variably influenced the distribution, habitat selection and use by raptors. The three raptors devised a suit of behaviours to curtail challenges associated with seasonal food and water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances. There is a need to promote multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in raptor conservation.  相似文献   

Early seedling emergence can increase plant fitness under competition. Seed oil composition (the types and relative amounts of fatty acids in the oils) may play an important role in determining emergence timing and early growth rate in oilseeds. Saturated fatty acids provide more energy per carbon atom than unsaturated fatty acids but have substantially higher melting points (when chain length is held constant). This characteristic forms the basis of an adaptive hypothesis that lower melting point seeds (lower proportion of saturated fatty acids) should be favored under colder germination temperatures due to earlier germination and faster growth before photosynthesis, while at warmer germination temperatures, seeds with a higher amount of energy (higher proportion of saturated fatty acids) should be favored. To assess the effects of seed oil melting point on timing of seedling emergence and fitness, high‐ and low‐melting point lines from a recombinant inbred cross of Arabidopsis thaliana were competed in a fully factorial experiment at warm and cold temperatures with two different density treatments. Emergence timing between these lines was not significantly different at either temperature, which aligned with warm temperature predictions, but not cold temperature predictions. Under all conditions, plants competing against high‐melting point lines had lower fitness relative to those against low‐melting point lines, which matched expectations for undifferentiated emergence times.  相似文献   

Oleo–gum–resin of Boswellia serrata Roxb. (Burseraceae) was collected from Shivpuri forest situated in northwestern district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The commercial samples were purchased from Mandsaur and Neemuch districts (the major herbal markets of Madhya Pradesh) for comparative study of their essential oils. The average essential oil contents in the commercial Neemuch samples (11.1%) were much better as compared to the wild collection from Shivpuri (6.1%) as well as commercial collection from Mandsaur (6.9%). The commercial samples contained higher percentage of monoterpene hydrocarbons (81.9–88.1%) including α-thujene (61.4–69.8%) as the major compound. The wild habitat contained higher percentage of oxygenated monoterpenoids/benzenoids (15.7%) and sesquiterpenes (19.2%) including α-terpineol (7.8%), terpinyl isobutyrate (5.1%), and eudesmol (11.5%). Further, the antimicrobial activities of these collections showed remarkable variation among the essential oils. On the other hand, wild habitat contained improved percentage of semi-polar compounds (34.9%) which might be responsible for enhanced antibacterial activity. Similarly, the winter collection from Neemuch (BS-N2) showed significant antioxidant activity, whereas the wild habitat did not show any antioxidant activity. The higher percentage of monoterpene hydrocarbons in commercial samples, especially δ-3-carene, α-pinene, and α-thujene, might be responsible for enhanced antifungal and antioxidant activities. The Pearson correlation values justify the bioactivity relationship of the major compounds with different microbial strains. It also justified the interaction among the major individual compounds.  相似文献   

Major phenolic compounds in the shoots of Calluna vulgaris were chlorogenic acid, the 3-O-glucoside, 3-O-galactoside and 3-O-arabinosid  相似文献   

分析荆芥和荆芥穗饮片挥发油中化学成分特征的差异,为其质量评价及临床应用提供依据.本研究收集市场上不同来源的荆芥和荆芥穗饮片,首先,采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取样品总挥发油,并利用GC-MS对荆芥和荆芥穗样品中的挥发油成分及含量进行测定;其次,利用SIMCA14.1软件对荆芥与荆芥穗中挥发油共有成分相对含量进行主成分分析、聚类分...  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin root essential oil was carried out by GC, GC-MS and GC-FTIR techniques. In total, 30 components were identified, accounting for 98.0% of total volatiles. A norsesquiterpene 13-norcypera-1(5),11(12)-diene (22.6%), followed by aplotaxene (21.2%) and cyperene (17.9%), were isolated and their structures confirmed by 1D and 2D-NMR spectra (COSY, ROESY, HSQC, HMBC and INADEQUATE). Selinene type sesquiterpenes and aliphatic hydrocarbons were among minor constituents of the essential oil. The oil exhibited antimicrobial activity against 5 of 9 strains of bacteria and yeast, when tested using broth micro-dilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged between 32 and 256 μg/ml.  相似文献   

The composition of oils from needles and cortex of Sitka spruce is unique. Cortex oil is essentially all monoterpene hydrocarbons, while needle oil may be up to 50% oxygenated monoterpenes. Very wide seasonal variations in composition occur in needle oil in young tissue. At bud burst, the oil is > 95% myrcene; this drops to about 40% at the end of summer. The oxygenated terpenes camphor and piperitone develop to about 20% each in concentration during the growing season.  相似文献   

Feathers are dead integumentary structures that are prone to damage and thus show gradual degradation over the course of a year. This loss of quality might have negative fitness consequences. Feather‐degrading bacteria are some of the most prevalent feather‐degrading organisms, yet the relationship between feather‐degrading bacteria load and flight feather quality has rarely been assessed. We studied this relationship in free‐living House Sparrows during breeding and non‐breeding annual lifecycle stages. We also considered the size of the uropygial gland, given the antimicrobial function of its secretions, and the effect of body condition. The number of feather holes was positively associated with feather‐degrading bacteria load and was negatively related to uropygial gland size and body condition during the breeding season in both sexes. In the non‐breeding season we found the same relationships, but only in females. The degree of feather wear was unrelated to any of the variables measured during the breeding season, whereas it was negatively associated with uropygial gland size and positively with feather‐degrading bacteria load in the non‐breeding season, but only in females. Our results suggest that feather‐degrading bacteria may induce the formation of feather holes, but play only a minor role in the abrasion of flight feathers.  相似文献   

Evaluations of the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants and their components have been the subject of many studies. Furthermore, the biological activities of various plant species have been reported in various pieces of literature. Hyptis martiusii Benth (Lamiaceae), popularly known as “mad balm” is commonly found in the North, Southeast, and Northeast of Brazil. Its leaves are used ethnobiologically as antiulcerogenic, antimicrobial, antitumor and as insecticide. This study aimed to analyze the chemical composition of the essential oil of H. martiusii Benth (OEHM) by GC/MS as well as its possible topical activity as an antiedematogenic. This is verified by the models of ear edema induced by single (acute edema) and multiple (chronic edema) applications of croton oil topically, and systemically verified through the model of paw edema induced by carrageenan 1%. Doses of 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg OEHM were used in all tests. Chemical analysis of the oil revealed the 1,8-cineole (34.58%) and δ-carene (21:58%) as major components present in the essential oil. On the model of ear edema, acute and chronic OEHM in all the tested doses showed no significant antiedematogenic activity (p < 0.05). The systemic model of paw edema induced by carrageenin showed that a dose of 100 mg/kg effectively reduced swelling by 55.37% in the second hour evaluation when compared to the saline group. The anti-inflammatory systemic effect can give greater bioavailability of the components present in the essential oil and your interference in cytokines and leukotriene, thromboxane and prostaglandin biosynthesis. It is therefore concluded that OEHM presents systemic antiedematogenic activity but not topical activity at these doses.  相似文献   

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