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A fundamental premise of life-history theory is that organisms that increase current reproductive investment suffer increased mortality. Possibly the most studied life-history phenotypic relationship is the trade-off between parental effort and survival. However, evidence supporting this trade-off is equivocal. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test the generality of this tenet. Using experimental studies that manipulated parental effort in birds, we show that (i) the effect of parental effort on survival was similar across species regardless of phylogeny; (ii) individuals that experienced reduced parental effort had similar survival probabilities than control individuals, regardless of sex; and (iii) males that experienced increased parental effort were less likely to survive than control males, whereas females that experienced increased effort were just as likely to survive as control females. Our results suggest that the trade-off between parental effort and survival is more complex than previously assumed. Finally, our study provides recommendations of unexplored avenues of future research into life-history trade-offs.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical work has suggested that smaller brood sizes helped facilitate the emergence of cooperative breeding in birds. However, recent empirical evidence has found no statistically significant difference between the clutch sizes of cooperative breeders and that of noncooperative breeders. One explanation for this finding is that while small clutch sizes may predispose species to cooperative breeding, the emergence of cooperative breeding itself may influence the evolution of clutch size. Here, we develop a set of models using population dynamics to describe how the emergence of cooperative breeding influences clutch size. We find, in contrast to previous theoretical work, that the emergence of cooperative breeding does not necessarily decrease (and under certain conditions may actually increase) clutch size. In particular, clutch size may increase after the emergence of cooperative breeding if helpers – philopatric individuals that assist their breeding relatives – are able to substantially improve breeder fecundity at low costs to their own survival, and if the association between breeder and helper is brief. In many cases, clutch size increases following the emergence of cooperative breeding not because it is optimal for the breeder, but as the result of breeder–helper conflict over resource allocation.  相似文献   

We collected gravid Chinese cobras (Naja atra) from one island (Dinghai) and three mainland (Yiwu, Lishui and Quanzhou) populations in south‐eastern China to study geographical variation in female reproductive traits and the trade‐off between the size and number of eggs. We then conducted an common experiment on cobras from two of the four populations to further identify factors contributing to the observed trade‐offs. The mean size (snout–vent length) of the smallest five reproductive females increased with increasing latitude. Oviposition occurred between late June and early August, with females from the warmer localities laying eggs earlier than those from the colder localities. Maternal size was a major determinant of the reproductive investment in all populations, with larger females producing not only more but also larger eggs. Clutch size was more variable than egg size within and among populations. The observed geographical variation in clutch size, egg size, clutch mass and post‐oviposition body condition was not a simple consequence of variation in maternal size among populations, because interpopulation differences in these traits were still evident when the influence of maternal size was removed. The upper limit to reproductive investment was more likely to be set by the space availability in the island population, but by the resource availability in the three mainland populations. Trade‐offs between size and number of eggs were detected in all populations, with females that had larger clutches for their size having smaller eggs. Egg size at any given level of relative fecundity differed among populations, primarily because of interpopulation differences in the resource availability rather than the space availability. Except for the timing date of oviposition and the mean size of the smallest five reproductive females, all other examined traits did not vary in a geographically continuous trend. The common garden experiment, which standardized environmental factors, synchronized the timing date of oviposition, but it did not modify the conclusion drawn from the gravid females collected from the field. The observed geographical variation in the female reproductive traits could be attributed to the consequence of the effects of either proximate or ultimate factors. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 27–40.  相似文献   

Research on life-history traits of squamate reptiles has focused on North American species, while Asian taxa have been virtually ignored. In order to understand general patterns in reptile life histories, we need a broader data base. Our study on the slender-bodied lacertid lizard Takydromus septentrionalis provides the first detailed information on factors responsible for intraspecific variation in reproductive output and life history in a Chinese reptile. Clutches of recently collected lizards from five widely separated localities in China revealed major divergences in female body size at maturation, mean adult female body size, body condition after oviposition, size-adjusted fecundity, relative clutch mass, and mass and shape of eggs. Most of these geographical differences persisted when the same groups of females were maintained in identical conditions in captivity. Additionally, reproductive frequency during maintenance under laboratory conditions differed according to the animals' place of origin. Thus, the extensive geographical variation in reproductive and life-history traits that occurs within T. septentrionalis is exhibited even in long-term captives, suggesting that proximate factors that vary among localities (local conditions of weather and food supply) are less important determinants of life-history variation than are intrinsic (presumably genetic) influences. The maternal abdominal volume available to hold the clutch may be one such factor, based on low levels of variation in Relative Clutch Mass among populations, and geographical variation in the position of trade-off lines linking offspring size to fecundity.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 443–453.  相似文献   

According to parental investment theory, nest defence activity should be related to the reproductive value of the offspring. Alternative hypotheses suggest that defence activity may, for example, depend upon the conspicuousness of the young. Studies concerning this topic have been carried out almost exclusively on birds and experimental data on the diversity of organisms is lacking. Bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus were used to study the effects of the number and age of offspring upon the pup defence activity of mothers. Male bank voles are infanticidal and thus an adult male was used as a predator. Defence trials were conducted in the laboratory and filmed for subsequent analysis. Litter sizes were divided into three treatment groups: reduced (−2 pups), control (±0 pups) and enlarged (+2 pups). In order to study the effect of offspring age upon maternal defence activity the trials were conducted twice: when the pups were 3 and 8 days old. Defence activity increased with the number of offspring and enlarged litters were most actively defended. This result supports parental investment theory and conclusions drawn by earlier studies of birds. However, in contrast to the conclusions of earlier studies, older offspring were defended less than the younger ones. Whilst new-born pups are totally defenceless against predators their vulnerability decreases as they age. Therefore, we suggest that maternal aggression in female bank voles is related to the value as well as to the vulnerability of the offspring. The validity of this explanation and the determinants of parental investment decisions in small mammals in general deserve further study. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Python egg brooding typifies parental care because it consists of multiple behaviours that provide for multiple developmental needs. For example, tightly coiling around the eggs benefits embryonic water balance, but periodic female postural adjustments improve embryonic gas exchange. Regardless of these postural adjustments, egg brooding creates a hypoxic intra-clutch environment that constrains embryonic metabolism. We further examined this novel and useful parental care model to determine: (1) any fitness-related costs of egg brooding to offspring; (2) whether any long-term costs are alleviated by postural adjustments. We artificially incubated Children's python ( Antaresia childreni ) clutches and modulated oxygen partial pressure ( P O2) to create three treatments: normoxic (NRM, 20.3 kPa O2), brooding [BRD, P O2 profile typical of clutch P O2 ( P O2clutch) in maternally brooded clutches, 15.8–19.3 kPa O2] and low (LOW, predicted P O2 profile of maternally brooded P O2clutch if females did not make postural adjustments, 14.4–18.6 kPa O2). Using various metrics from ∼12 days pre-hatching to 14 days post-hatching, we demonstrated that NRM offspring were larger, faster and stronger than BRD offspring. As only hatchling heart mass differed between BRD and LOW treatments (LOW > BRD), postural adjustments may not alleviate hypoxia-related costs to embryos. Our results demonstrate that parental care may represent a compromise between competing developmental needs and thus entails obligate costs to the offspring.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 414–421.  相似文献   

Offspring size can have large and direct fitness implications, but we still do not have a complete understanding of what causes offspring size to vary. Daphnia (water fleas) generally produce fewer and larger offspring when food is limited. Here, we use a mathematical model to show that this could be explained by either: (1) an advantage of producing larger eggs when food is limited; or (2) a lower boundary on egg volume (below which eggs do not have sufficient resources to be viable), that is similar in volume to the evolutionarily stable egg volume predicted by standard clutch size models. We tested the first possibilities experimentally by placing offspring from mothers kept at two food treatments (high and low - leading to relatively small and large eggs respectively) into two food treatments (same as maternal treatments, in a fully factorial design) and measuring their fitness (reproduction, age at maturity, and size at maturity). We also tested survival under starvation conditions of offspring produced from mothers at low and high food treatments. We found that (larger) offspring produced by low-food mothers actually had lower fitness as they took longer to reproduce, regardless of their current food treatment. Additionally, we found no survival advantage to being born of a food-stressed mother. Consequently, our results do not support the hypothesis that there is an advantage to producing larger eggs when food is limited. In contrast, data from the literature support the importance of a lower boundary on egg size.  相似文献   

We measured the reproductive output of Takydromus septentrionalis collected over 5 years between 1997 and 2005 to test the hypothesis that reproductive females should allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in a particular clutch and to individual eggs. Females laid 1–7 clutches per breeding season, with large females producing more, as well as larger clutches, than did small females. Clutch size, clutch mass, annual fecundity, and annual reproductive output were all positively related to female size (snout–vent length). Females switched from producing more, but smaller eggs in the first clutch to fewer, but larger eggs in the subsequent clutches. The mass-specific clutch mass was greater in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches, but it did not differ among the subsequent clutches. Post-oviposition body mass, clutch size, and egg size showed differing degrees of annual variation, but clutch mass of either the first or the second clutch remained unchanged across the sampling years. The regression line describing the size–number trade-off was higher in the subsequent clutch than in the first clutch, but neither the line for first clutch, nor the line for the second clutch varied among years. Reproduction retarded growth more markedly in small females than in large ones. Our data show that: (1) trade-offs between size and number of eggs and between reproduction and growth (and thus, future reproduction) are evident in T. septentrionalis ; (2) females allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in current reproduction and to individual eggs; and (3) seasonal shifts in reproductive output and egg size are determined ultimately by natural selection.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 315–324.  相似文献   

In obligately siblicidal bird species, aggressive behavior bya dominant chick results in a fixed brood size of one, yetthese species usually show clutch size variation between individuals.Simmons proposed that variation in clutch size in obligatelysiblicidal species is related to a trade-off between egg qualityand egg quantity: some individuals produce a single highly hatchable egg, while others produce two small, lower qualityeggs. We tested the egg quality hypothesis as an explanationfor observed clutch size variation in the Nazca booby (Sulagranti), an obligately siblicidal seabird. We tested the assumptionthat egg volume is positively correlated with hatchabilityand the prediction that eggs from one-egg clutches are largerthan eggs from two-egg clutches. We did not find a positive relationship between egg volume and hatchability in this species.Eggs from two-egg clutches were either equivalent in volumeor larger than eggs from one-egg clutches. Thus, the egg qualityhypothesis was rejected as an explanation for clutch size variationin the Nazca booby. Instead, two-egg clutches appear to befavored because of the insurance value of the second-laid egg,while one-egg clutches result from food limitation.  相似文献   

Large amounts of genetic variation for wing length and wing area were demonstrated both within and between Drosophila melanogaster populations along a latitudinal gradient in South America. Wing length and wing area showed a strong positive correlation with latitude in both wild flies and laboratory-raised descendants. Large population differences were observed for heritability and coefficient of variation of these two traits, whereas relatively small population differences were found for development time, viability, pupal mortality, sex ratio and their norms of reaction to four developmental temperatures. No clear-cut latitudinal clines were established for these life-history characters. These results are discussed in the light of Bergmann's Rule and the relation between larval development and adult body size.  相似文献   

1. Density‐dependent phase polyphenism occurs when changes in density during the juvenile stages result in a developmental shift from one phenotype to another. Density‐dependent phase polyphenism is common among locusts (Orthoptera: Acrididae). 2. Previously, we demonstrated a longitudinal geographic cline in adult body size (western populations = small adults; eastern populations = large adults) in the eastern lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera) in south Florida. As lubbers are confamilial with locusts, we hypothesised that the longitudinal size cline was partly due to density‐dependent phase polyphenism. 3. We tested the effect of density, population, and density×population interaction on life‐history traits (pronotum length, mass, cumulative development time, growth rate) of, and proportion surviving to, each of the five instars and the adult stage in a 2 × 3 factorial laboratory experiment with two lubber populations, each reared from hatchling to adult at three different densities. 4. The effect of density on life history and survival was independent of the effects of population on life history and survival. Higher densities led to larger adult sizes (pronotum, mass) and lower survivorship. The western population had smaller adult masses, fewer cumulative days to the adult stage, and higher survivorship than the eastern population. 5. Our data suggest that lubber grasshoppers exhibit density‐dependent phase polyphenism initiated by the physical presence of conspecifics. However, the plastic response of adult size to density observed in the laboratory is not consistent with the relationship between phenotypes and adult density in the field. Genetic differences between populations observed in the laboratory could contribute to size and life‐history differences among lubber populations in the field.  相似文献   

Anadromous white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis in a natural river in northern Japan migrated to the sea mainly at age 3+ years. Sea-run charr grew faster than parr, particularly as first time migrants. Sea-run charr repeated seaward migration up to three times; the observed maximum age was 5+ years old. The likelihood ratio test identified significant differences in asymptotic size and individual growth variability between parr and sea-run charr. Sea-run charr had an asymptotic size ( L ) twice as large as parr, while the growth parameter ( K ) was similar between sea-run and parr. Growth variability was higher for parr than for sea-run charr.  相似文献   

Population density is an ecological variable that is hypothesized to be a major agent of selection on offspring size. In high-density populations, high levels of intraspecific competition are expected to favor the production of larger offspring. In contrast, lower levels of intraspecific competition and selection for large offspring should be weaker and more easily overridden by direct selection for increased fecundity in low-density populations. Some studies have found associations between population density and offspring size consistent with this hypothesis. However, their interpretations are often clouded by a number of issues. Here, we use data from a 10-year study of nine populations of the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, to describe the associations of offspring size with habitat type, population density, and predation risk. We found that females from spring populations generally produced larger offspring than females from ponds; however, the magnitude of this difference varied among years. Across all populations, larger offspring were associated with higher densities and lower risks of predation. Interestingly, the associations between the two ecological variables (density and predation risk) and offspring size were largely independent of one another. Our results suggest that previously described genetic differences in offspring size are due to density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

The negative relationship between offspring number and offspring size provides a classic example of the role of trade-offs in life history theory. However, the evolutionary transitions in egg size and clutch size that have produced this negative relationship are still largely unknown. Since body size may affect both of these traits, it would be helpful to understand how evolutionary changes in body size may have facilitated or constrained shifts in clutch and egg size. By using comparative methods with a database of life histories and a phylogeny of 222 genera of cichlid fishes, we investigated the order of evolutionary transitions in these traits in relation to each other. We found that the ancestral large-bodied cichlids first increased egg size, followed by a decrease in both body size and clutch size resulting in the common current combination of a small-bodied cichlid with a small clutch of large eggs. Furthermore, lineages that deviated from the negative relationship between clutch and egg size underwent different transitions in these traits according to their body size (large bodied genera have moved towards the large clutch/small egg end of the continuum and small bodied genera towards the small clutch/large egg end of the continuum) to reach the negative relationship between clutch size and egg size. Our results show that body size is highly important in shaping the negative relationship between clutch size and egg size.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of birds have demonstrated the value of producinginsurance eggs. We have previously found that second eggs provideinsurance against failure of first eggs for Nazca boobies (Sulagranti), which raise only one chick to fledging, yet some femaleslay only one egg. We used an 8-year data set to compare 2 hypothesesfor clutch size variation: one based on trade-offs, predictingdeclining future performance by females that lay a costly secondegg and one based on parental quality, predicting that intrinsicallysuperior females lay 2 eggs both currently and in the future.Clutch size variation did not contribute to the best multistatemark–recapture model of survival, suggesting that clutchsize and survival are unrelated and that any survival cost ofreproduction related to laying second eggs is small. Transitionprobabilities between reproductive states were generally, butnot entirely, inconsistent with fecundity costs of producinga marginal egg. Parental quality effects were apparent, withfemales tending to remain in a given reproductive state acrossseasons. Parents producing a marginal egg had consistently higherbreeding success than did parents of 1-egg clutches, due principallyto the insurance effect and secondarily to differences in parentalquality after hatching. Different model selection approachesgave differing results for logistic regression analyses of breedingsuccess of females that hatched eggs. A conventional significance-testing,iterative-fitting approach excluded insurance state from thetop model, whereas the information-theoretic (I-T) approachdetected an association between current insurance state andsubsequent survival and fecundity. Using the I-T approach, potentiallybiological significant (but not statistically significant underconventional analysis) effects were detected that may otherwisehave been ignored.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The beetle Parastizopus armaticeps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) inhabits the Kalahari desert of southern Africa, constructs breeding burrows after rainfall, and shows extensive biparental care. Previous work has shown that it is predominantly male size, not female size, that determines breeding success; however, in the field these beetles show size assortative mating. This might obscure or override effects of female size on reproduction. Moreover, the inaccessibility of the breeding burrows makes it impossible to test effects of female and male size on offspring development and survival before adulthood. 2. To disentangle the effects of male and female length, body mass, and body condition on reproductive success, males and females were paired randomly in small breeding cages in the laboratory (n = 887 breeding pairs). The construction of the breeding cages allowed a clear view of the brood chamber contents at each stage in offspring development. Larva, pupa, and imago numbers and development were monitored daily, and imago mass at hatching from the pupa (hatchlings), offspring mass, and offspring body length at complete exoskeleton melanisation (juveniles) were determined. 3. There was a weak positive correlation between body condition and body length for females only. Breeding chronology was related to male body condition: males in better condition were fast to start and finish a breeding bout. Males in better condition produced heavier hatchlings and juveniles, and larger‐sized males produced larger‐sized juveniles. In contrast, numbers of larvae and juveniles produced were determined mainly by female length and body condition: larger females in better condition hatched more larvae and produced more offspring. 4. The results suggest that male size and condition will be the most important determinant of reproductive success under relatively dry conditions, when burrow length is critical for reproductive success. Female size might be more important for the pair's reproductive success under wet breeding conditions, when burrow length is less critical for successful reproduction.  相似文献   

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