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The common loon (Gavia immer) breeds during the summer on northern lakes and water bodies that are also often desirable areas for aquatic recreation and human habitation. In northern New England, we assessed how the spatial nature of disturbance affects common loon nest site selection and territory success. We found through classification and regression analysis that distance to and density of disturbance factors can be used to classify observed nest site locations versus random points, suggesting that these factors affect loon nest site selection (model 1: Correct classification = 75%, null = 50%, K = 0.507, P < 0.001; model 2: Correct classification = 78%, null = 50%, K = 0.551, P < 0.001). However, in an exploratory analysis, we were unable to show a relation between spatial disturbance variables and breeding success (P = 0.595, R2 = 0.436), possibly because breeding success was so low during the breeding seasons of 2007–2008. We suggest that by selecting nest site locations that avoid disturbance factors, loons thereby limit the effect that disturbance will have on their breeding success. Still, disturbance may force loons to use sub-optimal nesting habitat, limiting the available number of territories, and overall productivity. We advise that management efforts focus on limiting disturbance factors to allow breeding pairs access to the best nesting territories, relieving disturbance pressures that may force sub-optimal nest placement. © 2011 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Cameras are important tools used to determine nest fate, identify predators and evaluate behaviour; however, they may impact the parameters they are used to measure, thereby biasing results. We evaluated the impact of cameras ? 10 m from the nest on shorebird nest survival at the Canning River Delta, Alaska, 2017–2018 (ncontrol = 122, ncamera = 109) using a much larger sample size than in previous studies conducted in the Arctic and random assignments at nest discovery. We found no effect of camera presence at the nest on daily nest survival (model-averaged daily survival rate (DSR) 85% confidence interval (CI); control: 0.971–0.983, camera: 0.969–0.982). We suggest that nest survival studies of tundra-nesting birds should consider the use of cameras to minimize researcher disturbance, increase the accuracy of fate assignments, and broaden the ecological data collected (e.g. incubation behaviour, predator identification and non-anthropogenic non-predation disruption such as by caribou).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   In 2003 and 2004, we placed 41 floating nest platforms on Grassy Lake in southeastern Wisconsin (USA) to test the hypothesis that reproductive success of Black Terns ( Chlidonias niger ) is limited by the quality of suitable nesting habitat. Extreme differences in water levels between these 2 yr provided a natural experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the nest platforms during a drought year (2003) when natural nesting substrate was abundant, and a flood year (2004) when natural substrate was limited during the peak nesting period. Terns nested on 27 of 41 (66%) of the platforms in 2003 and 26 of 41 (63%) in 2004. No difference in the occupancy rate of platforms and natural nests was evident in 2003, but the pattern of clutch initiations early in the season in 2004 indicated that platforms were preferred over natural substrates. In 2003, nest survival rates did not differ between nests placed on platforms and those placed on natural substrates, but platform nests had significantly higher hatching success and nest survival rates in 2004. Both the Kaplan-Meier and Apparent Nest Success methods of calculating nest survival provided similar estimates. In both years, eggs laid on platforms were significantly larger than those laid on natural substrates, suggesting that platforms were occupied by high-quality birds. Our study indicates that floating nest platforms can be an effective management tool to enhance nesting habitat for Black Terns and other aquatic birds that construct floating nests, primarily because platforms provide nest sites when natural sites are not available due to flooding. Nest platforms also may be useful for addressing questions concerning habitat selection and parental quality.  相似文献   

旅游快速发展对野生动物的繁衍和种群发展造成的影响不容忽视。鸡形目鸟类大多为地面营巢,易受人为活动的影响。为揭示旅游对鸡形目鸟类巢成功率的影响,于2018年3—5月在河南董寨国家级自然保护区采用地面人工巢进行了两轮模拟试验,分析了试验轮次、巢密度、代表旅游活动强度的客流量和车流量,及植被类型、海拔等栖息地影响因子对人工巢成功率的影响。结果显示:客流量和海拔在繁殖成功巢和失败巢之间均存在不同程度的差异,繁殖成功巢的客流量较大、海拔较小,且在客流量较大、海拔较小的区域中人工巢的表观存活率明显较高。其中客流量是影响巢成功率的主导因素。此外,第二轮试验人工巢表观存活率显著低于第一轮试验,捕食者组成在不同试验轮次上也存在明显的差异,第一轮试验主要是鸟类,第二轮试验则是哺乳动物。白颈鸦、貉和野猪在本研究中是对巢威胁最大的捕食者。结果表明旅游活动可能会影响鸡形目鸟类的繁殖。因此建议在开展旅游活动时应综合考虑该区域所分布的野生动物及优先保护政策,注意控制旅游活动强度,以免对野生动物造成不良影响,并加强栖息地的保护。  相似文献   

Habitat selection by animals is influenced by and mitigates the effects of predation and environmental extremes. For birds, nest site selection is crucial to offspring production because nests are exposed to extreme weather and predation pressure. Predators that forage using olfaction often dominate nest predator communities; therefore, factors that influence olfactory detection (e.g., airflow and weather variables, including turbulence and moisture) should influence nest site selection and survival. However, few studies have assessed the importance of olfactory cover for habitat selection and survival. We assessed whether ground‐nesting birds select nest sites based on visual and/or olfactory cover. Additionally, we assessed the importance of visual cover and airflow and weather variables associated with olfactory cover in influencing nest survival. In managed grasslands in Oklahoma, USA, we monitored nests of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) during 2015 and 2016. To assess nest site selection, we compared cover variables between nests and random points. To assess factors influencing nest survival, we used visual cover and olfactory‐related measurements (i.e., airflow and weather variables) to model daily nest survival. For nest site selection, nest sites had greater overhead visual cover than random points, but no other significant differences were found. Weather variables hypothesized to influence olfactory detection, specifically precipitation and relative humidity, were the best predictors of and were positively related to daily nest survival. Selection for overhead cover likely contributed to mitigation of thermal extremes and possibly reduced detectability of nests. For daily nest survival, we hypothesize that major nest predators focused on prey other than the monitored species’ nests during high moisture conditions, thus increasing nest survival on these days. Our study highlights how mechanistic approaches to studying cover informs which dimensions are perceived and selected by animals and which dimensions confer fitness‐related benefits.  相似文献   

Predation is an important cause of nest failure for many birds and has shaped the life‐history characteristics of many species, especially ground‐nesting shorebirds. We examined nesting success, causes of clutch failure and nest survival in relation to variation in substrate characteristics in a colour‐marked population of Western Snowy Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus breeding on riverine gravel bars in coastal northern California. Plovers experienced higher nesting success on gravel bars than on nearby beaches, which were characterized by more homogeneous, sandy substrates. On gravel bars, Plovers nested in habitats characterized by large, heterogeneous substrates, with more egg‐sized stones, compared with random sites. Egg crypsis, as indexed by time required of a naïve observer to detect a nest, increased with number of egg‐sized substrates. Nest survival correlated negatively with heterogeneity of substrates and positively with the number of egg‐sized stones. Consistently high nesting success of Plovers on gravel bars indicates that this high‐quality habitat deserves special management considerations given the species’ threatened status.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Methods for monitoring bird nests might influence rates of nest predation, but the effects of various methods (e.g., visual markers and observer visitation rates) are often separately investigated among disparate avian taxa and geographic regions. Few investigators have explored the potential effects observers might have on nest success of grassland birds, despite concerns regarding population declines of these species in North America. We examined the possible effects of three monitoring techniques on daily nest survival of Lark Sparrows (Chondestes grammacus): (1) presence or absence of visible markers near nests, (2) observer visitation frequency, and (3) presence or absence of data loggers in nests. We monitored 113 Lark Sparrow nests during the 2009 breeding season. Of these nests, 88.5% failed due to predation, abandonment, weather, or unknown causes, yielding an overall nest success estimate of 9.8% based on daily survival estimation. Main effects of each monitoring technique appeared in top (ΔAICc <2) logistic exposure models. However, 95% confidence intervals around parameter estimates for each technique included zero, indicating no significant effects on daily nest survival. Our results suggest that the nest‐monitoring techniques we used had no effect on Lark Sparrow nest success and, if true, nest survival of other songbirds in arid grasslands of the Great Plains may also be unaffected by cautious nest monitoring. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that any effects of the various techniques in our study were masked by locally intense nest predation. Therefore, additional study is needed to determine if there may be observable variation in nest survival among various nest‐monitoring treatments in other areas of the southern Great Plains where nest predation is less frequent.  相似文献   

One of the main populations of the Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), a federally threatened species, occurs on Ocala National Forest, Florida. We determined the nest daily survival rate (DSR) of 474 nests of Florida scrub-jays in stands subject to sand pine reforestation management after timber harvesting or wildfire on Ocala National Forest. We used the information-theoretic approach with logistic-exposure modeling to determine the most likely models to account for DSR for the incubation and nestling stages separately. The models consisted of 4 components (temporal, management, habitat, and helpers) with each consisting of one to several specific variables. In the incubation stage all the best models included the temporal component alone or in concert with the habitat, helpers, or habitat and helpers components. Model averaging in the incubation stage indicated support for the year and day × year in the temporal component and stand age in the habitat component. In the nestling stage, top models all included the temporal component alone or with helpers or habitat, helpers, and the interaction of habitat and helpers. Model averaging in the nestling stage showed support for the year, nest age, and to a lesser extent day in the temporal component and helpers. The management component, which consisted of no site preparation, wildfire burn, post-harvest burn, chop and seed, or seed only, had little influence on nest survival for the incubation or nestling stages. However, we identified several other management factors that may increase Florida scrub-jay populations despite having no effect on DSR. First, the proportion of Florida scrub-jay nests was significantly higher than expected in burned habitat based on habitat availability, indicating a potential preferred nesting habitat conducive to population growth. Second, incubation stage DSR with respect to stand age (habitat component) declined to stand age 10 yr and then began to increase, which may be attributed to the higher bird population in the prime habitat in the middle stand ages. The denser population may result in more competition for resources, and possibly may attract more predators, resulting in a lower DSR. Thus, although DSR may be lower at the mid-stand ages, the overall population may actually be optimal. Therefore, to increase the Florida scrub-jay population on Ocala National Forest, we recommend maintaining a mosaic of stands ≤20 yr of age and emphasizing natural reseeding and site preparation via burning. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

种间竞争会导致鸟类对自身的生存策略进行多方面调整,将多种因素结合起来分析不同鸟类的同域共存机制具有十分重要的意义.2009-2011年的3-7月,在辽宁省东部山区以悬挂人工巢箱的方法招引杂色山雀(Parus varius)和大山雀(Parus major),通过比较这两种鸟类在繁殖时间、繁殖参数和巢址选择上的差异,分析其繁殖期的栖息地选择及繁殖对策,探讨这两种鸟类同域共存的机制.结果表明,生态位的部分分离是大山雀和杂色山雀能够长期共存的基础.两者都是在繁殖期到来立即开始繁殖,均出现两次繁殖高峰,采用消减窝卵数的对策来适应环境质量的下降.对繁殖参数的分析表明,两种鸟类的繁殖对策都为k-选择,但大山雀略偏向r端,大山雀倾向高窝卵数、低繁殖成功率的繁殖策略;杂色山雀倾向低窝卵数、高繁殖成功率的繁殖策略.两种鸟类都选择在林龄较长的森林中筑巢,但是大山雀较注重巢址的安全性能,巢距地面较高,周围乔木密集;杂色山雀较为注重植被类型的选择,巢址多选择在植被多样、灌木生长茂盛的针阔混交林中,推测可能与杂色山雀的食物构成有关.  相似文献   

Wildlife management and conservation can be challenging when the demography of a focal species is unknown or limited given that fecundity and adult survival influence population growth. The Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) have been reduced to ≤10% of their former range since the early 1900s. We conducted a 3-year study (2015–2017) across 4 study sites in northwestern Colorado, USA, to evaluate female hazard and nest survival. We trapped and marked 270 female sharp-tailed grouse and identified 275 nests for our hazard and survival analyses. Females during the breeding stage of the reproductive season experienced more hazard compared to the nesting and the early and late post-nesting stages for females without broods. Females experienced a higher degree of hazard during the breeding stage and mortality risk was >3 times higher than the nesting stage, >7 times higher than early post-nesting (EPN)-no brood stage, and >5 times higher than the late post-nesting (LPN)-unsuccessful stage. Two reproductive season stages (LPN-successful and EPN-brood) provided marginal inference. Nest incubation initiation date and nest age best described nest daily survival. Females that initiated incubation of initial nests earlier in the season experienced lower nest daily survival than later in the incubation season. Because female Columbian sharp-tailed grouse hazard varied among different reproductive season stages, we recommend that wildlife managers develop management actions that reduce hazard during the specific reproductive season stages (i.e., the breeding season). For Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in Colorado, we recommend that Colorado Parks and Wildlife collaborate with federal farm program agencies to implement a no-tillage restriction from 1 May through 30 June for active agricultural fields within 2 km of active Columbian sharp-tailed grouse leks to enhance nest survival.  相似文献   

Cao J  He CZ 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):877-878
The populations of many North American landbirds are showing signs of declining. Gathering information on breeding productivity allows early detection of unhealthy populations and helps develop good habitat-management practices. In this paper, we study the performance of the Bayesian model (He, 2003, Biometrics 59, 962-973) for age-specific nest survival rates with irregular visits. We find that the estimates are satisfactory except for the age-one survival rate. Usually the more days skipped between two visits, the more serious the underestimation of the age-one survival rate. We investigated the problem and developed three approaches to adjust for the underestimation bias. The simulation results show that the three approaches can significantly improve the estimation of the age-one survival rate.  相似文献   

Grassland birds have experienced steeper population declines between 1966 and 2015 than any other bird group on the North American continent, and migratory grassland birds may face threats in all stages of their annual cycle. The grassland-associated long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) is experiencing population declines in regional and local portions of their North American breeding range. The nesting period is an important portion of the annual cycle when curlews may face demographic rate limitations from a suite of threats including predators and anthropogenic disturbance. We compared nest sites to random sites within breeding territories to examine nest site selection, and modeled correlates of nesting success for 128 curlew nests at 5 Intermountain West sites. Nest sites were 6 times more likely than random sites to be situated adjacent to existing cowpies. Additionally, curlews selected nest sites with shorter vegetation, and less bare ground, grass, and shrub cover than at random sites within their territories. Nest success varied widely among sites and ranged from 12% to 40% in a season with a mean of 27% for all nests during the 2015 and 2016 seasons. Higher nest success probability was associated with higher curlew densities in the area, greater percent cover of conspicuous objects (cowpies, rocks) near the nest, and higher densities of black-billed magpies (Pica hudsonia) and American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) at the site. We also found increased probability of nesting success with increased distance from a nest to the nearest potential perch in that territory. Given the central role of working lands to curlews in much of the Intermountain West, understanding limitations to nesting success in these diverse landscapes is necessary to guide adaptive management strategies in increasingly human-modified habitats. We suggest some grazing and irrigation practices already provide suitable nesting conditions for curlews, and others may require only minor temporal shifts to improve compatibility. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreaks in western North American coniferous forests are increasing in size and severity. An understanding of wildlife population responses to pine beetle outbreaks is needed to inform habitat conservation strategies. We monitored 355 nests of 5 woodpecker species during 2 sampling periods, before (2003–2006) and after (2009–2014) the peak of a pine beetle outbreak in dry mixed conifer forest of Montana, USA. Three of 5 woodpecker species represented the beetle-foraging group: American three-toed (Picoides dorsalis), hairy (Dryobates villosus), and downy (D. pubescens) woodpeckers. The other 2 species studied were northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), a foraging and habitat generalist, and red-naped sapsucker (Sphyrapicus nuchalis), a sap forager and bark-gleaning insectivore. We analyzed daily survival rate of nests in relation to pine beetle outbreak (445,000 ha) severity and timing, along with covariates unrelated to the outbreak (temp, nest height, and nest tree diameter). Our results provided stronger evidence for relationships between woodpecker nest survival and the non-outbreak variables than those associated with outbreaks. Our results indicated limited support for nest survival relationships with beetle severity (annual and cumulative pine tree mortality at 0.81-ha and 314-ha scales). Nevertheless, we observed a significant increase in densities of hatched nests for beetle-foraging woodpeckers following the outbreak. Our results suggest that woodpeckers, particularly beetle foragers, respond numerically to pine beetle outbreaks through increased nesting densities more so than functionally via nest survival. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Wildlife Management Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

为研究近缘物种之间繁育系统分化对传粉环境的适应性意义,本文针对湖北地区的3种紫堇属植物(紫堇Corydalis edulis Maxim.、尖距紫堇C.shearer S.Moore.和小花黄堇C.racemosa(Thunb.) Pers.)进行了传粉生态学研究,对比分析了它们在花部特征、分布模式、花期、交配系统、传粉系统等方面的差异。3种紫堇属植物常见伴生现象,花期有一定重叠;花色、距长、花蜜量等方面均有显著差异;尖距紫堇交配系统为自交不亲和、依靠传粉者异花授粉;而紫堇和小花黄堇交配系统为自交亲和,兼有自交和异交的混合交配系统。3个物种均由蜂类传粉,且花部性器官与传粉者的接触部位一致,但访花频率差异较大。在混合群落中,传粉者访花具有较高的忠实性,花部特征差异可能是传粉者选择性访花的原因。对于紫堇属3个物种,花部特征和交配系统的分化有助于其避免传粉过程的相互干扰,交配系统与传粉环境具有一定相关性,混合交配系统可能有利于提高植物对不同生境和气候的适应性。  相似文献   

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