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Summary The Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene is required during embryogenesis and larval development to specify the third thoracic and first abdominal segments of Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations in the bithoraxoid (bxd) region, a 40 kb DNA stretch upstream of the Ubx promoter, affect cis-regulatory elements responsible for the ectodermal expression of the Ubx gene in the posterior compartment of the third thoracic segment and anterior compartment of the first abdominal segment. Our genetic data and the available molecular information are used to map the adult epidermal cis-regulatory elements within the bxd region. Genetic combinations involving mutations affecting the bxd region show that (1) redundant or cooperatively acting sequences are required for Ubx gene expression in the anterior compartment of the first abdominal segment, and (2) the expression of Ubx in the posterior compartment of the third thoracic segment is modulated by positive and negative cis-regulatory elements.The Wellcome Trust CRC Institute for Cancer Research and Developmental Biology, Tennis Court Road Cambridge, CB2 1QR, UKDivision de Genética, Departamento de Genética Molecular y Microbiología, Campus de San Juan, Apdo. 374, 03080 Alicante, Spain  相似文献   

陈晓童  吕可  刘涛  张荻 《西北植物学报》2021,41(8):1267-1278
在百子莲胚性细胞中筛选到对超低温保存复合逆境具有积极响应的保护类蛋白脱水素(ApY_2SK_2),为探明ApY_2SK_2基因在复合逆境中的应答模式,该研究采用染色体步移技术克隆并分析了ApY_2SK_2编码基因上游1 200 bp的启动子序列。结果表明:(1)序列分析显示,该启动子含有多个与逆境和激素诱导相关的顺式调控元件;实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,ApY_2SK_2基因的表达具有组织特异性,在百子莲的叶和果中表达量较高,且在多种胁迫处理与ABA激素诱导下,其表达量显著升高。(2)成功构建了5个ApY_2SK_2启动子不同缺失片段驱动GUS基因的融合表达载体,经农杆菌转化、抗性筛选和PCR检测鉴定,获得T_3代纯和转基因拟南芥株系。(3) GUS组织化学染色结果显示,GUS基因在拟南芥幼苗全株、成年苗的叶、花和成熟果实中表达活性较强,但在未成熟果实中无明显表达;烟草瞬时表达结果显示,与对照组相比,在脱水胁迫和ABA处理下的ApY_2SK_2启动子不同缺失片段驱动GUS基因表达具有显著差异。(4)转基因拟南芥GUS活性测定结果显示,ApY_2SK_2启动子MBS元件和ABRE元件可响应干旱与渗透胁迫信号;ApY_2SK_2启动子LTR元件参与低温响应;ApY_2SK_2启动子-1 199~-262 bp区域包含多个串联的ABRE顺式调控元件(-373~-211 bp)对响应ABA信号具有主要调控作用。该研究结果揭示了ApY_2SK_2启动子的组织特异性,且启动子上的关键顺式调控元件对不同的胁迫和激素信号响应具有决定性调控作用。  相似文献   

该研究以黄花棘豆cDNA为模板,采用同源克隆法,从黄花棘豆转录组数据库中克隆获得1个响应逆境胁迫的胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白基因,命名为OoY_2K_4;OoY_2K_4基因ORF为786bp,编码261个氨基酸,含有2个保守的Y片段和4个K片段,为典型的Y_2K_4类脱水蛋白亚家族成员;OoY_2K_4蛋白不具有跨膜结构域,不存在信号肽,亲水性极强,含有1个糖基化位点和17个磷酸化位点;亚细胞定位显示,OoY_2K_4蛋白定位于细胞质中。多序列比对发现,OoY_2K_4蛋白与其他物种第二组LEA蛋白(脱水素)序列高度保守;进化树分析显示,该序列与三叶草、蒺藜苜蓿和紫花苜蓿相似度最高,亲缘关系最近。采用qRT-PCR对OoY_2K_4基因在干旱、高盐、低温以及脱落酸、乙烯、赤霉素处理下的表达分析显示,干旱和高盐胁迫可显著诱导OoY_2K_4基因表达,而低温胁迫下基本无变化;激素处理均可诱导OoY_2K_4基因高效表达,其中脱落酸诱导下OoY_2K_4基因表达最显著。研究推测,OoY_2K_4基因可能通过依赖ABA的信号途径参与黄花棘豆对干旱和高盐逆境胁迫的应答反应。  相似文献   

利用PCR技术从实验室建立的天山雪莲DNA文库中克隆了天山雪莲质膜水孔蛋白基因sikPIP3,构建了植物表达载体pBI121-sikPIP3,通过农杆菌介导法转化烟草品种NC89,经PCR和RT-PCR检测证明目的基因成功导入并得到了表达,采用水分胁迫进行抗旱分析和采用冷冻胁迫进行抗寒性分析。结果显示:(1)克隆出具有水孔蛋白基因特性的sikPIP3基因。(2)经断水干旱处理,转基因烟草的生长表型优于野生型烟草,特别是在断水9d的情况下,野生型烟草已经完全萎蔫,转基因烟草萎蔫症状较轻;生理指标测量结果显示,转基因烟草的相对电导率和MDA的含量低于野生型烟草,相对含水量和CAT活性高于野生型烟草。试验表明转sikPIP3烟草的抗旱性高于野生型烟草。(3)经不同温度胁迫处理,转基因烟草的生长表型优于野生型烟草,特别是在-4℃冷处理6h情况下,野生型烟草已经完全萎蔫,转基因烟草只出现少量伤斑;生理指标分析结果表明,转基因烟草的相对电导率和MDA的含量低于野生型烟草,CAT活性高于野生型烟草。试验表明转sikPIP3烟草的抗寒性高于野生型烟草。综合结果表明:sikPIP3基因在抗逆基因工程方面具有较高的应用前景。  相似文献   

链霉菌天然产物因其显著的生物活性一直是新药开发的重要来源,测序技术的发展揭示了链霉菌强大的生物合成潜力。链霉菌中多数次级代谢生物合成基因簇(biosynthetic geneclusters,BGCs)在常规实验条件下表达水平低甚至不表达,这使得相关天然产物的开发受到阻碍。原位激活和异源表达是挖掘链霉菌天然产物的有效方式,启动子作为基因表达的“开关”,在其中发挥着重要作用。因此对启动子的研究可以有效地促进BGCs的激活,从而挖掘新天然产物。本文重点阐述了链霉菌启动子的结构特征及其挖掘表征和设计构建的思路,并列举了链霉菌启动子在天然产物开发中的应用,有望为链霉菌生物合成路径的优化以及全新生物活性物质的发现提供思路和方法学参考。  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is the target of many anticancer drugs and is often altered in drug-resistant cell lines. In some tumor cell lines truncated isoforms of topo IIα are localized to the cytoplasm. To study the localization and function of individual enzyme domains, we have epitope-tagged several fragments of human topo IIα and expressed them by retroviral infection of rodent and human cells. We find that fusion of the topo II fragments to the hydrophobic tail of human liver cytochrome b5 anchors the fusion protein to the outer face of cytoplasmic membranes, as determined by colocalization with calnexin and selective detergent permeabilization. Moreover, whereas the minimal ATPase domain (aa 1–266) is weakly and diffusely expressed, addition of the cytb5 anchor (1–266-b5) increases its steady-state level 16-fold with no apparent toxicity. Similar results are obtained with the complete ATPase domain (aa 1–426). A C-terminal domain (aa 1030–1504) of human topo IIα containing an intact dimerization motif is stably expressed and accumulates in the nucleus. Fusion to the cytb5 anchor counteracts the nuclear localization signal and relocalizes the protein to cytoplasmic membranes. In conclusion, we describe a technique that stabilizes and targets retrovirally expressed proteins such that they are exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of cellular membranes. This approach may be of general use for regulating the nuclear accumulation of drugs or proteins in living cells.  相似文献   

The distal region of the S. purpuratus actin CyIIIb gene, between −400 and −1400 nucleotides, contains at least three distinct cis-acting elements (C1R, C1L and E1) which are necessary for correct expression of fusion reporter genes in transgenic sea urchin embryos. The contribution of these elements in the temporal and spatial regulation of the gene was analyzed by single and double site-directed mutagenesis in fusion constructs which carry the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene as a reporter. Following microinjection of the transgenes in sea urchin embryos, the activity of the mutants was compared to the wild type in time and space by measuring CAT activity at the blastula and pluteus embryonic stages and by in situ hybridization to the CAT mRNA at pluteus stage. Our results indicate that E1 involved in the temporal regulation of CyIIIb and that all three elements are necessary and sufficient to confer aboral (dorsal) ectoderm specificity to the proximal promoter. This is achieved by suppressing the promoter's activity in all other tissues by the cooperative interaction of the cis-acting elements. The C1R element, binding site of the nuclear receptors SpCOUP-TF and SpSHR2, is by itself sufficient to restrict expression in the ectoderm, whereas the aboral ectoderm restricted expression requires in addition the presence of both C1L adn E1. It is therefore evident, that the actin CyIIIb gene is exclusively expressed in the aboral ectoderm by a combinatorial repression in all other cell lineages of the developing embryo.  相似文献   

To study the modulation of the reductive metabolism of halothane (2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) by microsomal cytochrome b5, formation of 2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (CTE) and 2-chloro-1,1-difluoroethylene (CDE), major reduced metabolites of halothane, was analyzed in vivo and in vitro. Rats were pretreated with both malotilate (diisopropyl-1,3-dithiol-2-ylidenemalonate) and sodium phenobarbital (malotilate-treated rats) or only with sodium phenobarbital (control rats). The microsomes of malotilate-treated rats had significantly more cytochrome b5 than the controls, whereas the cytochrome P-450 content was not different between the two groups. At the end of 2-h exposure to 1% halothane in 14% oxygen, the ratio of CDE to CTE in arterial blood was significantly higher in malotilate-treated rats than in the controls. Under anaerobic conditions, the formation of CDE and the ratio of CDE to CTE were significantly greater in microsomal preparations of malotilate-treated rats than those of the controls. In a reconstituted system containing cytochrome P-450PB purified from rabbit liver, addition of cytochrome b5 to the system enhanced the formation of CDE and increased the ratio of CDE to CTE. These results suggested that cytochrome b5 enhances the formation ratio of CDE to CTE by stimulating the supply of a second electron to cytochrome P-450, which might reduce radical reactions in the reductive metabolism of halothane.  相似文献   

Eduard Hurt  Günter Hauska   《BBA》1982,682(3):466-473
(1) Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 is completely dependent on a reduced component within the isolated cytochrome b6-f complex. This component can be reduced by dithionite or by NADH/N-methylphenazonium methosulfate. It is a 2H+/2e carrier with a midpoint potential of 100 mV at pH 7.0, which is very similar to the midpoint potential of the plastoquinone pool in chloroplasts. (2) Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 is stimulated by plastoquinol-1 as well as by plastoquinol-9. The midpoint potential of the transient reduction of cytochrome b6, however, was not shifted by added plastoquinol. (3) Quinone analysis of the purified cytochrome b6-f complex revealed about one plastoquinone per cytochrome f. The endogenous quinone is heterogeneous, a form more polar than plastoquinone-A, probably plastoquinone-C, dominating, This is different from the thylakoid membrane where plastoquinone-A is the main quinone. (4) The endogenous quinone can be extracted from the lyophilized cytochrome b6-f complex by acetone, but not by hydrocarbon solvents. Oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6 was observed in the lyophilized and hexane-extracted complex, but was lost in the acetone-extracted complex. Reconstitution was achieved either with plastoquinol-1 or plastoquinol-9, suggesting that a plastoquinol molecule is involved in oxidant-induced reduction of cytochrome b6.  相似文献   

香豆酸-3-羟化酶属于植物中最大的蛋白酶细胞色素P450家族之一,在植物生命活动中发挥着重要作用。为了解地黄香豆酸-3-羟化酶基因RgC3H合成毛蕊花糖苷的功能,该研究基于地黄代谢组学分析获得KEGG途径中的C3H,采用多重比对在NCBI中获得同源基因的一个保守序列,并基于该保守序列和地黄SRA数据库,采用电子克隆和RT-PCR克隆技术获得地黄C3H基因全长CDS(RgC3H),对其进行生物信息学分析。结果表明:RgC3H基因全长为1 530 bp,且编码一个含509个氨基酸、分子量为57.91 kD、无信号肽的蛋白质; 基于氨基酸序列的结构分析显示,RgC3H有一个保守区域-P450结构域; 系统进化分析结果显示,RgC3H与芝麻和猴面花的C3H基因具有很高的同源性。上述结果为进一步研究RgC3H基因在地黄毛蕊花糖苷生物合成途径中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【背景】熊蜂生假丝酵母(Starmerella bombicola)作为一种非常规假丝酵母菌株,因其具备高产槐糖脂生物表面活性剂的能力而受到广泛关注。然而,由于自身的表达系统并不完善,限制了该菌株的代谢工程改造。【目的】克隆、筛选及鉴定新的系列内源启动子表达元件。【方法】通过对比分析熊蜂生假丝酵母全基因组及9种功能已知目的基因信息,并结合启动子预测网站,筛选获得系列启动子候选序列,以SbGFP (密码子优化后的酵母增强型绿色荧光蛋白)为报告基因进行整合表达,通过绿色荧光蛋白强度及转录水平分析鉴定启动子强度。【结果】在分别以葡萄糖和油酸作为唯一碳源的条件下,启动子PTEF1和PGPD在不同碳源培养条件下均显示出较高的转录水平。启动子PCYP52M1、PUGTA1、PUGTB1及PMOB在以油酸为唯一碳源时具有弱转录活性,而在以葡萄糖为唯一碳源时则未检测到它们具有转录活性,推测它们是油酸诱导型启动子。进一步利用实时荧光定量PCR (RT-qPCR)对SbGFP进行转录水平分析,检测结果与绿色荧光表达水平一致。【结论】获得了系列熊蜂生假丝酵母内源性启动子,进一步丰富了该菌株的表达元件,为菌株的代谢工程改造及基因的表达与调控奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

植物需要利用太阳光能进行光合作用,因而不可避免地受到紫外线-B(UV-B) 辐射的影响.为了鉴定水稻WRKY转 录因子OsWRKY89基因启动子中的UV-B反应相关元件,分析了转启动子不同缺失片段与gus融合基因的水稻幼苗,发现在该启动子中存在UV-B反应元件,位于基因翻译起始位点上游-1 213~-1 188之间的25 bp区域,碱基序列为AAGATCTACCATTGCTCTATAGCTT.结合OsWRKY89和UV-B诱导上调表达基因启动子序列分析发现,该元件区在水稻UV-B反应基因启动子上具有高度的保守性,而且与已知保守的光反应元件位置邻近,表明该区域在水稻UV-B反应的转录调控中可能具有重要功能.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster transformants, the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes from D. affinidisjuncta and D. grimshawi show similar levels of expression except in the adult midgut where the D. affinidisjuncta gene is expressed about 10- to 20-fold more strongly. To study the arrangement of cis-acting sequences responsible for this regulatory difference, homologous restriction sites were used to create a series of chimeric genes that switched fragments from the 5 and 3 flanking regions of these two genes. Chimeric genes were introduced into the germ-line of D. melanogaster, and Adh gene expression was analyzed by measuring RNA levels. Various gene fragments in the promoter region and elsewhere influence expression in the adult midgut and in whole larvae and adults. Comparison of these results with earlier studies involving chimeras between the D. affinidisjuncta and D. hawaiiensis genes indicates that expression in the adult midgut is influenced by multiple regulatory sequences and that distinct arrangements of regulatory sequences can result in similar levels of expression both in the adult midgut and in the whole organism.  相似文献   

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