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Internal Ca2+ mobilization and secretion in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
T R Cheek  O Thastrup 《Cell calcium》1989,10(4):213-221
Since secretion from intact bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in response to depolarization by nicotine is triggered by a rise in the concentration of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) to about 200-300 nM above basal, it has been assumed that the failure of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-mobilizing muscarinic agonists to induce secretion reflects the fact that the 50 nM rise in [Ca2+]i they elicit is insufficient to trigger the exocytotic machinery. A recent report, however, has demonstrated that some of the nicotine-induced rise in [Ca2+]i could originate from the InsP3-releasable Ca2+ store. The role of this Ca2+ store in secretion from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells is therefore unclear. In order to investigate in more detail the role of the InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ store in secretion from these cells, we have used a combination of an InsP3-mobilizing muscarinic agonist and the sesquiterpene lactone thapsigargin (TG), which releases internal Ca2+ without concomitant breakdown of inositol lipids or protein kinase C activation, to examine the events which follow depletion of the releasable Ca2+ store in these cells. Monitoring [Ca2+]i using Fura-2 demonstrated that TG released Ca2+ from the InsP3-sensitive store and, additionally, that the Ca2+ response to TG was composed of two distinct, temporally separated, components: a) a slow (1 min) increase in [Ca2+]i to approximately 50 nM above basal that was independent of extracellular Ca2+ and b) the maintenance of this level at a new steady-state that was dependent on the continual entry of extracellular Ca2+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The change in cytoplasmic free calcium, [Ca2+]i in isolated bovine adrenal medullary cells during stimulation by acetylcholine (ACh) in Ca2+-free incubation medium was measured using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator quin2. ACh (1-100 microM) caused an increase in [Ca2+]i by mobilization of Ca2+ from the intracellular pool. Nicotine (10 microM) did not increase [Ca2+]i in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Pretreatment of the cells with atropine (10 microM) completely inhibited ACh-induced increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas pretreatment with hexamethonium (100 microM) did not. The intracellular Ca2+ antagonist 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (TMB-8), inhibited ACh-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. The activator of protein kinase C 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), but not its 'inactive' analog 4 alpha-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate (PDD), also inhibited ACh-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. These findings suggest that in bovine adrenal medullary cells, stimulation of muscarinic ACh receptor causes an increase in [Ca2+]i by mobilizing Ca2+ from the intracellular pool and that protein kinase C is involved in 'termination' or 'down regulation' of this response.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor is a ligand-gated Ca(2+) channel playing an important role in the control of intracellular Ca(2+). In the study presented here, we demonstrate that angiotensin (AngII), phorbol ester (PMA), and FK506 significantly increase the level of InsP(3) receptor phosphorylation in intact bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells. With a back-phosphorylation approach, we showed that the InsP(3) receptor is a good substrate for protein kinase C (PKC) and that FK506 increases the level of PKC-mediated InsP(3) receptor phosphorylation. With a microsomal preparation from bovine adrenal cortex, we showed that PKC enhances the release of Ca(2+) induced by a submaximal dose of InsP(3). We also showed that FK506 blocks intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations in isolated adrenal glomerulosa cells by progressively increasing the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration to a high plateau level. This effect is consistent with an inhibitory role of FK506 on calcineurin dephosphorylation of the InsP(3) receptor, thus keeping the receptor in a phosphorylated, high-conductance state. Our results provide further evidence for the crucial role of the InsP(3) receptor in the regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) oscillations and show that FK506, by maintaining the phosphorylated state of the InsP(3) receptor, causes important changes in the Ca(2+) oscillatory process.  相似文献   

The effect of carbamylcholine and the calcium ionophore A23187 on catecholamine release and intracellular free calcium, [Ca2+]i, in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was determined. At 10–4M carbamylcholine maximal release occurred with an accompanying increase i n [Ca2+]i from a basal level of 168 nM to less than 300 nM. An increase in [Ca2+]i of a similar magnitude was found following challenge with 40 nM A23187. However, in this case, no catecholamine release occurred. These results suggest that stimulation of secretion from chromaffin cells by carbamylcholine may involve additional triggers which stimulate secretion at low [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of calcium-tolerant rat myocytes has been measured by the null point titration technique using arsenazo III as a Ca2+ indicator and digitonin to permeabilize the plasma membrane. The mean value obtained for 8 separate preparations was 270 +/- 35 nM. The distribution of releasable calcium between the mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticular compartments was measured by the successive additions of uncoupler and A23187 to cells pretreated with ruthenium red. The relative distribution of calcium in each pool was independent of the cell calcium content up to the maximum value of releasable calcium investigated (4.5 nmol/mg of cell dry weight) and was distributed in the approximate ratio of 2:1 in favor of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The cells contained 1 nmol of calcium/mg of cell dry weight in a form nonreleasable by A23187, which was independent of the total cell calcium content as measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. It is calculated that the calcium content of mitochondria in heart under physiological conditions is about 5 nmol/mg of mitochondrial protein. At this level, the mitochondria are likely to provide effective buffering of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration of quiescent heart cells. The corresponding intramitochondrial free Ca2+ is in a range above values needed to regulate the activity of Ca2+-dependent enzymes of the citric acid cycle in heart. The physiological calcium content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in heart cells is estimated to be about 2.5 nmol/mg of cell dry weight, which is at least 5-fold greater than the amount of calcium release calculated to cause maximum tension development of cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of GABA on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) as a means of investigating the role of GABA in adrenal catecholamine (CA) secretion. It was demonstrated that GABA caused an elevation of [Ca2+]i via the GABAA receptor in a concentration-dependent manner, which was well correlated with an increase of 45Ca uptake, an increase of CA release and a depolarization of chromaffin cells assessed with bis-oxonol fluorescence. Since the GABA-induced rise of [Ca2+]i was absolutely dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+ and partly sensitive to nifedipine, at least one entry route for Ca2+ facilitated by GABA via a voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel was suggested. When extracellular Cl- was lowered, GABA-induced CA release, depolarization, and rise of [Ca2+]i were all markedly enhanced. It is possible that GABA plays a modulatory role in the regulation of adrenal CA secretion as a facilitatory modulator.  相似文献   

The possible role of metalloendoproteinase in stimulus-secretion coupling in adrenal chromaffin cells was examined using the metalloendoproteinase inhibitors 1,10-phenanthroline and carbobenzoxy-Gly-Phe-NH2. Catecholamine release elicited by nicotine or by depolarisation with 55 mM K+ was almost completely abolished by 0.5 mM 1,10-phenanthroline. Carbobenzoxy-Gly-Phe-NH2 (2.5 mM) inhibited catecholamine release in response to nicotine but enhanced that due to 55 mM K+. The rise in intracellular free calcium, [Ca2+]i, in response to either nicotine or 55 mM was inhibited by about 50% by both inhibitors. One site of action of metalloendoproteinase inhibitors may, therefore, be at the level of the regulation of [Ca2+]i. Catecholamine release and the rise in [Ca2+]i elicited by the calcium ionophore ionomycin were not reduced by the inhibitors. These results show that metalloendoproteinase inhibitors have complex effects on chromaffin cells including effects on the regulation of [Ca2+]i but do not inhibit calcium-activated exocytosis itself.  相似文献   

The effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) and calcium ionophore A23187 on Ca2+ release from bovine adrenal medullary secretory vesicles and microsomes was examined. Ins(1,4,5)P3 released 3.5 nmol of Ca2+/mg protein from secretory vesicles and 1.5 nmol of Ca2+/mg protein from microsomes as measured by a Ca2(+)-selective electrode. However, A23187 promoted Ca2+ uptake into vesicles while releasing Ca2+ from microsomes. Ins(1,4,5)P3-induced Ca2+ release from secretory vesicles was rapid, but the released Ca2+ was absorbed within 3 min during which the Ins(1,4,5)P3-releasable pools were refilled. The in situ calcium content of secretory vesicle measured by atomic absorption spectrometry was 112 +/- 6.3 nmol/mg protein indicating the potential importance of secretory vesicles as an intracellular Ca2+ store. The high Ca2(+)-buffering capacity of secretory vesicles is presumed to be due to the high Ca2(+)-binding capacity of chromogranin A, the major intravesicular protein, which has calsequestrin-like properties.  相似文献   

The whole cell version of the patch clamp technique was used to identify and characterize voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in enzymatically dissociated bovine adrenal zona fasciculata (AZF) cells. The great majority of cells (84 of 86) expressed only low voltage-activated, rapidly inactivating Ca2+ current with properties of T-type Ca2+ current described in other cells. Voltage-dependent activation of this current was fit by a Boltzmann function raised to an integer power of 4 with a midpoint at -17 mV. Independent estimates of the single channel gating charge obtained from the activation curve and using the "limiting logarithmic potential sensitivity" were 8.1 and 6.8 elementary charges, respectively. Inactivation was a steep function of voltage with a v1/2 of -49.9 mV and a slope factor K of 3.73 mV. The expression of a single Ca2+ channel subtype by AZF cells allowed the voltage-dependent gating and kinetic properties of T current to be studied over a wide range of potentials. Analysis of the gating kinetics of this Ca2+ current indicate that T channel activation, inactivation, deactivation (closing), and reactivation (recovery from inactivation) each include voltage-independent transitions that become rate limiting at extreme voltages. Ca2+ current activated with voltage- dependent sigmoidal kinetics that were described by an m4 model. The activation time constant varied exponentially at test potentials between -30 and +10 mV, approaching a voltage-independent minimum of 1.6 ms. The inactivation time constant (tau i) also decreased exponentially to a minimum of 18.3 ms at potentials positive to 0 mV. T channel closing (deactivation) was faster at more negative voltages; the deactivation time constant (tau d) decreased from 8.14 +/- 0.7 to 0.48 +/- 0.1 ms at potentials between -40 and -150 mV. T channels inactivated by depolarization returned to the closed state along pathways that included two voltage-dependent time constants. tau rec-s ranged from 8.11 to 4.80 s when the recovery potential was varied from - 50 to -90 mV, while tau rec-f decreased from 1.01 to 0.372 s. At potentials negative to -70 mV, both time constants approached minimum values. The low voltage-activated Ca2+ current in AZF cells was blocked by the T channel selective antagonist Ni2+ with an IC50 of 20 microM. At similar concentrations, Ni2+ also blocked cortisol secretion stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone. Our results indicate that bovine AZF cells are distinctive among secretory cells in expressing primarily or exclusively T-type Ca2+ channels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Single bovine adrenal medullary cells have been obtained by retrograde perfusion of adrenal medullae with a solution of 0.05% collagenase in Ca++-free Krebs Henseleit buffer. Chromaffin cells were obtained in high yield (5 X 10(6) cells/g medulla), and more than 95% of these were viable as shown by exclusion of trypan blue. The isolated cells were capable of respiring at a linear rate for a minimum of 120 min. Ultrastructural examination revealed that the cells were morphologically intact, and two distinct types of adrenal medullary cells were identified, on the basis of the morphology of their electron-dense vesicles, as (a) adrenaline-containing and (b) noradrenaline-containing cells. Biochemical analysis showed that the cells contained catecholamines and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH). The cells released catecholamines and DBH in response to acetylcholine (ACh), and this release was accompanied by changes in the vesicular and surface membranes observed at the ultrastructural level. The time-course of ACh-stimulated catecholamine and DBH release, and the dependence of this release on the concentration of ACh and extracellular Ca++ have been investigated. The isolated cells were pharmacologically sensitive to the action of the cholinergic blocking agents, atropine and hexamethonium.  相似文献   

The present studies were conducted to determine whether luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone which increases intracellular cAMP, also increases "second messengers" derived from inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in isolated bovine luteal cells. In luteal cells prelabeled with 32PO4, LH provoked increases in labeling of phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylinositol, and polyphosphatidylinositol (PIP). No reductions in 32P-prelabeled PIP and PIP2 were observed in LH-treated cells. In luteal cells prelabeled with myo-[2-3H]inositol, LH provoked rapid (10-30 s) and sustained (up to 60 min) increases in the levels of inositol mono-, bis-, and trisphosphates (IP, IP2, and IP3, respectively. IP3 was formed more rapidly than IP2 or IP following LH treatment. In addition, LH increased (50%) levels of [3H]inositol phospholipids in 30-min incubations. LiCl (10 mM) enhanced inositol phosphate accumulation in response to LH. Maximal increases in IP3 occurred at 1-10 micrograms/ml of LH. Similar temporal and dose-response relationships were observed for LH-stimulated IP3 and cAMP accumulation. However, exogenous cAMP (8-bromo-cAMP, 5 mM) and forskolin (10 microM) had no effect on inositol phosphate synthesis. The initial (1 min) effects of LH on IP3 and cAMP were independent of extracellular calcium concentrations, whereas the sustained (5 min) effect of LH on IP3, but not cAMP, was dependent on a source of extracellular calcium. LH-stimulated progesterone synthesis was also dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. LH induced rapid and concentration-dependent increases in [Ca2+]i as measured by Quin 2 fluorescence. The LH-induced increases in [Ca2+]i were maximal within 30 s (approximately 2-fold) and remained elevated for at least 10 min. In Ca2+-free media containing 2 mM [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid, LH was still able to increase [Ca2+]i, but the increase was slightly less in magnitude and of shorter duration (2-4 min). These findings demonstrate that LH can rapidly raise levels of IP3 and [Ca2+]i, as well as, cAMP in bovine luteal cells. These findings suggest that at least two second messenger systems exist to mediate the action of LH in the corpus luteum.  相似文献   

In smooth muscle cells, various transient, localized [Ca(2+)] changes have been observed that are thought to regulate cell function without necessarily inducing contraction. Although a great deal of effort has been put into detecting these transients and elucidating the mechanisms involved in their generation, the extent to which these transient Ca(2+) signals interact with intracellular Ca(2+)-binding molecules remains relatively unknown. To understand how the spatial and temporal characteristics of an intracellular Ca(2+) signal influence its interaction with Ca(2+)-binding proteins, mathematical models of Ca(2+) diffusion and regulation in smooth muscle cells were used to study Ca(2+) binding to prototypical proteins with one or two Ca(2+)-binding sites. Simulations with the models: (1) demonstrate the extent to which the rate constants for Ca(2+)-binding to proteins and the spatial and temporal characteristics of different Ca(2+) transients influence the magnitude and time course of the responses of these proteins to the transients; (2) predict significant differences in the responses of proteins with one or two Ca(2+)-binding sites to individual Ca(2+) transients and to trains of transients; (3) demonstrate how the kinetic characteristics determine the fidelity with which the responses of Ca(2+)-sensitive molecules reflect the magnitude and time course of transient Ca(2+) signals. Overall, this work demonstrates the clear need for complete information about the kinetics of Ca(2+) binding for determining how well Ca(2+)-binding molecules respond to different types of Ca(2+) signals. These results have important implications when considering the possible modulation of Ca(2+)- and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent proteins by localized intracellular Ca(2+) transients in smooth muscle cells and, more generally, in other cell types.  相似文献   

In isolated bovine adrenal medullary cells, the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate (TPA), an activator of protein kinase C, stimulated [14C]catecholamine synthesis from [14C]tyrosine, but not from [14C]DOPA. This stimulatory effect of TPA on [14C]catecholamine synthesis was not dependent upon extracellular Ca2+, and TPA did not affect the uptake of 45Ca2+ or the release of catecholamine by the cells. TPA also did not affect the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) level. 4 alpha-Phorbol 12, 13-didecanoate, which is not an activator of protein kinase C, did not stimulate the synthesis of [14C]catecholamine from [14C]tyrosine. The stimulatory effect of TPA on [14C]catecholamine synthesis was additive with that of carbamylcholine, but not with that of dibutyryl cAMP (DB-cAMP). From these results, it was suggested that protein kinase C is involved in the regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity and that this regulatory mechanism might be similar to that involving cAMP.  相似文献   

The effect of caffeine on catecholamine secretion and intracellular free Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was examined using single fura-2-loaded cells and cell populations. In cell populations caffeine elicited a large (approximately 200 nM) transient rise in [Ca2+]i that was independent of external Ca2+. This rise in [Ca2+]i triggered little secretion. Single cell measurements of [Ca2+]i showed that most cells responded with a large (greater than 200 nM) rise in [Ca2+]i, whereas a minority failed to respond. The latter, whose caffeine-sensitive store was empty, buffered a Ca2+ load induced by a depolarizing stimulus more effectively than those whose store was full. The caffeine-sensitive store in bovine chromaffin cells may be involved in Ca2+ homeostasis rather than in triggering exocytosis.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the nicotinic receptor of bovine chromaffin cells results in a rise in intracellular free calcium [( Ca2+]i) and subsequent release of catecholamine. This response is totally dependent on the presence of external Ca2+. Monitoring [Ca2+]i using quin-2 demonstrated a rise in [Ca2+]i in response to muscarinic agonists which was approximately 4-times less than that obtained in response to nicotinic stimulation. This atropine-sensitive [Ca2+]i rise occurred after a 10-s lag and was found to be independent of the external Ca2+, implying the existence of an intracellular Ca2+ source. Despite producing this [Ca2+]i rise low concentrations of the muscarinic agonist, methacholine (under 1 X 10(-3) M), failed to trigger secretion itself and did not effect the secretory response elicited by nicotine. Challenging the cells with higher methacholine concentrations (over 1 X 10(-3) M) resulted in the same [Ca2+]i rise, no secretion, but an inhibition of secretion due to nicotine. This latter response, however, was found to be atropine-insensitive and therefore non-muscarinic. The [Ca2+]i rise and secretion due to depolarization by 55 mM K+ were largely unaffected by prior addition 1 X 10(-2) M methacholine, inferring that high concentrations of methacholine inhibit nicotine-induced secretion by interacting with the nicotinic receptor. These results provide evidence consistent with the existence of an intracellular Ca2+ store mobilized by muscarinic receptor activation in bovine chromaffin cells and show that, despite causing a rise in [Ca2+]i, bovine chromaffin cell muscarinic stimulation does not effect secretion itself or secretion induced by either nicotine or high K+.  相似文献   

Exposure of adrenal chromaffin cells to carbamylcholine (CCh) in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ suppressed rises in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) induced by subsequent addition of Ca2+ into the incubation medium. The extent of the suppression was dependent on the concentration of CCh and the duration of exposure. A similar inhibitory effect of CCh was also observed in the case of catecholamine release. In contrast, pretreatment with 56 mM K+ did not affect these two responses induced by Ca2+. Recovery from the desensitized state was rapid, since the responses became normal within 3 min following washout of the maximum concentration of CCh. These results show that, in Ca2+-free medium, exposure of the cells to CCh induces desensitization as indicated by diminished rise in [Ca2+]i and reduced release of catecholamines. These phenomena were not due to direct inhibition of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels by CCh, but seem to be due to an uncoupling of signal transduction between the nicotinic receptor and Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

P S Liu  L S Kao 《Cell calcium》1990,11(9):573-579
Bovine adrenal chromaffin cells were loaded with Na+ via either acetylcholine receptor-associated ion channels or voltage-sensitive Na+ channels. There were increases in [Ca2+]i, 45Ca2+ uptake and catecholamine secretion in both types of Na(+)-loaded cells relative to control cells in which Na+ loading had been prevented by hexamethonium and tetrodotoxin, respectively. These results show the presence of Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ influx activity in chromaffin cells which is probably mediated by the reverse mode of a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.  相似文献   

The effect of histamine on intracellular free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) in HA22/VGH human hepatoma cells were evaluated using fura-2 as a fluorescent Ca2+ dye. Histamine (0.2-5 microM) increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner with an EC50 value of about 1 microM. The [Ca2+]i response comprised an initial rise, a slow decay, and a sustained phase. Extracellular Ca2+ removal inhibited 50% of the [Ca2+]i signal. In Ca2+-free medium, after cells were treated with 1 microM thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor), 5 microM histamine failed to increase [Ca2+]i. After pretreatment with 5 microM histamine in Ca2+-free medium for 4 min, addition of 3 mM Ca2+ induced a [Ca2+]i increase of a magnitude 7-fold greater than control. Histamine (5 microM)-induced intracellular Ca2+ release was abolished by inhibiting phospholipase C with 2 microM 1-(6-((17beta-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl)amino)hexyl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (U73122), and by 5 microM pyrilamine but was not altered by 50 microM cimetidine. Together, this study shows that histamine induced [Ca2+]i increases in human hepatoma cells by stimulating H1, but not H2, histamine receptors. The [Ca2+]i signal was caused by Ca2+ release from thapsigargin-sensitive endoplasmic reticulum in an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent manner, accompanied by Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

Standard (UICC) chrysotile B asbestos fibres caused rapid (within minutes) 5-to-8-fold stimulations of catecholamine secretion from isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells without affecting their viability (97%). The stimulation of catecholamine secretion by asbestos was selective to chrysotile type fibres, half-maximal stimulation by standard chrysotile B, chrysotile A, crocidolite, amosite and silica fibres being observed at 7, 73, 160, 250 and ? 500 μg per ml, respectively. The secretory effect of chrysotile B was additive to that of acetylcholine and blocked by either the divalent cations, Co2+, Ni2+ and Mg2+ or the ion chelators, EGTA and EDTA. Conversely, neither verapamil, methoxyverapamil, or removal of extracellular calcium affected the asbestos-evoked catecholamine secretion. These data indicate that the selective stimulatory effect of chrysotile type asbestos on adrenal chromaffin cells can be mediated by membrane or intracellular calcium and raise the question of the possible involvement of catecholamines in the pathogenesis of asbestos related diseases.  相似文献   

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