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Jacques Haury 《Hydrobiologia》1996,340(1-3):43-49
To carry out a functional typology of a Normandy watercourse, three compartments (water quality, physical features and macrophytes) were studied in 74 stations. The data were analysed with multidimensional methods: Principal Component Analysis (P C.A.), Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (H.C.A.) andMultiple Factor Analysis (M.F.A.). P.C.A. analysis of the 3 compartments ordered significant variables as following:
  • stream order, water velocity and light
  • conductivity, pollution parameters as opposited to mineralisation ones
  • upstream/downstream, sciaphilous/heliophilous, rheophilous, ditch species.
  • All the compartments showed a longitudinal zonation pattern which characterised the first axis of M.F.A.. The second factor of M.F.A. was mainlydue to water quality and macrophytes, and the third one to physical features and macrophytes: macrophytes appeared to be reliable ecological integrators of the spatial and functional heterogeneity. Four clusters obtained in H.C.A. defined functional parts of the watercourse. This example of typology, and the relationships identified between the 3 compartments, assessed the intereslt of macrophytes for characterisingwatercourses, and diagnosing their equilibrium.  相似文献   

    Basing on the morphological signs selected in the morphologically contrast samples of the facial skeleton, 27 variants of the upper and lower jaws have been obtained for each, characterizing interconnection and interdependence of several morphological signs. Into each of these variants people of various races and sex, with massive or gracile masticatory apparatus can get. However, the reduction degree, directness, temps and successiveness of reorganizations together with exogenic influence within the limits of the normal reaction in various parts of the masticatory apparatus of the individuals, that belong to the same variant, is identical. Thus, an anatomo-anthropological typology of the dento-maxillary apparatus is obtained, owing to which it is possible to study and compare: 1--individual morphological peculiarities, 2--regional and ethnic norms in morphology of the jaws, 3--within the 27 variants of the structure selected it is possible to study functional, biochemical and other factors. The results demonstrate, that 27 morphological variants of the jaw structure can serve as anatomical marker for distinguishing 27 risk groups for caries.  相似文献   

    谈旧石器类型学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
    陈淳 《人类学学报》1994,13(4):374-382
    谈旧石器类型学陈淳(DepearlmentofAnthropology,Mcgillunlversity,Montreal,CanadaH3A2T7)迄今为止,我国考古学分析的主要手段之一仍然是器物类型学.大量研究报告所采用的分析方法基本上可归结为分...  相似文献   

    A review of the vegetation of Greece, following the hierarchical system of four main syntaxonomic levels (association, alliance, order, class) is presented and the correspondence of the high-ranked syntaxa with the Habitat Types included in Annex I of the Directive 92/43/EEC has been prepared. The syntaxonomic list of the vegetation units of Greece (up to alliance level) is composed of 41 classes, 56 orders, and 91 alliances. Of the 226 Habitat Types listed in Annex I of Directive 92/43/EEC, 111 different Habitat Types are present in Greece, of which 26 are Priority Types. The establishment of a syntaxonomic typology for the Habitat Types recorded in Greece is essential for the sake of vegetation mapping and nature conservation. A habitat coding system, as applied in Spain, is proposed for Greece for mapping purposes. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02DO015 00007  相似文献   

    Friedrich Nietzsche's will to power, and the philosophical ediface built on this foundation, is formulated on a biologicism that is indebted to a particular post-Darwinian vision of the organism. Of the various models that attempt to formulate a comprehensive organismal biology, Nietzsche unknowingly grasped that of Elie Metchnikoff, who authored the theoretical foundation of modern immunology. Metchnikoff regarded the organism as a disharmonious entity, in constant inner strife between competing cellular activities. Immune functions were responsible for mediating harmonization, which however remains an elusive ideal. This view of the organism posited an ever-changing, self-defining entity striving for self-actualization while in ceaseless inner struggle as well as in competition with the environment. The theory is no less than an epistemological response of how to establish the subject-object relation in a construct where the subject's boundaries are dialectical and evolving. The similarity of the philosophical positions of Nietzsche and Metchnikoff regarding the Self offers rich resonance in current attempts to formulate a biomedical language appropriate to address the issues raised by these problems.  相似文献   

    Like the numbers in a sudoku puzzle, a lexeme’s principal parts provide enough information–but only enough–to deduce all of the remaining forms in its paradigm. Because principal parts are a distillation of the implicative relations that exist among the members of a lexeme’s paradigm, they afford an important (but heretofore neglected) basis for typological classification. We recognize three logically distinct sorts of principal-part systems that might be postulated for a given language: static, adaptive, and dynamic. Focussing for present purposes on dynamic systems, we propose five crosscutting criteria for the typological classification of principal-part systems. These criteria relate to (i) how many principal parts are needed to determine a lexeme’s paradigm; (ii) whether distinct lexemes possess parallel sets of principal parts; (iii) how many principal parts are needed to determine a given word in a lexeme’s paradigm; (iv) what sort of morphological relation exists between a principal part and the forms that it is used to deduce; and (v) whether lexemes’ nonprincipal parts are inferred from their principal parts in the same way from one inflection class to another. Drawing on these criteria, we propose a novel classification of a range of typologically diverse languages.  相似文献   

    On base of the component analysis of facial dimensions the original diagnostic model of definition of a morphological facial type in Russian males and females is developed. The first typological characteristic feature describes the variability of general face size, allocating extreme micro- and macrotypes. The second one describes the face shape as a ratio of frontal and mandibular parts. On poles of variability it demonstrates a type with massive frontal face part and rather reduced mandibular one, and a contrast type with a massive mandibular part at relative gracile frontal face part. Central position in this model is occupied by variants with equally proportional development of the top and bottom face parts. On the basis of seven traditional anthropometric facial dimensions the place of any individual in terms of face size and form can be easily found in the suggested model. The chosen contrast variants of the face form are comparable to the appropriate characteristics of cerebral and digestive Sigaud types. The offered morphotypology allows to estimate accurately individual and group features in the face form. The methods of multivariate analysis reveal steady connection between somatotypes and features of a facial structure. Though the level of correlation does not exceed 0.3-0.4 of correlation coefficients, it is statistically significant at the highest degree of probability. The basic direction of habitus variability in men is observed at general face size, in women at face shape.  相似文献   

    J Swain  L Hill 《Lab animal》2012,41(8):221

    Constitution typology is thought of as a classification that is based on a few fundamental properties of the organism. These properties steadily distinguish individuals and permit the prediction of manifold secondary (external) features of types. At the transition from one constitutional type to another, concordant changes of trait values are determined by the respective changes of general causal factors. Theoretically, external constitution typology should be constructed on the basis of trait concordant "dynamics" under the change of fundamental factors at the individual level. Therefore, it does not depend on statistical relations characterizing population level. Causal factors and their influences on traits are impossible to be correctly and uniquely determined on the basis of population statistics relations. Causal factors do not coincide with the statistical ones of multivariate biometric analysis; equally, trait regression dependencies on statistical factors do not coincide with the causal influences.  相似文献   

    The Rhine ecosystem is highly influenced by anthropogenic stresses from pollution, intensive shipping and increased connectivity with other large European rivers. Canalization of the Rhine resulted in a reduction of heterogeneity to two main biotopes: sandy streambeds and riverbanks consisting of groyne stones. Both biotopes are heavily subjected to biological invasions, affecting the rivers food web structure. The Ponto-Caspian amphipods, Chelicorophium curvispinum and Dikerogammarus villosus, have exerted the highest impact on this food web. The filterfeeding C. curvispinum dominated the Rhine food web on the stones in 1998, swamping the stone substrata with mud. However, in 2001 it decreased in numbers, most likely due to top-down regulation caused by increased parasitic and predatory pressure of other more recently invaded Ponto-Caspian species. D. villosus showed a fast population increase after its invasion and particularly influenced the macroinvertebrate community on the stones by predaceous omnivory. This species seemed to have maintained its predatory level after its population established. Effects of these mass invaders on the macroinvertebrate community of sandy streambeds in the Rhine are unclear. Here, low densities of macroinvertebrates were observed with the Asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea, as most abundant species. Stable isotope values of food webs from the stones and sand in 2001 were similar. Aquatic macrophytes are nearly absent and the food web is fuelled by phytoplankton and particulate organic matter, originating from riparian vegetation as indicated by similar δ13C values. Omnivores, filter-, deposit-, and detritus-feeders are the primary and secondary macroinvertebrate consumers and function as keystone species in transferring energy to higher trophic levels. Invaders comprise 90% of the macroinvertebrate numbers, and can be considered ecosystem engineers determining the functional diversity and food web structure of the Rhine by either bottom-up or top-down regulation.  相似文献   

    Morphological features characterize variations in morphological form which are independent of syntactic context. They contrast with morphosyntactic features, which characterize variations in form correlated with different syntactic contexts. Morphological features account for formal variation across lexemes (inflectional class), as well as morphosyntactically incoherent alternations within the paradigm of a single lexeme. Such morphological features are not available to the syntax, as is made explicit in the principle of ‘morphology-free syntax’. Building on work on stress patterns in Network Morphology and on stems in Paradigm Function Morphology, we take initial steps towards a typology of these morphological features. We identify four types: inflectional class features (affixal and prosodic), stem indexing features, syncretic index features and morphophonological features. Then we offer a first list of criteria for distinguishing them from morphosyntactic features (independently of the principle of morphology-free syntax). Finally we review the arguments demonstrating the need to recognize morphological features.  相似文献   

    Many authors described in detail the morphological features of human venous valves, but less their functional architecture. The present study provides additional information concerning the valvular anatomy, to enable its functional interpretation. The previously reported data and the author's results showed the regional distribution and characteristics of venous valves in different areas of the human body. Certain findings suggested a reorganization after birth of the venous valves which are frequently met in fetus. The close relation between hemodynamic mechanisms and the blood guiding structures may explain the changes (disappearance or persistence) of venous valves in some areas after birth. Significance of the rudimentary folds, resembling valves, is not yet elucidated. Based on his observations, the author attempted a new classification of the veins. The relations between density and morphological peculiarities of venous valves in different vein types showed that the constant valves were always involved in the local hemodynamics. Bardeleben's principles referring to the location and topographical arrangement of venous valves can be applied only to certain areas of the limbs, but not to other regions. In this paper there are described and functionally interpreted the venous valves of all territories of the human body.  相似文献   

    类型学是考古材料描述与分析的基础。近年来,学者们对类型学尤其是旧石器时代石器类型学的反思较多,涉及类型学的理论基础、分类原则、类型学的考古解释能力等各个方面,然而少有中国学者系统介绍西方常用的旧石器考古类型学体系。鉴于此,本文主要介绍D. de Sonneville-Bordes与J. Perrot建立且在欧洲、西亚及北非应用较为普遍的旧石器时代晚期石器类型学,并思考旧石器考古学中类型学应用的相关问题。由于文化的区域多样性,描述中国的旧石器考古学材料时显然不能照搬欧洲的类型学体系,但可参考它并建立适宜于中国旧石器时代考古材料描述的体系。若此,一方面,我们可以更好地将中国的旧石器晚期考古材料与其他地区的相关材料进行对比;另一方面,可以揭示中国旧石器时代晚期石器类型的区域多样化。  相似文献   

    Rotifer assemblages: a contribution to the typology of Spanish reservoirs   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
    De Manuel  J.  Armengol  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):421-428
    An extensive survey of 100 reservoirs on the Iberian peninsula was carried out in 1987/88. Based on physical, chemical and biological data, several groups of reservoirs were differentiated. To contribute to the zooplankton component of this typology, we studied the species composition of rotifer communities from each reservoir. Data from all reservoirs were integrated separately (stratification and mixing periods) in a principal components analysis. No distinct communities were evident for the different reservoir types, suggesting that each type contains a series of rotifer assemblages, with gradual changes in species composition occurring in response to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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