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The inventories of subject clitics in northern Italian varieties are affected by widespread morphological changes. One of these changes is syncretism. In addition, many dialects display defective paradigms where some of the clitics are missing. The clitics that undergo syncretism and the clitics that are missing tend to be the same: the first person singular and plural, the second plural, and, less frequently, the third plural. Working in the framework of Distributed Morphology, I argue that these clitics are the target of markedness constraints that trigger repair operations leading to either syncretism or the removal of forms from a paradigm. In particular, I propose two such operations: one is feature deletion, which deletes a marked feature specification. This operation is always followed by feature insertion, which inserts the opposite value of the deleted feature specification (this operation leads to syncretism). The other one is obliteration, which deletes a morphosyntactic node and leads to underspecified morphosyntactic representations (this operation leads to paradigmatic gaps). I investigate how these operations affect the morphological exponents in PF, creating syncretisms and gaps in exponence.  相似文献   

Despite current interest in population genetics, a concrete definition of a "population" remains elusive. Multiple ecologically and evolutionarily based definitions of population are in current use, which focus, respectively, on demographic and genetic interactions. Accurate population delimitation is crucial for not only evolutionary and ecological population biology, but also for conservation of threatened populations. Along the Pacific Coast of North America, two contrasting patterns of geographic variation in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) converge within the state of Oregon. Populations of these mice diverge morphologically across an east-west axis, and they diverge in mitochondrial DNA haplotypes across a north-south axis. In this study, we investigate these geographically contrasting patterns of differentiation in the context of ecological and evolutionary definitions (paradigms) of populations. We investigate these patterns using a new and geographically expansive sample that integrates data on morphology, mitochondrial DNA, and nuclear DNA. We found no evidence of nuclear genetic differentiation between the morphologically and mitochondrially distinct populations, thus indicating the occurrence of gene flow across Oregon. Under the evolutionary paradigm, Oregon populations can be considered a single population, whereas morphological and mitochondrial differentiations do not indicate distinct populations. In contrast, under the ecological paradigm morphological differentiation indicates distinct populations based on the low likelihood of demographic interactions between geographically distant individuals. The two sympatric but mitochondrially distinct haplogroups form a single population under the ecological paradigm. Hence, we find that the difference between evolutionary and ecological paradigms is the time-scale of interest, and we believe that the more chronologically inclusive evolutionary paradigm may be preferable except in cases where only a single generation is of interest.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to make sense of the typologically quite exceptional pattern of person neutralization in the plural as we find it in Dutch verbal paradigms. We argue that Dutch, and most of its dialects, have a structural pattern of syncretism in their verbal paradigm: there are no person-distinctions in the plural. The main question of this paper is: where does this structural pattern of neutralization in Dutch come from, if we cannot explain it as a typologically wellattested pattern? As a first step, note that although the pattern is typologically quite odd, it conforms to another well-known generalization about paradigms: neutralization occurs in the marked half of the paradigm (see e.g. Nevins 2009). Further, we need to explain why this pattern occurs precisely in the Netherlands at this particular point in time. To this, we argue that this pattern arises as the result of a particular language acquisition strategy together with reduced evidence from the input for the fully inflected forms, probably as a result of dialect contact. This reduced evidence causes the third person, being the most frequent form, to dominate the other plural forms. In combination with limited paradigm splitting (Pinker, 1996), this explains the uniform plural that we find in most Dutch dialects.  相似文献   

Species are commonly delimited on the basis of gaps in patterns of morphological variation, but there seems to be little recent work on methods to objectively assess such gaps. Here, we introduce a statistical approach that uses measurements of continuous morphological characters and geographic variation in those characters to (i) measure the strength of the evidence for the existence of a gap in morphological variation between two hypothesized species and (ii) examine if a gap in morphological variation between two hypothesized species can be explained by an alternative hypothesis of geographic variation within a species. This approach is based on recent developments in analyses of multivariate normal mixtures, estimates of multivariate tolerance regions, and principal coordinates of neighboring matrices. We demonstrate the application of the approach by examining previously proposed hypotheses of species limits in the plant genus Escallonia. We discuss the main features of the method, including potential limitations, in relation to other approaches that use gaps in morphological variation as a criterion for species delimitation. The method we propose can help strengthen the link between the theory and practice of species delimitation by increasing the transparency and consistency of taxonomic decisions based on morphology, thus contributing to integrative approaches for species delimitation that consider morphological and geographic data on an equal footing with other kinds of information.  相似文献   

There are examples of coexisting species with similar morphology and ecology, in apparent contradiction to competition theory. Shrews (Soricidae) are a paradigmatic example of this because members of this group exhibit a conserved body form, relatively low variability in lifestyle, and, in many cases, a sympatric distribution. Here, we combined geometric morphometrics and ecological niche modeling to test whether diversification of soricid species inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula has been driven by niche divergence or, conversely, whether niche conservatism has played a paramount role in this process. We also examined whether pairwise morphological distances increase as the degree of niche overlap between species becomes greater, as would be expected if interspecific competition promotes morphological differentiation. Our results showed that water shrews (Neomys), white‐toothed shrews (Crocidurinae), and red‐toothed shrews (Soricinae) are clearly differentiated in terms of both skull shape and mandible shape. However, we found a lack of phylogenetic signal in most morphological traits, indicating that closely related species are not more similar than expected by random chance. Notably, water shrews show a more “triangular” or sharp skull than white‐toothed and red‐toothed shrews, probably as an adaptation to their semiaquatic lifestyle. In agreement with the phenotypic data, climatic traits (mean annual temperature and annual precipitation) were highly labile and sister taxa showed extensive differentiation in their realized niche space. Finally, we found that phenotypic distances between species tend to increase as the degree of niche overlap increases, suggesting that interspecific competition is an important factor in determining the level of morphological resemblance among relatives. Overall, our results indicate that the existence of limited morphological disparity in a given group does not necessarily imply the existence of a niche conservatism signature.  相似文献   

Investigators have long searched for a polyploidy paradigm—rules or principles that might be common following polyploidization (whole‐genome duplication, WGD). Here we attempt to integrate what is known across the more thoroughly investigated polyploid systems on topics ranging from genetics to ecology. We found that while certain rules may govern gene retention and loss, systems vary in the prevalence of gene silencing vs. homeolog loss, chromosomal change, the presence of a dominant genome (in allopolyploids), and the relative importance of hybridization vs. genome doubling per se. In some lineages, aspects of polyploidization are repeated across multiple origins, but in other species multiple origins behave more stochastically in terms of genetic and phenotypic change. Our investigation also reveals that the path to synthesis is hindered by numerous gaps in our knowledge of even the best‐known systems. Particularly concerning is the absence of linkage between genotype and phenotype. Moreover, most recent studies have focused on the genetic and genomic attributes of polyploidy, but rarely is there an ecological or physiological context. To promote a path to a polyploidy paradigm (or paradigms), we propose a major community goal over the next 10–20 yr to fill the gaps in our knowledge of well‐studied polyploids. Before a meaningful synthesis is possible, more complete data sets are needed for comparison—systems that include comparable genetic, genomic, chromosomal, proteomic, as well as morphological, physiological, and ecological data. Also needed are more natural evolutionary model systems, as most of what we know about polyploidy continues to come from a few crop and genetic models, systems that often lack the ecological context inherent in natural systems and necessary for understanding the drivers of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The auditory P50 ERP component has previously been studied either in the repetitive click or the conditioning-testing (C-T) paradigm. For 20 subjects, we compared 4 repetitive click and 4 C-T protocols in a single experimental session with identical recording techniques and with interclick intervals comparable to the C-T intervals. In the C-T protocols, a long interval between click pairs ensured full recovery of P50 to the C click. The analysis of P50 topographies provided strong evidence that the same component was measured in the two paradigms. For both paradigms, P50 amplitude was progressively suppressed as the interclick or C-T interval decreased (P<0.0001), with parallel interval vs. P50 amplitude regression lines for the two paradigms. There was a strong trend (P=0.08) for the repetitive click amplitudes to be smaller than T amplitudes for comparable repetitive click and C-T intervals. Equivalently, this strong trend suggests that repetitive click intervals must be longer (by about 300 ms) than the C-T interval to generate equivalent amplitude P50 responses. We conclude that the same component is measured in both paradigms, that P50 amplitude decreases with decreasing interstimulus intervals in both paradigms, and that in normals, for comparable inter-click and C-T intervals, there is greater P50 suppression in the repetitive click paradigm. Finally, we note that the comparison of paradigms within normals does not necessarily apply to clinical samples.  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper taken-for-granted hypotheses in linguistic diversity are presented. In the second part the two constellations of globalized ideologies are described constituting paradigms that these hypotheses illustrate: competition and solidarity. In the third part, a condensed version of emerging globalized concerns is given. Sociolinguistics and anthropological linguistics are disciplines that increasingly theorize and analyze within the solidarity paradigm. It is suggested that a systematic uprooting of competition as taken-for-granted grounding of scientific research should allow for the development of theorization and successful applications of solidarity ideologies. In short, in this paper, our multifaceted taken-for-grantedness is challenged in many ways: (1) competition is ideological and many social movements are unmasking it by articulating solidarity as a basis for ideologies, (2) difference is not necessarily divisive but it is so in pervasive competition, (3) proponents of the Nation-State as a model of social organization have vested interests in competition, (4) competition has not favored the articulation of common human grounds but globalization helps to raise concerns and articulate commonness/solidarity in difference.  相似文献   

Innovative and fruitful studies of social bonds have been developed in recent years, although the methods used to establish the existence of a social bond between two individuals have not evolved significantly. Two types of paradigms have been currently used: the separation-reunion paradigm, which evaluates the distress caused by the disruption of the social bond, and choice paradigms, which test the specificity of the bond to a given individual. We have developed a new paradigm based on the idea that the cost an individual was ready to pay in order to gain access to a conspecific depended on the strength of the social bond between the two individuals. To test our paradigm we used mound-building mice, Mus spicilegus that present, in both males and females, a level of tolerance that differs greatly according to the degree of familiarity between the individuals. Our new method for testing social bond revealed unsuspected differences between males and females. Our results suggested that, at least in Mus spicilegus, strong social bonds were not necessary to the development of a high level of tolerance between individuals.  相似文献   

To understand why population growth rate is sometimes positive and sometimes negative, ecologists have adopted two main approaches. The most common approach is through the density paradigm by plotting population growth rate against population density. The second approach is through the mechanistic paradigm by plotting population growth rate against the relevant ecological processes affecting the population. The density paradigm is applied a posteriori, works sometimes but not always and is remarkably useless in solving management problems or in providing an understanding of why populations change in size. The mechanistic paradigm investigates the factors that supposedly drive density changes and is identical to Caughley's declining population paradigm of conservation biology. The assumption that we can uncover invariant relationships between population growth rate and some other variables is an article of faith. Numerous commercial fishery applications have failed to find the invariant relationships between stock and recruitment that are predicted by the density paradigm. Environmental variation is the rule, and non-equilibrial dynamics should force us to look for the mechanisms of population change. If multiple factors determine changes in population density, there can be no predictability in either of these paradigms and we will become environmental historians rather than scientists with useful generalizations for the population problems of this century. Defining our questions clearly and adopting an experimental approach with crisp alternative hypotheses and adequate controls will be essential to building useful generalizations for solving the practical problems of population management in fisheries, wildlife and conservation.  相似文献   

Experiments probed the dynamic properties of stimulus-evoked (10 Hz) oscillations in somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats. Experimental paradigms and statistical time series analysis were based on theoretical ideas from a dynamic approach to temporal patterns of neuronal activity. From the results of a double-stimulus paradigm we conclude that the neuronal response contains two components with different dynamics and different coupling to the stimulus. Based on this result a quantitative dynamic model is derived, making use of normal form theory for bifurcating vector fields. The variables used are abstract, but measurable, dynamic components. The model parameters capture the dynamic properties of neuronal response and are related to experimental results. A structural interpretation of the model can be given in terms of the collective dynamics of neuronal groups, their mutual interaction, and their coupling to peripheral stimuli. The model predicts the stimulusdependent lifetime of the oscillations as observed in experiment. We show that this prediction relies on the basic concept of dynamic bistability and does not depend on the modeling details.  相似文献   

Prolonged viewing of dichoptically presented images with different content results in perceptual alternations known as binocular rivalry. This phenomenon is thought to be the result of competition at a local level, where local rivalry zones interact to give rise to a single, global dominant percept. Certain perceived combinations that result from this local competition are known to last longer than others, which is referred to as grouping during binocular rivalry. In recent years, the phenomenon has been suggested to be the result of competition at both eye- and image-based processing levels, although the exact contribution from each level remains elusive. Here we use a paradigm designed specifically to quantify the contribution of eye- and image-based processing to grouping during rivalry. In this paradigm we used sine-wave gratings as well as upright and inverted faces, with and without binocular disparity-based occlusion. These stimuli and conditions were used because they are known to result in processing at different stages throughout the visual processing hierarchy. Specifically, more complex images were included in order to maximize the potential contribution of image-based grouping. In spite of this, our results show that increasing image complexity did not lead to an increase in the contribution of image-based processing to grouping during rivalry. In fact, the results show that grouping was primarily affected by the eye-of-origin of the image parts, irrespective of stimulus type. We suggest that image content affects grouping during binocular rivalry at low-level processing stages, where it is intertwined with eye-of-origin information.  相似文献   

The identification of serendipitous findings in field-based animal research is challenging in part because investigators are reluctant to declare a discovery accidental. Investigators recognize that many factors must be considered. For example, the impact of using carefully ordered observational search patterns in ecologic, pathologic, and epidemiologic investigations could result in findings being categorized as "sought" versus "unsought." Team collaborations are common in these types of investigations and have advantages related to the application of multiple paradigms, paradigm mixing, and paradigm shifting. This approach reduces the perception of serendipity. Issues of search image refinement and the co-discovery of sought and unsought discoveries additionally cloud the identification of a truly serendipitous finding. Nevertheless, basic curiosity and observation are necessary precursors to scientific discovery. It should be recognized that serendipitous discoveries are of significant value in the advancement of science and often present the foundation for important intellectual leaps of understanding.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is a radically different approach to reconstruction of the body following degenerative diseases, trauma or chronic debilitating conditions. Although there have been some successes, tissue engineering is not yet delivering significant progress in terms of clinical outcomes and commercialization. Part of the problem is that we have failed to understand what tissue engineering really means and to appreciate that engineering is synonymous with creation. These processes involve many different phases and there has been minimal integration of these phases within tissue-engineering paradigms. The conventional concept, based upon a temporal sequence from sourcing cells through to the incorporation of generated tissue into a host, has to be transformed by a systems engineering approach in which all biological and technological phases, and the inter-relationships between them, are fully integrated. It might be that real success will not be achieved until systems biology is superimposed onto this systems engineering paradigm.  相似文献   

Morphological modularity arises in complex living beings due to a semi‐independent inheritance, development, and function of body parts. Modularity helps us to understand the evolvability and plasticity of organismal form, and how morphological variation is structured during evolution and development. For this reason, delimiting morphological modules and establishing the factors involved in their origins is a lively field of inquiry in biology today. Although it is thought that modularity is pervasive in all living beings, actually we do not know how often modularity is present in different morphological systems. We also do not know whether some methodological approaches tend to reveal modular patterns more easily than others, or whether some factors are more related to the formation of modules or the integration of the whole phenotype. This systematic review seeks to answer these type of questions through an examination of research investigating morphological modularity from 1958 to present. More than 200 original research articles were gathered in order to reach a quantitative appraisal on what is studied, how it is studied, and how the results are explained. The results reveal an heterogeneous picture, where some taxa, systems, and approaches are over‐studied, while others receive minor attention. Thus, this review points out various trends and gaps in the study of morphological modularity, offering a broad picture of current knowledge and where we can direct future research efforts.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop the rational to support why and how we should link neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Many of these points are derived from child development and child psychiatry. Neuroscience investigates developmental questions in a different way than psychoanalysis, while psychoanalysis itself has shifted towards new developmental paradigms. The rapprochement between neuroscience and psychoanalysis allows a new understanding of some concepts, including embodiment of mind, consciousness and attachment. The “double reading” paradigm allows a better understanding of symptomatic configurations. Linking neuroscience and psychoanalysis may improve treatments and result in new experimental neuroscientific paradigms involving changing the research object, changing the state of the research object, and investigating the structural changes in the brain following psychotherapy. The last aim is to create an epistemology of the articulation between the theoretical frameworks through phenomenology, “complementarism” and neuropsychoanalysis. We argue that it is necessary for clinicians to be aware of the advancements in each field. This is not only an epistemological question; we assume that new findings in neuroscience will change the way psychoanalysts think and approach treatment of their patients. We hope the present research will contribute to change the way that neuroscientists think and will provide new options to their set of experimental paradigms.  相似文献   

Psychophysicists use spatial or temporal two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) paradigms interchangeably. Thus, experiments with the same general goal are carried out using one or the other paradigm by distinct or even the same research groups. For example, this situation has occurred both in studies on visual sensitivity in dyslexia and in studies on lateral interactions in peripheral vision. Conflicting results in either field (e.g. whether or not dyslexics have a visual deficit and whether or not peripheral detection is facilitated by the presence of flankers) appear to be resolved on the surmise that spatial and temporal 2AFC paradigms indeed produce different results. We designed experiments in which peripheral detection thresholds for Gabor patches (in the presence or absence of suprathreshold flankers) could be measured using completely equivalent spatial and temporal 2AFC paradigms so that any resultant difference can be unequivocally attributed to the effect of the paradigms themselves. The results showed that spatial 2AFC renders significantly lower sensitivity than temporal 2AFC when the target is presented along with suprathreshold flankers, but about the same sensitivity as temporal 2AFC when the target is presented alone. In the end, this resulted in statistically significant facilitation in peripheral vision only when measured with temporal 2AFC. Separate experiments at each of several peripheral locations revealed that the presence and magnitude of this effect varies not only with psychophysical paradigm but also with retinal locus.  相似文献   

Kaplan I  Denno RF 《Ecology letters》2007,10(10):977-994
The importance of interspecific competition is a highly controversial and unresolved issue for community ecology in general, and for phytophagous insects in particular. Recent advancements, however, in our understanding of indirect (plant- and enemy-mediated) interactions challenge the historical paradigms of competition. Thus, in the context of this rapidly developing field, we re-evaluate the evidence for interspecific competition in phytophagous insects using a meta-analysis of published studies. Our analysis is specifically designed to test the assumptions underlying traditional competition theory, namely that competitive interactions are symmetrical, necessitate spatial and temporal co-occurrence, and increase in intensity as the density, phylogenetic similarity, and niche overlap of competing species increase. Despite finding frequent evidence for competition, we found very little evidence that plant-feeding insects conform to theoretical predictions for interspecific competition. Interactions were highly asymmetrical, similar in magnitude within vs. between feeding guilds (chewers vs. sap-feeders), and were unaffected by the quantity of resources removed (% defoliation). There was mixed support for the effects of phylogeny, spatial/temporal separation, and the relative strength of intra- vs. interspecific competition. Clearly, a new paradigm that accounts for indirect interactions and facilitation is required to describe how interspecific competition contributes to the organization of phytophagous insect communities, and perhaps to other plant and animal communities as well.  相似文献   

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