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We have sequenced 23 rearranged T-cell receptor chain (Tcrb) cDNA clones derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of a rhesus monkey. All of the clones have a variable-diversity-joining-constant (V-D-J-C) rearrangement similar to that of humans. Two rhesus constant (C) region genes were found, each closely reasembling human Cb 1 and 2. All of the rhesus J region sequences align well with ten of the 13 reported human J regions. 17 of the 23 rhesus V region sequences could be assigned to families homologous with eight different human families (Vb 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, and 14). The remaining six V region sequences are more distantly related to human Vb 1 and 13. Thus, the organization and sequences of studied rhesus Tcrb chains resemble human homologs. An evolutionary tree analysis revealed paralogous relationships between specific members of the rhesus and human V region families. Analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide sequence differences indicated that the evolution of the presumed major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-contact regions of the Tcrb chains is less constrained than that of the framework regions.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M60529-M60554.  相似文献   

Inbred rat strains provide a rich source of genetic diversity in immunologically relevant gense. We have characterized the alleles of one of these genes, encoding the rat T-cell receptor C1 chain, by Southern blots and nucleic acid sequencing. The Cb1 gene segments from DA and LEW rats display complex allotypic variation: both coding and noncoding regions contain multiple nucleotide substitutions. In addition, there is a polymorphic insertion of a rat repetitive LINE element 3 to the coding region. The Cb1 alleles are one part of larger Tcrb haplotypes, containing V, D, and J elements; complete Cb1 genomic nucleotide sequences, and a partial list of the strain distribution of the two alleles, are described in this report.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M65136.  相似文献   

We have investigated T-cell antigen receptor constant chain genes (Tcr C ) and immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain switch region genes of HLA-DR-typed patients with membranous nephropathy (MN) employing DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. When a Tcr C probe in conjunction with the restriction endonuclease BgI II was used, a significant increase in the frequency of a 10.0;9.2 kb heterozygous RFLP phenotype was found in MN (75.0 % versus 42.1 in controls; P=0.002). When Sst I-restricted DNA from MN patients was hybridized with a DNA probe homologous to the switch region flanking the Ig C µ heavy chain gene (S µ), there was a significant decrease in the frequency of the 2.1; 2.6 kb heterozygous RFLP phenotype in MN (24.0% versus 54.6% in controls; P=0.004). These results suggest that Tcr beta and Ig heavy chain loci, as well as HLA antigens, may be important in the pathogenesis of MN.  相似文献   

The restriction fragment length polymorphism of the unrearranged T-cell antigen receptor (Tcr) chain gene was investigated. Taq I digests, when probed with a Tcr chain cDNA probe, revealed polymorphic bands of 7.0, 2.0, and 1.4 kb, due to variations around the C gene, and the V gene cluster. Family studies confirmed the segregation of these polymorphic bands as allelic markers. These polymorphisms provide a new marker for the analysis of genetic variation of the Tcr a chain, and the influence of variation of the Tcr genes on the immune response.  相似文献   

Nine bovine T-cell receptor (Tcr) chain (Tcrg) and three Tcr chain (Tcrd) cDNA clones were isolated from the cDNA libraries constructed from peripheral blood lymphocytes and thymocytes. Of nine Tcrg cDNA clones, only four were rearranged and contained specific V, J, and C gene segments, but the remaining five contained specific J and C or only C gene segments without the V gene segment. Three kinds of Tcrg-C, which were highly related at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, were found and designated as Tcrg-C1, Tcrg-C2, and Tcrg-C3. Compared with human and mouse Tcrg-C, bovine Tcrg-C sequences are much longer, with about 27–55 amino acids corresponding to the hinge and connector regions, where the characteristic repetitive 5-amino acid motif (TTEPP or TTKPP) exists in sheep Tcrg-C as previously reported. From three Tcrd cDNA clones, two Tcrd-V and three Tcrd-J segments were isolated. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of bovine Tcrd-C, especially the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, are well conserved among species. As in bovine Tcrg-C, diversity of amino acid residues in the Tcrd-C region is concentrated in the hinge regions. Southern blot analysis showed that there are at least three Tcrg-C genes and one Tcrd-C gene in the bovine genome. The analysis also revealed the presence of Tcrg-C- and Tcrd-C-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms among bovine breeds.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers D90409-20.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank database and have been assigned the accession numbers M94181-M94183.  相似文献   

Monotremes are an ancient mammalian lineage that last shared a common ancestor with the marsupial and eutherian (placental) mammals about 170 million years ago. Characterization of their immune genes is allowing us to gain insights into the evolutionary processes that lead to the mammalian immune response. Here we describe the characterization of the first cDNA clones encoding T-cell receptors from a monotreme. Two TCR -chain cDNAs (TCRA) from the short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus, containing complete variable, joining and constant regions were isolated. The echidna TCRA constant region shares approximately 37% amino acid identity with other mammalian TCRA constant region sequences. The two variable regions belong to the TCRAV group C, which also contains V genes from humans, mice, cattle and chickens. One echidna TCR -chain cDNA (TCRB) containing the entire constant region was isolated and sequenced. It shares about 63% identity with other mammalian TCRB constant region sequences. The echidna TCRBV belongs to TCRBV group A, which also contains V genes from various eutherian species. Southern blot analysis indicates that, like in other mammalian species, there is only one TCRA constant region copy in the echidna genome, but at least two TCRB constant regions.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of 38 T-cell receptor (Tcr) -chain cDNA clones which were isolated from a cDNA library (2 × 106 plaques) constructed from bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. Of 38 cDNA clones, 22 were rearranged and contained the functional variable (V) gene segments. These clones were tentatively divided into nine Tcrb-V gene families which correspond to the human Tcrb-V family. Among them, a Tcrb-V12 gene segment was isolated from 9 out of 22 clones, suggesting that this Tcrb-V family was expressed in the bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes. Two different constant (C) geen segments were found, and both C regions were composed of 178 amino residues. The amino acid sequences of bovine Tcrb-C regions are approximately 80%–82%, 78%, and 78% similar to those from human, mouse, and rabbit, respectively. To estimate Tcrb-V-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), Southern blot analysis was performed using liver DNAs from four bovine breeds, Holstein, Angus, Hereford, and Japanese Black. However, no significant difference was observed among genomic DNAs of Tcrb-V loci from these four breeds.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers D90121-40. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: N. Ishiguro.  相似文献   

The composition of 15 V T gene subfamilies has been examined by Southern hybridization among a broad spectrum of colony bred rat and mouse species extending phylogenetically from Rattus to Mus musculus domesticus. Most mouse species contain a similar content of V T genes as determined by the number of hybridizing restriction fragment (RF) bands. Furthermore, the extent of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) appears to be limited. Some V T gene families, however, are missing from Rattus (VT7, V T12) and M. shortridgei (V T9, V T16). Extension of the V T survey to a panel of 38 wild-caught mice reveals that nearly a third lack specific hybridization to the V T5 probe. Previous reports have established that the mouse inbred strains SJL, C57BR, C57L, and SWR lack 50% of their V T repertoire, including V T5 (Behlke et al. 1985). This study demonstrates that natural populations of mice also carry a significantly reduced V T gene repertoire.  相似文献   

 Polymerase chain reaction was used to isolate cDNA clones encoding putative T-cell receptor (TCR) α chains in an amphibian, the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Five TCRα-V chain-encoding segments were identified, each belonging to a separate family. The best identity scores for these axolotl TCRα-V segments were all provided by sequences belonging to the human TCRα-V1 family and the mouse TCRα-V3 and TCRα-V8 families. A total of 14 different TCRA-J segments were identified from 44 TCRA-V/TCRA-J regions sequenced, suggesting that a large repertoire of TCRA-J segments is a characteristic of most vertebrates. The structure of the axolotl CDR3 α chain loop is in good agreement with that of mammals, including a majority of small hydrophobic residues at position 92 and of charged, hydrophilic, or polar residues at positions 93 and 94, which are highly variable and correspond to the TCRA-V/J junction. This suggests that some positions of the axolotl CDR3 α chain loop are positively selected during T-cell differentiation, particularly around residue 93 that could be selected for its ability to makes contacts with major histocompatibility complex-associated antigenic peptides, as in mammals. The axolotl Cα domain had the typical structure of mammalian and avian Cα domains, including the charged residues in the TM segment that are thought to interact with other proteins in the membrane, as well as most of the residues forming the conserved antigen receptor transmembrane motif. Received: 12 June 1996 / Revised: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the rearranged T-cell receptor a chain gene segments from an influenza reactive T-cell clone T2.5-5 and a hemin chloride reactive T-cell hybrid SJL-HE-1.1 have revealed a previously undescribedV gene family. We have designated this familyV 15. Southern hybridization analysis has indicated that this family most probably contains only two members, and that these are conserved in each of six mouse strains representing three previously describedV haplotypes:V a ,V b , andV c .  相似文献   

Genomic copy number variants (CNVs) are a common, heritable source of inter-individual differences in genomic sequence. Their influence on phenotypic variability and their involvement in the pathogenesis of several common diseases is well established and the object of many current studies. In the course of examining CNV association to various quantitative traits in a general population, we have detected a strong association of CNVs over the four TCR genes to lymphocyte and neutrophil numbers in blood. In a small replication series, we have further characterized the nature of these CNVs and found them not to be germline, but dependent on the origin of analysed DNA. Germline deletion and rearrangement around the T-cell receptor (TCR) genes naturally occurs in white blood cells. Blood DNA derived from persons with high lymphocyte counts generates variable intensity signals which behave like germline CNVs over these genes. As DNA containing a relative high proportion of these CNV-like events involving the TCR genes has the ability to influence genotype counts of SNPs in the regions of these genes, care should be taken in interpreting and replicating association signals on variants within these genes when blood-derived DNA is the only source of data.  相似文献   

Identification of novel α-gliadin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qi PF  Wei YM  Chen Q  Ouellet T  Ai J  Chen GY  Li W  Zheng YL 《Génome》2011,54(3):244-252
Ten novel α-gliadin genes (Gli-ta, Gli-turg1, Gli-turg2, Gli-turg3, Gli-turg4, Gli-turg5, Gli-turg6, Gli-cs1, Gli-cs2, and Gli-cs3) with unique characteristics were isolated from wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), among which Gli-cs1, Gli-cs2, Gli-cs3, and Gli-turg6 were pseudogenes. Gli-cs3 and nine other sequences were much larger and smaller, respectively, than the typical α-gliadins. This variation was caused by insertion or deletion of the unique domain I and a polyglutamine region, possibly the result of illegitimate recombination. Consequently, Gli-cs3 contained 10 cysteine residues, whereas there were 2 cysteine residues only in the other nine sequences. Gli-ta/Gli-ta-like α-gliadin genes are normally expressed during the development of seeds. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that in-vitro-expressed Gli-ta could form intermolecular disulphide bonds and could be chain extenders. A protein band similar in size to Gli-ta has been observed in seed extracts, and mass spectrometry results confirm that the band contains small molecular mass α-gliadins, which is a characteristic of the novel α-gliadins. Mass spectrometry results also indicated that the two cysteine residues of Gli-ta/Gli-ta-like proteins participated in the formation of intermolecular disulphide bonds in vivo.  相似文献   

Ou Y  Tong C  Zhang Y  Cai P  Gu J  Liu Y  Liu H  Wang H  Chu B  Zhu P 《Molecular biology reports》2009,36(1):145-152
Analysis of T cell receptor β variable region (TCRBV) gene rearrangement is useful for clonal assessment of abnormal T cell proliferations in various diseases. However, most primer panels previously used can only amplify the third complementarity-determining region. Following IMGT database we established a panel of primers, which can amplify entire sequences of all functional TCRBV families. To confirm the usefulness of this panel of primers, we detected different TCRBV repertoires. In 15 healthy donors, most of the BV families were expressed and appeared as a Gaussian distribution. 13 acute myeloid leukemia patients showed monoclonal or oligoclonal changes of BV15 family, and some of them also had monoclonal or oligoclonal expansion of BV2, BV4, BV6 or BV13 families. In one patient after allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, monoclonal proliferation of BV10 family occurred during graft-versus-host disease. In conclusion, this panel of primers improves our abilities to analyze TCRBV repertoire changes in related diseases.  相似文献   

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