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During voluntary contractions, the skeletal muscle of healthy older adults often fatigues less than that of young adults, a result that has been explained by relatively greater reliance on muscle oxidative metabolism in the elderly. Our aim was to investigate whether this age-related fatigue resistance was eliminated when oxidative metabolism was minimized via ischemia induced by cuff (220 mmHg). We hypothesized that 1) older men (n = 12) would fatigue less than young men (n = 12) during free-flow (FF) contractions; 2) both groups would fatigue similarly during ischemia; and 3) reperfusion would reestablish the fatigue resistance of the old. Subjects performed 6 min of intermittent, maximal voluntary isometric contractions of the ankle dorsiflexors under FF and ischemia-reperfusion (IR) conditions. Ischemia was maintained for the first 3 min of contractions, followed by rapid cuff deflation and reperfusion for 3 additional minutes of contractions. Central activation, peripheral activation, and muscle contractile properties were measured at 3 and 6 min of contractions. Older men fatigued less than young men during FF (P 相似文献   

In the present study, we aimed to provide a robust comparison of the fatigability of the knee extensors following isometric (ISO) and concentric (CON) tasks. Twenty young adults (25 ± 4 yr, 10 women) randomly performed the ISO and CON quadriceps intermittent fatigue test, consisting of ten (5 s on/5-s off, ISO) or one-hundred (0.5-s on/0.5-s off, CON) contractions with 10 % increments per stage until exhaustion. Performance fatigability was quantified as maximal isometric (MVIC) and concentric (MVCC) torque loss. Voluntary activation and contractile function (peak-twitch) were investigated using peripheral nerve stimulation. Number of stages (6.2 ± 0.7 vs. 4.9 ± 0.8; P < 0.001) and torque-time integral (20,166 ± 7,821 vs. 11,285 ± 4,933 Nm.s; P < 0.001) were greater for ISO than CON. MVIC, MVCC and voluntary activation decreased similarly between sessions (P > 0.05) whereas peak-twitch amplitude decreased more for CON (P < 0.001). The number of contractions was similar across sexes (ISO: men = 62 ± 8, women = 61 ± 5; CON: men = 521 ± 67, women = 458 ± 76, P > 0.05). MVCC was more reduced in women for both sessions (all P < 0.05), while MVIC loss was similar between sexes. We concluded that, despite greater torque-time integral and duration for ISO, both sessions induced a similar performance fatigability at exhaustion. Contractile function was more altered in CON. Finally, sex-related difference in fatigability depends on the contraction mode used during testing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the acute neuromuscular fatigue during dynamic maximal strength and hypertrophic loadings, known to cause different adaptations underlying strength gain during training. Thirteen healthy, untrained males performed two leg press loadings, one week apart, consisting of 15 sets of 1 repetition maximum (MAX) and 5 sets of 10 repetition maximums (HYP). Concentric load and muscle activity, electromyography (EMG) amplitude and median frequency, was assessed throughout each set. Additionally, maximal bilateral isometric force and muscle activity was assessed pre-, mid-, and up to 30 min post-loading. Concentric load during MAX was decreased after set 10 (P<0.05), while the load was maintained throughout HYP. Both loadings caused large reductions in maximal isometric force (MAX=-30±6.4% vs. HYP=-48±9.7%, P<0.001). The decreased concentric and isometric strength during MAX loading was accompanied by reduced EMG amplitude (P<0.05). Conversely, hypertrophic loading caused decreased median frequency only during isometric contractions (P<0.01). During concentric contractions, EMG amplitude increased and median frequency decreased in HYP (P<0.01). Our results indicate reduced neural drive during MAX loading and more complex changes in muscle activity during HYP loading.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate mechanisms of neuromuscular fatigue during maximal concentric and isometric leg extensions inducing similar torque decrements. Nine physically active men performed two separate fatiguing sessions maintained until similar torque decreases were obtained. The first session, only conducted under isokinetic concentric conditions (CON), consisted of three series of 30 maximal voluntary concentric knee extensions (60 degrees/s). The second session, exclusively isometric (ISO), mimicked the torque decreases registered during the CON session while performing three long-lasting ISO contractions. Maximal voluntary torque, activation level (twitch interpolation technique), electromyographic activity (root mean square and median frequency) of the vastus lateralis muscle, and electrically evoked doublet-twitch mechanical properties were measured before and at the end of each of the three series. After the three series, similar torque decrements were obtained for both fatiguing procedures. The total fatiguing contraction durations were not different among procedures. With equivalent voluntary torque decrements, the doublet-twitch amplitude reduction was significantly greater (P<0.01) during the two first series of the CON procedure compared with ISO. No difference was observed for the third series. Although no difference was recorded with fatigue for median frequency changes between CON and ISO, activation levels and root mean square values demonstrated greater reductions (P<0.05) for all three series during the ISO procedure compared with CON. Performing CON or ISO fatiguing exercises demonstrated different fatigue origins. With CON exercises, peripheral fatigue developed first, followed by central fatigue, whereas with ISO exercises the fatigue pattern was inverted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine age-related differences in electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during functional isometric contractions in left and right hands. EMG responses were recorded from the first dorsal interosseus muscle following TMS in 10 young (26.6 +/- 1.3 yr) and 10 old (67.6 +/- 2.3 yr) right-handed subjects. Muscle evoked potentials (MEPs) and silent-period durations were obtained in the left and right hands during index finger abduction, a precision grip, a power grip, and a scissor grip, while EMG was held constant at 5% of maximum. For all tasks, MEP area was 30% (P < 0.001) lower in the left hand of old compared with young subjects, whereas there was no age difference in the right hand. The duration of the EMG silent period was 14% (P < 0.001) shorter in old (150.3 +/- 2.9 ms) compared with young (173.9 +/- 3.0 ms) subjects, and the age differences were accentuated in the left hand (19% shorter, P < 0.001). For all subjects, the largest MEP area (10-12% larger) and longest EMG silent period (8-19 ms longer) were observed for the scissor grip compared with the other three tasks, and the largest task-dependent change in these variables was observed in the right hand of older adults. These differences in corticospinal control in the left and right hands of older adults may reflect neural adaptations that occur throughout a lifetime of preferential hand use for skilled (dominant) and unskilled (nondominant) motor tasks.  相似文献   

Three subjects performed five successive isometric contractions to fatigue; the tension in any one experiment was constant at tensions varying from 20 to 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The interval between contractions was held constant at 11 min. Muscle biopsy specimens were obtained at the start of the experiment, after the first, fourth, and fifth, and before the second and fifth of the successive contractions. The concentrations of ATP, CP, glycogen, and lactate were measured in each sample of muscle. Changes in ATP and glycogen were insufficient to be held accountable for the development of isometric fatigue. Changes in CP and lactate were large after fatigue at intermediate tensions, but those of CP were considered unlikely to be responsible for the fatigue. At tensions of 30-50% MVC the increase in lactate could be responsible for fatigue either directly or by indirect changes in pH; at higher and lower tensions the possibility that lactate is directly implicated in the development of fatigue seems remote.  相似文献   

Motor unit behavior differs between contraction types at submaximal contraction levels, however is challenging to study during maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). With multi-channel surface electromyography (sEMG), mean physiological characteristics of the active motor units can be extracted. Two 8-electrode sEMG arrays were attached on biceps brachii muscle (one on each head) to examine behavior of sEMG variables during isometric, eccentric and concentric MVCs of elbow flexors in 36 volunteers.On average, isometric (364 ± 88 N) and eccentric (353 ± 74 N) MVCs were higher than concentric (290 ± 73 N) MVC (p < 0.001). Mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was highest during eccentric MVC (4.42 ± 0.49 m/s) than concentric (4.25 ± 0.49 m/s, p < 0.01) and isometric (4.14 ± 0.45 m/s, p < 0.001) MVCs. Furthermore, eccentric MVC showed lower sEMG amplitude at the largest elbow joint angles (120–170°) and higher CV at the smallest (70–150°) elbow joint angles (p < 0.05–0.001) than concentric MVC.The differences in CV and sEMG amplitude between the MVCs suggest that the control strategy of motor units differs between the contraction types during MVCs, and is dependent on the muscle length between the dynamic MVCs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to verify if deviation from the mirror-like behaviour of the motor units activation strategy (MUAS) and de-activation strategy (MUDS) and the degree of the error of the motor control system, during consecutive linearly increasing–decreasing isometric tension tasks, depend on the maximum reached tension and/or on the rate of tension changes. In 12 male subjects the surface EMG and force produced by the first dorsal interosseus activity were recorded during two (a and b) trapezoid isometric contractions with different plateau (a: 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and b: 100% MVC) and rate of tension changes (a: 6.7% MVC/s and b: 13.3% MVC/s) during up-going (UGR) and down-going (DGR) ramps. Ten steps (ST) 6 s long at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90% MVC were also recorded. The root mean square (RMS) and mean frequency (MF) from EMG and the relative error of actual force output with respect to the target (% ERR) were computed. The EMG-RMS/% MVC and EMG-MF/% MVC relationships were not overlapped when the ST and DGR as well as the UGR and DGR data were compared. The % ERR/% MVC relationships during a and b contractions differed from ST data only below 20% MVC. It can be concluded that MUAS and MUDS are not mirroring one each other because MU recruitment or de-recruitment threshold may be influenced by the maximum effort and by the % MVC/s of UGR and DGR. The role of MUs mechanical and/or central nervous system hysteresis on force decrement control is discussed.  相似文献   

Contractile force is transmitted to the skeleton through tendons and aponeuroses, and, although it is appreciated that the mechanocharacteristics of these tissues play an important role for movement performance with respect to energy storage, the association between tendon mechanical properties and the contractile muscle output during high-force movement tasks remains elusive. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between the mechanical properties of the connective tissue and muscle performance in maximal isometric and dynamic muscle actions. Sixteen trained men participated in the study. The mechanical properties of the vastus lateralis tendon-aponeurosis complex were assessed by ultrasonography. Maximal isometric knee extensor force and rate of torque development (RTD) were determined. Dynamic performance was assessed by maximal squat jumps and countermovement jumps on a force plate. From the vertical ground reaction force, maximal jump height, jump power, and force-/velocity-related determinants of jump performance were obtained. RTD was positively related to the stiffness of the tendinous structures (r = 0.55, P < 0.05), indicating that tendon mechanical properties may account for up to 30% of the variance in RTD. A correlation was observed between stiffness and maximal jump height in squat jumps and countermovement jumps (r = 0.64, P < 0.05 and r = 0.55, P < 0.05). Power, force, and velocity parameters obtained during the jumps were significantly correlated to tendon stiffness. These data indicate that muscle output in high-force isometric and dynamic muscle actions is positively related to the stiffness of the tendinous structures, possibly by means of a more effective force transmission from the contractile elements to the bone.  相似文献   

The role of the intrinsic finger flexor muscles was investigated during finger flexion tasks. A suspension system was used to measure isometric finger forces when the point of force application varied along fingers in a distal-proximal direction. Two biomechanical models, with consideration of extensor mechanism Extensor Mechanism Model (EMM) and without consideration of extensor mechanism Flexor Model (FM), were used to calculate forces of extrinsic and intrinsic finger flexors. When the point of force application was at the distal phalanx, the extrinsic flexor muscles flexor digitorum profundus, FDP, and flexor digitorum superficialis, FDS, accounted for over 80% of the summed force of all flexors, and therefore were the major contributors to the joint flexion at the distal interphalangeal (DIP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints. When the point of force application was at the DIP joint, the FDS accounted for more than 70% of the total force of all flexors, and was the major contributor to the PIP and MCP joint flexion. When the force of application was at the PIP joint, the intrinsic muscle group was the major contributor for MCP flexion, accounting for more than 70% of the combined force of all flexors. The results suggest that the effects of the extensor mechanism on the flexors are relatively small when the location of force application is distal to the PIP joint. When the external force is applied proximally to the PIP joint, the extensor mechanism has large influence on force production of all flexors. The current study provides an experimental protocol and biomechanical models that allow estimation of the effects of extensor mechanism on both the extrinsic and intrinsic flexors in various loading conditions, as well as differentiating the contribution of the intrinsic and extrinsic finger flexors during isometric flexion.  相似文献   

Traditional electromyographic (EMG) measures (e.g., amplitude, mean and median frequencies of the power spectra) have demonstrated inconsistent abilities in monitoring localized muscle fatigue at relatively low effort levels. In the present study, several alternative EMG-based fatigue indices were evaluated, derived using a logarithmic representation of the power spectrum, the fractal dimension of the raw signal, and a Poisson distribution fit to the power spectrum. These methods, along with traditional approaches, were applied to EMG data obtained from three separate experiments. In the first two experiments, 24 participants performed sustained isometric shoulder abductions and torso extensions at 30% of maximum voluntary strength (MVC). In the third experiment, another group of 12 participants performed similar shoulder exercises at 15% and 30% MVC, with repeatability assessed at 15% MVC. Both traditional and alternative EMG measures were analyzed for their 'utility', in terms of sensitivity to fatigue, variability, repeatability, and predictive ability. Results demonstrated that parameters derived from fractal analysis and the Poisson distribution demonstrated high utility. These alternative approaches appear promising as fatigue indices for low level isometric tasks.  相似文献   

Aging is related to multiple changes in muscle physiology and function. Previous findings concerning the effects of aging on motor unit discharge rate (DR) and fluctuations in DR and force are somewhat contradictory. Eight YOUNG and nine OLD physically active males performed isometric ramp (RECR) and isotonic (ISO) plantar flexions at 10 and 20% of surface EMG at MVC. Motor unit (MU) action potentials were recorded with intramuscular fine-wire electrodes and decomposed with custom build software “Daisy”. DR was lower in OLD in RECR-10% (17.9%, p < 0.001), RECR-20% (15.8%, p < 0.05), ISO-10% (17.7%, p < 0.01) and ISO-20% (14%, n.s.). In YOUNG force fluctuations were smaller at ISO-10% (72.1%, p < 0.001) and ISO-20% (55.2%, p < 0.05) which were accompanied with a slight increase in DR variation (n.s.). The observed lower DR in OLD is in line with earlier findings in small distal muscles. Also the larger force fluctuation in OLD was in line with previous studies with smaller hand muscles. These findings suggest that the age-related changes in MU control do exist also in large leg extensors that play an important role in human locomotion and balance control.  相似文献   

Changes in the contractile and fatigue properties of the cat diaphragm muscle were examined during the first 6 wk of postnatal development. Both twitch contraction time and half-relaxation time decreased progressively with age. Correspondingly, the force-frequency curve was shifted to the left early in development compared with adults. The ratio of peak twitch force to maximum tetanic force decreased with age. Fatigue resistance of the diaphragm was highest at birth and then progressively decreased with age. At birth, most diaphragm muscle fibers stained darkly for myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase after alkaline preincubation and thus would be classified histochemically as type II. During subsequent postnatal development, the proportion of type I fibers (lightly stained for adenosinetriphosphatase) increased while the number of type II fibers declined. At birth, type I fibers were larger than type II fibers. The size of both fiber types increased with age, but the increase in cross-sectional area was greater for type II fibers. On the basis of fiber type proportions and mean cross-sectional areas, type I fibers contributed 15% of total muscle mass at birth and 25% in adults. Thus postnatal changes in diaphragm contractile and fatigue properties cannot be attributed to changes in the relative contribution of histochemically classified type I and II fibers. However, the possibility that these developmental changes in diaphragm contractile and fatigue properties correlated with the varying contractile protein composition of muscle fibers was discussed.  相似文献   

We studied age-related changes in the performance of maximal and accurate submaximal force and moment production tasks. Elderly and young subjects pressed on six dimensional force sensors affixed to a handle with a T-shaped attachment. The weight of the whole system was counterbalanced with another load. During tasks that required the production of maximal force or maximal moment by all of the digits, young subjects were stronger than elderly. A greater age-related deficit was seen in the maximal moment production tests. During maximal force production tests, elderly subjects showed larger relative involvement of the index and middle fingers; they moved the point of thumb force application upward (toward the index and middle fingers), whereas the young subjects rolled the thumb downward. During accurate force/moment production trials, elderly persons were less accurate in the production of both total moment and total force. They produced higher antagonistic moments, i.e., moment by fingers that acted against the required direction of the total moment. Both young and elderly subjects showed negative covariation of finger forces across repetitions of a ramp force production task. In accurate moment production tasks, both groups showed negative covariation of two components of the total moment: those produced by the normal forces and those produced by the tangential forces. However, elderly persons showed lower values of the indexes of both finger force covariation and moment covariation. We conclude that age is associated with an impaired ability to produce both high moments and accurate time profiles of moments. This impairment goes beyond the well-documented deficits in finger and hand force production by elderly persons. It involves worse coordination of individual digit forces and of components of the total moment. Some atypical characteristics of finger forces may be viewed as adaptive to the increased variability in the force production with age.  相似文献   

During contractions, there is a net efflux of phosphate from skeletal muscle, likely because of an elevated intracellular inorganic phosphate (P(i)) concentration. Over time, contracting muscle could incur a substantial phosphate deficit unless P(i) uptake rates were increased during contractions. We used the perfused rat hindquarter preparation to assess [(32)P]P(i) uptake rates in muscles at rest or over a range of energy expenditures during contractions at 0.5, 3, or 5 Hz for 30 min. P(i) uptake rates were reduced during contractions in a pattern that was dependent on contraction frequency and fiber type. In soleus and red gastrocnemius, [(32)P]P(i) uptake rates declined by approximately 25% at 0.5 Hz and 50-60% at 3 and 5 Hz. Uptake rates in white gastrocnemius decreased by 65-75% at all three stimulation frequencies. These reductions in P(i) uptake are not likely confounded by changes in precursor [(32)P]P(i) specific activity in the interstitium. In soleus and red gastrocnemius, declines in P(i) uptake rates were related to energy expenditure over the contraction duration. These data imply that P(i) uptake in skeletal muscle is acutely modulated during contractions and that decreases in P(i) uptake rates, in combination with expected increases in P(i) efflux, exacerbate the net loss of phosphate from the cell. Enhanced uptake of P(i) must subsequently occur because skeletal muscle typically maintains a relatively constant total phosphate pool.  相似文献   

The perception of muscular effort was studied using estimation and production methods in the adductor pollicis and quadriceps. A psychometric scale (percentage magnitude) was used. Static contractions were studied in the adductor pollicis, and both dynamic (isokinetic) and static contractions were studied in quadriceps. Linear and logarithmic equations were fitted for the perceived effort as a percentage of the maximum in relation to the produced percentage maximal force or torque. The logarithmic exponent was around or above 1.0. No significant difference was found between mean exponent and intercept values for the adductor pollicis and the quadriceps, or when estimated or produced values for the two muscles were compared. There was no difference in the same subjects between the equations for static and dynamic contractions with low angular velocity of the quadriceps.  相似文献   

The effect of isometric exercise on blood flow, blood pressure, intramuscular pressure as well as lactate and potassium efflux from exercising muscle was examined. The contractions performed were continuous or intermittent (5 s on, 5 s off) and varied between 5% and 50% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A knee-extensor and a hand-grip protocol were used. Evidence is presented that blood flow through the muscle is sufficient during low-level sustained contractions (less than 10% MVC). Despite this muscle fatigue occurs during prolonged contractions. One mechanism for this fatigue may be the disturbance of the potassium homeostasis. Such changes may also play a role in the development of fatigue during intermittent isometric contractions and even more so in the recovery from such exercise. In addition the role of impaired transport of substances within the muscle, due to long-lasting daily oedema formation, is discussed in relation to fatigue in highly repetitive, monotonous jobs.  相似文献   

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