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Summary A two-year field study was undertaken using15N isotope techniques to differentiate between stimulation of N uptake and N2 fixation in Western Canadian cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. emend Thell) and durum (T. turgidum L. emend Bowden) in response to inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria. Bacterial inoculation either had no effect or lowered the % N derived from the fertilizer and the fertilizer use efficiency. Despite the depression of fertilizer uptake, inoculants did not alter the relative uptake from soil and fertilizer-N pools indicating that bacterial inoculation did not alter rooting patterns. Nitrogen-15 isotope dilution indicated that N2 fixation did occur. In 1984, % plant N derived from the atmosphere (% Ndfa) due to inoculation with Bacillus C-11-25 averaged 23.9% while that withAzospirillum brasilense ATCC 29729 (Cd) averaged 15.5%. In 1985, higher soil N levels reduced these values by approximately one-half. Cultivar x inoculant interactions, while significant, were not consistent across years. However, these interactions did not affect cultivars ‘Cadet’ and ‘Rescue’. In agreement with previous results, ‘Cadet’ performed well with all inoculants in both years while ‘Rescue’ performed poorly. Among 1984 treatments, the N increament in inoculated plants was positively correlated with % Ndfa but no such correlation existed in 1985. N2 fixation averaged over all cultivars and strains was 17.9 and 6.7 kg N fixed ha−1 in 1984 and 1985, respectively. Highest rates of N2 fixation were estimated at 52.4 kg N ha−1 for ‘Cadet’ in 1984 and 31.3 kg N ha−1 for ‘Owens’ in 1985, both inoculated with Bacillus C-11-25, an isolate from southern Alberta soils. Inoculation with either ofAzospirillum brasilense strain Cd (ATCC29729) or 245 did not result in as consistent or as high N2 fixation, suggesting that these wheats had not evolved genetic compatability with this exogenous microorganism. These agronomically significant amounts of N2 fixation occurred under optimally controlled experimental conditions in the field. It is yet to be determined if N2 fixation would occur in response to bacterial inoculation under dryland conditions commonly occurring in Western Canada. Contribution from Agriculture Canada Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

An enrichment method for nitrogen fixing hydrogen bacteria is described. The procedure invariably resulted in the isolation of yellow-pigmented coryneform bacterial strains assigned to Corynebacterium autotrophicum. The procedure included a serial transfer in an ammonium-free mineral liquid medium under an atmosphere of 10% hydrogen, 5% oxygen, 10% carbon dioxide and 75% nitrogen, followed by a short alkali treatment and by streaking on nutrient broth-succinate agar. The ability to fix nitrogen was confirmed by the acetylene reduction test and by 15N2 incorporation.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years estimates of N2 fixation associated with sugar cane, forage grasses, cereals and actinorhizal plants grown in soil with and without addition of inoculum have been obtained using the 15N isotope dilution technique. These experiments are reviewed in this paper with the aim of determining the proportional and absolute contribution of N2 fixation to the N nutrition of non-legumes, and its role as a source of N in agriculture. The review also identifies deficiencies in both the totality of data which are currently available and the experimental approaches used to quantify N2 fixation associated with non-legumes.Field data indicate that associative N2 fixation can potentially contribute agronomically-significant amounts of N (>30–40 kg N ha-1 y-1) to the N nutrition of plants of importance in tropical agriculture, including sugar cane (Saccharum sp.) and forage grasses (Panicum maximum, Brachiaria sp. and Leptochloa fusca) when grown in uninoculated, N-deficient soils. Marked variations in proportions of plant N derived from the atmosphere have been measured between species or cultivars within species.Limited pot-culture data indicate that rice can benefit naturally from associative N2 fixation, and that inoculation responses due to N2 fixation can occur. Wheat can also respond to inoculation but responses do not appear to be due to associative N2 fixation. 15N dilution studies confirm that substantial amounts of N2 can be fixed by actinorhizal plants.  相似文献   

Two experiments have been conducted, one in semi-solid Hoagland nutrient medium and the other in shallow pots containing saline soil. N2-fixing bacteria belonging toAzospirillum, Azotobacter, Klebsiella andEnterobacter were inoculated separately on kallar grass grown in semi-solid nutrient medium. It was shown that inoculation affects root proliferation and also results in15N isotopic dilution. The % Ndfa ranged from 47–70 whereas no significant effect on the total nitrogen uptake was observed. The bacterial colonization of the root surface and the presence of enteric bacteria inside the root hair cells is reported. In a soil pot experiment, non-N2-fixingPolypogon monspeliensis was used as a reference plant (control). A treatment receiving a high rate of nitrogen was also used as a non-N2-fixing control.15N-labelled ammonium sulphate at 20 kg N ha–1 and 90 kg N ha–1 was used. The % Ndfa in the aerial parts of kallar grass was 12–15 whenP. monspeliensis was used as reference plant whereas 37–39% Ndfa was estimated when the treatment receiving high nitrogen fertilizer was used as a non-N2-fixing control. These investigations revealed some problems of methodology which are discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation was measured in monocropped sweet-blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), lupin intercropped with two ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) cultivars or with oats (Avena sativa) on an Andosol soil, using the 15N isotope dilution method. At 117 days after planting and at a mean temperature below 10°C, monocropped lupin derived an average of 92% or 195 kg N ha−1 of its N from N2 fixation. Intercropping lupin with cereals increased (p<0.05) the percentage of N derived from atmospheric N2 (% Ndfa) to a mean of 96%. Compared to the monocropped, total N fixed per hectare in intercropped lupin declined approximately 50%, in line with the decrease in seeding rate and dry matter yield. With these high values of N2 fixation, selection of the reference crop was not a problem; all the cereals, intercropped or grown singly produced similar estimates of N2 fixed in lupin. It was deduced from the 15N data that significant N transfer occurred from lupin to intercropped Italian ryegrass but not to intercropped Westerwoldian ryegrass or to oats. Doubling the 15N fertilizer rate from 30 to 60 kg N ha−1 decreased % Ndfa to 86% (p<0.05), but total N fixed was unaltered. These results indicate that lupin has a high potential for N2 fixation at low temperatures, and can maintain higher rates of N2 fixation in soils of high N than many other forage and pasture legumes.  相似文献   

Moawad  H.  Badr El-Din  S.M.S.  Abdel-Aziz  R.A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,204(1):95-106
The diversity of rhizobia nodulating common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris), berseem clover (Trifolium alexanderinum) and lentil (Lens culinaris) was assessed using several characterization techniques, including nitrogen fixation efficiency, intrinsic antibiotic-resistance patterns (IAR), plasmid profiles, serological markers and rep-PCR fingerprinting. Wide diversity among indigenous rhizobial populations of the isolates from lentil, bean and clover was found. Strikingly, a large percentage of the indigenous rhizobial population was extremely poor at fixing nitrogen. This emphasizes the need to increase the balance of highly efficient strains within the rhizobial population. Use of high-quality inocula strains that survive and compete with other less-desired and less-efficient N2-fixing rhizobia represents the best approach to increase biological nitrogen fixation of the target legume. In field-grown lentils, the inoculant strains were not able to outcompete the indigenous rhizobia and the native lentil rhizobia occupied 76–88% of the total nodules formed on inoculated plants. Nitrogen fixation by lentils, estimated using the 15N isotope dilution technique, ranged between 127 to 139 kg ha-1 in both inoculated and un-inoculated plants. With berseem clover, the inoculant strains were highly competitive against indigenous rhizobia and occupied 52–79% of all nodules. Inoculation with selected inocula improved N2 fixation by clover from 162 to 205 kg ha-1 in the three cuts as compared with 118 kg ha-1 in the un-inoculated treatment. The results also indicated the potential for improvement of N2 fixation by beans through the application of efficient N2-fixing rhizobia.  相似文献   

The15N abundance of plants usually closely reflects the15N abundance of their major immediate N source(s); plant-available soil N in the case of non-N2-fixing plants and atmospheric N2 in the case of N2 fixing plants. The15N abundance values of these sources are usually sufficiently different from each other that a significant and systematic difference in the15N abundance between the two kinds of plants can be detected. This difference provides the basis for the natural15N abundance method of estimating the relative contribution of atmospheric N2 to N2-fixing plants growing in natural and agricultural settings. The natural15N abundance method has certain advantages over more conventional methods, particularly in natural ecosystems, since disturbance of the system is not required and the measurements may be made on samples dried in the field. This method has been tested mainly with legumes in agricultural settings. The tests have demonstrated the validity of this method of arriving at semi-quantitative estimates of biological N2-fixation in these settings. More limited tests and applications have been made for legumes in natural ecosystems. An understanding of the limits and utility of this method in these systems is beginning to emerge. Examples of systematic measurements of differences in15N abundance between non-legume N2-fixing systems and neighbouring non-fixing systems are more unusual. In principle, application of the method to estimate N2-fixation by nodulated non-legumes, using the natural15N abundance method, is as feasible as estimating N2-fixation by legumes. Most of the studies involving N2-fixing non-legumes are with this type of system (e.g., Ceanothus, Chamabatia, Eleagnus, Alnus, Myrica, and so forth). Resuls of these studies are described. Applicability for associative N2-fixation is an empirical question, the answer to which probably depends upon the degree to which fixed N goes predominantly to the plant rather than to the soil N pool. The natural15N abundance method is probably not well suited to assessing the contribution of N2-fixation by free-living microorganisms in their natural habitat, particularly soil microorganisms.This work was supported in part by subcontracts under grants from the US National Science Foundation (DEB79-21971 and BSR821618)  相似文献   

Two field experiments were performed to evaluate the nitrogen fixation potential of twenty common bean cultivars and breeding lines during summer and winter seasons of 1986 and 1988, respectively. The 15N isotope dilution method was used to quantify N2 fixation. The cultivars and breeding lines were variable in terms of their N2 fixation. The cv. Caballero was very efficient, with more than 50% N derived from the atmosphere and 60–80 kg N ha–1 fixed in both seasons. Other cultivars were less efficient, since the poorest ones derived less than 30% of their nitrogen from the atmosphere and fixed less than 20 kg N ha–1. After additional testing the best cultivars may be used directly by the farmers for cultivation. The experiments have provided information about which genotypes may be used to breed for enhanced fixation in common bean.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) transfer from one species to another is important for the N cycling in low-input grassland. In the present work, estimates obtained by an indirect 15N dilution technique were compared with estimates obtained by a direct 15N leaf feeding technique over two complete growing seasons in red clover-ryegrass and white clover-ryegrass mixtures under field conditions. The direct technique confirmed that N transfer between clovers and ryegrass is a bi-directional process. The transfer of N from both clovers to ryegrass occurred within 25 days upon the first labelling event. A very high N transfer occurred from white clover to the associated ryegrass, 4.5 and 7.5 g m−2 in the 1st and 2nd production year, respectively. The corresponding values for transfer from red clover to the associated ryegrass were 1.7 and 3.6 g m−2. Quantified relatively to the total above-ground N content of white clover- ryegrass and red clover-ryegrass mixtures, the N transfer exceeded 50% and 10%, respectively, in three out of seven harvests. The N transfer from 15N labelled grass to associated clovers constituted a relatively constant proportion of approx. 8% of the above-ground N content of the mixtures. Estimates based on the soil 15N dilution technique generally underestimated the net N transfer by more than 50% compared to the direct 15N labelling technique. Furthermore, the indirect 15N dilution technique estimated only marginal differences between red and white clover in the quantities of N transferred, whereas the direct 15N labelling technique showed the N transfer from white clover to the associated ryegrass to be significantly higher than that involving red clover. It is concluded that N transfer is a much more dynamic and quantitatively important process in grassland than previously recognised. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A 12-week greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the polyphenol, lignin and N contents of six legumes on their N mineralization rate in soil and to compare estimates of legume-N release by the difference and 15N-recovery methods. Mature tops of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), round leaf cassia (Cassia rotundifolia Pers., var. Wynn), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam., deWit), Fitzroy stylo (Stylosanthes scabra Vog., var Fitzroy), snail medic (Medicago scutellata L.), and vigna (Vigna trilobata L., var verde) were incorporated in soil at the rate of 100 mg legume N kg-1 soil. The medic and vigna were labeled with 15N. Sorghum-sudan hybrid (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) was used as the test crop. A non-amended treatment was used as a control. Net N mineralization after 12 weeks ranged from 11% of added N with cassia to 47% of added N for alfalfa. With the two legumes that contained less than 20 g kg-1 of N, stylo and cassia, there was net N immobilization for the first 6 weeks of the experiment. The legume (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio was significantly correlated with N mineralization at all sampling dates at the 0.05 level and at the 0.01 level at 6 weeks (r2=0.866). Legume N, lignin, or polyphenol concentrations or the lignin:N ratio were not significantly correlated with N mineralization at any time. The polyphenol:N ratio was only significantly correlated with N mineralization after 9 weeks (r2=0.692). The (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio appears to be a good predictor of N mineralization rates of incorporated legumes, but the method for analyzing plant polyphenol needs to be standardized. Estimates of legume-N mineralization by the difference and 15N recovery methods were significantly different at all sampling dates for both 15N-labeled legumes. After 12 weeks, estimates of legume-N mineralization averaged 20% more with the difference method than with the 15N recovery method. This finding suggests that estimates of legume N available to subsequent crops should not be based solely on results from 15N recovery experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) have a high N requirement which is fulfilled by soil N uptake and N2-fixation. This study was concerned with the effects of past yield selection on N2-fixation in soybeans.The soybean cultivars, Lincoln, Shelby, and Williams, which represent successive improvements in the Lincoln germplasm, and a non-nodulating control were planted in a soil containing15N labelled organic matter. Two replications occurred on soil previously cropped to alfalfa and two on soil previously cropped to soybeans. Plants were harvested at five growth stages and leaf area, plant weight, total N, and atom percent15N were determined. Mature grain was harvested and yield components were also determined, as well as the total N and15N content.Cultivar differences in total dry matter were only evident at physiological maturity, when Williams contained the greatest dry matter. Williams exhibited the longest period of seed formation and seed fill and also had the highest grain yield which resulted from a larger weight per seed.The N content of the cultivars did not vary until physiological maturity when Williams contained the highest percent N. The quantity of N fixed at physiological maturity was highest for Williams and lowest for Lincoln. Fixed N contained in the harvested grain was greater for Williams than for the other two cultivars. The fraction of the total plant N derived from fixation was not greatly affected by cultivar and all cultivars acquired an average of 50% of their total N through N2-fixation.Previous cropping history greatly affected the quantity of N fixed and the fraction of the total plant N derived from fixation. Soybeans following soybeans were more dependent upon N2-fixation than soybeans following alfalfa with the former deriving 65% of the total plant N from fixation and the latter only 32%. These soybean cultivars apparently utilized soil N first and then used N2-fixation to satisfy their N requirement.The past selection for higher yield has resulted in soybean cultivars with improved capacities to fix atmospheric N2 and an improved ability to take up available soil N.  相似文献   

Fernández Valiente  E.  Ucha  A.  Quesada  A.  Leganés  F.  Carreres  R. 《Plant and Soil》2000,221(1):107-112
This study investigate the potential contribution of nitrogen fixation by indigenous cyanobacteria to rice production in the rice fields of Valencia (Spain). N2-fixing cyanobacteria abundance and N2 fixation decreased with increasing amounts of fertilizers. Grain yield increased with increasing amounts of fertilizers up to 70 kg N ha-1. No further increase was observed with 140 kg N ha-1. Soil N was the main source of N for rice, only 8–14% of the total N incorporated by plants derived from 15N fertilizer. Recovery of applied 15N-ammonium sulphate by the soil–plant system was lower than 50%. Losses were attributed to ammonia volatilization, since only 0.3–1% of applied N was lost by denitrification. Recovery of 15N from labeled cyanobacteria by the soil–plant system was higher than that from chemical fertilizers. Cyanobacterial N was available to rice plant even at the tillering stage, 20 days after N application. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Two days after exposure of roots to15N labeled N2, partitioning of biologically fixed N into leaves, stems, peduncles, pods, roots and nodules was measured in the early pod development stage of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.). The experimental objective was to determine the quantity of biologically fixed N that is incorporated into vegetative tissue before being mobilized to pods. For the three varieties of cowpea included in the experiment a maximum of 50% of the N, biologically fixed two days earlier, was contained in the pods. The remaining N was distributed throughout the vegetative portion of the plant with at least 30% in stems and leaves which indicates that much of the newly fixed N must cycle through a N pool in these tissues before reaching the pods.  相似文献   

M. Burger  L. E. Jackson 《Plant and Soil》2005,266(1-2):289-301
Immobilization of ammonium (NH 4 + ) by plants and microbes, a controlling factor of ecosystem nitrogen (N) retention, has usually been measured based on uptake of15NH 4 + solutions injected into soil. To study the influence of roots on N dynamics without stimulating consumption of NH 4 + , we estimated gross nitrification in the presence or absence of live roots in an agricultural soil. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Peto76) plants were grown in microcosms containing root exclosures. When the plants were 7 weeks old,15N enriched nitrate (NO 3 ) was applied in the 0–150 mm soil layer. After 24 h, > 30 times more15NH 4 + was found in the soil with roots than in the soil of the root exclosures. At least 18% of the NH 4 + -N present at this time in the soil with roots had been converted from NO 3 . We estimated rates of conversion of NO 3 to NH 4 + , and rates ofNH 4 + immobilization by plants and microbes, by simulating N-flow of14+15N and15N in three models representing mechanisms that may be underlying the experimental data: Dissimilatory NO 3 reduction to NH 4 + (DNRA), plant N efflux, and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) turnover. Compared to NO 3 uptake, plant NH 4 + uptake was modest. Ammonium immobilization by plants and microbes was equal to at least 35% of nitrification rates. The rapid recycling of NO 3 to NH 4 + via plants and/or microbes contributes to ecosystem N retention and may enable plants growing in agricultural soils to capture more NH 4 + than generally assumed.  相似文献   

A promising approach for overcoming poor crop yields in phosphorus (P)-deficient soils is to exploit the genetic variation among plants to grow under low P conditions. We examined the P requirements of three mungbean cultivars, T-77, MI-5 and E-72, using four P rates, 0, 30, 60 and 90 mg P kg-1 soil (designated P0, P1, P2 and P3, respectively). Nodulation was highest in T-77, and unlike the other cultivars, nodule numbers were not increased by P application. Similarly, growth of T-77 was the highest, and was not influenced by P rates. In contrast shoot yields of MI-5 and E-72 at P0 were only 76 and 65%, respectively, of the maximum obtained under P application. Nodule dry weight and the amount of N fixed (Ndfa) in each cultivar was enhanced by P application, with T-77 generally giving the lowest response, and accumulating the highest Ndfa. The data suggest a higher P requirement for N2 fixation (especially for T-77) than for growth. All plants increased their P uptake as P rates increased, with T-77 accumulating the highest amount of P at each P level. Differences in the physiological P use efficiency, PPUE (g shoot mg-1 P) among genotypes were generally not significant, neither were there any consistent trends as P rates changed. The ability to absorb P therefore appeared to be more important than PPUE in enhancing growth. We conclude from our data that it is possible by selection to obtain plants capable of good growth and high N2 fixation in soils of low P; cultivar T-77 is a good example.  相似文献   

B. Coté  C. Camire 《Plant and Soil》1984,78(1-2):209-220
Summary Growth and N accumulation were assessed in pure and mixed plantings (2 years old) of hybrid poplar and black alder in southern Québec. Symbiotic dinitrogen fixation was evaluated by natural15N dilution. Growth of hybrid poplar plants and N accumulation in their tissues increased with their decreasing contribution to species ratio whereas no differences among treatments were measured for black alder. Yield and N content per hectare of aboveground components increased with the proportion of black alder in the plantation. Symbiotic dinitrogen fixation was estimated at 68% of alder nitrogen in both pure and mixed treatments. The maximum rate of N-fixation was 53kg ha–1 yr–1 in pure alder plots. The amount of nitrogen accumulated in entire plants of black alder from symbiotic fixation could be sufficient to balance the N export in harvested stems and branches of short-rotation plantations containing at least 33% of alder.  相似文献   

The influence of soil nitrate availability, crop growth rate and phenology on the activity of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) during the growth cycle of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Baccara) was investigated in the field under adequate water availability, applying various levels of fertiliser N at the time of sowing. Nitrate availability in the ploughed layer of the soil was shown to inhibit both SNF initiation and activity. Contribution of SNF to total nitrogen uptake (%Ndfa) over the growth cycle could be predicted as a linear function of mineral N content of the ploughed layer at sowing. Nitrate inhibition of SNF was absolute when mineral N at sowing was over 380 kg N ha–1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was not initiated unless nitrate availability in the soil dropped below 56 kg N ha–1. However, SNF could no longer be initiated after the beginning of seed filling (BSF). Other linear relationships were established between instantaneous %Ndfa and instantaneous nitrate availability in the ploughed layer of the soil until BSF. Instantaneous %Ndfa decreased linearly with soil nitrate availability and was nil above 48 and 34 kg N ha–1 for the vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively, levels after which no SNF occurred. Moreover, SNF rate was shown to be closely related to the crop growth rate until BSF. The ratio of SNF rate over crop growth rate decreased linearly with thermal time. Maximum SNF rate was about 40 mg N m–2 degree-day–1, equivalent to 7 kg N ha–1, regardless of the N treatment. From BSF to the end of the growth cycle, the high N requirements of the crop were supported by both SNF and nitrate root absorption but, of the two sources, nitrate root absorption seemed to be less affected by the presence of reproductive organs. However, since soil nitrate availability was low at the end of the growth cycle, SNF was the main source of nitrogen acquisition. The onset of SNF decrease at the end of the growth cycle seemed to be first due to nodule age and then associated to the slowing of the crop growth rate.  相似文献   

P. J. Goodman 《Plant and Soil》1988,112(2):247-254
The stable isotope15N is particularly valuable in the field for measuring N fixation by isotope dilution. At the same time other soil-plant processes can be studied, including15N recovery, and nitrogen transfer between clover and grass. Three contrasting sites and soils were used in the present work: a lowland soil, an upland soil, and an upland peat. Nitrogen fixation varied from 12 gm–2 on lowland soil to 2.7 gm–2 on upland peat. Most N transfer occurred on upland soil (4.2 gm–2) which, added to nitrogen fixed, made a total of 8.7 gm2 input during summer 1985.15N recovery for the whole experiment was small, around 25%.Measurement of dead and dying leaves, stubble and roots, suggests that plant organ death is the first stage in N transfer from white clover to ryegrass, through the decomposer cycle. Decomposition was fastest on lowland soils, slowest on peat. On lowland soil this decomposer nitrogen is apparently subverted before transfer, probably by soil microbes.Variations in natural abundance of15N in plants were found in the two species on the different soils. These might be used to measure nitrogen fixation without adding isotope, but the need for many replicates and repeat samples would limit throughput.  相似文献   

Sanginga  N.  Okogun  J.  Vanlauwe  B.  Dashiell  K. 《Plant and Soil》2002,247(2):223-231
Agronomic results indicate that maize grain yields generally are higher when the crop is planted following soybean than in continuous maize cultivation in the moist savanna agroecological zones of West Africa. Many factors have been hypothesized to explain this phenomenon, including enhanced N availability and the so-called `rotational effect'. There is, however, hardly any quantitative information on the residual N benefits of promiscuous soybeans to subsequent cereal crops grown in rotation with soybean. Three IITA promiscuous soybean breeding lines and two Brazilian soybean lines were grown in 1994 and 1995 at Mokwa in the southern Guinea savanna, Nigeria, to quantify the nitrogen contribution by soybeans to a succeeding crop of maize grown in rotation with soybean for two consecutive years, 1996 and 1997 using two methods of introducing 15N into soil (fresh 15N labelling and its residual 15N) and three maize cultivars (including one cultivar with high N use efficiency) used as reference plants. The nodulating soybeans fixed between 44 and 103 kg N ha–1 of their total N and had an estimated net N balance input from fixation following grain harvest ranging from –8 to 43 kg N ha–1. Results in 1996 and in 1997 showed that maize growing after soybean had significantly higher grain yield (1.2 – 2.3-fold increase compared to maize control) except for maize cultivar Oba super 2 (8644-27) (a N-efficient hybrid). The 15N isotope dilution method was able to estimate N contribution by promiscuous soybeans to maize only in the first succeeding maize crop grown in 1996 but not in the second maize crop in 1997. The first crop of maize grown after soybean accumulated an average between 10 and 22 kg N ha–1 from soybean residue, representing 17–33% of the soybean total N ha–1. The percentage 15N derived from residue recovery in maize grown after maize was influenced by the maize cultivars. Maize crop grown after the N-efficient hybrid cultivar Oba Super 2 (844-27) had similar 15N values similar to maize grown after soybeans, confirming the ability of this cultivar to use N efficiently in low N soil due to an efficient N translocation ability. The maize crop in 1997 grown after maize had lower 15N enrichment than that grown in soybean plots, suggesting that soybean residues contributed a little to soil available N and to crop N uptake by the second maize crop. The differential mineralization and immobilization turnover of maize and soybean residues in these soils may be important and N contribution estimates in longer term rotation involving legumes and cereals may be difficult to quantify using the 15N labelling approaches. Therefore alternative methods are required to measure N release from organic residues in these cropping systems.  相似文献   

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