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NK cells use perforin rather than granulysin for anticryptococcal activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cytotoxic lymphocytes have the capacity to kill microbes directly; however, the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. Using Cryptococcus neoformans, which causes a potentially fatal fungal infection in HIV-infected patients, our previous studies showed that granulysin is necessary, while perforin is dispensable, for CD8 T lymphocyte fungal killing. By contrast, the mechanisms by which NK cells exert their antimicrobial activity are not clear, and in particular, the contribution of granulysin and perforin to NK-mediated antifungal activity is unknown. Primary human NK cells and a human NK cell line YT were found to constitutively express granulysin and perforin, and possessed anticryptococcal activity, in contrast to CD8 T lymphocytes, which required stimulation. When granulysin protein and mRNA were blocked by granulysin small interfering RNA, the NK cell-mediated antifungal effect was not affected in contrast to the abrogated activity observed in CD8 T lymphocytes. However, when perforin was inhibited by concanamycin A, and silenced using hairpin small interfering RNA, the anticryptococcal activities of NK cells were abrogated. Furthermore, when granulysin and perforin were both inhibited, the anticryptococcal activities of the NK cells were not reduced further than by silencing perforin alone. These results indicate that the antifungal activity is constitutively expressed in NK cells in contrast to CD8 T lymphocytes, in which it requires prior activation, and perforin, but not granulysin, plays the dominant role in NK cell anticryptococcal activity, in contrast to CD8 T lymphocytes, in which granulysin, but not perforin, plays the dominant role in anticryptococcal activity.  相似文献   

Recently we demonstrated that human mast cells (MC) express functional TRAIL death receptors. Here we assessed the expression of TRAIL on both mRNA and protein level in cord blood derived MC (CBMC) and HMC-1. The TRAIL release either spontaneous or induced by LPS, IFN-γ and IgE-dependent activation, was evaluated as well. The protein location was restricted to the intracellular compartment in CBMC, but not in HMC-1. The intracellular TRAIL was not localized inside the granules. The treatment with IFN-γ and LPS up-regulated intracellular TRAIL expression in CBMC, but did not induce its release. These in vitro data show that human MC can produce and express intracellular TRAIL whose location could not be altered by different stimuli.  相似文献   

Human three-dimensional fibroblast cultures express angiogenic activity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human neonatal fibroblasts were cultured on a lactate-glycollate copolymer scaffold for 12-16 days to form a three-dimensional dermal equivalent tissue. The cellular content of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA in these three-dimensional cultures was 22-fold greater than that observed in the same fibroblasts grown as monolayers. No induction was shown by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) or angiopoietin 1 indicating that the effect was specific to VEGF. The predominant VEGF splice variant, detected by RT-PCR corresponded to the 121 amino acid form, with less of the 165 amino acid form. The cell-associated forms (189 and 206 amino acids) comprised less than 1% of the total VEGF mRNA. VEGF and HGF proteins, determined by ELISA, were secreted in physiologically significant amounts, 0.5-4 ng per 24 h/10(6) cells. Conditioned medium from the three-dimensional cultures stimulated proliferation of endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner and induced cellular expression of integrin alpha(v)beta(3). Conditioned medium from the same dermal fibroblasts cultured in monolayer showed little angiogenic activity in any of these assays. Using the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) angiogenesis assay, the cultures stimulated blood vessel production 2.8-fold over scaffold alone. VEGF-neutralizing antibody reduced the vessel development in the CAM to the level in the scaffold control. Anti-HGF antibody had no significant effect. In conclusion, three-dimensional cultures of dermal equivalent tissue express angiogenic activity to a greater extent than monolayer cultures, some of which can be assigned to VEGF.  相似文献   

Mast cells are immune cells that produce and secrete a variety of mediators and cytokines that influence various inflammatory and immune processes. Leptin is a cytokine regulating metabolic, endocrine as well as immune functions via the leptin receptor which is expressed by many immune cells. However, there are no data about leptin receptor expression in mast cells. Immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent double stainings showed the expression of leptin and leptin receptors in mast cells in human skin and several parts of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tract. Leptin was expressed in mast cells expressing the classification marker chymase, whereas a variable expression was observed in tryptase positive mast cells. For leptin receptors, the expression pattern was tissue dependent and not related to tryptase or chymase expression. Our results demonstrate the expression of leptin and leptin receptors on mast cells, suggesting paracrine and/or autocrine immunomodulatory effects of leptin on mast cells.  相似文献   

Human gastrinoma cells express calcium-sensing receptor.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Protein phosphorylation was compared in normal human cells and human osteogenic sarcoma cells. The phosphorylation of endogenous cellular protein substrates was measured by two independent methods, incubation of homogenized cells with [γ-32P]ATP or labeling of intact cells with Na2H32PO4. Phosphorylated proteins were identified by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The stained protein bands of all four osteosarcoma cell lines were nearly identical to those of the normal cells. However, each of the osteosarcoma cell lines showed autoradiographic evidence of enhanced phosphorylation in many different protein bands which was neither cyclic AMP-dependent nor a function of cellular growth rate or density. When normal and tumor cell homogenates were mixed prior to incubation with [γ-32P]ATP, the resulting phosphoprotein patterns resembled those obtained with the tumor cells alone. In addition, a surgically derived osteogenic sarcoma was cultured and an established line obtained; another portion of the fresh tumor was immediately homogenized and used in a phosphorylation assay. The same enhanced phosphorylation pattern was obtained with the homogenized fresh tumor as with the cell line established from it. These results suggest thathuman osteogenic sarcoma cells are able to perform a significantly increased amount of phosphorylation of endegenous cellular protein substrates when compared to normal human cells.  相似文献   

In our search for a cell line expressing endogenous human motilin receptor, we have discovered that theTE671 cell line, a neuron-derived medulloblastoma human line, expresses functional motilin receptors. The cDNA of the receptor was isolated from the cells and its sequence was confirmed to be identical to the previously reported cDNA sequence isolated from human thyroid. The function of the receptor protein was evaluated both for its ability to inhibit the binding of 125I-motilin to a crude membrane preparation of TE671 cells and for activation of the phospholipase C signal transduction pathway by calcium mobilization assay. The precise numbers of motilin receptor RNA molecule in TE671 cell and 24 human tissues were quantitatively determined by real-time PCR. TE671 cell line should be a useful tool for the study of motilin receptor-involved signal transduction in humans.  相似文献   

Human lymphatic endothelial cells express multiple functional TLRs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lymphatic endothelium is the preferred route for the drainage of interstitial fluid from tissues and also serves as a conduit for peripheral dendritic cells (DCs) to reach draining lymph nodes. Lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are known to produce chemokines that recruit Ag-loaded DCs to lymphatic vessels and therefore are likely to regulate the migration of DCs to lymph nodes. TLRs are immune receptors that recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns and then signal and stimulate production of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines that contribute to innate and adaptive immune responses. TLRs are known to be expressed by a wide variety of cell types including leukocytes, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells. Because the TLR expression profile of LECs remains largely unexamined, we have undertaken a comprehensive study of the expression of TLR1-10 mRNAs and protein in primary human dermal (HD) and lung LECs as well as in htert-HDLECs, which display a longer life-span than HDLECs. We found that all three cell types expressed TLR1-6 and TLR9. The responsiveness of these LECs to a panel of ligands for TLR1-9 was measured by real-time RT-PCR, ELISA, and flow cytometry, and revealed that the LECs responded to most but not all TLR ligands by increasing expression of inflammatory chemokines, cytokines, and adhesion molecules. These findings provide insight into the ability of cells of the lymphatic vasculature to respond to pathogens and potential vaccine adjuvants and shape peripheral environments in which DCs will acquire Ag and environmental cues.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted T cells (NKT cells) are innate memory cells activated by lipid Ags and play important roles in the initiation and regulation of the immune response. However, little is known about the trafficking patterns of these cells or the tissue compartment in which they exert their regulatory activity. In this study, we determined the chemokine receptor profile expressed by CD1d-restricted T cells found in the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers as well as CD1d-restricted T cell clones. CD1d-restricted T cells were identified by Abs recognizing the invariant Valpha24 TCR rearrangement or by binding to CD1d-Fc fusion tetramers loaded with alpha-GalCer. CD1d-restricted T cells in the peripheral blood and CD1d-restricted T cell clones expressed high levels of CXCR3, CCR5, and CCR6; intermediate levels of CXCR4 and CXCR6; and low levels of CXCR1, CCR1, CCR2, and CX(3)CR1, a receptor pattern often associated with tissue-infiltrating effector Th1 cells and CD8+ T cells. Very few of these cells expressed the lymphoid-homing receptors CCR7 or CXCR5. CCR4 was expressed predominantly on CD4+, but not on double-negative CD1d-restricted T cells, which may indicate differential trafficking patterns for these two functionally distinct subsets. CD1d-restricted T cell clones responded to chemokine ligands for CXCR1/2, CXCR3, CXCR4, CXCR6, CCR4, and CCR5 in calcium flux and/or chemotaxis assays. These data indicate that CD1d-restricted T cells express a chemokine receptor profile most similar to Th1 inflammatory homing cells and suggest that these cells perform their function in peripheral tissue sites rather than in secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

AIMS: Mycobacteria are a serious cause of infections in humans, with limited treatment options, as no new antibiotics have been developed against mycobacteria since the 1960s. In this study, the antimycobacterial activity of a small library of acetophenone (AP) compounds was analysed. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-three AP derivatives were examined for activity against mycobacteria using a microbroth assay. The compounds were bacteriostatic, with the most effective (cyclohexylacetophenone and piperidinoacetophenone) having minimal inhibitory concentrations of 246 microM. Active compounds tended to be more hydrophobic, and may work by alkylation of as yet undetermined intracellular target protein(s). Cytotoxicity against eukaryotic cells was also determined and appears to be unrelated to the bacteriostatic activity. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: AP may serve as a novel group of useful therapeutics against the mycobacteria.  相似文献   

NKT cells are a small subset of regulatory T cells conserved in humans and mice. In humans they express the Valpha24Jalpha18 invariant chain (hence invariant NKT (iNKT) cells) and are restricted by the glycolipid-presenting molecule CD1d. In mice, iNKT cells may enhance or inhibit anti-infectious and antitumor T cell responses but suppress autoimmune and alloreactive responses. We postulated that iNKT cells might also modulate human alloreactive responses. Using MLR assays we demonstrate that in the presence of the CD1d-presented glycolipid alpha-galactosylceramide (alphaGC) alloreactivity is enhanced (37 +/- 12%; p < 0.001) in an iNKT cell-dependent manner. iNKT cells are activated early during the course of the MLR, presumably by natural ligands. In MLR performed without exogenous ligands, depletion of iNKT cells significantly diminished the alloresponse in terms of proliferation (58.8 +/- 24%; p < 0.001) and IFN-gamma secretion (43.2 +/- 15.2%; p < 0.001). Importantly, adding back fresh iNKT cells restored the reactivity of iNKT cell-depleted MLR to near baseline levels. CD1d-blocking mAbs equally reduced the reactivity of the iNKT cell-replete and -depleted MLR compared with IgG control, indicating that the effect of iNKT cells in the in vitro alloresponse is CD1d-dependent. These findings suggest that human iNKT cells, although not essential for its development, can enhance the alloreactive response.  相似文献   

Mechanisms involved in the antimetastatic effect of IL-12 were analyzed in a mouse model of experimental metastasis with either syngeneic fibrosarcoma cells colonizing the lungs or syngeneic B cell lymphoma cells colonizing the liver. IL-12 pretreatment effectively reduced the number of tumor colonies in both systems. This effect was already manifest 24 hours after tumor cell injection, indicating a T and B cell-independent mechanism. Therefore, the involvement of NK and alphabetaNKT cells was investigated using mice with defective NK and alphabetaNKT cell functions. Mice with impaired NK functions due to NK cell depletion, were less responsive to the antimetastatic IL-12 effect. IL-12 treatment failed to inhibit metastasis in beta2-microglobulin-deficient mice which lack alphabetaNKT cells in addition to having impaired NK cell activity, thus, demonstrating the functional importance of IL-12-activated NK and alphabetaNKT cells. While the IL-12-induced antimetastatic effect of NK cells was dependent on IFN-gamma action, IL-12 activation of alphabetaNKT cells did not involve IFN-gamma. The neutralization of IFN-gamma or the use of IFN-gamma receptor-deficient mice did not alter the IL-12-induced effect in the absence of NK cells. Activation of effector cells of the innate immune system, such as NK and alphabetaNKT cells, seems to be the main mechanism for the antimetastatic effect of IL-12.  相似文献   

NKT cells and viral immunity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Over the past 10 years a new population of cells has been the focus of much attention. The functions of these unique lymphocytes, characterized by the concomitant expression of T- and NK-cell markers and thus termed NKT cells, have been implicated in many diverse aspects of immunity, including regulation of autoimmune disorders, control of tumour growth and spread, and defence against a number of pathogens. Although much debate still remains as to the natural role of NKT cells, it is clear that these cells have the capacity, either constitutively or postactivation, to promote an amazing array of immunoregulatory responses. The involvement of NKT cells in viral immune-surveillance and their ability to induce protection against pathogens once activated make them an attractive clinical target.  相似文献   

TCRalphabeta(+)NK1.1(+) (NKT) cells are known to express various NK cell-associated molecules including the Ly49 family of receptors for MHC class I, but its functional significance has been unclear. Here, we examined the expression of Ly49A, C/I and G2 on various NKT cell populations from normal and MHC class I-deficient C57BL/6 mice as well as their responsiveness to alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer), a potent stimulator of CD1d-restricted NKT cells. The frequency and the level of Ly49 expression varied among NKT cells from different tissues, and were regulated by the expression of MHC class I and CD1d in the host. Stimulation of various NKT cells with alpha-GalCer suggested that Ly49 expression inversely correlates with the responsiveness of NKT cells to alpha-GalCer. Moreover, alpha-GalCer presented by normal dendritic cells stimulated purified Ly49(-), but not Ly49(+), splenic NKT cells, whereas MHC class I-deficient dendritic cells presented alpha-GalCer to both Ly49(+) and Ly49(-) NKT cells equally well. Therefore, MHC class I on APCs seems to inhibit activation of NKT cells expressing Ly49. To further characterize CD1d-restricted NKT cells, we generated an alpha-GalCer-responsive NKT cell line from thymocytes. The line could only be generated from Ly49(-)NK1.1(+)CD4(+) thymocytes but not from other NKT cell subsets, and it lost expression of NK1.1 and CD4 during culture. Together, these results indicate the functional significance of Ly49 expression on NKT cells.  相似文献   

Phytochemistry and antimycobacterial activity of Chlorophytum inornatum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a project to investigate plant derived natural products from the Liliaceae with activity against fast-growing strains of mycobacteria, we have identified two new metabolites from Chlorophytum inornatum. The active principle, a new homoisoflavanone (1) was identified as 3-(4'-methoxybenzyl)-7,8-methylenedioxy-chroman-4-one. The metabolite assigned as 7-(1'-hydroxyethyl)-2-(2'-hydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydrobenzopyran (2) was characterised by extensive 1- and 2D NMR spectroscopy. The antimycobacterial activity of this plant was mainly due to the homoisoflavonoid which exhibited minimum inhibitory values ranging from 16-256 microg/ml against four strains of fast-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

NKT cells and HIV infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a subset of lymphocytes that express a semi-invariant T cell receptor (TCR) that recognizes glycolipids presented by the non-polymorphic MHC class I-like molecule CD1d. NKT cells regulate a wide variety of immune functions against autoantigens and pathogens. Recently, it was shown that NKT cells are targeted by HIV-1 and selectively lost in HIV-infected individuals. This review will focus on the mechanisms, consequences and therapeutic implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Granulysin is expressed as two isoforms by human cytotoxic cells: a single mRNA gives rise to 15 kDa granulysin, a portion of which is cleaved to a 9 kDa protein. Studies with recombinant 9 kDa granulysin have demonstrated its cytolytic and proinflammatory properties, but much less is known about the biologic function of the 15 kDa isoform. In this study, we show that the subcellular localization and functions of 9 and 15 kDa granulysin are largely distinct. Nine kilodalton granulysin is confined to cytolytic granules that are directionally released following target cell recognition. In contrast, 15 kDa granulysin is located in distinct granules that lack perforin and granzyme B and that are released by activated cytolytic cells. Although recombinant 9 kDa granulysin is cytolytic against a variety of tumors and microbes, recombinant 15 kDa granulysin is not. The 15 kDa isoform is a potent inducer of monocytic differentiation to dendritic cells, but the 9 kDa isoform is not. In vivo, mice expressing granulysin show markedly improved antitumor responses, with increased numbers of activated dendritic cells and cytokine-producing T cells. Thus, the distinct functions of granulysin isoforms have major implications for diagnosis and potential new therapies for human disease.  相似文献   

Synthesis of calpinactam 1, a fungal antimycobacterial metabolite, utilizing solid-phase peptide synthesis is described. To explore the structure–activity relationships of 1, its derivatives with different amino acids were also synthesized on the basis of the same synthetic strategy. These derivatives were examined for antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis. Among them, only peptide 6d having d-Ala in place of d-Glu showed moderate activity.  相似文献   

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