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Ex planta, bacteroids of the sulla-symbiont Rhizobium hedysari strain HCNT 1 terminated reduction of nitrite at nitrous oxide irrespective of the presence or absence of acetylene. Nitrate was not reduced during the experimental period, but slight nitrate reductase activity occurred if incubation with nitrate was prolonged (up to 15 h). As was observed in free-living cells, exposure of the bacteroids to the metal chelator, diethyldithiocarbamate, prevented reduction of nitrite, indicating the presence of a copper-containing nitrite reductase. Pulses of 10–75 M nitrite transiently impeded O2 uptake in bacteroids, which resumed consumption of O2 when the nitrite had been reduced. Exposure to >1.0 mM nitrite for 24h greatly inhibited nitrogenase activity (assayed as acetylene reduction activity) of bacteroids in planta. Exposure to the same concentrations of nitrite after 1h of incubation in the presence of acetylene almost completely stopped ongoing ethylene production in bacteroids of strain HCNT 1 extracted from nodules. Free cells of the non-nitrite-reducing R. hedysari strain CC 1335 were lacking in nitrogenase (acetylene-reduction) activity, whereas identically cultured (low-oxygen) strain HCNT 1 cells reduced both nitrite and acetylene.Abbreviations PMS phenazine methosulfate - DDC diethyldithiocarbamate  相似文献   

Rhizobium hedysari strain HCNT 1 rapidly reduced nitrite to N2O, only slowly reduced nitrate to nitrite and did not exhibit nitrous oxide reductase activity. Nitrite reduction in this rhizobium strain may be a detoxification mechanism for conversion of nitrite, which inhibits O2 uptake, to non-toxic N2O. Concentrations of nitrite as small as 3 M diminished O2 uptake in whole cells. The bacterium did not couple energy conservation with nitrate or nitrite reduction. Cells neither grew anaerobically at the expense of these nitrogen oxides nor translocated protons during reduction of nitrite. Induction of nitrite reductase activity was not a response to the presence of nitrate or nitrite, but occurred instead when the O2 concentration in culture atmospheres fell to <16.5% of air saturation. Sensitivity of cytochrome o, which is synthesized only in cells grown under O2-limited conditions, may account for the toxicity of nitrite in strain HCNT 1.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of bacteriocin production by a Cicer–Rhizobium strain PR2109a was studied. The bacterial strain showed in vitro growth inhibition of non-bacteriocin producing strain of Cicer–Rhizobium PR2005b. Tn5 mutagenesis of the wild-type strain helped in the isolation of the bacteriocin-defective mutant JN365. A genomic library of the wild-type strain was constructed in the cosmid vector pLAFR1 and maintained in Escherchia coli background. Complementation analysis with the cosmid library resulted in the isolation of a cosmid clone which complemented the defective character in the mutant JN365. The size of the complementary DNA fragment was found to be 23 kb.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe abnormal assembly of tau into neurofibrillary tangles has been associated with over 30 debilitating disorders known as tauopathies. Tauopathies affect millions of people worldwide, yet no clinically approved solution for tau aggregation is currently available.MethodsWe employed a structure-based design approach to make a series of short peptide-based perturbants (Trojans), that can interact with the core hydrophobic fragment of tau protein. Through a combination of various biophysical methods, serum stability, toxicity, and blood-brain barrier translocation assays, we have assessed the efficacy of these designed peptides to intervene the aggregation of tau protein fragment.ResultsOur observations suggest that Trojan peptides could modulate the aggregation of the Ac-VQIVYK-NH2 peptide by either accelerating or arresting its self-assembly and reduce the neurotoxicity of the fibrils formed. The designed perturbant peptides showed three essential pre-requisites such as negligible cytotoxicity, high proteolytic stability in serum, and an ability to cross human blood-brain barrier (BBB). Furthermore, the Trojans could disassemble the pre-formed fibrillar assemblies.ConclusionsThese designed Trojan peptides can serve as a potential therapeutic option for tauopathies, modulating post as well as pre-aggregation leading to the diseases condition.General significanceTauopathies are a group of over 20 progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. The available therapies of tau-linked neurodegenerative syndromes are limited and mostly symptomatic and therefore there is an urgent need for a cost-effective treatment option. We are presenting a series of structure-based, de novo designed, short peptides that can potentially modulate tau protein aggregation.  相似文献   

The human genome contains hundreds of repeats of the 3.3 kb family in regions associated with heterochromatin. We have previously isolated a 3.3 kb-like cDNA encoding a double homeodomain protein (DUX1). Demonstration that the protein was expressed in human rhabdomyosarcoma TE671 cells, and characterization of a homologous promoter suggested that functional DUX genes might be present in 3.3 kb elements. In the present study, we describe two nearly identical 3.3 kb/DUX genes derived from PAC 137F16 (DUX3), and TE671 genomic DNA (DUX5), both mapping to all the acrocentric chromosomes. Their promoters harbor a GC and a TATAA box, and the open reading frame of the intronless structural part encodes two DUX proteins differing by alternative translation initiation. The shorter protein of the DUX5 gene is identical to DUX1. Using a protein truncation test, we could show that these two proteins are encoded by total RNA, but not by poly (A)(+) RNA, from different human tissues and cell lines. Our results indicate that active genes of unusual structure are present in chromosome regions characterized by large amounts of heterochromatic repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

Several complementary procedures were used to identify and characterize DNA sequences which are repeated within a 44 kilobase (kb) segment of rabbit chromosomal DNA containing four different rabbit β-like globin genes (β1–β4). Cross-hybridization between cloned DNAs from different regions of the gene cluster indicates the presence of a complex array of repeat sequences interspersed with the globin genes. We classified 20 different repeat sequences into five families whose members cross-hybridize. Electron microscopy was used to determine the location, size and relative orientations of many of the repeat sequences. Both direct and inverted repeats were identified, with sizes ranging from 140 to 1400 base pairs (bp). Each of the four closely linked globin genes is flanked by at least one pair of inverted repeats of 140–400 bp, and the entire set of four genes is flanked by an inverted repeat of 1400 bp. Two of the five repeat families contain repeat sequences of different sizes. We found that the smaller sequence elements can occur individually or in association with the larger repeat sequences, suggesting that the larger repeats may be composed of more than one smaller repeat sequence. The restriction fragments containing the intracluster repeats also contain sequences which are repeated many times in total rabbit genomic DNA, but it is not known whether the genomic and intracluster repeats are the same sequences. The results provide the first demonstration of the relationship between single-copy and repetitive DNA sequences in a large segment of chromosomal DNA containing a well characterized set of developmentally regulated genes.  相似文献   

The development of the emerging field of ‘paleovirology’ allows biologists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of fossil endogenous retroviral sequences integrated within the genome of living organisms and has led to the retrieval of conserved, ancient retroviral genes ‘exapted’ by ancestral hosts to fulfil essential physiological roles, syncytin genes being undoubtedly among the most remarkable examples of such a phenomenon. Indeed, syncytins are ‘new’ genes encoding proteins derived from the envelope protein of endogenous retroviral elements that have been captured and domesticated on multiple occasions and independently in diverse mammalian species, through a process of convergent evolution. Knockout of syncytin genes in mice provided evidence for their absolute requirement for placenta development and embryo survival, via formation by cell–cell fusion of syncytial cell layers at the fetal–maternal interface. These genes of exogenous origin, acquired ‘by chance’ and yet still ‘necessary’ to carry out a basic function in placental mammals, may have been pivotal in the emergence of mammalian ancestors with a placenta from egg-laying animals via the capture of a founding retroviral env gene, subsequently replaced in the diverse mammalian lineages by new env-derived syncytin genes, each providing its host with a positive selective advantage.  相似文献   

CENP-B, a highly conserved centromere-associated protein, binds to -satellite DNA, the centromeric satellite of primate chromosomes, at a 17-bp sequence, the CENP-B box. By fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an oligomer specific for the CENP-B box sequence, we have demonstrated the abundance of CENP-B boxes on all chromosomes (except the Y) of humans, chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. This sequence motif was not detected in the genomes of other primates, including gibbons, Old and New World monkeys, and prosimians. Our results indicate that the CENP-B box containing subtype of -satellite DNA may have emerged recently in the evolution of the large-bodied hominoids, after divergence of the phylogenetic lines leading to gibbons and apes; the box is thus on the order of 15–25 million years of age. The rapid process of dispersal and fixation of the CENP-B box sequence throughout the human and great ape genomes is thought to be a consequence of concerted evolution of -satellite subsets on both homologous and nonhomologous chromosomes.Correspondence to: T. Haaf  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a serious threat to public health that dramatically undermines our ability to treat bacterial infections. Microorganisms exhibit resistance to different drug classes by acquiring resistance determinants through multiple mechanisms including horizontal gene transfer. The presence of drug resistance genotypes is mostly associated with corresponding phenotypic resistance against the particular antibiotic. However, bacterial communities harbouring silent antimicrobial resistance genes—genes whose presence is not associated with a corresponding resistant phenotype do exist. Under suitable conditions, the expression pattern of such genes often revert and regain resistance and could potentially lead to therapeutic failure. We often miss the presence of silent genes, since the current experimental paradigms are focused on resistant strains. Therefore, the knowledge on the prevalence, importance and mechanism of silent antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial pathogens are very limited. Silent genes, therefore, provide an additional level of complexity in the war against drug-resistant bacteria, reminding us that not only phenotypically resistant strains but also susceptible strains should be carefully investigated. In this review, we discuss the presence of silent antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria, their relevance and their importance in public health.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative analysis of eight cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) classified by height as tall (T), semi-dwarf (D1), dwarf (D2) and very dwarf (D3) was conducted to study their efficiency of oxygen exchange during photosynthesis and dark respiration. Two cultivars were included in each height group.Cultivars carrying Norin 10 dwarfing genes (D1, D2 and D3) were found to have a significantly higher photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area than talls (T) that lack these genes. Among the Norin gene carriers, dwarf group (D2) was most efficient, followed by very dwarf (D3) and semi-dwarf (D1).Photosynthetic rate and respiratory rate were found to have a positive relationship.  相似文献   

Most bacteria of the genus Burkholderia are soil- and rhizosphere-associated, and rhizosphere associated, noted for their metabolic plasticity in the utilization of a wide range of organic compounds as carbon sources. Many Burkholderia species are also opportunistic human and plant pathogens, and the distinction between environmental, plant, and human pathogens is not always clear. Burkholderia phages are not uncommon and multiple cryptic prophages are identifiable in the sequenced Burkholderia genomes. Phages have played a crucial role in the transmission of virulence factors among many important pathogens; however, the data do not yet support a significant correlation between phages and pathogenicity in the Burkholderia. This may be due to the role of Burkholderia as a 'versaphile' such that selection is occurring in several niches, including as a pathogen and in the context of environmental survival.  相似文献   

Summary The eye lens-crystallins in cow and chicken are encoded by a family of at least six genes. In order to assess the distribution of the corresponding genes among other vertebrates we hybridized -crystallin sequences (A2, A3/A1, A4, B1, B2, B3), isolated from a bovine lens cDNA library, to Southern blots on whichEcoR1-digested chromosomal DNA was blotted from different vertebrate species. These included human, chimpanzee, calf, rat, pigeon, duck, monitor lizard, toad, trout, and lamprey. Positive hybridization signals were found in the representatives of virtually all classes of vertebrates. The basic B-crystallins gave hybridization signals in more species than the acidic A ones. In monitor lizard and toad the weakest hybridization signals for basic crystallin probes were found. For acidic crystallin probes the distribution pattern was more simple; among cold-blooded vertebrates a signal for A2 was found in trout and lamprey, for A4 in trout, and for A3/A1 only in toad. The results demonstrate that the duplications leading to the -crystallin gene family occurred before or during the earliest stages of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The Rhizobia comprise one of the most important groups of beneficial bacteria, which form nodules on the roots (rarely on the stems) of leguminous plants. They live within the nodules and reduce atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, which is further assimilated by plants into required nitrogenous compounds. The Rhizobia in return obtain nutrition from the plant. Rhizobia are free-living soil bacteria and have to compete with other microorganisms for the limited available iron in the rhizosphere. In order to acquire iron Rhizobia have been shown to express siderophore-mediated iron transport systems. Rhizobium leguminosarum IARI 917 was investigated for its ability to produce siderophore. It was found to produce a dihydroxamate type siderophore under iron restricted conditions. The siderophore was purified and chemically characterized. The ESMS, MS/MS and NMR analysis indicate the dihydroxamate siderophore to be ‘schizokinen’, a siderophore reported to be produced by Bacillus megaterium that shares a similar structure to ‘rhizobactin 1021’ produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. This is the first report of production of schizokinen by a strain of R. leguminosarum, therefore it was carefully investigated to confirm that it is indeed ‘schizokinen’ and not a degradation product of ‘rhizobactin 1021’. Since ferric–siderophore complexes are transported across the outer membrane (OM) into the periplasm via an OM receptor protein, R. leguminosarum IARI 917 was investigated for the presence of an OM receptor for ‘ferric–schizokinen’. SDS PAGE analysis of whole cell pellet and extracted OM fractions indicate the presence of a possible iron-repressible OM receptor protein with the molecular weight (MW) of approximately 74 kDa.  相似文献   

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