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王文采 《植物研究》2018,38(6):809-819
描述了自西藏发现的毛茛科翠雀花属七新种,隆子翠雀花,黄花翠雀花,绿房翠雀花,二距翠雀花,扎囊翠雀花,宽片翠雀花和狭裂翠雀花,并给出其等与近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

描述了自华西南发现的毛茛科翠雀属5新种,拟毛翠雀花,朗县翠雀花,灰花翠雀花,五花翠雀花和细距翠雀花,并给出其等与近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

王文采  杨宗宗 《广西植物》2021,41(3):327-333
该文描述了在新疆维吾尔自治区发现的毛茛科翠雀花属三新种,包括隶属于密花翠雀花组高翠雀花亚组的二新种,即布尔津翠雀花(Delphinium buerjinense W.T.Wang&Z.Z.Yang)和尼勒克翠雀花(D.nilekeense W.T.Wang&Z.Z.Yang),以及隶属于翠雀花组须花翠雀花亚组的一新种,...  相似文献   

描述了隶属翠雀花组翠雀花亚组的一新种和伊犁翠雀花的一新变种。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2018,38(8):969-972
该文描述了自云南西北部发现的毛茛科翠雀花属二新种:短葶翠雀花(Delphinium breviscaposum W.T.Wang)和丝苞翠雀花(D.filibracteolum W.T.Wang)。短葶翠雀花与察隅翠雀花(D.chayuense W.T.Wang)在亲缘关系上相近,前者与后者的区别在于短葶翠雀花植株具3条簇生短花葶,总状花序的轴和花梗无毛,小苞片较长,萼片较小,退化雄蕊的瓣片不分裂;丝苞翠雀花与拟长距翠雀花(D.dolichocentroides W.T.Wang)近缘,前者与后者的区别在于丝苞翠雀花的花组成圆锥花序,花梗、萼片和萼距均较短,退化雄蕊的爪无附属物,心皮无毛。  相似文献   

本文描述了新疆翠雀花属七个新分类群,即:叶城翠雀花、假深蓝翠雀花、无腺翠雀花、赛塔城翠雀花、高翠雀花、秀丽翠雀花、白花萨乌尔翠雀花。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2010,30(2):145-151
描述了在中国四川发现的毛茛科翠雀属三新种:拟直距翠雀花Delphinium orthocentroides W.T.Wang,宽爪翠雀花D.platyony chinum W.T.Wang和大藏翠雀花D.dazangense W.T.Wang。  相似文献   

发现根据甘肃南部标本描述的毛茛科狭序翠雀花(Delphinium angustipaniculatum W.T.Wang)与此前记载分布于甘肃南部和四川北部的松潘翠雀花(D.sutchuenense Franch.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。讨论了松潘翠雀花与其可能的近缘种秦岭翠雀花(D.giraldii Diels)和疏花翠雀花(D.sparsiflorum Maxim.)的形态区别。  相似文献   

标本室和野外观察表明匙苞翠雀花(Delphinium subspathulatum W.T.Wang)和吉隆翠雀花(D.tabatae Tamura)与须弥翠雀花(D.himalayae Munz)属于同一种植物,故将前二者均处理为须弥翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

通过检查藏南翠雀花Delphinium nortonii 的主模式标本,发现《中国植物志》、《西藏植物志》和《Flora of China》中对该种的鉴定和描述有误。该种的花的退化雄蕊黑褐色,属于翠雀亚属的密花翠雀花组subgen. Delphinastrum sect. Elatopsis, 而上述几种植物志中长1以来将其置于退化雄蕊为蓝色或蓝紫色的翠雀组sect. Delphinastrum中。这几种植物志中记载的D. nortonii 实际上代表一个新种,即李恒翠雀花D. lihengianum。  相似文献   

Vlachou D  Komitopoulou K 《Gene》2001,270(1-2):41-52
We present a total of approximately 15 kb of DNA sequences, encompassing four chorion genes Ccs18, Ccs15, Ccs19, Cc16 and their flanking DNA in the medfly C. capitata. Comparison of coding regions, introns and intergenic sequences in five Dipteran species, D. melanogaster, D. subobscura, D. virilis, D. grimshawi and C. capitata documented an extensive divergence in introns and coding regions, but few well conserved elements in the proximal 5′ flanking regions in all species. These elements are related to conserved regulatory features of three of the genes, including tissue- and temporal regulation. In the fourth, gene s15, significant alterations in the 5′ flanking region may be responsible for its changed temporal regulation in C. capitata. One long intergenic sequence, located in the distal 5′ flanking region of gene s18, is homologous to ACE3, a major amplification control element and contains an 80-bp A/T-rich sequence, known to stimulate strong binding of the origin recognition complex (ORC) in D. melanogaster. Analysis of the nucleotide composition of all chorion genes in C. capitata and D. melanogaster showed that C. capitata exhibit less biased representation of synonymous codons than does D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

金钟藤(Decalobanthus boisianus)是林业有害植物, 其暴发生长和扩散对森林生态系统造成了严重破坏。本文以海南岛48个金钟藤典型分布群落为研究对象, 用方差比率法和贡献定律法探究群落的稳定性; 用χ 2统计量、联结系数(AC)、共同出现百分率(PC)、Ochiai指数和Dice指数分析金钟藤与伴生物种的种间联结关系; 用生态位宽度、生态位相似性系数和生态位重叠指数研究群落中各物种的生态位特征, 以期为金钟藤生物防治的植物物种筛选提供借鉴。结果表明: (1)金钟藤所在48个群落共有156种伴生植物, 其中大戟科、茜草科、桑科、无患子科和樟科植物占优势; (2)群落中优势物种呈正联结关系, 植物种类累积倒数百分比与累积相对频度交点坐标为(44.53, 55.47), 远离稳定交点坐标(20, 80), 说明群落处于不稳定状态; (3)金钟藤与芳槁润楠(Machilus suaveolens)、黄椿木姜子(Litsea variabilis)、岭南山竹子(Garcinia oblongifolia)、显脉杜英(Elaeocarpus dubius)、鸭脚木(Schefflera octophylla)和银柴(Aporusa dioica)都紧密关联, 说明金钟藤与这些物种的资源利用方式较相似; (4)金钟藤的生态位宽度最大, 与伴生物种间的生态位重叠度较高, 但伴生物种间的生态位重叠度较低。金钟藤的入侵导致群落处于不稳定状态, 并与伴生物种间存在激烈的竞争关系。因此, 建议在金钟藤已入侵的群落中大量栽种芳槁润楠、黄椿木姜子、显脉杜英、鸭脚木和银柴, 以遏制其蔓延; 大量栽种翻白叶树(Pterospermum heterophyllum)、海南菜豆树(Radermachera hainanensis)、九节(Psychotria rubra)和肉实树(Sarcosperma laurinum)用于金钟藤入侵群落的植被恢复。  相似文献   

中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense)是华中地区特有种, 在三峡库区局部地段占优势形成群落。对三峡库区不同生境下中华蚊母树群落特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系进行研究可为其保护及消落带植被恢复提供科学依据。运用数据分类和排序等方法, 对中华蚊母树群落物种组成、植物区系、物种多样性及其与土壤环境因子的关系进行研究。结果表明, 共发现维管植物56种, 隶属于36科54属, 植物区系以世界分布、泛热带分布和北温带分布为主, 生活型以草本和灌木为主。自然消落带灌木层重要值最大的是中华蚊母树, 草本层重要值最大的是藤本植物地果(Ficus tikoua), 主要伴生种为具有一定水淹耐受性的灌木和多年生草本, 如小梾木(Swida paucinervis)、白茅(Imperata cylindrica)等; 反季节消落带灌木层仅中华蚊母树一种, 草本层重要值最大的物种是狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon), 主要伴生种为苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、苘麻(Abutilon theophrastic)等一年生草本。双向聚类分析将调查的6个样地分为四大类群: 中华蚊母树+小梾木群落、中华蚊母树+地果群落、中华蚊母树+细叶水团花(Adina rubella)群落、中华蚊母树+狗牙根群落。典范对应分析表明, 海拔高度和土壤pH是影响中华蚊母树群落物种分布的主要环境因子, 土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和速效钾含量是次要因素, 但它们是影响群落物种多样性指数的主要因子, 其中土壤氮是群落的限制因子。因此, 在反季节消落带植被重建中, 对中华蚊母树群落进行构建时, 除考虑细叶水团花、小梾木等作为高海拔消落带伴生物种外, 还应增加土壤氮和钾的供给, 使中华蚊母树群落保持较高的物种多样性, 维持消落带生态系统稳定。  相似文献   

茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)广泛分布于东太平洋海域,在海洋生态系统中扮演着重要角色。本研究根据2019年6—12月我国鱿钓生产船在东太平洋公海采集的62尾茎柔鱼样本,对其胃含物残留的4131个耳石和75个角质颚样本进行鉴定分析。结果表明: 茎柔鱼主要摄食鱼类10种、头足类4种。从摄食饵料的出现频率和数量百分比来看,主要摄食的鱼类饵料为荧串光鱼、朗明灯鱼和墨西哥尾灯鱼,荧串光鱼在不同胴长组的茎柔鱼胃内均有出现,是茎柔鱼最重要的饵料;摄食的头足类主要有茎柔鱼、鸢乌贼和爪乌贼。随着胴长的增大,茎柔鱼摄食的饵料种类不断增加,头足类和灯笼鱼饵料比例增加,且摄食的饵料尺寸增大,摄食营养结构发生改变,摄食营养水平随之提高。研究结果可为评估不同饵料生物在茎柔鱼食性转变过程中的食物贡献提供基础资料。  相似文献   

地球上有多少物种一直以来都是人们极度关注的问题, 而存疑物种是造成该问题难以解决的重要阻碍之一。目前, 模式标本是存疑物种得以确定的唯一凭证标准, 然而, 因其特殊的分类学地位而难以进行有效的观察和研究。因此, 前往模式产地寻找存疑物种的原始信息成为最有效的替代途径。随着分子生物学, 特别是DNA条形码技术在物种分类与鉴定中的广泛应用, 准确而快速鉴定存疑物种成为可能。以存疑物种——南平鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris yenpingensis)为例, 利用来自模式产地的分子数据进行DNA条形码分析, 并结合形态学特征澄清了南平鳞毛蕨的分类学地位, 确定南平鳞毛蕨与荔波鳞毛蕨(D. liboensis)为同一物种, 同意将荔波鳞毛蕨作为其异名。研究结果和方法可为今后澄清更多存疑物种的分类学地位提供参考。  相似文献   


1. 1.|The development times and reproduction were measured for Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna from 5 to 30°C at 5°C increments.

2. 2.|The general trends for D. pulex and D. magna were for the duration of all juvenile instars to be less than that of adults and for the last juvenile (or adolescent) instar to be longer than all previous juvenile instars.

3. 3.|The number of juvenile instars both species pass through before adulthood is influenced by temperature with increasing numbers occurring at temperature extremes.

4. 4.|Duration of development time decreased over the entire range of increasing temperatures measured for D. pulex but increased for D. magna at 30°C in relation to 25°C.

5. 5.|Quadratic models were less desirable than simple linear logarithmic transformations of the form ln Y = ln a + b ln X for describing the temperature/development relationship.

6. 6.|The greatest young production occurs at 15 and 20°C with significant decreases occurring at temperatures above and below these.

7. 7.|The observed temperature-dependent phenomena an the ecological relationships for the two species are discussed.

Author Keywords: Daphnia; development; reproduction; zooplankton; temperature; thermal; crustacea; cladocera; productivity; stress  相似文献   

The SMXA recombinant inbred mouse strain set was produced by systematic inbreeding from the F2 generation of a cross between two progenitor inbred strains, A/J and SM/J, which differed markedly with respect to the patterns of infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis. We have applied this set to genetic analysis of mouse susceptibility to this nematode infection. The mortality was variable among substrains of the SMXA RI strains, indicating the involvement of multiple genes. Linkage analysis showed several chromosomal regions closely linked to mortality; chromosome 6 (D6Rik86, 87; P0.001), 10 (D10Rik66D10Mit12; P=0.0058), 13 (D13Rik79, 80; P=0.0096) and 17 (D17Mit28D17Rik76; P=0.0088).  相似文献   

A new species of sulfate-reducer, Desulfosporosinus meridiei, was recently isolated from gasoline-contaminated anaerobic groundwater in which degradation of toluene and other hydrocarbons occurred. Ground-water from inside (three sites) and outside (one site) the contaminant plume was probed with specific polyclonal antibodies raised against two strains of D. meridiei (strains T2 and S6). Molecular 16S rRNA probes designed to hybridize with cells of D. meridiei were also used. Cell counts using antistrain T2 antibodies (specific for all strains of D. meridiei and two strains of D. orientis) were similar (103 cells/mL) both inside and outside the plume as were total DAPI counts (106 cells/mL). The numbers of cells stained with antibodies specific for Group B strains of D. meridiei varied between locations. The molecular probes DSP477A and DSP477B were designed for, and were effective on, pure cultures of D. meridiei and were able to distinguish this species from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans in hybridization experiments. No cells were seen to hybridize with probe DSP477B in groundwater samples. Cell counts in groundwater using the universal eubacterial probe, EUB338, were only 8% to 29% of DAPI counts. Fluorescence intensity was poor and auto fluorescence of particles made counting difficult. This study showed that molecular probing using techniques commonly employed in many laboratories was of little use for evaluating microbial populations in this groundwater. Polyclonal antibodies were considerably more useful for identifying populations of specific cells. The lack of difference in cell numbers between contaminated and nearby uncontami-nated groundwater suggests that cell counts will not always be useful as indicators of intrinsic remediation.  相似文献   

Fourteen species new to science are described from material collected at several sites in the Blue Mountains and the John Crow Mountains of eastern Jamaica, doubling the known endemic Jamaican earthworm fauna. New data on Dichogaster montecyanensis (Sims) are provided. All species are placed in the genus Dichogaster Beddard, which is here treated sensu lato, i.e. including Eutrigaster Cognetti. Eight of the new species have lost the posterior pair of prostates and the seminal grooves of the male field. These are D. bromeliocola, D. crossleyi, D. davidi, D. garciai, D. harperi, D. haruvi, D. hendrixi, and D. johnsoni. D. sydneyi n. sp. has independently lost the posterior prostates but not the seminal grooves. The new species D. altissima and D. manleyi have the conventional dichogastrine prostatic battery and male field characteristics. Three species described here, D. farri, D. garrawayi, and D. marleyi, all have a third pair of prostates in the 20th segment, no seminal grooves, dorsal paired intestinal caeca in segment lxv, and lack penial setae.  相似文献   

本文研究了兰科石斛属鼓槌石斛的地理分布与菌根真菌区系组成的相关性。采用克隆文库技术对云南省西双版纳和临沧市两个地区的8份野生鼓槌石斛根部样品进行了分析。结果表明,共从两个地区的鼓槌石斛根部获得了14个真菌的可操作分类单元(OTU),主要隶属于胶膜菌科Tulasnellaceae和小纺锤菌目Atractiellales。分析鼓槌石斛对菌根真菌的专一性和偏好性发现,鼓槌石斛对菌根真菌专一性较低,每个植株都能同时与多种菌根真菌共生;不同地理分布的鼓槌石斛菌根真菌类群存在明显差异,两个地区的鼓槌石斛的菌根真菌中只有1个OTU是相同的,其余均不同。说明菌根真菌可能和鼓槌石斛的生态适应存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

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