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Summary Vegetation dynamics after fire was studied in six communities in Bas-Languedoc (Southern France). 47 plots were observed by means of a permanent transect for ten years.In the first part, we describe floristic richness, species fugacity and the way by which, the terminal community (as defined by the last observation) appears. The dynamics of all these communities follows a simple and general model: floristic richness reaches its maximum during the first two years after a fire, then decreases and becomes stable. Fugacity follows a similar model, whereas the mergence of the terminal community is rapid: one year after fire 70% of the plots have already acquired 75% of the species of the terminal community. There is no succession (in the general sense of the word), but a progressive reappearance of the species belonging to the original community.In the second part, we study floristic similarities between our plots and corresponding associations as described in literature. It appears that after a fire the floristic diversity of the landscape remains high; while the communities rapidly reach a relative maturity.In the study area fire seems to be a rather superficial phenomenon; it does not lead to an important modification of the community dynamics, because probably the most frequent species in Bas-Languedoc developed adaptations to withstand fire.  相似文献   

植物与传粉者相互作用的研究及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄双全 《生物多样性》2007,15(6):569-575
生物多样性是生物及其与环境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的总和(蒋志刚等,1997),不仅体现在物种类别的多样性,而且体现在生态过程的复杂多样。认识生物多样性,特别是试图了解生物多样性的起源和形成机制,离不开生物与环境、生物与生物之间相互作用的研究。  相似文献   

植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。非对称特化是共生互作网络中的有趣现象和基本特点,也被认为是植物-传粉者互作网络的结构特征之一。根据文献总结分析了植物-传粉者互作网络非对称特化的重要名词术语,并采用线性回归法深入分析了植物-传粉者互作网络的地理变异模式,以及植物生活型和网络大小等传粉网络特征对非对称程度的影响。结果表明:传粉网络大小与网络的交互作用间呈线性正相关关系,并随总物种丰度呈指数增长。25个传粉网络的线性回归斜率(Lβ)变异范围在0.002至0.031间,且斜率值随植物丰度(P)、传粉者丰度(A)、总物种丰度(R)、交互作用(I)及网络大小(M)上升而降低。海拔高度对传粉网络非对称性有一定影响效果,而纬度的变化并不显著影响传粉网络非对称性。草本植物、灌木及乔木植物与其传粉者之间的相关系数分别为-0.197,-0.026和0.200,表明草本物种比乔木物种非对称性更强。  相似文献   

Mutualistic partners derive a benefit from their interaction, but this benefit can come at a cost. This is the case for plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualistic associations. In exchange for protection from herbivores provided by the resident ants, plants supply various kinds of resources or nests to the ants. Most ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms are horizontally transmitted, and therefore, partners share an interest in growth but not in reproduction. This lack of alignment in fitness interests between plants and ants drives a conflict between them: ants can attack pollinators that cross-fertilize the host plants. Using a mathematical model, we define a threshold in ant aggressiveness determining pollinator survival or elimination on the host plant. In our model we observed that, all else being equal, facultative interactions result in pollinator extinction for lower levels of ant aggressiveness than obligatory interactions. We propose that the capacity to discriminate pollinators from herbivores should not often evolve in ants, and when it does it will be when the plants exhibit limited dispersal in an environment that is not seed saturated so that each seed produced can effectively generate a new offspring or if ants acquire an extra benefit from pollination (e.g. if ants eat fruit). We suggest specific mutualism examples where these hypotheses can be tested empirically.  相似文献   

Stability criteria and phase boundaries for complex ecosystems are obtained and contrasted with previously studied scenarios. The stability of such systems is determined by the behaviour of the largest eigenvalue of matrices governing the response of the system to small perturbations. As a result we show that ecosystems with unstructured cooperative interactions between arbitary species can be less stable than had been previously determined. We also examine hierarchical ecologies, and demonstrate their increased stability under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The stability of ecosystems during periods of stasis in their macro-evolutionary trajectory is studied from a non-equilibrium thermodynamic perspective. Individuals of the species are considered as units of entropy production and entropy exchange in an open thermodynamic system. Within the framework of the classical theory of irreversible thermodynamics, and under the condition of constant external constraints, such a system will naturally evolve toward a globally stable thermodynamic stationary state. It is thus suggested that the ecological steady state, or stasis, is a particular case of the thermodynamic stationary state, and that the evolution of community stability through natural selection is a manifestation of non-equilibrium thermodynamic directives. Furthermore, it is argued that punctuation of stasis leading to ecosystem succession, may be a manifestation of non-equilibrium "phase transitions" brought on by a change of external constraints through a thermodynamic critical point.  相似文献   

Pollination is exclusively or mainly animal mediated for 70% to 90% of angiosperm species. Thus, pollinators provide an essential ecosystem service to humankind. However, the impact of human-induced biodiversity loss on the functioning of plant–pollinator interactions has not been tested experimentally. To understand how plant communities respond to diversity changes in their pollinating fauna, we manipulated the functional diversity of both plants and pollinators under natural conditions. Increasing the functional diversity of both plants and pollinators led to the recruitment of more diverse plant communities. After two years the plant communities pollinated by the most functionally diverse pollinator assemblage contained about 50% more plant species than did plant communities pollinated by less-diverse pollinator assemblages. Moreover, the positive effect of functional diversity was explained by a complementarity between functional groups of pollinators and plants. Thus, the functional diversity of pollination networks may be critical to ecosystem sustainability.  相似文献   

The stability of benthic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physicists have two conceptions of the stability of systems: global and neighbourhood stability. Global stability corresponds to the idea of successional changes leading to climax communities. Yet, neighbourhood stability is shown to be a more realistic model for changes in dominance of marine benthic sediment-living communities. The factors inducing state changes in dominance pattern were shown to be principally biological interactions. In order to model the stability of benthic ecosystems, much more attention must be given to natural history-type studies of biological interactions. Furthermore, mathematical models usually assume that the systems are globally stable. Should neighbourhood stability prove to be the rule for benthic systems then realistic models of such systems will be an order of magnitude more complex.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and the productivity and stability of ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Attempts to unveil the relationships between the taxonomic diversity, productivity and stability of ecosystems continue to generate inconclusive, contradictory and controversial conclusions. New insights from recent studies support the hypothesis that species diversity enhances productivity and stability in some ecosystems, but not in others. Appreciation is growing for the ways that particular ecosystem features, such as environmental variability and nutrient stress, can influence biotic interactions. Alternatives to the diversity-stability hypothesis have been proposed, and experimental approaches are starting to evolve to test these hypotheses and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the functional role of species diversity.  相似文献   

Pesticide and herbicide interaction with microbial ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Qualitative analysis of stability in model ecosystems has previously been limited to determining whether a community matrix is sign stable or not with little analytical means to assess the impact of complexity on system stability. Systems are seen as either unconditionally or conditionally stable with little distinction and therefore much ambiguity in the likelihood of stability. First, we reexamine Hurwitz's principal theorem for stability and propose two "Hurwitz criteria" that address different aspects of instability: positive feedback and insufficient lower-level feedback. Second, we derive two qualitative metrics based on these criteria: weighted feedback (wF(n)) and weighted determinants (wDelta(n)). Third, we test the utility of these qualitative metrics through quantitative simulations in a random and evenly distributed parameter space in models of various sizes and complexities. Taken together they provide a practical means to assess the relative degree to which ambiguity has entered into calculations of stability as a result of system structure and complexity. From these metrics we identify two classes of models that may have significant relevance to system research and management. This work helps to resolve some of the impasse between theoretical and empirical discussions on the complexity and stability of natural communities.  相似文献   

Diversity of streptomycetes among specific Greek terrestrial ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diversity of streptomycetes isolated from different Greek terrestrial ecosystems using phenotypic identification, and the relationship between the number of species and the number of isolates as a diversity index, was studied. A total of 344 Streptomyces strains have been isolated and identified from diverse sites in the Greek territory, such as heavily disturbed agricultural areas and preserved forest areas, and from specific rhizosphere ecosystems. According to phenotypic identification, these strains belonged to 19 different cluster groups with a Willcox probability > 0·8. Streptomyces cyaneus , Strep. albidoflavus , Strep. diastaticus and Strep. exfoliatus were the most common cluster groups isolated from at least six different habitats. On the other hand, there were cluster groups that appeared in only one or two habitats, such as Strep. griseoflavus , Strep. rimosus , Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum , Nocardia mediterranea and Strep. fulvissimus . The diversity indices among the different cluster groups of each sampling area indicated that the different habitats can be sub-divided into two main groups: rhizosphere habitats and non-rhizosphere habitats, showing that the rhizosphere is one of the most important factors which determines the population structure of a specific soil area.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of plant-pollinator networks has revealed remarkably high species and interaction diversity and highlighted the species important for pollination services. Although techniques to analyze plant-pollinator networks began to emerge a decade ago, the characterization of spatiotemporal variation of interactions is still in its infancy. Understanding the ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of spatial and temporal variation in plant-pollinator interactions is important for both basic and applied questions in community structure and function, the evolution of floral traits, and the development of optimal conservation strategies. Here we review observational, theoretical, and experimental studies of temporal and spatial variation in plant-pollinator interaction networks to establish a foundation for future studies to incorporate perspectives in spatiotemporal variation. Such perspectives are crucial given the rapid environmental changes associated with habitat loss, climate change, and biological invasions, which we discuss in this context. The inherent plasticity of plant-pollinator interactions and network structure suggests that many species should be able to persist by responding to environmental changes quickly, even though the identity of their mutualistic partners may change.  相似文献   

A stability analysis of the steady state of marine ecosystems is described. The study was motivated by the approximate invariance of biomass in logarithmic size intervals, which is widely observed in marine ecosystems. This invariance is recovered as the steady state of dynamic models of size spectra, which, unlike traditional species-based models of food webs, explicitly account for the mass gained by an individual organism when it eats a prey item. Little is known about the ecological conditions affecting the stability of the steady state, and a new method is developed to examine this. The results show that stability is enhanced by: (a) decreasing the mean predator-to-prey mass ratio (PPMR), (b) increasing the diet breadth of predators, (c) increasing the strength of intrinsic mortality relative to predation mortality, (d) increasing the biomass conversion efficiency. When perturbed from steady state, size spectra develop a wave-like shape, with an average wavelength especially sensitive to the mean PPMR. These waves move from small to large body size at an average speed which depends on the rate of growth of organisms. In contrast to traditional food web models, stability is enhanced as connectance (diet breadth) increases and as food chain length is increased by reducing the PPMR.  相似文献   

再论生物多样性与生态系统的稳定性   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:74  
王国宏 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):126-134
本文在简述生物多样性与生态系统稳定性研究动态的基础上,从生物多样性和稳定性的概念出发,指出忽视多样性和稳定性的生物组织层次可能是造成观点纷争的根源之一。特定生物组织层次的稳定性可能更多地与该层次的多样性特征相关,探讨多样性和稳定性的关系应从不同的生物组织层次上进行,抗动是生态系统多样性与稳定性关系悖论中的重要因子,如果根据扰动的性质,把生态系统(或其他组织层次)区分为受非正常外力干扰和受环境因子时间异质性波动干扰2类系统,稳定性的4个内涵可以理解为:对于受非正常外力干扰的系统而言,抵抗力和恢复力是稳定性适宜的测度指标;对于受环境因子时间异质性波动干扰和系统而言。利用持久性和变异性衡量系统的稳定性则更具实际意义。结合对群落和种群层次多样性与稳定性相关机制的初步讨论,本文认为;在特定的前提下,多样性可以导致稳定性。  相似文献   

Here, we address the essential question of whether, in the context of evolving populations, ecosystems attain properties that enable persistence of the ecosystem itself. We use a simple ecosystem model describing resource, producer, and consumer dynamics to analyze how evolution affects dynamical stability properties of the ecosystem. In particular, we compare resilience of the entire system after allowing the producer and consumer populations to evolve to their evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) to the maximum attainable resilience. We find a substantial reduction in ecosystem resilience when producers and consumers are allowed to evolve compared to the maximal attainable resilience. This study illustrates the inherent difference and possible conflict between maximizing individual-level fitness and maximizing resilience of entire ecosystems.  相似文献   

Global warming and the disruption of plant-pollinator interactions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anthropogenic climate change is widely expected to drive species extinct by hampering individual survival and reproduction, by reducing the amount and accessibility of suitable habitat, or by eliminating other organisms that are essential to the species in question. Less well appreciated is the likelihood that climate change will directly disrupt or eliminate mutually beneficial (mutualistic) ecological interactions between species even before extinctions occur. We explored the potential disruption of a ubiquitous mutualistic interaction of terrestrial habitats, that between plants and their animal pollinators, via climate change. We used a highly resolved empirical network of interactions between 1420 pollinator and 429 plant species to simulate consequences of the phenological shifts that can be expected with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. Depending on model assumptions, phenological shifts reduced the floral resources available to 17–50% of all pollinator species, causing as much as half of the ancestral activity period of the animals to fall at times when no food plants were available. Reduced overlap between plants and pollinators also decreased diet breadth of the pollinators. The predicted result of these disruptions is the extinction of pollinators, plants and their crucial interactions.  相似文献   

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