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荧光素钠和考马斯亮蓝应用于小麦白粉病菌染色效果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了荧光素钠和考马斯亮蓝应用于小麦白粉菌染色的效果。荧光素钠法中样品处理只需20min左右,具有直接,快速的特点;荧光指示剂对病菌分生孢子萌发及菌丝生长无抑制作用,主要沉集于活菌体的隔膜和细胞质部位,使病菌产生明显的亮绿荧光和清晰的细胞轮廓,亮绿荧光衰退期为7min;借助荧光显微镜可以观察病菌在小麦叶表的发展过程,区别活菌体和失活菌体。考马斯亮蓝法包括传统的组织学染色步骤,经过改进后的样品处理过程需要40min左右;染后使寄主组织呈现淡蓝色,病菌菌体染成深蓝色;该方法可以观察病菌在小麦叶表和被侵染细胞内部发育形成的结构,包括孢子发育形成的初生芽管,附着胞芽管,成熟附着胞以及在寄主细胞内形成的初生吸器原体,成熟的指状体吸器和次生吸器。  相似文献   

4种染色方法对甜瓜白粉病菌染色效果的观察比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考马斯亮蓝组织透明染色方法可以清楚观察到白粉病菌的5个发育阶段,即萌发的分生孢子、初生芽管、胞间菌丝、分生孢子梗和后期菌落。考马斯亮蓝几乎使寄主组织不着色,不产生背景色干扰,而菌体变深蓝色。苯胺蓝组织透明染色方法也可观察到病菌的不同发育阶段,但苯胺蓝易使寄主组织产生浅蓝色背景,而菌体呈现深蓝色,观察效果不理想。荧光素钠和苯胺蓝两种荧光染色方法均能使菌体在紫外或者蓝光下产生黄绿色荧光,而寄主组织呈现黑色背景,强烈的反差利于观察。荧光素钠可以观察到菌体整个发育阶段。苯胺蓝只适合于前期菌体入侵过程的观察。  相似文献   

本试验结合曲利苯兰和荧光素钠两种染色方法的优点,从显微角度研究了尖角突脐孢菌(Exserohilum monoceras)两个菌株X-27和HN-14在稗草和水稻上萌发和侵染行为的差异。结果表明,在寄主稗草上,接种4h后尖角突脐孢菌孢子开始从一端或两端萌发形成初生芽管;10h后芽管顶端膨大形成附着胞,附着在寄主表面,两端萌发的孢子约90%一端败育,仅一端形成成熟附着胞;在接种后24h内成熟附着胞形成率与接种时间成正相关,24h后趋于稳定;16h后在成熟附着胞下方受侵染的细胞内指状吸器开始形成,随后发育为掌状吸器;接种36h后菌丝在组织表面扩展形成网状,同时稗草叶片上显现叶斑病症状,部分菌丝能在细胞间蔓延扩展。在非寄主植物水稻上,同样观察到孢子萌发产生芽管,但是萌发起始时间滞后大约4h,初生菌丝分枝明显减少,且未能观察到附着胞和吸器的产生。  相似文献   

本研究采用电镜种衣剂17号泽小麦条锈菌发育的影响。观察结果表明,该种衣剂引病菌和寄主细胞内发生了一系列变化。病菌菌丝和吸器内脂肪粒和液泡明显增加;菌丝壁和吸器壁呈不规则加厚;菌丝分枝处玩隔膜产生或隔膜畸形;有的吸器母细胞产生的畸形人侵栓,大都不能穿管寄主细胞壁,初生吸器外音质同内沉积有染色较深的物质,次生吸器可产生多个不规则分枝,但不能扩张膨大,菌丝外渗的物质可能引起寄主细胞的坏死;大多数受侵寄主  相似文献   

本研究采用电镜技术研究了种衣剂17号对小麦条锈菌发育的影响。观察结果表明,该种衣剂引起病菌和寄主细胞内发生了一系列变化。病菌菌丝和吸器内脂肪粒和液泡明显增加;菌丝壁和吸器壁呈不规则加厚;菌丝分枝处无隔膜产生或隔膜畸形;有的吸器母细胞产生的畸形入侵栓,大都不能穿透寄主细胞壁,初生吸器外间质内沉积有染色较深的物质,次生吸器可产生多个不规则分枝,但不能扩张膨大;菌丝外渗的物质可能引起寄主细胞的坏死;大多数受侵寄主细胞可分泌形成较大的胼胝质,有时寄主细胞分泌的物质可将吸器体完全包围起来。上述结果表明,种衣剂17号不仅可直接作用于条锈菌,而且也可通过影响寄主而间接地影响病菌。  相似文献   

通过荧光显微镜和扫描电镜分别对条形柄锈菌夏孢子在寄主植物-小麦叶表和非寄主植物-水稻叶表以及小麦穗部和茎秆上的萌发过程进行了观察。结果发现,夏孢子在小麦叶片体表萌发产生芽管后,可依次分化形成气孔下囊、初生菌丝与吸器母细胞;在小麦颖片、稃片及茎秆部位表面,同样可观察到病菌在体外分化形成吸器母细胞;并且在水稻叶片上也观察到病菌侵染结构存在体外分化现象。经荧光染色发现,条形柄锈菌在体外与在小麦组织中形成的侵染结构没有明显的差别。观察结果可为条形柄锈菌侵染结构的离体诱导与调控机理研究提供依据。  相似文献   

十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDSPAGE),经常用于分离、鉴定蛋白质,测定肽链分子量。蛋白质在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后,一般用考马斯亮蓝法染色,其优点是操作简易,灵敏度较高。据我们的经验,最低检出量约为每一蛋白带0.5μg。此法的缺点是费时,染色及脱色要一昼夜,且染色后,许多蛋白质丧失抗原性及其它生物学活性。最近我们研究出蛋白质PAGE的荧光染色法,蛋白质样品在上胶前用荧光素标记,电泳后可立即在紫外光灯下看到清晰的蛋白带,其灵敏度不低于考马斯亮蓝法。现介绍如下。一、样品的荧光标记蛋白质样品用牛血清白蛋白(68,000)、卵白蛋白(44,000)、肌红蛋白(16,800)、溶菌酶(14,600)的混  相似文献   

利用电镜技术对不同抗病性小麦品种上白粉菌吸器发育及相应寄主细胞变化的超微结构进行了研究,并对吸器的Ca2+-ATP酶活性及几丁质的分布进行了细胞化学定位分析。结果表明,小麦白粉菌(Blumeriagraminisf.sp.tritici)成熟吸器在内部结构上类似一个代谢活跃的菌丝细胞,有大量的线粒体和多聚核糖体;Ca2+-ATP酶主要被定位在寄主质膜及病菌核膜上;随吸器的不断发育,吸器外膜厚度增加,同时Ca2+-ATP酶活性增强。几丁质均匀地分布在吸器壁上,其含量随吸器的成熟而增加。在不同抗病性小麦品种上,吸器细胞核最先退化,然后是线粒体的液泡化和多聚核糖体的解聚。中抗寄主细胞内的吸器普遍退化较早,相当一部分在吸器中心体阶段已解体。此外,高感寄主表皮细胞与叶肉细胞之间有发达的胞间连丝;而且在吸器形成后,能比中抗寄主细胞更快地增殖和聚积大量与能量代谢、物质合成及分泌活动有关的细胞器。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈菌侵染过程的显微和超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用光学显微技术和电子显微技术对小麦叶锈菌的侵染过程进行了研究。发现叶锈菌从气孔侵入后在气孔腔内形成气孔下泡囊,然后分化出圆形的膨大体,由膨大体产生1—2初生菌丝,初生菌丝在寄主细胞间隙延伸扩展,与叶肉细胞壁接触后分化形成吸器母细胞,吸器母细胞进入寄主细胞后形成吸器。初生菌丝在吸器母细胞处产生分枝,形成次生菌丝在叶肉细胞间蔓延。在病原菌侵染早期(接种后8—24h),寄主细胞的超微结构变化并不明显。侵染中、后期(接种48—72h),被侵染叶肉细胞发生严重质壁分离,叶绿体膨胀变形,基粒片层排列疏松。线粒体嵴突退化。  相似文献   

利用电镜技术研究了内吸杀菌剂甲霜灵对向日葵霜霉菌在寄主向日葵上发育的影响。观察发现甲霜灵引起病菌发生一系列的变化。病菌胞间菌丝细胞内液泡、电子致密体增加,线粒体肿胀畸形;菌丝细胞壁不规则地加厚,部分极度加厚的细胞壁构成了假隔膜,并且在菌丝上还有不规则的突起形成。病菌吸器外间质明显不规则地变宽,其中充满大量电子致密度高的物质:部分吸器体不能正常扩张膨大,发育受阻而成畸形。向日葵霜霉菌的以上变化导致菌丝细胞和吸器的坏死,从而抑制了病菌的进一步发育。  相似文献   

BAX inhibitor-1 (BI-1) proteins have been characterized as suppressors of programmed cell death in mammals and plants. The barley BI-1 is a suppressor of nonspecific background resistance and mlo-mediated penetration resistance to the biotrophic fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei when overexpressed in epidermal cells of barley. We report here that BI-1 expression is also slightly up-regulated during interaction with the inappropriate wheat pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici. Significantly, overexpression of BI-1 in single epidermal cells of barley by microprojectile-mediated transformation rendered cells susceptible to penetration by inappropriate B. graminis f. sp. tritici. The degree of transgene-induced accessibility to B. graminis f. sp. tritici was thereby similar to the effect achieved by overexpression of the defense suppressor gene Mlo and could not be further enhanced by double expression of both BI-1 and Mlo. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to locate a functional green fluorescing GFP:BI-1 fusion protein in endomembranes and the nuclear envelope of barley epidermal cells. Together, enhanced expression of barley BI-1 suppresses penetration resistance to B. graminis f. sp. tritici, linking barley nonhost resistance with cell death regulation.  相似文献   

Proteins separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis can be stained with organic dyes, the most popular being Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. Coomassie R-250 staining of ovalbumin in an SDS-PAGE gel increased linearly from 2.5 to 60 min. Direct red 81 and amido black staining approached saturation in 10 min. Scatchard analysis showed that the number of direct red 81 and amido black ligands bound to ovalbumin was fourfold higher than that of Coomassie R-250. Direct red 81 and amido black stain proteins in an SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gel in 10 min.  相似文献   

A rapid, simple technique for staining proteins in isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gels was demonstrated using fast green in 10% acetic acid. Fast green has the distinct advantage of not binding to ampholytes, thus staining only protein. Maximum staining was achieved within 5 min, and bands were visible after 3 to 6 h of destaining. Background stain removal, however, was not complete until 72 h after placing gels in a diffusion destainer. Gel quantitation was demonstrated with actin using fast green and Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. A standard curve prepared with fast green was linear from 0.5 to 8 μg of actin in contrast to Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 which provided linearity from 0.1 to 2.5 μg actin. Application of fast green staining to quantitation of α-actin from cultured muscle satellite cells has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A method for the simultaneous staining of proteins during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 at pH 2.5 is described. Calf thymus whole histone and cytochrome c were stained by this method and the results obtained were similar to that obtained by staining after electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Endoneurial collagen stains metachromatically with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 (C.I. 42660) when peripheral nerve proteins are solubilized with urea and SDS and then subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The metachromasy is reproducible under different fixing and staining conditions, but was exhibited only by Coomassie blue R-250 of the four triphenylmethane dyes tested. A method is presented for measurement of the degree of metachromasy on SDS gels and the detection of collagen in homogenates of whole tissue.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - Powdery mildew caused by the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) is an econo-mically important disease of common wheat T. aestivum L. One of the...  相似文献   

Sensitivity of protein staining with Serva blue G-250 (Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 analogue) in polyacrylamide gel was determined. It has been shown that protein staining with 0.1% Serva blue G-250 results in the recovery of 80 to 35 ng of single protein, that is almost 10 times higher than reported previously for Coomassie brill. blue G-250 (or R-250) staining. The comparison of the sensitivity of Serva blue G-250 protein staining in PAAG and AgNO3 has shown that AgNO3 staining was approximately 18-30 (but not 100 times, as it had been thought before) times more effective for the majority of proteins under study. Silver staining of some proteins, for instance ribonuclease and a number of retrovirus-specific structural proteins, was of lower efficacy. Thus, to obtain reliable results protein electrophoresis in PAAG should be followed by both staining procedures.  相似文献   

Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici (syn. Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici) causes an important disease of wheat (powdery mildew) to which Hordeum vulgare and H. chilense are resistant. The study of chromosomal addition lines of H. vulgare and H. chilense in wheat showed that they possessed resistance to wheat powdery mildew. This was expressed as a reduction of disease severity but it was not associated with increased macroscopically visible necrosis. The resistance is of broad genetic basis, conferred by gene(s) present on different chromosomes of both H. vulgare and H. chilense. The feasibility of transferring this resistance to wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

The rust fungus Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici is an obligately biotrophic pathogen on wheat plants and thus difficult to investigate. Hence, little is known about this fungus at the molecular level. We constructed a differential suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA-library from rust-infected vs. healthy wheat plants. The majority of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) showed similarities to fungal sequences. Semiquantitative RT-PCR using mRNA from rust-infected leaves, and from axenically grown, differentiating and nondifferentiating young rust colonies as well as sporulating and nonsporulating mature mycelia revealed rather diverse expression patterns for different ESTs, shedding new light on their potential involvement in differentiation and host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

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