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A multi-locus DNA probe, R18.1, derived from a bovine genomic library, detected DNA fingerprints of highly polymorphic loci in hybridization to genomic DNA from poultry and sheep, and of moderate polymorphic loci in cattle and human DNA. The average numbers of detected bands in chickens and sheep were 27.8 and 21.4, and the average band sharing levels were 0.25 and 0.33, respectively. In hybridization to cattle and human DNA, the results were less polymorphic; nevertheless, individual identification is feasible using probe R18.1. The results obtained by R18.1 were compared to results obtained by Jeffreys minisatellite probe 33.6 and two microsatellite oligonucleotides, (GT)12 and (GTG)5. The total number of detected loci using probes R18.1 and 33.6 were estimated in chickens through family analysis of broilers and the maximal number of detectable loci was calculated.  相似文献   

In a search for new fingerprinting probes for use with sheep, repeat sequences derived from five poxviruses, an iridovirus and a baculovirus were screened against DNA from sheep pedigrees. Probes constructed from portions of the parapox viruses, orf virus and papular stomatitis virus and the baculovirus from the alfalfa looper, Autographa californica, nuclear polyhedrosis virus all gave fingerprint patterns. Probes from three other poxviruses and an iridovirus did not give useful banding patterns.  相似文献   

We have evaluated 15 different micro- and minisatellite core probes for use in identity and paternity testing in cattle, based on Southern blot hybridization analysis. The core probes were tested in animals of different breeds and by analysis of seven two-generation pedigrees. Of the 15 core probes tested, seven were able to detect on average seven variant bands per individual animal. Segregation analysis showed that on average two out of 3 6 variant bands scored per core probe were genetically linked while two out of 12 variant bands correspond to the same allelic pair. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of multilocus core probes for determining identity and paternity in cattle.  相似文献   

Four probes known to allow DNA fingerprinting in the human (M13, Jeffreys' core sequence, the human alpha globin hypervariable region [HVR], and a mouse probe related to the Drosophila Per gene) were checked for their ability to reveal "genetic bar codes" in cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, chickens, and a European cyprinid fish, the barbel (Barbus barbus L.). Individual-specific patterns were obtained in cattle using M13, Jeffreys' core sequence, and the alpha globin HVR, in horses, dogs, and pigs using M13, Jeffreys' core sequence, and the Per probe, and in chicken and fish using the four different probes. Although we observed a considerable heterogeneity in the extent of interindividual variation, depending on the particular probe-species combination, the fingerprints are polymorphic enough to be used efficiently in animal identification, paternity testing, and as a source of genetic markers for linkage analysis. These markers should substantially accelerate the mapping of genes affecting economically important traits.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of a set of hypervariable minisatellite DNA sequences from a blue tit Parus caeruleus genomic DNA library. In our strategy, we cloned a minisatellite-rich DNA fraction into a charomid vector. The resulting cosmid library was screened with the two minisatellite DNA probes 33.6 and 33.15 for recombinants containing a minisatellite DNA insert. A total of 233 positive clones were isolated. Of 37 clones that have been analysed, nine gave polymorphic signals and can be used as single locus probes (SLPs). Four of the SLPs were investigated in more detail. The number of alleles, the heterozygosity and the mutation rate were estimated. Linkage analysis revealed that two of these loci were linked. The SLPs are of value to studies of the mating system and reproductive success in the blue tit, and may also be useful in population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Nine falcon single-locus minisatellite probes have been cloned, characterized and shown to provide a powerful alternative to multilocus DNA fingerprinting for determining the parentage of broods of young. Eight clones derived from size-selected peregrine Falco peregrinus and merlin F. columbarius charomid libraries were found to detect single minisatellite loci in all tested members of the genus Falco . A further clone (c Fti 1) randomly selected from a kestrel F. tinnunculus library identified a single locus in other members of the genus and certain species of the Accipitridae. The nine loci display a mean heterozygosity of 88% and considerable allelic diversity in the peregrine and merlin. Pedigree analysis provides evidence consistent with the clustering of minisatellites in linkage groups that are conserved between species. Mutations were observed at five loci among families of peregrines and kestrels. Composite profiles produced with this suite of probes provide an excellent means of confirming identity and parentage. The use of profiling for investigating familial relationships, population dynamics and combating the illegal trade in wild falcons is discussed.  相似文献   

A dot-blot hybridization immunoenzymatic assay with a chemiluminescent endpoint was developed for the rapid and sensitive detection of viral and plasmid DNAs. Digoxigenin-labeled probes were used to detect cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19, and plasmid pBR328 DNAs. Hybridized probes were immunoenzymatically visualized by anti-digoxigenin Fab fragments labeled with alkaline phosphatase, and adamantyl 1,2-dioxetane phenyl phosphate was used as chemiluminescent substrate. Results were recorded by instant photographic films. The chemiluminescent hybridization assay was performed in about 8 hr and was able to detect as little as 50-10 fg of homologous target DNA.  相似文献   

Application of DNA fingerprints for cell-line individualization.   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
DNA fingerprints of 46 human cell lines were derived using minisatellite probes for hypervariable genetic loci. The incidence of 121 HaeIII DNA fragments among 33 cell lines derived from unrelated individuals was used to estimate allelic and genotypic frequencies for each fragment and for composite individual DNA fingerprints. We present a quantitative estimate of the extent of genetic difference between individuals, an estimate based on the percentage of restriction fragments at which they differ. The average percent difference (APD) among pairwise combinations from the population of 33 unrelated cell lines was 76.9%, compared with the APD in band sharing among cell lines derived from the same individual (less than or equal to 1.2%). Included in this survey were nine additional cell lines previously implicated as HeLa cell derivatives, and these lines were clearly confirmed as such by DNA fingerprints (APD less than or equal to 0.6%). On the basis of fragment frequencies in the tested cell line population, a simple genetic model was developed to estimate the frequencies of each DNA fingerprint in the population. The median incidence was 2.9 X 10(-17), and the range was 2.4 X 10(-21) to 6.6 X 10(-15). This value approximates the probability that a second cell line selected at random from unrelated individuals will match a given DNA fingerprint. Related calculations address the chance that any two DNA fingerprints would be identical among a large group of cell lines. This estimate is still very slight; for example, the chance of two or more common DNA fingerprints among 1 million distinct individuals is less than .001. The procedure provides a straightforward, easily interpreted, and statistically robust method for identification and individualization of human cells.  相似文献   

We describe the first application of the charomid-cloning method for developing single-locus minisatellite DNA probes in a terrestrial arthropod. From a genomic library of the neotropical pseudoscorpion, Cordylochernes scorpioides , we have isolated two probes with heterozygosities exceeding 95%. These probes yielded single-locus patterns after only low stringency washing and in the absence of genomic competitor DNA. Analysis of three pedigrees indicated germline stability and showed no evidence of linkage between the loci. Patterns of allelic transmission generally conformed closely to Mendelian expectations but large offspring numbers did enable detection of one example of significant bias in allele inheritance. Two test cases are presented to illustrate the clarity and power with which these probes can establish paternity: (i) a female mated to three unrelated males, and (ii) a female mated to two of her brothers. In both cases, a single probe could be used to assign the paternity of all offspring.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for counting DNA molecules using 'capillary-plates' consisting of a large number of small glass-capillary 'channels' fused together in parallel. PCR mixtures containing serially diluted DNA templates with the DNA indicator dye Hoechst 33258 were poured into the plates and sealed with silicone rubber-plates. Following 40 PCR cycles, fluorescence microscopy revealed that the fluorescence in some channels had increased about three-times more than in others at template concentrations of 1 fM or lower. No bright fluorescence was observed in the absence of template. The relationship between the proportion of fluorescent channels in the capillary-plates and the template concentrations was linear according to Poisson probabilities in the range of 0.1-1,000 aM. These results demonstrate the amplification of single templates in the channels, and that a small number of templates could be quantified by counting the proportion of positive channels on the capillary-plates.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is a critical determinant of cell survival in response to DNA damaging agents, and it plays a key role in the maintenance of genomic integrity. Homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) represent the two major pathways by which DSBs are repaired in mammalian cells. We now understand that HR and NHEJ repair are composed of multiple sub-pathways, some of which still remain poorly understood. As such, there is great interest in the development of novel assays to interrogate these key pathways, which could lead to the development of novel therapeutics, and a better understanding of how DSBs are repaired. Furthermore, assays which can measure repair specifically at endogenous chromosomal loci are of particular interest, because of an emerging understanding that chromatin interactions heavily influence DSB repair pathway choice. Here, we present the design and validation of a novel, next-generation sequencing-based approach to study DSB repair at chromosomal loci in cells. We demonstrate that NHEJ repair “fingerprints” can be identified using our assay, which are dependent on the status of key DSB repair proteins. In addition, we have validated that our system can be used to detect dynamic shifts in DSB repair activity in response to specific perturbations. This approach represents a unique alternative to many currently available DSB repair assays, which typical rely on the expression of reporter genes as an indirect read-out for repair. As such, we believe this tool will be useful for DNA repair researchers to study NHEJ repair in a high-throughput and sensitive manner, with the capacity to detect subtle changes in DSB repair patterns that was not possible previously.  相似文献   

A J Jeffreys  R Neumann  V Wilson 《Cell》1990,60(3):473-485
Variation in internal minisatellite structure can be analyzed by mapping variant repeat units within amplified alleles. A system capable of distinguishing greater than 10(70) allelic states at the human hypervariable locus D1S8 has been developed. Population surveys of internal allelic structure indicate that D1S8 alleles evolve rapidly along haploid chromosome lineages. Internal mapping of deletion mutant alleles physically selected from genomic DNA provides further evidence that germline and somatic mutations altering the number of allelic repeat units seldom if ever arise by unequal exchange between alleles. The existence of low level germline mosaicism for new mutants further indicates that many germline mutation events are premeiotic. Physical selection of new mutants also allows minisatellite mutation rates to be estimated directly in human DNA.  相似文献   

A simple means to develop strain-specific DNA probes for use in monitoring the movement and survival of bacteria in natural and laboratory ecosystems was developed. The method employed amplification of genomic DNA via repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) using primers specific for repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) elements, followed by cloning of the amplified fragments. The cloned fragments were screened to identify those which were strain specific, and these were used as probes for total genomic DNA isolated from microbial communities and subjected to rep-PCR. To evaluate the utility of the approach, we developed probes specific for Burkholderia cepacia G4 and used them to determine the persistence of the strain in aquifer sediment microcosms following bioaugmentation. Two of four probes tested were found to specifically hybridize to DNA fragments of the expected sizes in the rep-PCR fingerprint of B. cepacia G4 but not to 64 genetically distinct bacteria previously isolated from the aquifer. One of these probes, a 650-bp fragment, produced a hybridization signal when as few as 10 CFU of B. cepacia G4 were present in a mixture with 10(6) CFU nontarget strains, indicating that the sensitivity of these probes was comparable to those of other PCR-based detection methods. The probes were used to discriminate groundwater and microcosm samples that contained B. cepacia G4 from those which did not. False-positive results were obtained with a few samples, but these were readily identified by using hybridization to the second probe as a confirmation step. The general applicability of the method was demonstrated by constructing probes specific to three other environmental isolates.  相似文献   

We have used several DNA probes which simultaneously recognize multiple loci to follow the segregation of a large number of minisatellite loci through two large reference pedigrees. The segregation data were analyzed for linkage to previously characterized marker loci using RFLP mapping data for these pedigrees from a previous study and from the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain data bank. In this way we have mapped 31 separate minisatellite alleles of a total of 146 studied. The results of these analyses suggest that the distribution of minisatellites in the human genome is skewed toward telomeres and is highly clustered in character. A group of at least five separate minisatellites was found at 7 qter, and smaller clusters are present in several other regions. We detected a smaller than expected number of linkages, perhaps because of the clustering of minisatellite loci. The 7qter minisatellite cluster is in a region of excess male meiotic recombination, and in this respect is similar to minisatellite clusters at 16pter and in the X-Y pseudoautosomal region.  相似文献   

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