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Using the method of confocal laser scanning microscopy, changes in the spatial organization of actin filaments of nuclear erythrocytes and leukocytes in fish, frogs, and birds during migration were studied. It has been shown that, during movement, in erythrocytes, like in leukocytes, reorganization of cytoskeleton microfilaments occurs. In the course of migration, in amphibians and birds, red blood cells form pseudopodia filled with bundles of actin filaments arranged in parallel, whereas no pseudopodia are formed in fish erythrocytes. The change in the structure of the actin cytoskeleton of nuclear erythrocytes, like in leukocytes, is responsible for the capability of red blood cells to undergo reactions of migration and phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GCs) play important roles in numerous cellular processes, including growth, development, homeostasis, inhibition of inflammation, and immunosuppression. Here we found that GC-treated human lung carcinoma A549 cells exhibited the enhanced formation of the thick stress fibers and focal adhesions, resulting in suppression of cell migration. In a screen for GC-responsive genes encoding actin-interacting proteins, we identified caldesmon (CaD), which is specifically up-regulated in response to GCs. CaD is a regulatory protein involved in actomyosin-based contraction and the stability of actin filaments. We further demonstrated that the up-regulation of CaD expression was controlled by glucocorticoid receptor (GR). An activated form of GR directly bound to the two glucocorticoid-response element-like sequences in the human CALD1 promoter and transactivated the CALD1 gene, thereby up-regulating the CaD protein. Forced expression of CaD, without GC treatment, also enhanced the formation of thick stress fibers and focal adhesions and suppressed cell migration. Conversely, depletion of CaD abrogated the GC-induced phenotypes. The results of this study suggest that the GR-dependent up-regulation of CaD plays a pivotal role in regulating cell migration via the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in cancer cell migration and invasion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malignant cancer cells utilize their intrinsic migratory ability to invade adjacent tissues and the vasculature, and ultimately to metastasize. Cell migration is the sum of multi-step processes initiated by the formation of membrane protrusions in response to migratory and chemotactic stimuli. The driving force for membrane protrusion is localized polymerization of submembrane actin filaments. Recently, several studies revealed that molecules that link migratory signals to the actin cytoskeleton are upregulated in invasive and metastatic cancer cells. In this review, we summarize recent progress on molecular mechanisms of formation of invasive protrusions used by tumor cells, such as lamellipodia and invadopodia, with regard to the functions of key regulatory proteins of the actin cytoskeleton; WASP family proteins, Arp2/3 complex, LIM-kinase, cofilin, and cortactin.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported the up-regulation of EphB receptor-tyrosine kinases and ephrin-B ligands in a variety of tumors, suggesting a functional relation between EphB/ephrin-B signaling and tumor progression. The ability of the EphB receptors to regulate cell migration and promote angiogenesis likely contributes to tumor progression and metastasis. Here we show that EphB receptors, and especially EphB4, regulate the migration of murine melanoma cells. Highly malignant melanoma cells express the highest levels of EphB4 receptor and migrate faster than less malignant melanoma cells. Furthermore, inhibition of EphB receptor forward signaling by overexpression of a form of EphB4 lacking the cytoplasmic portion or by treatment with competitively acting soluble EphB2-Fc results in slower melanoma cell migration. In contrast, overexpression of active EphB4 significantly enhances cell migration. The effects of EphB4 receptor on cell migration and cell morphology require its kinase activity because the inhibition of EphB4 kinase activity by overexpression of kinase dead EphB4 inhibits cell migration and affects the organization of actin cytoskeleton. Activation of EphB4 receptor with its ligand ephrin-B2-Fc enhances the migratory ability of melanoma cells and increases RhoA activity, whereas inhibiting EphB receptor forward signaling decreases RhoA activity. Moreover, expression of dominant negative RhoA blocks the effects of active EphB4 on cell migration and actin organization. These data suggest that EphB4 forward signaling contributes to the high migratory ability of invasive melanoma cells by influencing RhoA-mediated actin cytoskeleton reorganization.  相似文献   

The temporal dependence of cytoskeletal remodelling on cell-cell contact in HepG2 cells has been established here. Cell-cell contact occurred in an ultrasound standing wave trap designed to form and levitate a 2-D cell aggregate, allowing intercellular adhesive interactions to proceed, free from the influences of solid substrata. Membrane spreading at the point of contact and change in cell circularity reached 50% of their final values within 2.2 min of contact. Junctional F-actin increased at the interface but lagged behind membrane spreading, reaching 50% of its final value in 4.4 min. Aggregates had good mechanical stability after 15 min in the trap. The implication of this temporal dependence on the sequential progress of adhesion processes is discussed. These results provide insight into how biomimetic cell aggregates with some liver cell functions might be assembled in a systematic, controlled manner in a 3-D ultrasound trap.  相似文献   

Rhodamine phalloidin-staining was used to study the organization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton of the early Ceratitis capitata embryo. The dynamics of the actin aggregates and their changes in distribution during the formation of the syncytial blastoderm, were followed in detail. It was found that these aggregates formed a shell-like cluster around the interphase nuclei, and concentrated toward the poles of the mitotic apparatus when the nuclei divided. Laser scanning confocal microscopy revealed that aggregates not clustered at the poles of the mitotic apparatus were closely associated with fine fibers of a dense cytoplasmic network of actin filaments.  相似文献   

The physiological functions and substrates of the calcium-dependent protease calpain remain only partly understood. The mu- and m-calpains consist of a mu- or m-80-kDa large subunit (genes Capn1 and Capn2), and a common 28-kDa small subunit (Capn4). To assess the role of calpain in migration, we used fibroblasts obtained from Capn4(-/-) mouse embryos. The cells lacked calpain activity on casein zymography and did not generate the characteristic calpain-generated spectrin breakdown product that is observed in wild-type cells. Capn4(-/-) cells had decreased migration rates and abnormal organization of the actin cytoskeleton with a loss of central stress fibers. Interestingly, these cells extended numerous thin projections and displayed delayed retraction of membrane protrusions and filopodia. The number of focal adhesions was decreased in Capn4(-/-) cells, but the cells had prominent vinculin-containing focal complexes at the cell periphery. The levels of the focal adhesion proteins, alpha-actinin, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), spectrin, talin, and vinculin, were the same in Capn4(+/+) and Capn4(-/-) cells. FAK, alpha-actinin, and vinculin were not cleaved in either cell type plated on fibronectin. However, proteolysis of the focal complex component, talin, was detected in the wild-type cells but not in the Capn4(-/-) cells, suggesting that calpain cleavage of talin is important during cell migration. Moreover, talin cleavage was again observed when calpain activity was partially restored in Capn4(-/-) embryonic fibroblasts by stable transfection with a vector expressing the rat 28-kDa calpain small subunit. The results demonstrate unequivocally that calpain is a critical regulator of cell migration and of the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesions.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of endogenous 70-kDa S6 kinase (p70(S6K)) in actin cytoskeletal organization and cell migration in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. Association of p70(S6K) with the actin cytoskeleton was demonstrated by cosedimentation of p70(S6K) with F-actin and by subcellular fractionation in which p70(S6K) activity was measured in the F-actin cytoskeletal fraction. Immunocytochemical studies showed that p70(S6K), Akt1, PDK1, and p85 phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) were localized to the actin arc, a caveolin-enriched cytoskeletal structure located at the leading edge of migrating cells. Using a phospho-specific antibody to mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), we find that activated mTOR is enriched at the actin arc, suggesting that activation of the p70(S6K) signaling pathway is important to cell migration. Using the actin arc to assess migration, epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation was found to induce actin arc formation, an effect that was blocked by rapamycin treatment. We show further that actin stress fibers may function to down-regulate p70(S6K). Fibronectin stimulated stress fiber formation in the absence of growth factors and caused an inactivation of p70(S6K). Conversely, cytochalasin D and the Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632, both of which cause stress fiber disruption, increased p70(S6K) activity. These studies provide evidence that the p70(S6K) pathway is important for signaling at two F-actin microdomains in cells and regulates cell migration.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a yeast homolog of the mammalian RhoA protein. Rho1p is localized to the growth sites and is required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Bni1p is one of the potential downstream target molecules of Rho1p. The BNI1 gene is implicated in cytokinesis and the establishment of cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but is not essential for cell viability. In this study, we screened for mutations that were synthetically lethal in combination with a bni1 mutation and isolated two genes. They were the previously identified PAC1 and NIP100 genes, both of which are implicated in nuclear migration in S. cerevisiae. Pac1p is a homolog of human LIS1, which is required for brain development, whereas Nip100p is a homolog of rat p150(Glued), a component of the dynein-activated dynactin complex. Disruption of BNI1 in either the pac1 or nip100 mutant resulted in an enhanced defect in nuclear migration, leading to the formation of binucleate mother cells. The arp1 bni1 mutant showed a synthetic lethal phenotype while the cin8 bni1 mutant did not, suggesting that Bni1p functions in a kinesin pathway but not in the dynein pathway. Cells of the pac1 bni1 and nip100 bni1 mutants exhibited a random distribution of cortical actin patches. Cells of the pac1 act1-4 mutant showed temperature-sensitive growth and a nuclear migration defect. These results indicate that Bni1p regulates microtubule-dependent nuclear migration through the actin cytoskeleton. Bni1p lacking the Rho-binding region did not suppress the pac1 bni1 growth defect, suggesting a requirement for the Rho1p-Bni1p interaction in microtubule function.  相似文献   

Infection of cells with adenovirus lead to a characteristic reorganization of all cytoskeleton systems, starting with alterations at the microtubuli of the cells. During this progress, the flat, extended, and polar morphology of the cytoskeleton became nonpolar and rounder. These rearrangements were initiated before the appearance of adenovirus structural proteins hexon and fiber, as well as before the shutoff of host protein synthesis. We conclude that these alterations reflect a specific reorganization rather than an unorganized breakdown of the cell during adenovirus infection.  相似文献   

Lu/BCAM (Lutheran/basal cell-adhesion molecule) is a laminin 511/521 receptor expressed in erythroid and endothelial cells, and in epithelial tissues. The RK573-574 (Arg573-Lys574) motif of the Lu/BCAM cytoplasmic domain interacts with αI-spectrin, the main component of the membrane skeleton in red blood cells. In the present paper we report that Lu/BCAM binds to the non-erythroid αII-spectrin via the RK573-574 motif. Alanine substitution of this motif abolished the Lu/BCAM-spectrin interaction, enhanced the half-life of Lu/BCAM at the MDCK (Madin-Darby canine kidney) cell surface, and increased Lu/BCAM-mediated cell adhesion and spreading on laminin 511/521. We have shown that the Lu/BCAM-spectrin interaction mediated actin reorganization during cell adhesion and spreading on laminin 511/521. This interaction was involved in a laminin 511/521-to-actin signalling pathway leading to stress fibre formation. This skeletal rearrangement was associated with an activation of the small GTP-binding protein RhoA, which depended on the integrity of the Lu/BCAM laminin 511/521-binding site. It also required a Lu/BCAM-αII-spectrin interaction, since its disruption decreased stress fibre formation and RhoA activation. We conclude that the Lu/BCAM-spectrin interaction is required for stress fibre formation during cell spreading on laminin 511/521, and that spectrin acts as a signal relay between laminin 511/521 and actin that is involved in actin dynamics.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton in normal and pathological cell motility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cell motility is crucial for tissue formation and for development of organisms. Later on cell migration remains essential throughout the lifetime of the organism for wound healing and immune responses. The actin cytoskeleton is the cellular engine that drives cell motility downstream of a complex signal transduction cascade. The basic molecular machinery underlying the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments consists of a variety of actin binding proteins that regulate the dynamic behavior of the cytoskeleton in response to different signals. The multitude of proteins and regulatory mechanisms partaking in this system makes it vulnerable to mutations and alterations in expression levels that ultimately may cause diseases. The most familiar one is cancer that in later stages is characterized by active aberrant cell migration. Indeed tumor invasion and metastasis are increasingly being associated with deregulation of the actin system.  相似文献   

Rab40b is a SOCS box–containing protein that regulates the secretion of MMPs to facilitate extracellular matrix remodeling during cell migration. Here, we show that Rab40b interacts with Cullin5 via the Rab40b SOCS domain. We demonstrate that loss of Rab40b–Cullin5 binding decreases cell motility and invasive potential and show that defective cell migration and invasion stem from alteration to the actin cytoskeleton, leading to decreased invadopodia formation, decreased actin dynamics at the leading edge, and an increase in stress fibers. We also show that these stress fibers anchor at less dynamic, more stable focal adhesions. Mechanistically, changes in the cytoskeleton and focal adhesion dynamics are mediated in part by EPLIN, which we demonstrate to be a binding partner of Rab40b and a target for Rab40b–Cullin5-dependent localized ubiquitylation and degradation. Thus, we propose a model where Rab40b–Cullin5-dependent ubiquitylation regulates EPLIN localization to promote cell migration and invasion by altering focal adhesion and cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

BNIP3 is an atypical BH3-only member of the BCL-2 family of proteins with reported pro-death as well as pro-autophagic and cytoprotective functions, depending on the type of stress and cellular context. In line with this, the role of BNIP3 in cancer is highly controversial and increased BNIP3 levels in cancer patients have been linked with both good as well as poor prognosis. In this study, using small hairpin RNA (shRNA) lentiviral transduction to stably knockdown BNIP3 (BNIP3-shRNA) expression levels in melanoma cells, we show that BNIP3 supports cancer cell survival and long-term clonogenic growth. Although BNIP3-shRNA increased mitochondrial mass and baseline levels of reactive oxygen species production, which are features associated with aggressive cancer cell behavior, it also prevented cell migration and completely abolished the ability to form a tubular-like network on matrigel, a hallmark of vasculogenic mimicry (VM). We found that this attenuated aggressive behavior of these melanoma cells was underscored by severe changes in cell morphology and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton associated with loss of BNIP3. Indeed, BNIP3-silenced melanoma cells displayed enhanced formation of actin stress fibers and membrane ruffles, while lamellopodial protrusions and filopodia, tight junctions and adherens junctions were reduced. Moreover, loss of BNIP3 resulted in re-organization of focal adhesion sites associated with increased levels of phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase. Remarkably, BNIP3 silencing led to a drop of the protein levels of the integrin-associated protein CD47 and its downstream signaling effectors Rac1 and Cdc42. These observations underscore that BNIP3 is required to maintain steady-state levels of intracellular complexes orchestrating the plasticity of the actin cytoskeleton, which is integral to cell migration and other vital processes stimulating cancer progression. All together these results unveil an unprecedented pro-tumorigenic role of BNIP3 driving melanoma cell''s aggressive features, like migration and VM.  相似文献   

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