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Sodium taste transduction is thought to occur via an amiloride-sensitive, sodium-selective pathway and an amiloride-insensitive, cation nonselective, anion-dependent pathway(s). It has been shown by others that amiloride, an epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker, significantly reduces the chorda tympani nerve response to lingually applied NaCl in C57BL/6 (B6) mice but not in DBA/2 (D2) mice, suggesting that the latter strain might not possess functional ENaCs in taste receptor cells. We psychophysically measured and compared taste detection thresholds of NaCl and sodium gluconate (NaGlu) prepared with and without 100 microM amiloride in these two strains (eight/strain). Mice were trained and tested in a two-response operant signal detection procedure conducted in a gustometer. Surprisingly, no strain effect was found for the detection thresholds of both salts (approximately 0.05-0.06 M). Moreover, these thresholds were increased by almost an order of magnitude by amiloride adulteration of the solutions. This marked effect of amiloride on sodium detection thresholds suggests that ENaCs are necessary for normal sensitivity to sodium salts in both strains. In addition, because NaGlu is thought to stimulate primarily the amiloride-sensitive pathway, especially at low concentrations, the similarity of NaCl and NaGlu thresholds (r > 0.81 both strains) suggests that ENaCs are also sufficient to support the detection of sodium in weak solutions by B6 and D2 mice.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker amiloride has been shown to increase the behaviorally measured NaCl detection threshold in mice. In this study, a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm was used to examine whether 100 microM amiloride has a perceptible taste that could contribute to this observed decrease in behavioral responsiveness. Eighty-four C57BL/6J (B6) and 64 DBA/2J (D2) mice were divided into eight groups (n=8-12 per group), in which half received an injection of 0.15 M LiCl (2 mEq/kg) and the other half an equivalent saline injection, in three conditioning trials. The four conditioned stimuli were 100 microM amiloride hydrochloride, water, 0.1 and 0.3 M NaCl. Neither strain demonstrated acquisition of a CTA to amiloride in a brief-access (BA) taste test (5 s trials in the gustometer). Although 0.3 M NaCl is inherently aversive, its pairing with LiCl led to significantly further decreases in licking during the BA test on salt trials in both strains. The D2 strain clearly avoided 0.1 M NaCl, whereas avoidance of this stimulus was more equivocal in B6 mice. The inefficacy of amiloride to serve as a conditioned stimulus in taste aversion learning involving three LiCl pairings suggests that the effects of this ENaC blocker on taste-related behavioral responses to NaCl are likely due to its pharmacological interference with sodium taste transduction.  相似文献   

Alcoholism is a complex disorder involving, among others, the serotoninergic (5‐HT) system, mainly regulated by 5‐HT1A autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus. 5‐HT1A autoreceptor desensitization induced by chronic 5‐HT reuptake inactivation has been associated with a decrease in ethanol intake in mice. We investigated here whether, conversely, chronic ethanol intake could induce 5‐HT1A autoreceptor supersensitivity, thereby contributing to the maintenance of high ethanol consumption. C57BL/6J mice were subjected to a progressive ethanol intake procedure in a free‐choice paradigm (3–10% ethanol versus tap water; 21 days) and 5‐HT1A autoreceptor functional state was assessed using different approaches. Acute administration of the 5‐HT1A receptor agonist ipsapirone decreased the rate of tryptophan hydroxylation in striatum, and this effect was significantly larger (+75%) in mice that drank ethanol than in those drinking water. Furthermore, ethanol intake produced both an increased potency (+45%) of ipsapirone to inhibit the firing of 5‐HT neurons, and a raise (+35%) in 5‐HT1A autoreceptor‐mediated stimulation of [35S]GTP‐γ‐S binding in the dorsal raphe nucleus. These data showed that chronic voluntary ethanol intake in C57BL/6J mice induced 5‐HT1A autoreceptor supersensitivity, at the origin of a 5‐HT neurotransmission deficit, which might be causally related to the addictive effects of ethanol intake.  相似文献   

Fluid licking in mice is an example of a rhythmic behavior thought to be under the control of a central pattern generator. Inbred strains of mice have been shown to differ in mean or modal interlick interval (ILI) duration, suggesting a genetic-based variation. We investigated water licking in the commonly used inbred strains C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2), using a commercially available contact lickometer. Results from 20-min test sessions indicated that D2 mice lick at a faster rate than B6 mice (10.6 licks/s vs. 8.5 licks/s), based on analysis of the distribution of short-duration ILIs (50-160 ms). This strain difference was independent of sex, extent of water deprivation or total number of licks. D2 mice also displayed a faster lick rate when the strains were tested with a series of brief (5 s) trials. However, when ingestion over the entire 20-min session was analyzed, it was evident that D2 mice had an overall slower rate of ingestion than B6 mice. This was because of the tendency for D2 mice to have more very long pauses (>30 s) between sequences of licking bursts. Overall, it appeared that D2 mice licked more efficiently, ingesting more rapidly during excursions to the spout that were fewer and farther between.  相似文献   

Chronic ethanol treatment is known to alter gene expression and function of γ-aminobutyric acid type-A (GABAA) receptors. Here we focus on the β2 subunit which is widely expressed in the mammalian brain, and plays a key role in the GABA binding site. Previous studies using rodent models of ethanol dependence show either increased or no change of β2 subunit mRNA and peptide content following chronic ethanol administration. In humans, polymorphism at the β2 subunit is associated with ethanol dependence in some, but not all, populations. In the present study we measured mRNA content in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex using ethanol-naive and ethanol-dependent DBA/2J and C57BL/6J mice. The DBA/2J strain displays severe ethanol withdrawal severity, while the C57BL/6J strain shows milder withdrawal reactions. RNase protection analysis demonstrated that the DBA/2J strain is more sensitive to ethanol-induced increases in β2 subunit mRNA content in the cerebellum, showing significant increases at lower blood ethanol concentrations than C57BL/6J mice. The ethanol-induced regulation in C57BL/6J mice appears to be more complex, with decreases in β2 subunit mRNA content at low blood ethanol concentrations, and increases at higher concentrations. These data suggest that differences between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice in the degree of physical dependence (withdrawal) on ethanol may be related to differential sensitivity to ethanol regulation of β2 subunit expression.  相似文献   

Animal welfare depends on the possibility to express species-specific behaviours and canbe strongly compromised in socially and environmentally deprived conditions. Nestingmaterials and refuges are very important resources to express these behaviours and shouldbe considered as housing supplementation items. We evaluated the effects of one item ofhousing supplementation in standard settings in laboratory mice. C57BL/6JOlaHsd (B6) andBALB/cOlaHsd (BALB) young male and female mice, upon arrival, were housed in groups offour in standard laboratory cages and after 10 days of acclimatization, a red transparentplastic triangular-shaped Mouse House™ was introduced into half of the home cages. Animalswith or without a mouse house were observed in various contexts for more than one month.Body weight gain and food intake, home cage behaviours, emotionality and response tostandard cage changing procedures were evaluated. The presence of a mouse house in thehome cage did not interfere with main developmental and behavioural parameters oremotionality of BALB and B6 male and female mice compared with controls. Both strainshabituated to the mouse house in about a week, but made use of it differently, with BALBmice using the house more than the B6 strain. Our results suggest that mice habituated tothe mouse house rather quickly without disrupting their home cage activities. Scientistscan thus be encouraged to use mouse houses, also in view of the implementation of the EUDirective (2010/63/EU).  相似文献   

The study was carried out in mice C57BL/6J and DBA/2J for comparative analysis of two interference processes: latent inhibition and extinction of passive avoidance produced with an unconditioned aversive stimulus of different parameters (0.5 and 0.25 mA). With a strong training to new stimulus, impairment of extinction has been detected only in mice DBA/2J. Reduction in the strength of punishment during training was accompanied by acceleration of extinction in mice C57BL/6J and its appearance in mice DBA/2J. The learning of passive avoidance in strong and weak reinforcement was the same for both strains of mice. Interline differences were found also in the analysis of latent inhibition. With strong and weak training to conditional stimulus, lost of novelty by repeated an 8-fold pre-exposures to the experimental chamber, in DBA/2J mice, in contrast to C57BL/6J, latent inhibition was disrupted. In addition, DBA/2J mice showed impairment of extinction with weak training to non-relevant stimulus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Measures of protein kinase C (PKC) in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice using [3H]phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate binding to tissue homogenates and brain slices demonstrated that levels of activated, membrane-bound PKC were greater in C57BL hippocampus than in DBA hippocampus. Western analysis of α-, βI-, βII-, γ-, δ-, and ɛ-PKC using isozyme-specific antibodies indicated that the increase observed in C57BL hippocampus was due primarily to the γ-PKC protein, whose immunoreactivity was greater in the membrane-bound fraction in C57BL mice. Characterization of α-, βI,II-, and γ-PKC hippocampal mRNA using northern analysis and isozyme-specific nucleic acid probes did not reveal differences between the strains in levels of gene expression. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) were found in the α- and γ-, but not β-PKC genomic DNA. The RFLPs appeared to be located in noncoding, nonregulatory regions of the gene. These findings suggest that the γ-PKC isozyme is largely responsible for the PKC activity difference in C57BL and DBA hippocampus that has been reported previously and may be closely associated with differences in learning ability observed in these strains.  相似文献   

The genetic control of sex-chromosomal univalency was examined in the primary spermatocytes of the mouse. The C57BL/6J strain expresses 3% X-Y univalency and DBA/2J expresses 37% univalency. The reciprocal F1 and the eight types of reciprocal backcross males were examined. In the C57BL/6J--DBA/2J strain pair, X--Y univalency is controlled by three genetic systems. Autosomal factors of unknown number that are dominant in DBA/2J increase the probability of univalency from 3% in C57BL/6J to 12%. The DBA/2J-Y chromosome, in place of the C57BL/6J-Y chromosome, has an additive effect to increase the probability of univalency from 12 to 37% in the DBA/2J strain. Two X-chromosome factors that differ between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J regulate the probability of univalency. The X-chromosome factors appear to be separated by sufficient distance so that, with the DBA/2J-Y chromosome and dominant DBA/2J autosomal factors, there are two recombinant classes of X--Y univalency at 20 and 60%. The genetic factors in the univalency trait may be involved in the regulation or structure of the terminal attachment sites between the X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

The C57BL/6JOlaHsd and 129S2/SvHsd mice were tested in a battery designed for behavioral phenotyping of genetically modified mice. The study was performed in order to reveal the effect of training history on the behavior by comparison with the experimentally naïve mice in the same tests. Significant strain differences were obtained in all experiments. Previous handling and testing reduced exploratory activity and emotionality significantly in the mice. The coordination ability was better and nociceptive sensitivity was increased in the trained mice. The contextual fear was reduced whereas the cued fear was enhanced in the experienced mice. The training history did not alter initial learning in the water maze. However, after reversal learning the naïve mice displayed significant preference for both old and new platform locations, whereas the battery animals did not exhibit preference to the old location. The experienced mice appeared to be less active in the forced swimming test and exhibited decreased conditioned taste aversion. The influence of test history was strain-dependent in certain cases. Therefore, the experience has substantial consequences on the behavior, mainly by reducing exploratory activity, and the previous experience of the animals has always to be considered in the analysis of genetically modified mice.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that there are genetic influences on free-choice oral nicotine consumption in mice. In order to establish the genetic architecture that underlies individual differences in free-choice nicotine consumption, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was used to identify chromosomal regions that influence free-choice nicotine consumption in male and female F(2) mice derived from a cross between C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ mice. These two mouse strains were chosen not only because they differ significantly for oral nicotine consumption, but also because they are at or near phenotypic extremes for all measures of nicotine sensitivity that have been reported. A four-bottle choice paradigm was used to assess nicotine consumption over an 8-day period. The four bottles contained water or water supplemented with 25, 50 or 100 microg/ml of nicotine base. Using micrograms of nicotine consumed per milliliter of total fluid consumed per day as the nicotine consumption phenotype, four significant QTL were identified. The QTL with the largest LOD score was located on distal chromosome 1 (peak LOD score = 15.7). Other chromosomes with significant QTL include central chromosome 4 (peak LOD score = 4.1), proximal chromosome 7 (peak LOD score = 6.1) and distal chromosome 15 (peak LOD score = 4.8). These four QTL appear to be responsible for up to 62% of the phenotypic variance in oral nicotine consumption.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a precursor of sex hormones in mammals. Dietary DHEA serves to prevent or inhibit various diseases and also lengthens life spans of animals. Moreover, dietary DHEA inhibits food intake in certain strains of mice. We administered DHEA (0.45% w/w of food) to C57BL/6 (B6) and (B6 x DBA/2)F1 (BDF1) mice for 5 weeks. Food intake was inhibited in both strains of mice during the first week. Thereafter, B6, but not BDF1, mice consumed less food. Because hypothalamic serotonin and/or dopamine regulate appetite, satiety and other behaviors, the hypothesis tested was that hypothalamic concentration of serotonin, dopamine and/or their metabolites are affected differentially in B6 and BDF1 mice fed DHEA. In another study, mice were fed the AIN-76A diet with or without DHEA for 1 and 7 days or were pair-fed to DHEA-fed mice for 7 days. On Day 1 of DHEA feeding (acute effects) hypothalamic levels of serotonin, dopamine, and metabolites were unchanged in B6 mice, but levels of dopamine were increased and levels of dopamine metabolites were decreased in BDF1 mice. On Day 7 of DHEA feeding, levels of serotonin were increased in BDF1 but not B6 mice. On Day 7 of pair-feeding there were decreased levels of hypothalamic dopamine metabolites in BDF1 but not B6 mice. Paraventricular nuclei of BDF1 mice had decreased levels of serotonin but not of dopamine in all groups. Serum levels of DHEA and its metabolite, 5-androstene-3beta,17beta-diol, correlated significantly only with serotonin concentrations in BDF1 mice. The salient findings of these experiments are that DHEA inhibits food intake to a greater extent in B6 than in BDF1 mice. However, alterations of hypothalamic neurotransmitters were greater in BDF1 than in B6 mice. Because BDF1 and B6 mice share B6 genes, relevant gene(s) derived from DBA/2 mice might mediate the different responses detected.  相似文献   

Flanigan TJ  Cook MN 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e19058
Manipulations of rearing conditions have been used to examine the effects of early experience on adult behavior with varying results. Evidence suggests that postnatal days (PND) 15-21 are a time of particular susceptibility to environmental influences on anxiety-like behavior in mice. To examine this, we subjected C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice to an early handling-like procedure. Pups were separated from dams from PND 12-20 for 30 minutes daily or received standard care. On PND 21, pups were weaned and either individually- or group-housed. On PND 60, anxiety-like behavior was examined on the elevated zero-maze. Although individually-housed animals took longer to enter an open quadrant of the maze, they spent more time in the open than group-housed animals. Additionally, we observed a trend of reduced anxiety-like behavior in C57BL/6J, but not DBA/2J mice that underwent the handling-like procedure.  相似文献   

《Genome biology》2013,14(7):R82


The mouse inbred line C57BL/6J is widely used in mouse genetics and its genome has been incorporated into many genetic reference populations. More recently large initiatives such as the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) are using the C57BL/6N mouse strain to generate null alleles for all mouse genes. Hence both strains are now widely used in mouse genetics studies. Here we perform a comprehensive genomic and phenotypic analysis of the two strains to identify differences that may influence their underlying genetic mechanisms.


We undertake genome sequence comparisons of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N to identify SNPs, indels and structural variants, with a focus on identifying all coding variants. We annotate 34 SNPs and 2 indels that distinguish C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N coding sequences, as well as 15 structural variants that overlap a gene. In parallel we assess the comparative phenotypes of the two inbred lines utilizing the EMPReSSslim phenotyping pipeline, a broad based assessment encompassing diverse biological systems. We perform additional secondary phenotyping assessments to explore other phenotype domains and to elaborate phenotype differences identified in the primary assessment. We uncover significant phenotypic differences between the two lines, replicated across multiple centers, in a number of physiological, biochemical and behavioral systems.


Comparison of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N demonstrates a range of phenotypic differences that have the potential to impact upon penetrance and expressivity of mutational effects in these strains. Moreover, the sequence variants we identify provide a set of candidate genes for the phenotypic differences observed between the two strains.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of individual housing on mouse behavior. The male mice of the C57BL/6J and DBA/2 strains were separated at the age of 4 weeks and kept in individual housing for 7 weeks until behavioral testing began. Their behavior was compared to the group-housed mice in a battery of tests during the following 7 weeks. The single-housed mice were hyperactive and displayed reduced habituation in the tests assessing activity and exploration. Reduced anxiety was established in the elevated plus-maze, but an opposite effect was observed in the dark-light (DL) and hyponeophagia tests. Immobility in the forced swimming test was reduced by social isolation. The DBA mice displayed higher anxiety-like behavior than the B6 mice in the plus-maze and DL exploration test, but hyponeophagia was reduced in the DBA mice. Moreover, all effects of individual housing on the exploratory and emotional behavior were more evident in the DBA than in the B6 mice. Novel object recognition and fear conditioning (FC) were significantly impaired in the single-housed mice, whereas water-maze (WM) learning was not affected. Marked strain differences were established in all three learning tests. The B6 mice performed better in the object recognition and FC tasks. Initial spatial learning in the WM was faster and memory retention slightly enhanced in the B6 mice. The DBA mice displayed lower preference to the new and enhanced preference to the old platform location than the B6 mice after reversal learning in the WM. We conclude that individual housing has strong strain- and test-specific effects on emotional behavior and impairs memory in certain tasks.  相似文献   

Many studies using genetic mouse models are performed with animals on either one of the two closely related genetic backgrounds, C57BL/6J or C57BL/6N. These strains differ only in a few genetic loci, but have some phenotypic differences that also affect behavior. In order to determine the effects of chronic stress hormone exposure, which is relevant for the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders, we investigated here the behavioral manifestations of long‐term increase in corticosterone levels. Thus, male mice from both sub‐strains were subcutaneously implanted with corticosterone (20 mg) or placebo pellets that released the hormone for a period of 21 days and resulted in significantly elevated plasma corticosterone levels. Corticosterone significantly increased food intake in B6N, but not in B6J mice. At various time points after pellet implantation, we performed tests relevant to activity and emotional behaviors. B6J mice displayed a generally higher activity in the home cage and the open field. Corticosterone decreased the activity. In B6N mice, corticosterone also decreased sucrose preference, worsened the coat state and increased forced swim immobility, while it had no effect in the B6J strain. Altogether, these results indicate that B6N mice are more sensitive to some of the effects of chronic corticosterone treatment than B6J mice.  相似文献   

To characterize the genetic basis of voluntary calcium consumption, we tested C57BL/6J mice (B6; with low avidity for calcium), PWK/PhJ mice (PWK; with high avidity for calcium) and their F1 and F2 hybrids. All mice received a series of 96-h two-bottle preference tests with a choice between water and the following: 50 m m CaCl2, 50 m m calcium lactate, 50 m m MgCl2, 100 m m KCl, 100 m m NH4Cl, 100 m m NaCl, 5 m m citric acid, 30 μ m quinine hydrochloride and 2 m m saccharin. Most frequency distributions of the parental and F1 but not F2 groups were normally distributed, and there were few sex differences. Reciprocal cross analysis showed that B6 × PWK F1 mice had a non-specific elevation of fluid intake relative to PWK × B6 F1 mice. In the F2 mice, trait correlations were clustered among the divalent salts and the monovalent chlorides. A genome screen involving 116 markers showed 30 quantitative trait loci (QTLs), of which six involved consumption of calcium chloride or lactate. The results show pleiotropic controls of calcium and magnesium consumption that are distinct from those controlling consumption of monovalent chlorides or exemplars of the primary taste qualities.  相似文献   

P T Liu  D P Morgan 《Life sciences》1986,39(14):1237-1244
DBA/2 mice, previously identified as "unresponsive" to aromatic hydrocarbons which induce microsomal enzymes in C57BL/6 mice, are more vulnerable to the convulsant effect of repeated doses of lindane than similarly treated C57BL/6 mice. Death in convulsions and higher blood and brain lindane concentrations indicate that less efficient disposition of lindane itself accounts for the greater vulnerability of the DBA/2 mice. The same two principal chlorophenolic metabolites of lindane were identified in the blood and tissues of both strains, but the time-courses of blood concentrations in response to repeated lindane dosing were different.  相似文献   

We utilized variations in caloric availability and ambient temperature (T(a)) to examine interrelationships between energy expenditure and cardiovascular function in mice. Male C57BL/6J mice (n = 6) were implanted with telemetry devices and housed in metabolic chambers for measurement of mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), O(2) consumption (VO(2)), and locomotor activity. Fasting (T(a) = 23 degrees C), initiated at the onset of the dark phase, resulted in large and transient depressions in MAP, HR, VO(2), and locomotor activity that occurred during hours 6-17, which suggests torporlike episodes. Food restriction (14 days, 60% of baseline intake) at T(a) = 23 degrees C resulted in progressive reductions in MAP and HR across days that were coupled with an increasing occurrence of episodic torporlike reductions in HR (<300 beats/min) and VO(2) (<1.0 ml/min). Exposure to thermoneutrality (T(a) = 30 degrees C, n = 6) reduced baseline light-period MAP (-14 +/- 2 mmHg) and HR (-184 +/- 12 beats/min). Caloric restriction at thermoneutrality produced further reductions in MAP and HR, but indications of torporlike episodes were absent. The results reveal that mice exhibit robust cardiovascular responses to both acute and chronic negative energy balance. Furthermore, we conclude that T(a) is a very important consideration when assessing cardiovascular function in mice.  相似文献   

Homozygous µ-opioid receptor (MOR) knockout (KO) mice developed on a chimeric C57B6/129SV background lack morphine-induced antinociception, locomotion and reward. Therefore it appears that MOR largely mediates these morphine actions. However, one factor that could affect the extent of knockout deficits in morphine-induced behavior is the genetic background against which the gene deletion is expressed. To examine the effect of genetic background chimeric C57B6/129SV MOR knockout mice from the 15th generation of those developed in our laboratory were backcrossed for 10 successive generations with C57BL/6 mice, a strain which is more sensitive to many of the properties of morphine, to produce congenic MOR (conMOR) KO mice. Heterozygote conMOR KO mice display attenuated morphine locomotion and reduced morphine analgesia compared to wild-type mice. Homozygote conMOR KO mice display baseline hyperalgesia, no morphine place preference, no morphine analgesia and no morphine locomotion. These results are not qualitatively different from those observed in the MOR KO strain with a chimeric C57B6/129SV background, and suggest that although the strain has separate influences on these functions, it does not substantially interact with deletion of the µ opiate receptor gene.  相似文献   

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