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The generation of monoclonal antibodies to synthetic peptides of the glucocorticoid receptor is described. Two antibodies to sequences from the DNA binding region are IgMs. Two other antibodies to sequences in the steroid binding region and the C-terminus belong to the IgG class. The specificity of the IgG binding to the receptor in an ELISA assay is demonstrated by competition with the relevant peptides. Both IgGs are able to recognize the receptor in Western blots, but do not form stable complexes in sucrose gradients. Steroid binding to the receptor is not influenced by preincubation with antibodies. This indicates that denaturation or distortion of the receptor is necessary for the accessibility of these antibodies to their epitopes. Both antibodies can be used to stain the glucocorticoid receptor in neoplastic cells of patients suffering from chronic lymphatic leukemia.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies prepared to epitopes encoded by the transforming gene (v-fms) of the McDonough strain of feline sarcoma virus were used to study v-fms-coded antigens in feline sarcoma virus-transformed rat and mink cells. These antibodies reacted with three different polypeptides (gP180gag-fms, gp140fms, and gp120fms), all of which were shown to be glycosylated. Protein blotting with [125I]-labeled monoclonal immunoglobulin G's was used to determine the relative steady-state levels of these glycoproteins in transformed cells and showed that gp120 and gp140 were the predominant products. Immunofluorescence assays and subcellular fractionation experiments localized these molecules to the cytoplasm of transformed cells in quantitative association with sedimentable organelles. Thus, v-fms-coded glycoproteins differ both chemically and topologically from the partially characterized products of other known oncogenes and presumably transform cells by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against polyprotein gene products of the Gardner, Snyder-Theilen, and McDonough strain of feline sarcoma virus have been isolated. Antibody produced by one hybridoma recognizes immunological determinants localized within a feline leukemia virus gag gene structural component (p15) common to polyproteins encoded by each feline sarcoma virus isolate while antibody produced by a second is specific for p30 determinants unique to P170gag-fms. Additional hybridomas secrete antibody directed against v-fes specific determinants common to the Gardner and Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus-encoded polyproteins and to v-fms determinants unique to P170gas-fms polyprotein. GA P110gas-fes and ST P85gas-fes immunoprecipitated by antibody directed against p15 exhibit readily detectable levels of protein kinase activity but lack such activity when precipitated by antibody specific for their acquired sequence (v-fes) components. P170gas-fms immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibody to either p15 or p30 lacks detectable levels of autophosphorylation but represents a substrate for the GA P110gag-fes and ST P85gag-fes enzymatic activities. These findings argue that the v-fes-associated protein kinase represents an intrinsic property of the v-fes gene product and recognizes tyrosine acceptor sites within polyprotein gene products of all three strains of feline sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of individual amino acids to the antigenicity of the N-terminal region of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein D, a series of 14 overlapping synthetic peptides within residues 1 to 30 were examined for their reactivity with monoclonal antibody LP14 (a group VII monoclonal antibody; in herpes simplex virus mutants resistant to LP14, arginine 16 is substituted by histidine) and two antipeptide antisera (antipeptide 9-21 and antipeptide 1-23). Maximal binding was achieved with peptides 9-21, 10-30, 9-30, and 8-30 and the chymotryptic fragment 9-17 of peptide 9-21, suggesting that a major antigenic site is located within residues 10 through 17. Lysine 10 was shown to be essential for high reactivity, either by binding directly to the antibody molecule or by stabilizing an ordered structure of the peptide. The importance of ordered structure was demonstrated by a decrease in reactivity after sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment of peptides 9-21 and 8-30.  相似文献   

The products of I-region genes of the murine major histocompatibility complex (H-2) are intimately involved in the regulation of immune responses. In a number of antigen systems, suppressor T (Ts) cells and their factors (TsF) bear determinants of gene(s) that map to the I-J subregion of the H-2 complex. Suppression in one such system, poly(Glu50Tyr50)(GT), involves the interaction of multiple Ts subsets. Three monoclonal I-Jk-bearing GT-TsF have been identified that functionally differ from one another. We report the binding of these monoclonal GT-TsF to different anti-I-Jk monoclonal antibody columns. We find that these anti-I-Jk monoclonal antibodies display differing degrees of efficiency of GT-TsF binding. These data suggest a greater degree of heterogeneity of I-Jk gene products than has been proposed before.  相似文献   

We conducted a longitudinal study on serum levels of peptides encoded by the calcitonin gene before conception, every month during pregnancy, and 24 h and 5 days after delivery in 26 healthy women. Only subjects fulfilling optimality criteria according to the literature were included. Blood samples for ionized calcium, total (tCT) and extractable (exCT) calcitonin, katacalcin, and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were collected. We found no significant changes of ionized calcium, tCT, exCT, and katacalcin levels, while CGRP serum levels showed a significant increase during pregnancy and a fall to preconceptional values after delivery. Since variations of calcitonin levels did not occur in our selected pregnant women, we conclude that thyroidal C cell secretion is not increased during pregnancy. Our data suggest that calcitonin is not involved in the modifications of mineral homeostasis occurring in pregnancy. In addition, the variations of CGRP serum levels we found suggest that such a hormone participates in circulation modifications of pregnant women.  相似文献   

The small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated polypeptides N, B and B' comprise a group of highly homologous, Sm epitope bearing proteins. However, N differs from B and B' in several ways. First, despite the extensive homology between their amino acid sequences, the antigenicity of the proteins N and B, as recognized by the monoclonal anti-Sm antibody, Y-12, is different. Second, whereas three distinct mRNA species encode human B, B', and N, only B appears to be ubiquitously expressed. Third, rodents do not contain mRNA that encodes B'. Fourth, in both humans and rats, mRNAs that encode B/B' (humans) or B (rodents) and N are transcribed from different genes. Fifth, N and B/B' specific probes reveal different size DNA fragments after human genomic DNA is amplified by a polymerase chain reaction based on oligonucleotides that simultaneously recognize cDNAs encoding N, B, and B'.  相似文献   

We have isolated eight rat lymphocyte-myeloma hybrid cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies that react with the 21,000-dalton transforming protein (p21) encoded by the v-ras gene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus (Ha-MuSV). These antibodies specifically immunoprecipitate both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of p21 from lysates of cells transformed by Ha-MuSV. All eight react with the products of closely related ras genes expressed in cells transformed by two additional sarcoma viruses (rat sarcoma virus and BALB sarcoma virus) or by a cellular Harvey-ras gene placed under the control of a viral promoter. Three of the antibodies also react strongly with the p21 encoded by the v-ras gene of Kirsten MuSV. These same three antibodies immunoprecipitate the predominant p21 species synthesized normally in a variety of rodent cell lines, including the p21 produced at high levels in 416B murine hemopoietic cells. This suggests that an endogenous gene closely related to Kirsten-ras is expressed in these cells. The monoclonal antibodies have been used to confirm two properties associated with p21; localization at the inner surface of the membrane of Ha-MuSV-transformed cells, assayed by immunofluorescence microscopy, and binding of guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   

At least four proteins of 70,000 to 75,000 molecular weight (70-75K) were synthesized from mRNA which hybridized with a cloned heat shock gene previously shown to be localized to the 87A and 87C heat shock puff sites. These in vitro-synthesized proteins were indistinguishable from in vivo-synthesized heat shock-induced proteins when analyzed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. A comparison of the pattern of this group of proteins synthesized in vivo during a 5-min pulse or during continuous labeling indicates that the 72-75K proteins are probably not kinetic precursors to the major 70K heat shock protein. Partial digestion products generated with V8 protease indicated that the 70-75K heat shock proteins are closely related, but that there are clear differences between them. The partial digestion patterns obtained from heat shock proteins from the Kc cell line and from the Oregon R strain of Drosophila melanogaster are very similar. Genetic analysis of the patterns of 70-75K heat shock protein synthesis indicated that the genes encoding at least two of the three 72-75K heat shock proteins are located outside of the major 87A and 87C puff sites.  相似文献   

We recently reported that a Tetrahymena thermophila 58-kilodalton (kDa) mitochondrial protein (hsp58) was selectively synthesized during heat shock. In this study, we show that hsp58 displayed antigenic similarity with mitochondrially associated proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (64 kDa), Xenopus laevis (60 kDa), Zea mays (62 kDa), and human cells (59 kDa). Furthermore, a 58-kDa protein from Escherichia coli also exhibited antigenic cross-reactivity to an antiserum directed against the T. thermophila mitochondrial protein. The proteins from S. cerevisiae and E. coli antigenically related to hsp58 were studied in detail and found to share several other characteristics with hsp58, including heat inducibility and the property of associating into distinct oligomeric complexes. The T. thermophila, S. cerevisiae, and E. coli macromolecular complexes containing these related proteins had similar sedimentation characteristics and virtually identical morphologies as seen with the electron microscope. The distinctive properties of the E. coli homolog to T. thermophila hsp58 indicate that it is most likely the product of the groEL gene.  相似文献   

A general method is described for the determination of affinity constants and antigen cross-reactivities of monoclonal antibodies. The method employs biotin-labeled antibody, radiolabeled antigen, and avidin as a precipitating agent in a homogeneous phase, competitive radioimmunoassay. This method eliminates incomplete or variable precipitation of antigen-antibody complexes often encountered in immunoassays in which monoclonal antibodies are employed. Using this assay system, we were able to rapidly determine the affinity constants for a number of monoclonal antibodies elicited to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). In the preceding paper it was shown that five of the monoclonal antibodies recognized distinct epitopes on CEA. In antigen-binding experiments with these five monoclonal antibodies, the percent of radiolabeled CEA bound in antibody excess ranged from 30 to 92%. The CEA cross-reacting antigens, normal cross-reacting antigen (NCA), and tumor-extracted, CEA-related antigen (TEX) were significantly bound by one, and to a lesser degree, by two of the five antibodies. Two antibodies did not bind significant amounts of NCA or TEX. In inhibition studies, the amount of unlabeled CEA leading to 50% inhibition of 125I-labeled CEA-binding was in the range of 3.7 to 760 ng per tube. The amount of TEX showing the same degree of inhibition was 23-fold greater than the amount of CEA for two antibodies and 351-fold greater than the amount of CEA for a third antibody. The affinity constants for CEA were in the range of 1.0 x 10(8) to 5.1 x 10(10) M-1. The affinity constants for NCA and TEX, determined for one of the antibodies, were three orders of magnitude lower in comparison to CEA. The heterogeneity of radiolabeled CEA as indicated by the low fraction bound by one of the monoclonal antibodies is shown to be most probably an artifact resulting from radioiodination damage. The application of the approach described in this report should eliminate the problems most commonly encountered in the determination of affinity constants for monoclonal antibodies or the use of monoclonal antibodies in competitive, homogeneous-phase immunoassays.  相似文献   

The Se gene is classically considered as a regulatory gene controlling the expression of the structural gene H in external secretions. Under this hypothesis, Bombay (h/h) individuals should not be able to express the Se gene. Statistical analysis of the 44 published Bombay pedigrees suggests on the contrary that there is no suppression of Se in Bombay individuals, and that both Se and H loci can be fully expressed at the phenotypic level. Based on a lod score of 12.9 at 1% recombination units and the existence of two different acceptors for the biosynthesis of the H antigen, a new genetic model is proposed in which H and Se would be two closely linked structural genes coding for two different 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Peptides according to amino-acid sequences of the N- and C-terminus of lipophilin (proteolipid protein, PLP) (Gly1-Phe15 = 1; Thr261-Phe276 = 6) and of the other four hydrophilic domains (Glu37-Leu60 = 2; Arg97-Leu112 = 3; Gly119-Gly127 = 3A; Trp144-Tyr156 = 3B; Lys191-Ala203 = 4; Asn222-Phe232 = 5) have been synthesized by the solid-phase Fmoc method, linked covalently to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and used as antigens. Monospecific antibodies against these antigens were isolated by affinity chromatography. Each antibody recognized its epitope in isolated partially delipidated PLP with the ELISA technique, western blot, thin sections of paraffin embedded rat brains and in the plasma membrane of appropriately fixed/permeabilized rat oligodendrocytes in culture. After fixation with formaldehyde antipeptide 3A antibody stained intact non-permeabilized cells. Therefore the epitope 3A must be located on the extracellular surface of the membrane. This is in full support of our previous biochemical results on the orientation of lipophilin in the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

Three closely related forms of a 21 kDa protein which is co-secreted with insulin have been purified and analysed. These differed in behaviour on ion-exchange chromatography but were indistinguishable by their susceptibility to staphylococcal V8 proteinase digestion, amino acid composition or N-terminal amino acid sequence. Their amino acid composition and N-terminal sequences were remarkably similar to adrenal medullary chromogranin A, a much larger protein (72 kDa). Antibodies to chromogranin A also reacted strongly with the 21 kDa protein in isolated insulin granules. It is concluded that the 21 kDa proteins either represent a repeated domain within the chromogranin molecule or a closely related gene product. The name beta-granin is proposed for these proteins.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies have been developed which specifically recognize DNA modified by 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and ultraviolet A light (320-400 nm) (UVA). These antibodies have been characterized as to sensitivity and specificity by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In a competitive ELISA with the most sensitive antibody, 50% inhibition of antibody binding occurred at 17 fmole 8-MOP-DNA photo adducts. One adduct per 10(7) bases could be reliably detected. There was also some antibody cross-reactivity with DNAs modified by 4' aminomethyl-4, 5, 8-trimethylpsoralen and 4', 5-dimethylangelicin as well as DNA isolated from cells treated with 8-MOP and UVA. The primary specificity of one of the antibodies was shown to be the 4', 5' thymine monoadduct by competitive inhibition studies using HPLC fractions of an enzymatic digest of 8-MOP poly(dA-dT) . poly(dA-dT). These antibodies should allow the quantitation of adduct levels in various in vitro systems as well as humans exposed clinically to 8-MOP and UVA.  相似文献   

Barwin is a basic protein with pI above 10 and molecular mass 13.7 kDa isolated from aqueous extracts of barley seed. The complete amino acid sequence of 125 residues has been determined by a combination of conventional protein sequencing, plasma desorption mass spectrometry, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Three disulfide bridges have been localized as Cys31-Cys63, Cys52-Cys86, and Cys66-Cys123 both by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and by plasma desorption mass spectrometry. The N-terminal residue was identified as pyroglutamate. Barwin is closely related to a peptide segment of 122 residues at the C-terminal region of the proteins encoded by two wound-induced genes in potato plants, win1 and win2, and a protein encoded by the hevein gene of rubber tree. In 77 sequence positions of 125 the barwin, win1, win2, and hevein protein sequences have amino acid sequence identity, when two gaps--one of two residues allowing for the insert of Gly23 and Ala24 and one allowing for the insert of Thr97 in the barwin sequence--are introduced in the latter three. The close sequence similarity with the proteins encoded by the wound-induced potato and rubber tree genes and the ability of the protein to bind saccharides suggest that barwin might belong to a group of proteins involved in a common defense mechanism in plants.  相似文献   

We have looked for conserved DNA sequences between four herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein genes encoding gB, gC, gD, and gE and pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNA, HSV-1 DNA fragments representing these four glycoprotein-coding sequences were hybridized to restriction enzyme fragments of PRV DNA by the Southern blot procedure. Specific hybridization was observed only when HSV-1 gB DNA was used as probe. This region of hybridization was localized to a 5.2-kilobase (kb) region mapping at approximately 0.15 map units on the PRV genome. Northern blot (RNA blot) analysis, with a 1.2-kb probe derived from this segment, revealed a predominant hybridizing RNA species of approximately 3 kb in PRV-infected PK15 cells. DNA sequence analysis of the region corresponding to this RNA revealed a single large open reading frame with significant nucleotide homology with the gB gene of HSV-1 KOS 321. In addition, the beginning of the sequenced PRV region also contained the end of an open reading frame with amino acid homology to HSV-1 ICP 18.5, a protein that may be involved in viral glycoprotein transport. This sequence partially overlaps the PRV gB homolog coding sequence. We have shown that the PRV gene with homology to HSV-1 gB encoded the gII glycoprotein gene by expressing a 765-base-pair segment of the PRV open reading frame in Escherichia coli as a protein fused to beta-galactosidase. Antiserum, raised in rabbits, against this fusion protein immunoprecipitated a specific family of PRV glycoproteins of apparent molecular mass 110, 68, and 55 kilodaltons that have been identified as the gII family of glycoproteins. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence indicated that the PRV gII protein shares 50% amino acid homology with the aligned HSV-1 gB protein. All 10 cysteine residues located outside of the signal sequence, as well as 4 of 6 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, were conserved between the two proteins. The primary protein sequence for HSV-1 gB regions known to be involved in the rate of virus entry into the cells and cell-cell fusion, as well as regions known to be associated with monoclonal antibody resistance, were highly homologous with the PRV protein sequence. Furthermore, monospecific antibody made against PRV gII immunoprecipitated HSV-1 gB from infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest significant conservation of structure and function between the two proteins and may indicate a common evolutionary history.  相似文献   

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