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Identification and isolation of the yeast cytochrome c gene.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
D L Montgomery  B D Hall  S Gillam  M Smith 《Cell》1978,14(3):673-680
The iso-1-cytochrome c gene of yeast has been identified and cloned using a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide as a hybridization probe. The oligomer d[pT-T-A-G-C-A-G-A-A--C-C-G-G] is complementary to a region near the N terminal coding region of the yeast cyc 1 gene. Of several yeast Eco RI fragments which hybridize to this probe, one is changed in size by a G leads to T mutation which eliminates an Eco RI site within the cyc 1 gene. Both the wild-type and the RI- mutant forms were cloned in lambda gt vectors. Maxam-Gilbert sequencing for 91 nucleotides into the coding region for iso-1-cytochrome c yielded a DNA sequence in perfect correspondence with the known protein sequence.  相似文献   

The antigenicity of the peptido-phosphogalactomannan (PPGM) of Cladosporium werneckii and the carbohydrate and peptide moieties isolated from it were studied in rabbits and guinea pigs. In rabbits, the antisera produced against whole C. werneckii cells reacted only with the carbohydrate portions of the antigen. The major portion of the antibody was directed towards the long phosphogalactomannan carbohydrate chains. O-Acetyl substituents were shown to play important roles in the determinants on these chains since selective removal of these groups eliminated their reactivity with antibody. A relatively small amount of the antibody response was directed towards the more numerous, short, mannose-containing chains. Concanavalin A, on the other hand, precipitated the polymer by virture of its reactivity with these units and not with the phosphogalactomannan chains.Delayed type (cell-mediated) immunity to C. werneckii was studied in guinea pigs. PPGM was able to elicit strong delayed skin-tests as was a peptide-rich fraction derived from PPGM by mild acid hydrolysis. Pure carbohydrate chains of PPGM were completely inactive. In contrast, two of the modified peptides derived from PPGM were able to elicit a response although they were less active than PPGM. It was concluded that the determinants responsible for delayed hypersensitivity reside in the peptide portion of the antigen but that the technique used to isolate the peptides (alkaline β-elimination) partially destroyed the determinants.  相似文献   

1. αA-Chain sub-units have been isolated from neutral haemolysates containing certain unstable β-chain haemoglobin variants. They are identical, in electrophoretic properties, tryptic peptide analyses and their ability to recombine with Hb-βA4 at neutral pH, with the αA-chain sub-units isolated from Hb-A at acid pH. Abnormal αG-chain sub-units have been prepared from haemolysates containing the α-chain variant Hb-G. 2. αA-Chain sub-units prepared by either method are eluted from Sephadex at low haemoglobin concentration as monomer sub-units. The elution volume, sedimentation coefficient and apparent molecular weight are, however, concentration-dependent, suggesting an equilibrium between monomers and higher polymers with the former as the predominant species. Elevated temperatures cause the αA-chain sub-unit to aggregate and denature. 3. The product of the reaction between the αA-chain sub-unit and Hb-βA4 has been characterized as Hb-A. Only Hb-A and Hb-G can be detected as the products when a mixture of αA- and αG-chain sub-units reacts with Hb-βA4. The absence of the species αAαGβA2 can be explained in terms of the rapid equilibrium between whole and half haemoglobin molecules and the reassortment of αβ sub-units during the separation process.  相似文献   

Yeast contain two nontandemly repeated enolase structural genes which have been isolated on bacterial plasmids designated peno46 and peno8 (Holland, M. J., Holland, J. P., Thill, G. P., and Jackson, K. A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 1385-1395). In order to study the expression of the enolase genes in vivo, the resident enolase gene in a wild type yeast strain corresponding to the gene isolated on peno46 was replaced with a deletion, constructed in vitro, which lacks 90% of the enolase coding sequences. Three catalytically active enolases are resolved differ DEAE-Sephadex chromatography of wild type cellular extracts. As expected, a single form of enolase was resolved from extracts of the mutant cell. Immunological and electrophoretic analyses of the multiple forms of enolase confirm that two enolase genes are expressed in wild type cells and that isozymes are formed in the cell by random assortment of the two polypeptides into three active enolase dimers. The yeast enolase loci have been designated ENO1 and ENO2. The deletion mutant lacks the enolase 1 polypeptide confirming that this polypeptide is encoded by the gene isolated on peno46. The intracellular steady state concentrations of the two polypeptides are dependent on the carbon source used to propagate the cells. Log phase cells grown on glucose contain 20-fold more enolase 2 polypeptide than enolase 1 polypeptide, whereas cells grown on ethanol or glycerol plus lactate contain similar amounts of the two polypeptides. The 20-fold higher than in cells grown on the nonfermentable carbon sources. In vitro translation of total cellular RNA suggests that the steady state concentrations of the two enolase mRNAs in cells grown on different carbon sources are proportional to the steady state concentrations of the respective enolase polypeptides.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate moiety of the glycoprotein allergen Ag-54, isolated from the mould Cladosporium herbarum, has been characterised partly, using acetolysis, methylation analysis, and n.m.r. spectroscopy. Ag-54 contained a highly branched galactoglucomannan and two branched mannogluco-oligosaccharide chains. The oligosaccharides contained terminal, (1----4)-, and (1----4,6)-linked alpha-Glc residues and terminal, (1----2)-, and some (1----3)-linked alpha-Man residues. The n.m.r. data indicated the galactoglucomannan to have a main chain made up of (1----6)-linked alpha-Man and (1----4)-linked alpha-Glc residues, with the latter attached to position 6 of alpha-Man residues. Oligosaccharides with (1----6)-linked beta-Galf and (1----2)-linked alpha-Man were attached to the main chain. Acetolysis of the galactoglucomannan yielded linear and branched oligosaccharides. The presence of (1----2,3)-linked alpha-Man residues indicated either that other than (1----6) linkages were present in the main chain or that there was 2,3-branching in the side chains.  相似文献   

Casein kinase type II were isolated by the same procedure, from rat liver, human placenta, Querin carcinoma and yeast, and characterized. The mammalian enzymes were composed of three subunits alpha, alpha' and beta, whereas yeast kinase was composed of two subunits alpha and alpha'. It was shown that the catalytic activity, substrate and phosphate donor specificity, sensitivity to heparin and spermine were the same for all the kinases tested. The results give additional support to the suggestion [1] that the beta subunit is not required for optimal activity and specificity of yeast casein kinase II. The quaternary structure of the yeast enzyme of a molecular weight of approximately 150 000 is proposed as alpha2 alpha'2.  相似文献   

A phosphoprotein of 65 kDa, as determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis, has been isolated from yeast crude extracts. This phospho form copurifies with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the enzyme purification procedure worked out in our laboratory (Tortora, P., Hanozet, G.M. and Guerritore, A. (1985) Anal. Biochem. 144, 179-185). Moreover, both proteins bind strongly to 5'AMP-Sepharose 4B in the presence of Mn2+, whereas a substantially lower binding occurs if Mn2+ is replaced by Mg2+. This binding pattern is consistent with the well-known Mn2+-dependence of yeast phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. These data suggest that the 65-kDa protein might be a phosphorylation product of the native enzyme. Furthermore, although the phospho form is not immunoprecipitated by anti-phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase antibodies, addition of Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B to crude extracts preincubated with the antibodies results in the binding to the resin of the phospho form, thus providing immunological evidence for its identification as a modified form of native enzyme. The same 65-kDa phosphoprotein is detectable in extracts from cells grown in the presence of [32P]Pi, as well as in cell extracts incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. Moreover, digestion of the phosphoprotein with BrCN or with Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase, yields two and three fragments, respectively, which appear parallel to digestion products of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, again supporting the proposed identification. Finally, analysis of the phosphorylated amino acids in the 65-kDa protein shows that phosphoserine is the only labelled phosphoamino acid.  相似文献   

A new procedure for the isolation of homogeneous transketolase from baker's yeast based on the use of enzyme-specific antibodies immobilized on a insoluble matrix has been developed. The enzyme yield is 90% of its total content in the original yeast extract. The eluate from the immunocolumn was found to contain a previously unknown form of transketolase which represents an enzyme-RNA complex.  相似文献   

The capsular polysaccharide of Escherichia coli K1 is a linear polymer of N-acetylneuraminic acid in alpha-2,8 linkage. Certain substrains of E. coli K1 (designated OAc+) modify the polysaccharide by O-acetylation of the sialic acids. We demonstrate here an acetyl-coenzyme A: polysialosyl O-acetyltransferase activity that is found only in E. coli K1 OAc+ substrains. When form variation between the O-acetyl-positive and -negative states occurred in strain D698:K1, the fluctuations were accompanied by appropriate changes in the expression of enzyme activity. Thus, expression of this enzyme can account for the OAc+ phenotype and for the form variation between OAc+ and OAc-. The enzyme was solubilized in nonionic detergent and freed of endogenous acceptor activity by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, and its general properties were determined. Analysis of the reaction product showed a highly preferential acetylation reaction that was confined to polysialosyl units of greater than 14 residues. Acetyl groups were shown to be transferred to both the 7- and the 9-positions of the sialic acid residues. The partially purified enzyme was stable even after prolonged incubation at 57 degrees C. In contrast, any further purification resulted in loss of activity, even at 4 degrees C. Treatment of the stable enzyme with a polysialic acid-specific endoneuraminidase caused a similar loss of enzyme stability. This effect of the endoneuraminidase could be protected against by the addition of exogenous polysialic acid. This indicates that the partially purified enzyme contains traces of endogenous polysialic acid substrate that are required for the stability of the enzyme. Finally, the enzyme can O-acetylate the polysialic acid chains on the eucaryotic protein neural cell adhesion molecule, suggesting that enzymatic recognition of the substrate requires only the polysialic acid sequence.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Sho1 protein is one of two potential osmosensors that can activate the kinase cascade of the HOG pathway in response to increased extracellular osmolarity. Two novel SHO1-like genes, HwSHO1A and HwSHO1B, have been cloned from the saltern-inhabiting, extremely halotolerant black yeast Hortaea werneckii. The HwSho1 protein isoforms are 93.8% identical in their amino-acid sequences, and have a conserved SH3 domain. When the HwSHO1 genes were transferred into S. cerevisae cells lacking the SHO1 gene, both of the HwSho1 isoforms fully complemented the function of the native S. cerevisiae Sho1 protein. Through microscopic and biochemical validation, we demonstrate that in S. cerevisiae, both of the HwSho1 proteins have characteristic subcellular localizations similar to the S. cerevisiae Sho1 protein, and they can both activate the HOG pathway under conditions of osmotic stress. To a lower extent, crosstalk to the mating pathway expressing HwSho1 proteins is conserved in the PBS2 deleted S. cerevisiae strain. These data show that the HwSho1 proteins from H. werneckii are true functional homologs of the Sho1 protein of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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