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Cattle (Bos taurus) are intermediate hosts for three named species of Sarcocystis, S. cruzi, S. hirsuta, and S. hominis. Recently, a fourth species was identified and named S. sinensis. However, S. sinensis originally named a species of Sarcocystis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in China. Based on unverifiable evidence, it was suggested that the same parasite infects cattle. In addition, S. sinensis was recently declared as nomen nudum because its naming violated the rules of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Thus, the fourth species using cattle as an intermediate host does not have a valid name. Here, we propose a new name, Sarcocystis rommeli for the S. sinensis‐like parasite from cattle in Argentina, and differentiate it ultrastructurally from S. hominis sarcocysts from experimentally infected cattle. Sarcocystis rommeli sarcocysts were microscopic with a 5‐μm‐thick wall with slender villar protrusions (Vp); the Vp were up to 5 μm long, up to 0.5 μm wide, and of uneven thickness, often bent at an angle. The ground substance layer (Gs) was up to 0.8 μm thick and smooth. Vesicular structures were seen at the base of the Vp. The bradyzoites were 10–12 μm long. Sarcocystis hominis sarcocysts had Vp that were often upright, up to 7.5 μm long, and up to 1.8 μm wide; the Gs was up to 2 μm thick and without vesicles. Its sarcocyst wall was up to 5.6 μm thick, the vp were bent at an angle, up to 5.8 μm long, the Gs was up to 2 μm thick, but without vesicles seen in S. rommeli. Beef containing sarcocysts of S. rommeli was not orally infectious for two human volunteers and a red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The Sarcocystis described here is molecularly different from S. cruzi, S. hirsuta, and S. hominis based on 18S rRNA and cox1 gene sequences.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis canis n. sp. is proposed for the protozoon associated with encephalitis, hepatitis, and generalized coccidiosis in dogs. Only asexual stages are known in macrophages, neurons, dermal, and other cells of the body. The parasite is located free in the host cell cytoplasm without a parasitophorous vacuole; schizonts divide by endopolygeny. Schizonts are 5-25 x 4-20 microns and contain 6-40 merozoites. Merozoites are approximately 5-7 microns x 1 micron and do not contain rhoptries. The parasite is PAS-negative and reacts with Sarcocystis cruzi antiserum but not with Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, or Caryospora bigenetica antisera in an immunohistochemical test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sarcocystis dubeyella n. sp. and S. phacochoeri n. sp. from muscle fibers of the skeletal musculature of two warthogs in South Africa are described by light and and electron microscopy. Sarcocystis dubeyella sarcocysts are macroscopic (up to 12 mm long and 1 mm wide), with a parasite-induced encapsulation of the host muscle fiber in which the plasma membrane of the latter remained unaltered. The sarcocyst wall is characterized by evenly arranged, irregularly semicircular or rectangular villar protrusions (5.0 T. 2.8-11.0 μm) with indented margins and no specific content. Sarcocystis phacochoeri formed filiform microcysts (up to 4 mm long and 0.13 mm wide). Its cyst wall is provided with tightly packed, molarlike villar protrusions (1.6-3.3 T. 1.7-3.3 μm), with smooth margins, hollow on one side, and with longitudinal condensations of the fine granular matrix at various locations in the interior.  相似文献   

A new species, Sarcocystis lindsayi n. sp., is proposed for a parasite resembling Sarcocystis falcatula. It was obtained from the lungs and muscles of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) fed sporocysts from a naturally-infected South American opossum, Didelphis albiventris, from Jaboticabal, Brazil. Sarcocysts of S. lindsayi n. sp. in budgerigars are microscopic, up to 600 microm long and up to 50 microm wide. The cyst wall is up to 2 microm thick. Ultrastructurally, the sarcocyst wall consists of numerous slender villar protrusions (up to 2.0 microm long and up to 0.3 microm wide), each with a stylet at its tip. Schizonts in cell culture divide by endopolygeny leaving a residual body. Sporocysts are approximately 12 x 7 microm. The parasite is genetically distinct from other organisms that also cycle between opossums and avian species and resemble S. falcatula. Diagnostic genetic variation has been observed in the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1), and each of two other genetic loci. Although the structure of the sarcocyst wall may not provide sufficient grounds for differential diagnosis, several other attributes including schizont morphology and genetic variation at each of these genetic loci permit identification of S. lindsayi n. sp.. Natural intermediate hosts for S. lindsayi n. sp. are not known, and fuller characterization of these and other Sarcocystis species would benefit from experimental avian hosts that are more permissive to the maturation of sarcocysts.  相似文献   

The intermediate hosts for Sarcocystis rileyi (Stiles 1893) Minchin 1913 are ducks (Anas spp.), and the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is its definitive host. The structure of sarcocysts from an experimentally infected shoveler duck (Anas cylpeata) fed sporocysts from an experimentally-infected M. mephitis was studied and compared with type specimens from a naturally infected duck. The experimentally infected duck was killed 154 d after feeding sporocysts. By light microscopy the sarcocyst wall was 3-5 microm thick with indistinct villar protrusions. Ultrastructurally, the sarcocyst wall was a type-23 cyst wall with anastomosing villar protrusions that were up to 7.5 microm long. The villar projections contained filamentous structures. The bradyzoites were 12-14 microm long. Structurally, the sarcocyst from the naturally infected and experimentally infected ducks appeared similar.  相似文献   

Summary A list is given of the present 93 species of the apicomplexan protozoan genus Sarcocystis together with their definitive and intermediate hosts (if known), synonyms, homonyms, lapsi calami, etc. The names of many species of this genus are poorly known, in doubt or controversial due to lack of access to some of the literature and to failure to accept the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.The following taxonomic innovations are introduced: New species—S. nontenella for S. tenella Eble, 1961 [non] S. tenella (Railliet, 1886) from the buzzard Buteo buteo; S. scotti for Sarcocystis sp. from the housemouse completing its sexual development in the tawny owl, Strix aluco (see Tadros & Laarman, 1980); New combinations—S. ctenosauris for Cryptosporidium ctenosauris Duszynski, 1969 from the lizard Ctenosaura similis; S. lampropeltis for Cryptosporodium lampropeltis Anderson, Duszynski & Marquardt, 1968 from the king snake Lampropeltis c. calligaster; S. roudabushi for Isospora roudabushi Pellérdy, 1974 from the gopher snake Pituophis s. sayi; and S. tropicalis for Isospora tropicalis Mukherjea & Krassner, 1965 from the golden jackal Canis aureus.Supported in part by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland research grant AI15367.Supported in part by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland research grant AI15367.  相似文献   

Sarcocysts were found in the skeletal muscles of road-killed and live-trapped opossums collected in north central Florida. Sarcocysts were spindle-shaped and macroscopic and had an average measurement of 3.8 mm by 154.6 microm. Sarcocysts were only observed in skeletal muscle. Sarcocysts have invaginations throughout the sarcocyst wall, which is approximately 1 microm thick. Protrusions on the sarcocyst wall are stumpy and digitlike and contain fibrillar elements that extend from the interior portion of the cyst wall through the villi. A new name, Sarcocystis greineri, is proposed for this species.  相似文献   

The North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is host to at least 3 species of Sarcocystis: Sarcocystisfalcatula, Sarcocystis neurona, and a recently recognized Sarcocystis sp. A new name, Sarcocystis speeri, is proposed for the third unnamed Sarcocystis. Immunodeficient mice are an experimental intermediate host for S. speeri. Sarcocystis speeri sporocysts are 12-15 x 8-10 microm in size, and its schizonts are found in many organs of mice. Sarcocysts of S. speeri are found in skeletal muscles and they are up to 5 mm long and filiform. By light microscopy, the sarcocyst wall is thin (<1 microm thick); ultrastructurally, the cyst wall is up to 1.8 microm thick and has characteristic steeple-shaped villar protrusions surmounted by a spire. Sarcocystis speeri schizonts are morphologically and antigenically distinct from schizonts of S. neurona, and S. speeri sporocysts were not infective to budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus).  相似文献   

Infection with Sarcocystis species is common in herbivores but is rare in bears. Histological sections of 374 black bears (Ursus americanus) from Pennsylvania were examined for sarcocysts. In total, 3 sarcocysts were found in 3 bears, with 1 sarcocyst per section. Sarcocysts from 2 bears were considered a new species, Sarcocystis ursusi. Sarcocysts of S. ursusi n. sp. were microscopic and contained only bradyzoites. By light microscopy, the sarcocyst wall was thin (< 0.5 microm thick) and had minute serrations. Ultrastructurally, the serrations on the sarcocyst wall consisted of villar protrusions (Vp) that were mostly 0.5 microm long. The Vp had bundles of electron-dense microtubules that were as wide as long; these microtubules extended deep into the ground substance layer, a feature that distinguished this species from unnamed sarcocysts from black bear. Bradyzoites were 4.8-6.0 microm long. The sarcocyst from the third bear was structurally different from S. ursusi; its sarcocyst wall was approximately 2 microm thick and had finger-like villi on the cyst wall giving the sarcocyst wall a striated appearance.  相似文献   

There are several reports of Sarcocystis sarcocysts in muscles of dogs, but these species have not been named. Additionally, there are two reports of Sarcocystis neurona in dogs. Here, we propose two new names, Sarcocystis caninum, and Sarcocystis svanai for sarcocysts associated with clinical muscular sarcocystosis in four domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), one each from Montana and Colorado in the USA, and two from British Columbia, Canada. Only the sarcocyst stage was identified. Most of the sarcocysts identified were S. caninum. Sarcocysts were studied using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and polymerase chain reaction. Based on collective results two new species, S. caninum and S. svanai were designated. Sarcocystis caninum and S. svanai were structurally distinct. Sarcocystis caninum sarcocysts were up to 1.2 mm long and up to 75 μm wide. By light microscopy, the sarcocyst wall was relatively thin and smooth. By TEM, the sarcocyst wall was “type 9”, 1–2 μm thick, and contained villar protrusions that lacked microtubules. Bradyzoites in sections were 7–9 μm long. Sarcocysts of S. svanai were few and were identified by TEM. Sarcocystis svanai sarcocysts were “type 1”, thin walled (< 0.5 μm), and the wall lacked villar protrusions but had tiny blebs that did not invaginate. DNA was extracted either from infected frozen muscle biopsies or formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded sections. Dogs were either singly infected with S. caninum or multiply co‐infected with S. caninum and S. svanai (the result of a mixed infection) based on multilocus DNA sequencing and morphology. BLASTn analysis established that the sarcocysts identified in these dogs were similar to, but not identical to Sarcocystis canis or Sarcocystis arctosi, parasites found to infect polar bears (Ursus maritimus) or brown bears (Ursus arctosi), respectively. However, the S. caninum sequence showed 100% identify over the 18S rRNA region sequenced to that of S. arctica, a parasite known to infect Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus).  相似文献   

Two structurally distinct types (A, B) of microscopic sarcocysts were found in muscles of 4 of 5 feral skunks. Type A sarcocysts had sarcocyst walls of up to 6 microm thick. The villar protrusions (Vp) on the sarcocyst wall were up to 5 microm long. The Vp were constricted at the base, expanded in the middle, and had a blunt tip. Numerous microtubules were present in the Vp and in the granular layer. Bradyzoites were up to 11 microm long and up to 3.2 microm wide. Based on the distinctiveness of the Vp, a new name, Sarcocystis mephitisi is proposed for type A sarcocysts. Type B sarcocysts had a relatively thin (approximately 1-2 microm thick) sarcocyst wall and the Vp were slender and tapered toward the tip. These sarcocysts were structurally similar to S. neurona sarcocysts. A Toxoplasma gondii-like tissue cyst was found in a section of tongue of 1 of the 4 skunks.  相似文献   

Of 50 white-throated woodrats (Neotoma albigula) collected from Socorro Co., New Mexico, 21 (42%) had eimerian oocysts in their feces when examined. Of the 21 Neotoma found positive for Eimeria, 19 (90%) harbored a single eimerian species at time of examination. Eimeria albigulae Levine, Ivens & Kruidenier, 1957, was found in 18 (86%), and E. ladronensis n. sp. was found in five (24%) infected woodrats. Sporulated oocysts of E. ladronensis are ellipsoidal, 19-25 X 13-15 (21.4 +/- 1.3 X 14.1 +/- 1.1) micron, have a smooth wall and one or two polar granules, but lack a micropyle and an oocyst residuum. Sporocysts are tapered at one end, 7-10 X 6-7 (8.5 +/- 0.7 X 6.5 +/- 0.3) micron, and have a Stieda body and sporocyst residuum, but no substieda body. Prepatent periods for E. albigulae and E. ladronensis n. sp. are 5-6 and 8-9 days, respectively; patent periods are 7-18 and approximately 11 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Infection with Sarcocystis species is common in many species of animals, but it has not yet been reported in wolverines (Gulo gulo). Histological sections of tongues from 41 wolverines in the Kitikmeot Region, Nunavut, Canada, were examined for sarcocysts. Sarcocysts were found in 33 (80.4%) wolverines. Two structurally distinct types of sarcocysts were found. Type A sarcocysts were thin (<1 μm thick) walled. Ultrastructurally, the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (Pvm) had minute undulations, but it lacked villar protrusions and was not invaginated into the granular layer. The bradyzoites were slender, about 5 × 1 μm in size. Structurally, these sarcocysts were distinct from known species of Sarcocystis and possessed a novel 18S and ITS-1 sequence, sharing 98% and 78% sequence similarity with Sarcocystis canis . A new species name, Sarcocystis kalvikus, is proposed for type A sarcocysts. In contrast, type B sarcocysts had relatively thicker (about 2 μm) cyst walls and larger bradyzoites, each about 10 × 2-3 μm. Ultrastructurally, the Pvm on the sarcocyst wall had villar protrusions that were either mushroom-like or sloping. Molecular analysis identified a unique 18S and ITS-1 sequence that placed them in a clade within the Sarcocystidae. Based on histology, TEM, and genetic data, the new name, Sarcocystis kitikmeotensis, is proposed. Sarcocystis kalvikus was found in 14 (34.1%), S. kitikmeotensis was found in 7 (17%), and both species were found in 12 (29.2%) of 41 wolverines.  相似文献   

Of 50 white-throated woodrats (Neotoma albigula) collected from Socorro Co., New Mexico, 21 (42%) had eimerian oocysts in their feces when examined. Of the 21 Neotoma found positive for Eimeria, 19 (90%) harbored a single eimerian species at time of examination. Eimeria albigulae Levine, Ivens & Kruidenier, 1957, was found in 18 (86%), and E. ladronensis n. sp. was found in five (24%) infected woodrats. Sporulated oocysts of E. ladronensis are ellipsoidal, 19–25 × 13–15 (21.4 ± 1.3 × 14.1 ± 1.1) μm, have a smooth wall and one or two polar granules, but lack a micropyle and an oocyst residuum. Sporocysts are tapered at one end, 7–10 × 6–7 (8.5 ± 0.7 × 6.5 ± 0.3) μm, and have a Stieda body and sporocyst residuum, but no substieda body. Prepatent periods for E. albigulae and E. ladronensis n. sp. are 5–6 and 8–9 days, respectively; patent periods are 7–18 and approximately 11 days, respectively.  相似文献   

This report describes the newly identified Sarcocystis inghami n. sp. from the skeletal muscles of opossums (Mammalia: Didelphidae) that were collected from south central Michigan (42° 43-42° 79N, 84° 18-84°mathtype="display">6'W), USA. The new species is distinguished from all species described from North and South American opossums by the distinctive morphology of the villar protrusions on the cyst wall. Sarcocysts of S. inghami are microscopic, up to 700 m long and 110 m wide. The sarcocyst wall is up to 7 m thick, with long, stalked protrusions which average 5.5 × 1.2 m. These are constricted at the base, expanded laterally, rounded off distally and occasionally bifid. The villar protrusions have numerous microtubules without electron–dense bodies that extend from the tips into the granular layer. Bradyzoites are 10.7 × 4.3 (8––12 × 4––5) m. This is the second species of Sarcocystis sarcocyst described from the Virginia opossum in North America.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations on the invasion and early development of merozoites (bradyzoites) of Sarcocystis muris in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are presented. Invading merozoites cause the host cell plasmalemma to invaginate; they form a membrane junction (moving junction) and move into the host cell where they are enclosed in a primary parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Within 30-45 min after becoming intracellular, merozoites begin to vacate the newly established primary PV and move, forming a new membrane junction, into a secondary PV. Simultaneously with the movement of the parasite, the contents of dense granules in the apical part of the merozoites are shed by exocytosis into the lumen of the developing secondary PV. A lamella of the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell becomes attached to the PV membrane, forming a PV limited by three host cell membranes.  相似文献   

Yang C  Hao H  Liu S  Liu Y  Yue B  Zhang X 《Mitochondrial DNA》2012,23(2):131-133
The Chinese oriental vole (Eothenomys chinensis) belongs to subfamily Arvicolinae, which is endemic to the mountains in southwest China. E. chinensis and other Arvicoline species display a number of features that make them ideal for evolutionary studies of speciation and the role of Quaternary glacial cycles on diversification. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of E. chinensis was sequenced. It was determined to be 16,362 bases. The nucleotide sequence data of 12 heavy-strand protein-coding genes of E. chinensis and other 19 rodents were used for phylogenetic analyses. Trees constructed using three different phylogenetic methods (Bayesian, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood) showed a similar topology demonstrating that E. chinensis was clustered in subfamily arvicolinae--formed a solid monophyletic group being sister to the subfamily Cricetinae. And the trees also suggested that E. chinensis is a sister to the genus Microtus and Proedromys.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations on the invasion and early development of merozoites (bradyzoites) of Sarcocystis muris in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are presented. Invading merozoites cause the host cell plasmalemma to invaginate; they form a membrane junction (moving junction) and move into the host cell where they are enclosed in a primary parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Within 30–45 min after becoming intracellular, merozoites begin to vacate the newly established primary PV and move, forming a new membrane junction, into a secondary PV. Simultaneously with the movement of the parasite, the contents of dense granules in the apical part of the merozoites are shed by exocytosis into the lumen of the developing secondary PV. A lamella of the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell becomes attached to the PV membrane, forming a PV limited by three host cell membranes.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neuronan n. sp. is proposed for the apicomplexan taxon associated with myeloencephalitis in horses. Only asexual stages of this parasite presently are known, and they are found within neuronal cells and leukocytes of the brain and spinal cord. The parasite is located in the host cell cytoplasm, does not have a parasitophorous vacuole, and divides by endopolygeny. Schizonts are 5-35 microns x 5-20 microns and contain 4-40 merozoites arranged in a rosette around a prominent residual body. Merozoites are approximately 4 x 1 micron, have a central nucleus, and lack rhoptries. Schizonts and merozoites react with Sarcocystis cruzi antiserum but not with Caryospora bigenetica. Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia hammondi, or Neospora caninum antisera in an immunohistochemical test.  相似文献   

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