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Large-scale time-evolving networks have been generated by many natural and technological applications, posing challenges for computation and modeling. Thus, it is of theoretical and practical significance to probe mathematical tools tailored for evolving networks. In this paper, on top of the dynamic Estrada index, we study the dynamic Laplacian Estrada index and the dynamic normalized Laplacian Estrada index of evolving graphs. Using linear algebra techniques, we established general upper and lower bounds for these graph-spectrum-based invariants through a couple of intuitive graph-theoretic measures, including the number of vertices or edges. Synthetic random evolving small-world networks are employed to show the relevance of the proposed dynamic Estrada indices. It is found that neither the static snapshot graphs nor the aggregated graph can approximate the evolving graph itself, indicating the fundamental difference between the static and dynamic Estrada indices.  相似文献   

The question of how the structure of a neuronal network affects its functionality has gained a lot of attention in neuroscience. However, the vast majority of the studies on structure-dynamics relationships consider few types of network structures and assess limited numbers of structural measures. In this in silico study, we employ a wide diversity of network topologies and search among many possibilities the aspects of structure that have the greatest effect on the network excitability. The network activity is simulated using two point-neuron models, where the neurons are activated by noisy fluctuation of the membrane potential and their connections are described by chemical synapse models, and statistics on the number and quality of the emergent network bursts are collected for each network type. We apply a prediction framework to the obtained data in order to find out the most relevant aspects of network structure. In this framework, predictors that use different sets of graph-theoretic measures are trained to estimate the activity properties, such as burst count or burst length, of the networks. The performances of these predictors are compared with each other. We show that the best performance in prediction of activity properties for networks with sharp in-degree distribution is obtained when the prediction is based on clustering coefficient. By contrast, for networks with broad in-degree distribution, the maximum eigenvalue of the connectivity graph gives the most accurate prediction. The results shown for small () networks hold with few exceptions when different neuron models, different choices of neuron population and different average degrees are applied. We confirm our conclusions using larger () networks as well. Our findings reveal the relevance of different aspects of network structure from the viewpoint of network excitability, and our integrative method could serve as a general framework for structure-dynamics studies in biosciences.  相似文献   

Biochemical reaction models show a variety of dynamical behaviors, such as stable steady states, multistability, and oscillations. Biochemical reaction networks with generalized mass action kinetics are represented as directed bipartite graphs with nodes for species and reactions. The bipartite graph of a biochemical reaction network usually contains at least one cycle, i.e., a sequence of nodes and directed edges which starts and ends at the same species node. Cycles can be positive or negative, and it has been shown that oscillations can arise as a result of either a positive cycle or a negative cycle. In earlier work it was shown that oscillations associated with a positive cycle can arise from subnetworks with an odd number of positive cycles. In this article we formulate a similar graph-theoretic condition, which generalizes the negative cycle condition for oscillations. This new graph-theoretic condition for oscillations involves pairs of subnetworks with an even number of positive cycles. An example of a calcium reaction network with generalized mass action kinetics is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been given to the statistical significance of topological features observed in biological networks. Here, we consider residue interaction graphs (RIGs) as network representations of protein structures with residues as nodes and inter-residue interactions as edges. Degree-preserving randomized models have been widely used for this purpose in biomolecular networks. However, such a single summary statistic of a network may not be detailed enough to capture the complex topological characteristics of protein structures and their network counterparts. Here, we investigate a variety of topological properties of RIGs to find a well fitting network null model for them. The RIGs are derived from a structurally diverse protein data set at various distance cut-offs and for different groups of interacting atoms. We compare the network structure of RIGs to several random graph models. We show that 3-dimensional geometric random graphs, that model spatial relationships between objects, provide the best fit to RIGs. We investigate the relationship between the strength of the fit and various protein structural features. We show that the fit depends on protein size, structural class, and thermostability, but not on quaternary structure. We apply our model to the identification of significantly over-represented structural building blocks, i.e., network motifs, in protein structure networks. As expected, choosing geometric graphs as a null model results in the most specific identification of motifs. Our geometric random graph model may facilitate further graph-based studies of protein conformation space and have important implications for protein structure comparison and prediction. The choice of a well-fitting null model is crucial for finding structural motifs that play an important role in protein folding, stability and function. To our knowledge, this is the first study that addresses the challenge of finding an optimized null model for RIGs, by comparing various RIG definitions against a series of network models.  相似文献   

Graph theory is a valuable framework to study the organization of functional and anatomical connections in the brain. Its use for comparing network topologies, however, is not without difficulties. Graph measures may be influenced by the number of nodes (N) and the average degree (k) of the network. The explicit form of that influence depends on the type of network topology, which is usually unknown for experimental data. Direct comparisons of graph measures between empirical networks with different N and/or k can therefore yield spurious results. We list benefits and pitfalls of various approaches that intend to overcome these difficulties. We discuss the initial graph definition of unweighted graphs via fixed thresholds, average degrees or edge densities, and the use of weighted graphs. For instance, choosing a threshold to fix N and k does eliminate size and density effects but may lead to modifications of the network by enforcing (ignoring) non-significant (significant) connections. Opposed to fixing N and k, graph measures are often normalized via random surrogates but, in fact, this may even increase the sensitivity to differences in N and k for the commonly used clustering coefficient and small-world index. To avoid such a bias we tried to estimate the N,k-dependence for empirical networks, which can serve to correct for size effects, if successful. We also add a number of methods used in social sciences that build on statistics of local network structures including exponential random graph models and motif counting. We show that none of the here-investigated methods allows for a reliable and fully unbiased comparison, but some perform better than others.  相似文献   

Dehmer M  Sivakumar L 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31395
In this article, we tackle a challenging problem in quantitative graph theory. We establish relations between graph entropy measures representing the structural information content of networks. In particular, we prove formal relations between quantitative network measures based on Shannon's entropy to study the relatedness of those measures. In order to establish such information inequalities for graphs, we focus on graph entropy measures based on information functionals. To prove such relations, we use known graph classes whose instances have been proven useful in various scientific areas. Our results extend the foregoing work on information inequalities for graphs.  相似文献   

Biology presents many examples of planar distribution and structural networks having dense sets of closed loops. An archetype of this form of network organization is the vasculature of dicotyledonous leaves, which showcases a hierarchically-nested architecture containing closed loops at many different levels. Although a number of approaches have been proposed to measure aspects of the structure of such networks, a robust metric to quantify their hierarchical organization is still lacking. We present an algorithmic framework, the hierarchical loop decomposition, that allows mapping loopy networks to binary trees, preserving in the connectivity of the trees the architecture of the original graph. We apply this framework to investigate computer generated graphs, such as artificial models and optimal distribution networks, as well as natural graphs extracted from digitized images of dicotyledonous leaves and vasculature of rat cerebral neocortex. We calculate various metrics based on the asymmetry, the cumulative size distribution and the Strahler bifurcation ratios of the corresponding trees and discuss the relationship of these quantities to the architectural organization of the original graphs. This algorithmic framework decouples the geometric information (exact location of edges and nodes) from the metric topology (connectivity and edge weight) and it ultimately allows us to perform a quantitative statistical comparison between predictions of theoretical models and naturally occurring loopy graphs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The functioning of biological networks depends in large part on their complex underlying structure. When studying their systemic nature many modeling approaches focus on identifying simple, but prominent, structural components, as such components are easier to understand, and, once identified, can be used as building blocks to succinctly describe the network. RESULTS: In recent social network studies, exponential random graph models have been used extensively to model global social network structure as a function of their 'local features'. Starting from those studies, we describe the exponential random graph models and demonstrate their utility in modeling the architecture of biological networks as a function of the prominence of local features. We argue that the flexibility, in terms of the number of available local feature choices, and scalability, in terms of the network sizes, make this approach ideal for statistical modeling of biological networks. We illustrate the modeling on both genetic and metabolic networks and provide a novel way of classifying biological networks based on the prevalence of their local features.  相似文献   

Hubs within the neocortical structural network determined by graph theoretical analysis play a crucial role in brain function. We mapped neocortical hubs topographically, using a sample population of 63 young adults. Subjects were imaged with high resolution structural and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Multiple network configurations were then constructed per subject, using random parcellations to define the nodes and using fibre tractography to determine the connectivity between the nodes. The networks were analysed with graph theoretical measures. Our results give reference maps of hub distribution measured with betweenness centrality and node degree. The loci of the hubs correspond with key areas from known overlapping cognitive networks. Several hubs were asymmetrically organized across hemispheres. Furthermore, females have hubs with higher betweenness centrality and males have hubs with higher node degree. Female networks have higher small-world indices.  相似文献   

Functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) data can be used to depict functional connectivity of the brain. Standard techniques have been developed to construct brain networks from this data; typically nodes are considered as voxels or sets of voxels with weighted edges between them representing measures of correlation. Identifying cognitive states based on fMRI data is connected with recording voxel activity over a certain time interval. Using this information, network and machine learning techniques can be applied to discriminate the cognitive states of the subjects by exploring different features of data. In this work we wish to describe and understand the organization of brain connectivity networks under cognitive tasks. In particular, we use a regularity partitioning algorithm that finds clusters of vertices such that they all behave with each other almost like random bipartite graphs. Based on the random approximation of the graph, we calculate a lower bound on the number of triangles as well as the expectation of the distribution of the edges in each subject and state. We investigate the results by comparing them to the state of the art algorithms for exploring connectivity and we argue that during epochs that the subject is exposed to stimulus, the inspected part of the brain is organized in an efficient way that enables enhanced functionality.  相似文献   

Motivation: Finding a good network null model for protein–proteininteraction (PPI) networks is a fundamental issue. Such a modelwould provide insights into the interplay between network structureand biological function as well as into evolution. Also, network(graph) models are used to guide biological experiments anddiscover new biological features. It has been proposed thatgeometric random graphs are a good model for PPI networks. Ina geometric random graph, nodes correspond to uniformly randomlydistributed points in a metric space and edges (links) existbetween pairs of nodes for which the corresponding points inthe metric space are close enough according to some distancenorm. Computational experiments have revealed close matchesbetween key topological properties of PPI networks and geometricrandom graph models. In this work, we push the comparison furtherby exploiting the fact that the geometric property can be testedfor directly. To this end, we develop an algorithm that takesPPI interaction data and embeds proteins into a low-dimensionalEuclidean space, under the premise that connectivity informationcorresponds to Euclidean proximity, as in geometric-random graphs.We judge the sensitivity and specificity of the fit by computingthe area under the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve.The network embedding algorithm is based on multi-dimensionalscaling, with the square root of the path length in a networkplaying the role of the Euclidean distance in the Euclideanspace. The algorithm exploits sparsity for computational efficiency,and requires only a few sparse matrix multiplications, givinga complexity of O(N2) where N is the number of proteins. Results: The algorithm has been verified in the sense that itsuccessfully rediscovers the geometric structure in artificiallyconstructed geometric networks, even when noise is added byre-wiring some links. Applying the algorithm to 19 publiclyavailable PPI networks of various organisms indicated that:(a) geometric effects are present and (b) two-dimensional Euclideanspace is generally as effective as higher dimensional Euclideanspace for explaining the connectivity. Testing on a high-confidenceyeast data set produced a very strong indication of geometricstructure (area under the ROC curve of 0.89), with this networkbeing essentially indistinguishable from a noisy geometric network.Overall, the results add support to the hypothesis that PPInetworks have a geometric structure. Availability: MATLAB code implementing the algorithm is availableupon request. Contact: natasha{at}ics.uci.edu Associate Editor: Olga Troyanskaya  相似文献   

The brainstem reticular formation is a small-world, not scale-free, network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, it has been demonstrated that several complex systems may have simple graph-theoretic characterizations as so-called 'small-world' and 'scale-free' networks. These networks have also been applied to the gross neural connectivity between primate cortical areas and the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. Here, we extend this work to a specific neural circuit of the vertebrate brain--the medial reticular formation (RF) of the brainstem--and, in doing so, we have made three key contributions. First, this work constitutes the first model (and quantitative review) of this important brain structure for over three decades. Second, we have developed the first graph-theoretic analysis of vertebrate brain connectivity at the neural network level. Third, we propose simple metrics to quantitatively assess the extent to which the networks studied are small-world or scale-free. We conclude that the medial RF is configured to create small-world (implying coherent rapid-processing capabilities), but not scale-free, type networks under assumptions which are amenable to quantitative measurement.  相似文献   

A faithful modeling of real-world dynamical systems necessitates model evaluation. A recent promising methodological approach to this problem has been based on complex networks, which in turn have proven useful for the characterization of dynamical systems. In this context, we introduce three local network difference measures and demonstrate their capabilities in the field of climate modeling, where these measures facilitate a spatially explicit model evaluation. Building on a recent study by Feldhoff et al. [1] we comparatively analyze statistical and dynamical regional climate simulations of the South American monsoon system. Three types of climate networks representing different aspects of rainfall dynamics are constructed from the modeled precipitation space-time series. Specifically, we define simple graphs based on positive as well as negative rank correlations between rainfall anomaly time series at different locations, and such based on spatial synchronizations of extreme rain events. An evaluation against respective networks built from daily satellite data provided by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3B42 V7 reveals far greater differences in model performance between network types for a fixed but arbitrary climate model than between climate models for a fixed but arbitrary network type. We identify two sources of uncertainty in this respect. Firstly, climate variability limits fidelity, particularly in the case of the extreme event network; and secondly, larger geographical link lengths render link misplacements more likely, most notably in the case of the anticorrelation network; both contributions are quantified using suitable ensembles of surrogate networks. Our model evaluation approach is applicable to any multidimensional dynamical system and especially our simple graph difference measures are highly versatile as the graphs to be compared may be constructed in whatever way required. Generalizations to directed as well as edge- and node-weighted graphs are discussed.  相似文献   

One way to describe the spread of an infection on a network is by approximating the network by a random graph. However, the usual way of constructing a random graph does not give any control over the number of triangles in the graph, while these triangles will naturally arise in many networks (e.g. in social networks). In this paper, random graphs with a given degree distribution and a given expected number of triangles are constructed. By using these random graphs we analyze the spread of two types of infection on a network: infections with a fixed infectious period and infections for which an infective individual will infect all of its susceptible neighbors or none. These two types of infection can be used to give upper and lower bounds for R(0), the probability of extinction and other measures of dynamics of infections with more general infectious periods.  相似文献   

Directed information theory deals with communication channels with feedback. When applied to networks, a natural extension based on causal conditioning is needed. We show here that measures built from directed information theory in networks can be used to assess Granger causality graphs of stochastic processes. We show that directed information theory includes measures such as the transfer entropy, and that it is the adequate information theoretic framework needed for neuroscience applications, such as connectivity inference problems.  相似文献   

Jin SH  Lin P  Hallett M 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28682
We investigated the large-scale functional cortical connectivity network in focal hand dystonia (FHD) patients using graph theoretic measures to assess efficiency. High-resolution EEGs were recorded in 15 FHD patients and 15 healthy volunteers at rest and during a simple sequential finger tapping task. Mutual information (MI) values of wavelet coefficients were estimated to create an association matrix between EEG electrodes, and to produce a series of adjacency matrices or graphs, G, by thresholding with network cost. Efficiency measures of small-world networks were assessed. As a result, we found that FHD patients have economical small-world properties in their brain functional networks in the alpha and beta bands. During a motor task, in the beta band network, FHD patients have decreased efficiency of small-world networks, whereas healthy volunteers increase efficiency. Reduced efficient beta band network in FHD patients during the task was consistently observed in global efficiency, cost-efficiency, and maximum cost-efficiency. This suggests that the beta band functional cortical network of FHD patients is reorganized even during a task that does not induce dystonic symptoms, representing a loss of long-range communication and abnormal functional integration in large-scale brain functional cortical networks. Moreover, negative correlations between efficiency measures and duration of disease were found, indicating that the longer duration of disease, the less efficient the beta band network in FHD patients. In regional efficiency analysis, FHD patients at rest have high regional efficiency at supplementary motor cortex (SMA) compared with healthy volunteers; however, it is diminished during the motor task, possibly reflecting abnormal inhibition in FHD patients. The present study provides the first evidence with graph theory for abnormal reconfiguration of brain functional networks in FHD during motor task.  相似文献   

The development of kernel-based inhomogeneous random graphs has provided models that are flexible enough to capture many observed characteristics of real networks, and that are also mathematically tractable. We specify a class of inhomogeneous random graph models, called random kernel graphs, that produces sparse graphs with tunable graph properties, and we develop an efficient generation algorithm to sample random instances from this model. As real-world networks are usually large, it is essential that the run-time of generation algorithms scales better than quadratically in the number of vertices n. We show that for many practical kernels our algorithm runs in time at most 𝒪(n(logn)2). As a practical example we show how to generate samples of power-law degree distribution graphs with tunable assortativity.  相似文献   

The application of data-driven time series analysis techniques such as Granger causality, partial directed coherence and phase dynamics modeling to estimate effective connectivity in brain networks has recently gained significant prominence in the neuroscience community. While these techniques have been useful in determining causal interactions among different regions of brain networks, a thorough analysis of the comparative accuracy and robustness of these methods in identifying patterns of effective connectivity among brain networks is still lacking. In this paper, we systematically address this issue within the context of simple networks of coupled spiking neurons. Specifically, we develop a method to assess the ability of various effective connectivity measures to accurately determine the true effective connectivity of a given neuronal network. Our method is based on decision tree classifiers which are trained using several time series features that can be observed solely from experimentally recorded data. We show that the classifiers constructed in this work provide a general framework for determining whether a particular effective connectivity measure is likely to produce incorrect results when applied to a dataset.  相似文献   

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