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Summary Testis follicles of Lepidoptera contain a large somatic cell termed Verson's cell. The present study focuses on the structure of Verson's cells and neighbouring germ cells in the Mediterranean mealmoth, Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae), using electron microscopy, antitubulin immunofluorescence, and phalloidin incubation for the visualization of microfilaments. Verson's cells of young larvae are connected with the follicle boundary and show large areas containing packages of glycogen particles, whereas Verson's cells of pupae lie freely within the testis follicle and are largely devoid of glycogen. Both developmental stages of Verson's cells have in common the presence of a dense cytoplasmic network of microtubules. A juxtanuclear subset of the cytoplasmic microtubule array is recognized by an antibody against acetylated microtubules. This indicates that more stable microtubules exist in this region. Microfilaments are arranged parallel to the cytoplasmic microtubules. The microtubule-microfilament-complex forms a cytoskeleton that may keep larger organelles, such as mitochondria and lysosomes, in a juxtanuclear position. Chromatin within the nuclei of Verson's cells is largely decondensed and nuclear pores are abundant. This indicates a high synthetic activity within the cells. The development of cells directly attached to Verson's cells, viz. prespermatogonia, may be controlled by the Verson's cells. Prespermatogonia, which differ in cytoplasmic density from spermatogonia further away from Verson's cells, may represent stem cells that give rise to spermatogonia and somatic cyst cells upon detachment from Verson's cells. This suggestion is compatible with the low division rate of prespermatogonia.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of the flagellar base and the flagellar necklace during spermatogenesis in a moth (Ephestia kuehniella Z.). Until mid-pachytene, two basal body pairs without flagella occur per cell. The basal bodies, which contain a cartwheel complex, give rise to four flagella in late prophase I. The cartwheel complex appears to be involved in the nucleation of the central pair of axonemal microtubules. In spermatids, there is one basal body; this is attached to a flagellum. At this stage, the nine microtubular triplets of the basal body do not terminate at the same proximal level. The juxtanuclear triplets are shifted distally relative to the triplets distant from the nuclear envelope. Transition fibrils and a flagellar necklace are formed at the onset of axoneme elongation. The flagellar necklace includes Y-shaped elements that connect the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. In spindle-containing spermatocytes, the flagellar necklace is no longer detectable. During spermatid differentiation, the transition fibrils move distally along the axoneme and a prominent middle piece appears. Our observations and those in the literature indicate certain trends in sperm structure. In sperms with a short middle piece, we expect the presence of a flagellar necklace. The distal movement of the transition fibrils or equivalent structures is prevented by the presence of radial linkers between the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. On the other hand, the absence of a flagellar necklace at the initiation of spermiogenesis enables the formation of a long middle piece. Thus, in spermatozoa possessing an extended middle piece, a flagellar necklace may be missing.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Retinula im Ommatidium der Mehlmotte besteht aus einer wechselnden Anzahl (9–12, meist 11) langgestreckter, prismatischer Sinneszellen. Außerdem enthält jede Retinula nahe der Basalmembran im Zentrum zwischen diesen distalen Retinulazellen noch eine basale Retinulazelle. Die Längsachse der Retinula wird von der Achsenstruktur eingenommen, die aus Mikrovilli besteht. Ihr distaler Teil ist der Achsenfaden, der breitere, proximale Teil bildet das Rhabdom. Dieses erscheint im Querschnitt meist vierstrahlig gelappt, da seine Außenseite in Längsrichtung tief gekehlt ist. Der Rhabdomquerschnitt gliedert sich in mehrere Schöpfe parallel angeordneter Mikrovilli (Rhabdomsektoren); jeder Rhabdomsektor besteht aus 1 oder 2 Rhabdomeren. Die basale Retinulazelle entsendet einen kleinen Schopf von Mikrovilli in die proximale Spitze des Rhabdoms. Die distalen Retinulazellen setzen sich proximal in Neuriten fort, welche sich in Einkehlungen der basalen Retinulazelle bzw. der Tracheenendzelle einschmiegen. Jeweils eine Tracheole durchbricht zusammen mit dem Neuritenstrang einer Retinula die Basalmembran; sie verzweigt sich distal zu ca. 30 Tracheolen, die die Retinula umhüllen.Die Kristallkegelzellen grenzen distal an die Cornea; proximal laufen die Kristallkegelzellen eines Ommatidiums in einen gemeinsamen Fortsatz aus, der zwischen den Retinulazellen unmittelbar am Achsenfaden endet. — Nur das helladaptierte Auge wurde untersucht. Hierbei erscheint im distalen Teil der Retinula nur der Achsenfaden lichtdurchlässig, das Cytoplasma der Retinulazellen hingegen von Pigmentgrana durchsetzt und für Licht undurchlässig.
Fine structure of the eye of the meal moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralididae)
Summary In each ommatidium of the meal moth a retinula is formed from a varying number (9–12, mostly 11) of elongated, prismatic sense cells. In addition, a basal retinular cell is situated near the basement membrane in the center of the other (distal) retinular cells. The axis of the retinula is occupied by many microvilli forming the axial structure, the distal section of which is the slender axial thread. Proximally, the axial structure widens (to 8.5 m instead of 1 m in diameter) and is now called rhabdom. Cross sections of the rhabdom mostly look like a petaloid with four petals; this figure is due to longitudinal infoldings along the length of the rhabdom surface. The rhabdom cross section is subdivided into several brushes of microvilli (rhabdom sectors), each one being characterized by an approximately parallel arrangement of its microvilli. One rhabdom sector may be composed of one or two rhabdomeres respectively.The basal retinular cell participates in rhabdom formation through a small brush of microvilli at the proximal end of the rhabdom. Proximally, the distal retinular cells taper into slender neurites which are embedded in grooves at the surface of the basal retinular cell and the tracheal end cell respectively. One tracheole piercing the basement membrane together with the neurites of one retinula branches into about 30 tracheoles surrounding the retinula.The crystalline cone cells touch the cornea; proximally, their cytoplasm forms a point which eventually terminates amongst the distal tips of the retinular cells, immediately at the axial thread.—Our work was restricted to light adapted eyes; in this condition, light transmission in the distal part of the retinula seems to be blocked by retinular cell pigment except inside the axial thread.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Connections were found between retinula cells of adjacent retinula cell columns in the eye of Ephestia. The connections occur most frequently at the level of the retinula cell nuclei and may involve two or more retinula columns simultaneously. The absence of specialized structural modifications of the membranes and the presence of pigment granules at the level of the connections or distal to them indicates that these connections are probably not involved in selective chemical or electrical communication nor in light transmission. It is suggested that the connections may serve tactily to coordinate cytoplasmic movement in adjacent retinula columns during light-dark adaptation.Senior U. S. Scientist Awardee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Thanks to Prof. Dr. A. Fischer for his suggestions and assistance.  相似文献   

The parasitism rates by Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) using Ephestia kuehniella Zell. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) eggs held at 0, 4 and 8°C and for up to 31 days was measured. Parasitism was lowest on eggs held at 8°C and highest on eggs held at 0°C. The highest parasitism, 97.8%, was measured for parasitoids attacking eggs held for 3 days and stored at 0°C. Parasitism of eggs stored at all three temperatures decreased with increasing duration of storage. The number of T. cacoeciae successfully developing and emerging as adults after storage in E. kuehniella eggs held at 0, 4 and 8°C was measured. Parasitoid emergence was >83% from E. kuehniella eggs stored at 8°C for 3 weeks. Storage at 0°C caused a significant decline in parasitoid emergence after 2 weeks (P<0.05). Storage at 0°C for more than 4 weeks reduced fecundity by 50%. T. cacoeciae parasitized the highest number of E. kuehniella eggs 1 day after adult emergence. The oviposition period lasted 6–7 days, although the parasitoids lived up to 13–14 days. Impact of storage time and temperature on parasitism rates by T. cacoeciae stored while in E. kuehniella eggs was measured. As storage time and temperature increased, subsequent parasitism rates of resulting adult T. cacoeciae decreased. Eggs of E. kuehniella can be stored at 0°C for up to 31 days. Trichogramma cacoeciae developing in eggs of E. kuehniella can be stored at 4°C for up to 5 weeks prior to release.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis isolates were recovered from numerous sources including soil, grain dust, plant leaves, diseased insect larvae from insectariums and sericulture environments. B. thuringiensis strains were isolated using acetate selection method with 0.025?M. concentration. The morphology of crystals was studied using light microscopy. Bioassay tests were conducted on Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (L.) as well as Pieris brassicae (L.). Based on the results, 35 B. thuringiensis strains were isolated from 140 samples. Majority of strains (%31.42) had bipyramidal crystals. There was a significant difference in toxicity to insects among B. thuringiensis isolates; 28.57 and 14.28% of the isolates were toxic to the larvae of P. brassicae and E. kuehniella, respectively, causing more than 50% mortality. Results indicated that B. thuringiensis isolates with insecticidal activity could be used in integrated pest management to control farm and stored product pests.  相似文献   

T. Hori  Ø. Moestrup 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):137-148
Summary While green algae usually lack one of the outer dynein arms in the axoneme, flagella of the octoflagellated prasinophytePyramimonas octopus possess dynein arms on all peripheral doublets. The outer dynein arm on doublet no. 1 is modified, and additional structures are associated with doublets no. 2 and 6. The flagellar scales are asymmetrically arranged. Thus the two rows of thick flagellar hairscales are displaced towards doublet no. 6,i.e., in the direction of the effective stroke of each flagellum. The underlayer of small scales includes two nearly opposite double rows scales, arranged in the longitudinal direction of the flagellum. The hairscales emerge from these rows. The double rows are separated on one side by 9, on the other by 11 rows of helically arranged scales. The central pair of microtubules twists, but the axoneme itself (represented by the 9 peripheral doublets), does not seem to rotate. The flagella are arranged in two groups, showing modified 180° rotational symmetry. The effective strokes of the two central flagella are exactly opposite, while the other flagella beat in six intermediate directions.  相似文献   

A genetic method for the suppression of Lepidopteran pests has been investigated in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. The method is based on the release of males trans-heterozygous for two sex-linked recessive lethal mutations (SLRLMs). In this paper, characteristics of 16 new SLRLMs are presented. The construction of a balanced lethal strain, BL-2, which was the last step to develop the method, is reported. Males of the strain are balanced for two non-allelic SLRLMs, sl-2 and sl-15. Females carry either sl-2 or sl-15 in their Z chromosome and the T(W;Z)2 translocation on their W chromosome. The translocation includes wild-type alleles of both lethal loci so that the females are viable. Matings between males of the BL-2 strain and normal females of the wild-type strain gave 99.74% male progeny. Exceptional females were due to recombination between the sl-2 and sl-15 loci. Thus, males of the BL-2 strain have a potential to suppress wild populations of the pest. Another envisaged use of this method is for an effective sexing technique.  相似文献   

Four Trichogramma species were recovered in the field from eggs of carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The oviposition rates of Trichogramma oleae, Trichogramma cacoeciae, Trichogramma evanescens and Trichogramma bourarachae were compared when presented either E. ceratoniae or Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). T. oleae and T. bourarachae did not parasitise either species of Lepidoptera.  相似文献   


A study was made on the developmental rhythms of Ephestia kuehniella during different photoperiods: constant lighting (L/L), under conditions of 12 hours light per day (L/D) and in constant darkness (D/D). Observations were made every 2 hrs, for 3 successive 24‐hr periods, of the number of wandering larvae emerging from food, the number of pupations and of imaginai moults. Emergence of wandering larvae is rhythmic only under L/D conditions, and in addition this is also affected by the density of the larvae. Rhythm is least apparent with greatest density of the larvae. Pupation in E. kuehniella is a non‐rhythmic process with each of the photoperiods examined, whereas the imaginai moult is characterized by an endogenous (existing under D/D conditions) rhythm. Emergence of imagines is non‐rhythmic under L/L, and also when pupae under L/D fail to receive the final period of darkness. The rhythm of the imaginai moult is possibly controlled by the biological clock, which stops under conditions of constant light.  相似文献   

In a previous study, barrel-shaped spindles were found in metaphase I oocytes of Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera). Aster microtubules (MTs) were missing (Wolf, 1993: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 24:200-204). This points to an acentriolar organization of the spindle apparatus. The present study was aimed at the question of whether gamma-tubulin, a newly detected member of the tubulin superfamily that has often been identified in microtubule-organizing centers, plays a role in the nucleation of MTs in meiotic spindles of the moth. To this end, the distribution of gamma tubulin was examined in oocytes of E. kuehniella using an antibody against gamma-tubulin in combination with indirect immunofluorescence. The antibody evenly decorated spindle MTs in metaphase I oocytes of the moth. Enhanced staining of the spindle poles was not detectable In subsequent stages of meiosis, gamma-tubulin was gradually lost from spindle MTs and was then found at the surface of the so-called elimination chromatin. Female meiosis in Lepidoptera is achiasmatic. The elimination chromatin, i.e., modified and persisting synaptonemal complexes, is believed to keep homologous chromosomes linked until the onset of anaphase I. In meiosis I of female Lepidoptera, the elimination chromatin persists at the spindle equa or between the segregating chromatin masses. It is plausible to assume that gamma-tubulin is involved in spindle organization in the absence of canonical centrosomes. In MTs of metaphase II spindles of E. kuehniella, gamma-tubulin was no longer detectable with our immunological approach. This points to a far-reaching change in spindle organization during transition from meiosis I to meiosis II. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of the native cactus moth borer, Melitara prodenialis, and the invasive cactus moth borer, Cactoblastis cactorum, on two common cactus species, Opuntia stricta and O. humifusa at coastal and inland locations in central Florida. Opuntia stricta were present only at coastal sites and O. humifusa were present at coastal and inland sites. Throughout the duration of the study, coastal plants were subject to damage solely by C. cactorum and inland plants solely by M. prodenialis. Results showed marginally significantly higher numbers of eggsticks on O. stricta than O. humifusa and significantly higher numbers at coastal sites than at inland sites. There was also significantly higher moth damage on O. stricta than O. humifusa and at coastal sites than inland sites, but not significantly so. However, there was a higher level of plant mortality for O. humifusa than for O. stricta and a significantly higher level of cactus mortality at inland sites when compared to coastal sites. This increased mortality may be due to increased attack by true bugs, Chelinidea vittiger, and by Dactylopius sp., combined with attack by M. prodenialis. Inland plants also tended to be smaller than coastal plants and could be more susceptible to the combined effects of all insects. Further long-term research on coastal cactus survival when attacked and unattacked by Cactoblastis is necessary to fully determine the effects of this moth on Opuntia survival.  相似文献   

[目的] 桉小卷蛾是桉树、番石榴等林木和果树的一种重要害虫。为确定桉小卷蛾成虫触角上的感器对寻找生存环境及对外界环境的各种刺激所起的作用,研究了桉小卷蛾触角感器的种类、形态和分布。[方法] 利用扫描电镜对桉小卷蛾成虫触角感器进行了详细观察和研究。[结果] 桉小卷蛾雌、雄蛾触角由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,触角的外侧面覆盖有鳞片;雄性触角略短于雌虫,且鞭节近1/4处有一凹陷。共发现7种感器,即鳞形感器、毛形感器、锥形感器、腔锥形感器、耳形感器、刺形感器和Böhm氏鬃毛,其中以毛形感器数量最多。[结论] 桉小卷蛾雌雄成虫触角的感器种类、分布、数量有一定的规律但又有差异。建议应用气相-触角电位联用技术GC-EAD和触角电位EGA等技术进一步解析触角感器的功能。  相似文献   

Microspreads of gonads are usually employed to analyse the behaviour of the synaptonemal complexes during meiosis. We show in the present report that microspread preparations can be used for the study of polyfusomes as well. Polyfusomes are bridge systems which, as a result of incomplete cleavage, interconnect germ cells in both sexes of higher insects. In spread preparations using gonads of both sexes of a moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae), the polyfusomes appear as threads of material of medium electron density. The threads are branched when later developmental stages are observed. Remnants of the electron-dense contractile rings are visible and signal the position of a preceding cleavage. The comparison of a branched spread polyfusome with the reconstruction of a fully differentiated serially sectioned polyfusome from a moth ovary, shows that spread preparations, while more rapid and less costly, visualize the bridge system properly. Polyfusomes interconnecting male germ cells show numerous ramifications. It appears difficult to preserve them in their full size in whole-mount preparations. Large polyfusomes probably fragment during the spreading procedure. Nevertheless, visualization of polyfusomes and associated contractile rings in spread preparations opens new inroads for the study of the composition and the behaviour of these components.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus of aPleurochrysis, a coccolithophorid was studied in detail. Three major fibrous connecting bands and several accessory fibrous bands link the basal bodies, haptonema and microtubular flagellar roots. The asymmetrical flagellar root system is composed of three different microtubular roots (referred to here as roots 1,2, and 3) and a fibrous root. Root 1, associated with one of the basal bodies, is of the compound type, constructed of two sets of microtubules,viz. a broad sheet consisting of up to twenty closely aligned microtubules, and a secondary bundle made up of 100–200 microtubules which arises at right angles to the former. A thin electron-dense plate occurs on the surface of the microtubular sheet opposite the secondary bundle. The fibrous root arises from the same basal body and passes along the plasmalemma together with the microtubular sheet of root 1. Root 2 is also of the compound type and arises from one of the major connecting bands (called a distal band) as a four-stranded microtubular root and extends in the opposite direction to the haptonema. From this stranded root a secondary bundle of microtubules arises at approximately right angle. Root 3 is a more simple type, composed of at least six microtubules which are associated with the basal body. The flagellar transition region was found to be unusual for the classPrymnesiophyceae. The phylogenetic significance of the flagellar apparatus in thePrymnesiophyceae is discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusion (3Z,6Z,9Z)-1,3,6,9-nonadecatetraene, the synthetic sex pheromone of the female of O. brumata is highly active in attracting males of this species in the field (Germany and Switzerland). No analogous compounds possessing attractivity to O. brumata males have been found up to now, nor did they show any inhibitory effects to the same species.Therefore (3Z,6Z,9Z)-1,3,6,9-nonadecatetraene (I) can be recommended as a good attractant in the prognosis or monitoring of this lepidopteran pest.  相似文献   

Preimaginal development and adult longevity and reproduction of Dichochrysa prasina Burmeister were studied at six constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 27, 30 and 33 °C) and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Eggs of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) were used as food throughout preimaginal development, whereas the adults of D. prasina fed on a liquid diet of water, yeast hydrolysate, sugar and honey. At the highest tested temperature of 33 °C no larvae completed their development. At the rest of the tested temperatures the egg to adult developmental period ranged from approximately 92 days at 15 °C to 25 days at 30 °C. Percentages of adult emergence ranged from 36% at 15 °C to 84% at 30 °C. Both adult longevity and fecundity were significantly affected by temperature and the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) reached its maximum value at 27 °C. These results could be useful for the establishment of a small scale rearing and mass production of D. prasina.  相似文献   

Abstract The distal swellings of growing flagella in spermatocytes of Ephestia kuehniella Z. contain dense material associated with the ends of axonemal microtubules. In order to define the nature of this material, spermatocytes were lysed under microtubule-stabilizing conditions, spun onto cover-slips, probed with an antibody against β-tubulin and processed for indirect immunofluorescence. Whereas the dense material was lost from the cells when untreated spermatocytes were used, a block of stained material was visible in cold-treated spermatocytes. Most probably, cold-treatment alters the dense material and guarantees its survival during preparation of the cells for anti-tubulin immunofluorescence. The positive reaction with the antibody indicates the presence of β-tubulin. Flagellar outgrowth in spermatogenesis of the moth starts in late prophase I and continues throughout both meiotic divisions. Therefore, spindles and flagella compete for tubulin monomers. A tubulin reserve, deposited early in development at the elongating tip of axonemes, may ensure their uninterrupted growth, independent of tubulin-consuming cytoplasmic events. In order to test this hypothesis, flagellar outgrowth was studied in the spermatocytes of a long-horned beetle, Agapanthia villosoviridescens de Geer (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) using electron microscopy. In this species, flagella begin to elongate only in telophase II, when the second meiotic spindle is just disassembling. The absence of dense material at the tip of flagellar stubs in the beetle corroborates the hypothesis formulated above.  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis and cytokinesis have been studied in the green algaZygnema C. A. Agardh using interference-contrast light and transmission electron microscopy. At prophase, the nucleolus disintegrates and numerous extranuclear microtubules near the nuclear periphery penetrate into the nucleoplasm. When aligned in the equatorial plane of the open metaphase spindle the chromosomes are coated with persistent nucleolar fragments. At anaphase, vacuoles intrude into the interzonal spindle region and seemingly contribute to the anaphase movement of the chromosomes. At telophase, the spindle is persistent and the reforming nuclei are separated by cytoplasmic strands containing microtubules, interspersed with vacuoles. Extensive bundles of microtubules, dictyosomes and parallel, slightly inflated ER-profiles extend from the poles of the telophase nucleus along the longitudinal side of the chloroplast. Conceivably, these microtubules guide the nucleus during its post-mitotic migration towards its central interphase position between the two halves of the dividing chloroplast. Throughout the mitotic cycle, ubiquitous dictyosomes, positioned near the chloroplast core, seem very active. Arrays of microtubules run towards these dictyosomes and may conduct the dictyosome-vesicles to the cleavage plane. At metaphase, septum growth becomes visible as an annular ingrowth of the plasmalemma. At late telophase or at entering interphase, an extensive clump of vesicles, associated with longitudinal bundles of microtubules, appears between the leading edges of the advanced furrow. Apparent fusion of these vesicles with the head of the centripetally-growing furrow results in its completion. The pattern of mitosis and cytokinesis inZygnema is compared with that of closely related green algae.  相似文献   

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