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Although widely studied in mammals, little information about fish peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) is yet available. As a baseline for future studies, the three PPAR isotypes were identified in brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) and their organ distribution pattern was established. The cDNA fragments encoding PPARs alpha, beta and gamma were amplified by PCR, and the deduced sequences of the correspondent peptides were compared with other species sequences. Both the 183 amino acid sequence from PPARalpha and the 103 amino acid sequence from PPARbeta shared high levels of homology with the correspondent peptides of other fishes and terrestrial vertebrates, whereas PPARgamma 108 amino acid sequence showed much less similarity with non-fish PPARgamma. According to both semi-quantitative RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR, PPARalpha mRNA predominates in white muscle, heart and liver and PPARbeta is more expressed in testis, heart, liver, white muscle and trunk kidney. PPARgamma was only detected in trunk kidney and liver by real-time RT-PCR and also in spleen by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. PPARbeta seems to be the most strongly expressed isotype, whereas PPARgamma shows a much weaker global expression.  相似文献   

Epizootics in brown trout have been observed in the course of the last three years in a fish farm in the North West of the Fed. Rep. Germany. Only in 1988 sick fish exhibited the typical pathological signs as described for the viral hemorrhagic septicemia of trout. The virus isolated from moribund and healthy looking brown trout was identified as VHSV strain F1.


VHSV-F 1 bedingte Fischsterhen hei Bachforellen (Salmo trutta fario)
Fischsterben während der letzten drei Jahre bei unter teichwirtschaftlichen Bedingungen produzierten Bachforellen, wurden in einem Forellenzuchtbetrieb im Nord-Westen der Bundesrepublik Deutsch-land beobachtet. Während der ersten zwei Jahre (1986/1987) zeigten die Fische keine eindeutigen klinischen Symptome und waren virologisch und bakteriologisch negativ; 1988 zeigten die erkrankten Fische pathologisch anatomische Anzeichen, wie sie für die virale hämorrhagische Septikämie beschrieben worden sind. Das von kranken sowie von gesundaussehenden Bachforellen isolierte Virus wurde als VHSV-F1 identifiziert.


Epizooties causées par VHSV-F1 chez la truìte de rivière (Salmo trutta fario)
Des épizooties ont été observées au cours des trois dernières années chez la truite de rivière dans une aquaculture dans le nord-ouest de la R.F.A. C'est seulement en 1988 que les poissons montraient les signes pathologiques typiques décrits pour la septicémic hémorragique virale de la truite de rivière. Le virus isolé chez des truites moribondes et apparemment saines a été identifié comme étant VHSV, souche F1.  相似文献   

We present a hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM) to estimate the growth parameters, production, and production over biomass ratio (P/B) of resident brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) populations. The data which are required to run the model are removal sampling and air temperature data which are conveniently gathered by freshwater biologists. The model is the combination of eight submodels: abundance, weight, biomass, growth, growth rate, time of emergence, water temperature, and production. Abundance is modeled as a mixture of Gaussian cohorts; cohorts centers and standard deviations are related by a von Bertalanffy growth function; time of emergence and growth rate are functions of water temperature; water temperature is predicted from air temperature; biomass, production, and P/B are subsequently computed. We illustrate the capabilities of the model by investigating the growth and production of a brown trout population (Neste d'Oueil, Pyrénées, France) by using data collected in the field from 2005 to 2010.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine and compare the phenotypic variation in Çoruh trout (Salmo coruhensis), Rize trout (Salmo rizeensis), brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and their native hybrids (S. rizeensis × S. t. fario; S. t. fario × S. coruhensis; S. rizeensis × S. coruhensis). The numbers and diameters of red and black spots were determined on operculum, fins and above and below the lateral line. The results from this study indicate that there were differences in spotting pattern, colour pattern or fin pigmentation traits between S. rizeensis, S. t. fario, S. coruhensis and their hybrids. Consequently, native S. rizeensis, S. t. fario and S. coruhensis were affected by interaction and phenotypic plastic aspects of traits in S. rizeensis were dominant in their hybrids (S. rizeensis × S. t. fario; S. rizeensis × S. coruhensis).  相似文献   

1. Pyrenean brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) from 200 to 1700 g were analysed in lots of 12 specimens in March, April, July and October 1988, and in January 1989. 2. Hormones (insulin, glucagon, cortisol) and metabolites (glucose, lactate, proteins, triglycerides) were determined in plasma. 3. Body parameters (length and weight) increased progressively, while plasma metabolites and hormones were more dependent on seasonal and sexual conditions. 4. Plasma insulin presented a maximum in spring (11 ng/ml) and a minimum in January (5 ng/ml). A clear relationship between insulin and annual growth rates was established. Plasma glucagon showed annual values between 700 and 1500 pg/ml, with significant seasonal variations. The molar ratio glucagon/insulin oscillated from 0.21 in January to 0.38 in July. 5. Plasma glucose variations agreed with those of pancreatic hormones, especially evident with glucagon levels. Proteins were more uniform throughout year, and plasma lipids were especially associated to the reproductive state in females.  相似文献   

Morphological studies on the effect of low pH on egg shells (chorion) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynrhus mykiss Walbaum (formerly Salmo gairdneri ), and brown trout, Salmo trutta f. fario L., showed that the plugs of the outer layer of the chorion, which block the channels of the underlying layer, developed distinctive vacuolization at low pH exposure. This may lead to loss of chorional semi-permeability. Chorions were incompletely degraded at low pH inducing hatching problems. Partially hatched alevins showed only a small local zone of dissolution of the chorion around the head of the embryo preventing the larvae from being freed.  相似文献   

Despite the absence of lobulation, light microscopy of serial sections of the liver of brown trout, Salmo trutta fario, reveals that the stromal elements are spatially organized as venous–biliary–arteriolar tracts (VBAT), venous–arteriolar tracts (VAT), biliary–arteriolar tracts (BAT), venous–biliary tracts (VBT), biliary tracts (BT), arteriolar tracts (AT), and isolated veins. These components are not two- but three-dimensional entities, and the anatomical interrelationships among all entities are displayed. The VBAT, VAT, and VBT are considered portal tracts; the adjacent parenchymal zones are viewed as periportal areas. The veins emerging from those tracts are regarded as afferent, and related with periportal zones. The veins that do not communicate with the VBAT, VAT, or VBT are viewed as efferent. Only serial sectioning allows a definite recognition of afferent from efferent isolated veins. The morphometric study discloses that isolated veins occupy around 60% of the stromal areas. Nevertheless, the VBAT, VAT, and BT are also considerably important, occupying variable proportions of the stromal areas (8–12%). The VBT and BAT are less important in quantitative terms. No sexual diffences appear in either qualitative or quantitative terms. There is no structural support for an eventual macroorganization of hepatic tissues. It is suggested that the quantitative data can be useful, as standards for the normal hepatic architecture of brown trout. The paper emphasizes the importance of a general structural model for the fish liver and of the use of an internationally acceptable nomenclature. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The study of the sensory organs of the trout labyrinth by means of electron microscopy show that hair cells differentiate gradually in these organs; all of them produce new cells over a long period. The course of cytodifferentiation follows a similar pattern in all organs. Afferent nerve fibers and terminals are found at approximately the same time that sensory cells are being differentiated; the efferent synapses appear latter in development. The maturation of the both types of synapses is described. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The gross development of the trout inner ear between embryonic and juvenile stages was studied by light microscopy. The otocyst has already formed in 3–4 mm embryos. The semicircular canals begin to separate from the utriculo-saccular cavity in 6 mm embryos, the anterior canal first, then the posterior and the horizontal canal later. The formation of the saccular cavity begins in 7 mm embryos, whereas that of the lagena occurs in 18 mm fry. The first macular primordia appear before the separation of cavities. The anterior and horizontal crests arise from the primordium of the utricular macula, and the posterior crest, macula lagena, and macula neglecta arise from that of the saccular macula. The macula lagena and macula neglecta appear later. The sensory areas of the labyrinth and the number of receptor cells grow continuously between the embryonic and juvenile stages. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Huge efforts have been made during the past decades to improve the water quality and to restore the physical habitat of rivers and streams in western Europe. This has led to an improvement in biological water quality and an increase in fish stocks in many countries. However, several rheophilic fish species such as brown trout are still categorized as vulnerable in lowland streams in Flanders (Belgium). In order to support cost‐efficient restoration programs, habitat suitability modeling can be used. In this study, we developed an ensemble of habitat suitability models using metaheuristic algorithms to explore the importance of a large number of environmental variables, including chemical, physical, and hydromorphological characteristics to determine the suitable habitat for reintroduction of brown trout in the Zwalm River basin (Flanders, Belgium), which is included in the Habitats Directive. Mean stream velocity, water temperature, hiding opportunities, and presence of pools or riffles were identified as the most important variables determining the habitat suitability. Brown trout mainly preferred streams with a relatively high mean reach stream velocity (0.2–1 m/s), a low water temperature (7–15°C), and the presence of pools. The ensemble of models indicated that most of the tributaries and headwaters were suitable for the species. Synthesis and applications. Our results indicate that this modeling approach can be used to support river management, not only for brown trout but also for other species in similar geographical regions. Specifically for the Zwalm River basin, future restoration of the physical habitat, removal of the remaining migration barriers and the development of suitable spawning grounds could promote the successful restoration of brown trout.  相似文献   

The toxicity of fluoride to brown trout fry (Salmo trutta) was tested using groups of 100 animals in tapwater containing 29 ppm calcium with sodium fluoride added. Resultts obtained were similar to published work on S. gairdnerii although, taking into account the ‘calcium effect’, it appears that the animals used in this investigation may be more sensitive.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-linked microsatellite data and parental assignment data for a group of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) provide evidence of closer spatial aggregation among fry sharing greater numbers of MHC class I alleles under natural conditions. This result confirms predictions from laboratory experiments demonstrating a hierarchical preference for association of fry sharing MHC alleles. Full-siblings emerge from the same nest (redd), and a passive kin association pattern arising from limited dispersal from the nest (redd effect) would predict that all such pairs would have a similar distribution. However, this study demonstrates a strong, significant trend for reduced distance between pairs of full-sibling fry sharing more MHC class I alleles reflecting their closer aggregation (no alleles shared, 311.5 ± (s.e.)21.03 m; one allele shared, 222.2 ± 14.49 m; two alleles shared, 124.9 ± 23.88 m; P<0.0001). A significant trend for closer aggregation among fry sharing more MHC class I alleles was also observed in fry pairs, which were known to have different mothers and were otherwise unrelated (ML-r = 0) (no alleles: 457.6 ± 3.58 m; one allele (422.4 ± 3.86 m); two alleles (381.7 ± 10.72 m); P<0.0001). These pairs are expected to have emerged from different redds and a passive association would then be unlikely. These data suggest that sharing MHC class I alleles has a role in maintaining kin association among full-siblings after emergence. This study demonstrates a pattern consistent with MHC-mediated kin association in the wild for the first time.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, kin-biased behavior of young browntrout (Salmo trutta) was observed. The aggressiveness shownby groups of familiar siblings (siblings reared together sincefertilization) and groups of unfamiliar siblings (siblings rearedapart since fertilization) was significantly lower comparedto that of mixed groups of two unrelated sibling groups (offspringof two different pairs of parents). The evolution of kin-biasedbehavior, as shown by a reduction in aggressiveness, is assumedto have evolved through a kin-selective mechanism.[Behav Ecol7: 445-450 (1996)]  相似文献   

Synopsis Brown trout (Salmo trutta) were more efficient than Arizona trout (Salmo apache) in eating brine shrimp at starlight (10–4 fL) light levels. Arizona trout required light levels moonlight (10–3 fL) to feed. In bright light (50 fL), brown trout utilized cover to a much greater extent in both field and laboratory. Our study indicates that factors other than competition for food or habitat are probably causing the displacement of Arizona trout by brown trout when browns are stocked into the native habitat of Arizona trout.  相似文献   

D. R. Swift 《Hydrobiologia》1962,20(3):241-247
Summary The annual and diurnal activity cycle for four naturally feeding brown trout separately confined in netting cages on the bed of Windermere is described. All the fish showed a similar annual cycle of maximum activity during May and June, one fish showing a second activity peak during the autumn. The fish also showed a similar diurnal activity rhythm of low activity during the night and increased activity during the day with a pronounced increase at dawn.The possible influence of light and temperature on the fishes activity is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The immune response of the brown trout Salmo trutta to lipopolysaccharide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brown trout produced high molecular weight, thermostable, dithiothreitol sensitive, non-precipitating, complement-fixing antibodies and agglutinins to lipopolysaccharides after intramuscular injection with adjuvant. Antibodies were first detected on Day 14 and reached maximum titres after 56 to 63 days when a single injection was given. When either a second or a third injection was administered maximum titres occurred 34 to 40 days after the injection. After each injection the titres increased significantly, and the protein concentration of the sera was significantly decreased. In cellulose acetate electrophoresis experiments those bands which migrated in the β- to γ-globulin regions were increased.
Antibody-secreting and antigen-binding cells were detected on Days 8 and 4 respectively and maxima were reached between Day 16 and Day 18. The number of cells per 106 lymphoid cells was higher in the spleen than in the kidney.  相似文献   

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