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我国是全球生物多样性大国,拥有包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎、麋鹿、白鱀豚等特有物种和旗舰物种在内的丰富兽类资源。近几十年来,土地利用模式转变、盗猎、环境污染、气候变化等因素使许多兽类物种面临生存威胁,导致物种遗传多样性丧失。而遗传多样性是生物多样性的基本组成部分,决定了物种和种群能否长期生存。保护遗传学作为保护生物学的一大分支学科,旨在通过遗传学分析探明种群遗传变异和物种濒危的遗传学机制。近40年来,随着研究手段和技术的不断发展,我国兽类保护遗传学在遗传多样性和近交水平评估、景观遗传学、生态遗传学和圈养种群遗传管理等方面都取得了重要成果。然而,未来人类社会发展可能为濒危兽类带来的威胁依然存在,高通量测序等新技术的进一步发展则能够帮助我们更加深入地了解濒危物种和种群遗传适应与濒危机制,从而实现对濒危兽类的有效管理与保护。  相似文献   

Conservation genetics and genomics are two independent disciplines that focus on using new techniques in genetics and genomics to solve problems in conservation biology. During the past two decades, conservation genetics and genomics have experienced rapid progress. Here, we summarize the research advances in the conservation genetics and genomics of threatened vertebrates (e.g., carnivorans, primates, ungulates, cetaceans, avians, amphibians and reptiles) in China. First, we introduce the concepts of conservation genetics and genomics and their development. Second, we review the recent advances in conservation genetics research, including noninvasive genetics and landscape genetics. Third, we summarize the progress in conservation genomics research, which mainly focuses on resolving genetic problems relevant to conservation such as genetic diversity, genetic structure, demographic history, and genomic evolution and adaptation. Finally, we discuss the future directions of conservation genetics and genomics.  相似文献   

Documenting the basic patterns of biodiversity and accurately determining the priority areas are the first steps for conservation studies. Threatened species and IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red Lists are among the widely used tools to identify protected areas. Turkey is one of the most important biodiversity centres in the world. The plant diversity of Turkey with over 30% endemic species of approximately 12000 natural vascular plant taxa is well documented through use of a Grid System. However, Turkey has suffered heavy anthropogenic effects having been a settlement for many civilisations throughout the history of humankind. Therefore, Turkey needs a quantitative evaluation of the importance of different grid squares for conserving plant diversity. This paper offers a quantitative approach for aiding the identification of priority areas for biodiversity conservation by analysing the threatened plants in each grid square in terms of endemism, risk categories and distribution characteristics. The grid squares (nearly 220 x 170 km2) were then classified within four different groups in terms of their conservation importance. This national-level information can be used for further research and decision-making processes for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Puccinellia pungens (Pau) Paunero is a narrowly endemic grass found in two continental saline lagoons of north-eastern Spain. This rare plant has been classified as 'at risk of extinction' in several national and European catalogues of endangered species. Recent demographic studies indicate that population sizes greatly exceed several million individuals, challenging that threat category. Our genetic analysis, based on allozymes, has shown that in spite of the large population sizes, very low levels of genetic variation were found in P. pungens . Genetic variation was similar in most populations, but the largest, Gallocanta lagoon as a whole, had less variation (35% polymorphic loci, 1.4 alleles/locus, H T = 0.038) than the more restricted Royuela range (45% polymorphic loci, 1.5 alleles/locus, H T = 0.056), suggesting a recent population expansion of the Gallocanta populations from few founder lines. The low genetic distances among populations also suggest a recent divergence. The low genetic variation observed cannot be explained fully by eventual clonal spread and rare seedling establishment in the hypersaline environment. This low variation seems to result from extreme recent population bottlenecks as a consequence of habitat conversion to agricultural fields. In the light of our data, it seems unlikely that reinforcement of populations could increase the genetic diversity of the populations. Hence, conservation efforts should focus on avoiding further habitat loss of this endangered steppe grass species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 269–281.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of geminivirus infecting wild plants in Japan   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Few studies have been made on the molecular divergence of plant viruses. To remedy this deficiency, we examined the molecular divergence of the tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TLCV). TLCV infects not only tobacco but alsoEupatorium andLonicera in the field and causes yellow vein disease. A total of 29 nucleotide sequences of the replication protein gene (ORF C1) of geminiviruses infecting wild plants ofE. makinoi, E. glehni andL. japonica collected from ten localities was determined. Highly divergent sequences were obtained not only among host plant populations but also within a host population. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the TLCVs infectingEupatorium andLonicera were clustered into three different clades, and were either paraphyletic or polyphyletic. This result is the first evidence demonstrating that wild populations of single plant species possess genetically diversified virus strains. Comparison with recently reported genetic variations of tobacco mild green mosaic tobamovirus (TMGMV) revealed three characteristics of TLCV evolution: (1) a higher nucleotide substitution rate, (2) more frequent migration among geographically isolated host populations, and (3) more frequent host changes to different plant families. While TMGMV is an RNA virus, TLCV has DNA genomes. In animal viruses, RNA viruses tend to evolve faster than DNA viruses. Our results indicated that this trend may not hold for plant viruses.  相似文献   

We investigated the major patterns of plant rarity in sub-Saharan Africa, and looked for the most significant gaps in the reserve network of the region in terms of representing the distribution of threatened and geographically rare plants. Comparisons of the species ranges captured by the network of reserves were made against the proportion of species captured by randomly generated sets of areas and against a theoretical near minimum set of areas that represent all species once. At this scale of analysis, the network of large IUCN-coded reserves (the official ‘protected areas’) performs poorly against random and systematic selection procedures. Significant gaps in the IUCN-coded protected areas are in coastal Gabon/Cameroon, in the various tropical montane forest areas (Cameroon Highlands, Eastern Arc Mountains, Ethiopian Mountains), in lowland coastal eastern Africa, and in the South African Cape. Some of these gaps, for example in the Eastern Arc and eastern African coastal regions, are covered on the ground by a network of Forest Reserves under the management of national Forestry Authorities. The networks of Forest Reserves in Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Sierra Leone also fill reservation gaps for rare African plants in these countries. Upgrading the conservation status of some key Forest Reserves, which has been gradually happening for some decades, is proposed as an efficient way to enhance the protected area network of the Afrotropical region for the conservation of rare African plant species.  相似文献   

Molecular genetics of sulfate assimilation in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sulfate assimilation pathway is the primary route by which higher plants obtain the sulfur necessary for growth. Sulfur is involved in a myriad of processes of central importance in metabolism. In the past few years much has been learned about this pathway and its regulation through analysis'of the genes encoding the enzymes and proteins that make up the sulfate assimilation pathway. The recent molecular genetic analysis builds on the biochemical and physiological groundwork of past studies. Further, gene analysis has provided the opportunity to compare directly the evolution of sulfate assimilation in plants and other organisms.,  相似文献   

生物技术在花卉植物遗传育种上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李辛雷  陈发棣 《广西植物》2005,25(2):134-141
生物技术的发展为花卉植物种质资源的研究、创新及新品种培育提供了更多的途径。该文对花卉植 物的离体保存、分子标记及细胞工程、基因工程在花卉植物种质创新方面的研究进展及取得的成果进行了综 述,并对存在的问题及今后的发展方向进行了探讨,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

居群遗传学原理及其在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
居群遗传学在珍稀濒危植物保护研究中有着重要的应用价值。本文首先介绍了居群遗传学中的几个重要概念——有效居群大小、近交繁殖、遗传漂变和基因流,然后详细叙述了居群遗传学原理在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用途径和前景。  相似文献   

AFLP and ISSR markers were used to determine the genetic variations in eight mangrove and non-mangrove populations of Heritiera littoralis (Sterculiaceae), a threatened species in China. Our results showed a moderate to high level of genetic variation in this species (P = 63.69%, HT = 0.20 for AFLP; P = 76.07%, HT = 0.22 for ISSR), and a relatively high level of genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.24 for AFLP and 0.27 for ISSR). Life history traits, long-distance dispersal of floating seeds, and local environments may play important roles in shaping the genetic diversity and genetic structure of this species. Investigation of the plant’s reproductive capacity showed that the natural seed production of H. littoralis was low, as was the germination rate and the transformation rate from juvenile to adult. H. littoralis is seriously threatened and is in urgent need of conservation in China.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of allozyme variation were surveyed in collections of cultivated and wild sorghum from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Data for 30 isozyme loci from a total of 2067 plants representing 429 accessions were analyzed. Regional levels of genetic diversity in the cultivars are greater in northern and central Africa compared to southern Africa, the Middle East, or Asia. The spatial distribution of individual alleles at the most variable loci was studied by plotting allele frequencies on geographic maps covering the distribution of sorghum. Generally, many of the alleles with frequencies below 0.25 are localized in specific portions of the range and are commonly present in more than one race in that region. Several alleles occur in both wild and cultivated sorghum of one region and are absent from sorghum elsewhere, suggesting local introgression between the wild and cultivated forms. Although the same most common allele was found in the wild and cultivated gene pools at 29 of the 30 loci, phenetic analyses separated the majority of wild collections from the cultivars, indicating that the two gene pools are distinct. Wild sorghum from northeast and central Africa exhibits greater genetic similarities to the cultivars compared to wild sorghum of northwest or southern Africa. This is consistent with the theory that wild sorghum of northeast-central Africa is ancestral to domesticated sorghum. Wild sorghums of race arundinaceum of northwest Africa and race virgatum from Egypt are shown to be genetically distinct from both other forms of wild sorghum and from the cultivars. Suggestions for genetic conservation are presented in light of these data.  相似文献   

Erigeron breviscapus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz. is an important Chinese herb in treating cerebral infarction and heart diseases, which is increasingly endangered because of over-harvesting and habitat fragmentation. We applied AFLP method to investigate its genetic diversity and population structure in order to make efficient conservation strategies. The results indicated a relatively low intraspecific genetic diversity and feeble genetic differentiation among populations, and no Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) was detected. The relationships between population genetic diversity and populations' distributions (latitude, longitude and altitude) were tested, and the genetic diversity of each population (HPOP) positively correlated with the populations' distribution altitudes. The suitable germinating and growing conditions and less human disturbance at the higher latitude regions might be attributable for this phenomenon. For conservation purpose, an ex situ conservation measure for the populations of E. breviscapus with large size in higher altitude regions should be conserved in priority.  相似文献   

Eusociality and male haploidy of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) enhance the deleterious effects of population decline and aggravate the degeneration of population fitness compared to solitary and diploid species. The highly dispersive male sex may be the prime driver to connect otherwise isolated populations. We therefore studied the temporal and spatial structure of the male population of Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) and Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758) using microsatellite DNA markers. We found that the majority of the males in a 1000 m2 sampling area originated from colonies located outside of the workers foraging range, which was consistent with the genetic distances among colonies. The analyses of temporal population sub-structure based on both colony detection rate over time and the clustering software STRUCTURE consistently suggested one large and temporally unstructured male population. Our results indicate an extended male flight distance for both species. Though the range of queen dispersal remains to be studied, the effective size (N e) of bumblebees is increased by extended male mating flight ranges (A m ) exceeding worker foraging distance by factor 1.66 (A m  = 69.75 km2) and 1.74 (A m  = 13.41 km2), B. terrestris and B. lapidarius, respectively. Thus this behaviour may counteract genetic deprivation and its effects. All populations were genetically highly diverse and showed no signs of inbreeding. We discuss the implications of our findings in context of bumblebee population dynamics and conservation. We also highlight the effects and benefits of sampling both workers and males for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has received much attention in the fields of evolutionary and conservation biology because of its potential implications in many biological processes. New insights into the gene structure and evolution of MHC genes can be gained through study of additional lineages of birds not yet investigated at the genomic level. In this study, we characterized MHC class II B genes in five families of birds of prey (Accipitridae, Pandionidae, Strigidae, Tytonidae, and Falconidae). Using PCR approaches, we isolated genomic MHC sequences up to 1300 bp spanning exons 1 to 3 in 26 representatives of each raptor lineage, finding no stop codons or frameshift mutations in any coding region. A survey of diversity across the entirety of exon 2 in the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni reported 26 alleles in 21 individuals. Bayesian analysis revealed 21 positively selected amino acid sites, which suggests that the MHC genes described here are functional and probably expressed. Finally, through interlocus comparisons and phylogenetic analysis, we also discuss genetic evidence for concerted and transspecies evolution in the raptor MHC.  相似文献   

The endangered herb Kirengeshoma palmata, from eastern Asia, has had its population severely reduced in number through habitat loss and fragmentation. All of the individuals within five subgroups at Mt. Baek-un-san, in the southern part of Korea, were genetically surveyed by allozyme analysis. Genetic diversity levels within subgroups were relatively high, and a consistently high outcrossing rate as well as a negligible biparental mating rate were confirmed by this study. Several groups of visibly connected ramets were observed in a clustered distribution which suggested cloning. Absence of mating partner rather than pollinators decreased seed production in small mating groups. The present genetic structure of the five subgroups was probably the result of local extinction of intervening populations. Because K. palmata may be a self-incompatible species, populations with few genets face lowered seed set due to mate scarcity. Thus, this type of population may be at an increased risk of extinction as a result of inbreeding depression, loss of genetic variability, and reduced sexual reproduction. The small, genetically depauperate subgroups may need an input of seeds or plants from other populations in China or Japan in order to regenerate, but the possibility of outcrossing depression leads us to recommend outbreeding among the local subgroups of Mt. Baek-un-san to restore genetic variability.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic parameters of 11 weedy rye populations located in California's northern mountain area and the adjoining Oregon border were compared with those of the putative parents, wild species Secale montamim and cultivated rye S. cereale. All weedy populations exhibited high levels of genetic variation as determined by isozyme analysis. On average, 44% of the isozyme loci were polymorphic, total genetic diversity was 0.30; and number of alleles per locus was 1.65. High genetic identities, averaging 0.994 ± 0.005 between populations, indicated that little genetic differentiation has occurred among these weedy populations since the initial colonization. Lack of population differentiation could be attributed to a wind-pollinated, self-incompatible breeding system resulting in extensive gene flow among weedy populations, and between weedy populations and local cultivars of rye. Multilocus outcrossing rates of weedy populations ranged from 0.86 to 0.97. The estimated levels of gene flow using the private-alleles method were high among weedy populations, and between cv Merced and weedy populations, with estimated Nm values of 14.50 and 8.21, respectively. The colonizing success of weedy rye is discussed and a strategy for its conservation recommended.  相似文献   

In order to understand the particular challenges that medicinal plant conservation and management raise at the global level, it is necessary to address issues pertaining their distribution and the environments where they grow. When reviewing medicinal plant studies from eight countries in four regions we found that a high proportion of the reported medicinal plants had wide distributions across countries and continents. Most plants are found wild (40.5%) or naturalized (33.9%), while only 3.3% are cultivated. Since many species are distributed in wild conditions, cultivated and naturalized in several continents, conservation and management interventions would be best served through collaboration between host countries.  相似文献   

S. Iida  Y. Kadono 《Limnology》2001,2(1):51-53
Enzyme electrophoresis was performed to investigate the genetic variation of Potamogeton anguillanus Koidz. in Lake Shinji, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The collection was made in six local populations along the coast of the lake, and a total of 78 shoot samples were obtained. No variation among samples occurred in the six enzymes analyzed, and the whole population in Lake Shinji was proved to consist of only a single multienzyme phenotype. Clonal growth without sexual reproduction may have resulted in the genetic uniformity. The implication of the lack of genetic variation is briefly discussed from the viewpoint of conservation of the species in Lake Shinji. Received: July 11, 2000 / Accepted: October 5, 2000  相似文献   

Tapiscia sinensis is a Tertiary relict and endangered tree species with unique scientific research value and great economic value. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity of five wild T. sinensis populations from different geographical regions using 10 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Our results reveal that the natural populations of T. sinensis have rich genetic diversity (PPL = 100%, He = 0.6904, I = 1.4368), with Shannon's index indicating that the T. sinensis populations are at a relatively stable stage. Of the genetic relationships among populations, the distance between the Hunan Yanling (YL) and Guizhou Xifeng (XF) populations is the smallest (0.4829); the genetic distance between the Shaanxi Ningshan (NS) and the Guizhou Xifeng (XF) populations is the largest (0.9821). A Mantel test shows that there is no correlation among the populations between geographic distance and genetic distance. AMOVA suggest that 33.3% of the genetic variation arose among the populations, while 66.7% of the variation arose within them. The moderate gene flow among populations (Nm = 0.7274) is not sufficient to counteract genetic drift within the populations and result in significant differentiation (Fst = 0.2987). Our results will benefit the conservation and exploitation of T. sinensis and provide a theoretical basis for further study of the evolution and phylogeography of the species.  相似文献   

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