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Using a "slit camera" recording technique, we have examined the effects of local laser irradiation of cilia of the gill epithelium of Mytilus edulis. The laser produces a lesion which interrupts epithelial integrity. In artificial sea water that contains high K+ or is effectively Ca++ free, metachronism of the lateral cilia continues to either side of the lesion with only minor perturbations in frequency synchronization and wave velocity, such as would be expected if metachronal wave coordination is mechanical. However, in normal sea water and other appropriate ionic conditions (i.e., where Ca++ concentration is elevated), in addition to local damage, the laser induces distinct arrest responses of the lateral cilia. Arrest is not mechanically coordinated, since cilia stop in sequence depending on stroke position as well as distance from the lesion. The velocity of arrest under standard conditions is about 3 mm/s, several orders of magnitude faster than spreading velocities associated with diffusion of materials from the injured region. Two responses can be distinguished on the basis of the kinetics of recovery of the arrested regions. These are (a) a nondecremental response that resembles spontaneous ciliary stoppage in the gills, and (b) a decremental response, where arrest nearer the stimulus point is much longer lasting. The slower recovery is often periodic, with a step size approximating lateral cell length. Arrest responses with altered kinetics also occur in laterofrontal cilia. The responses of Mytilus lateral cilia resemble the spreading ciliary arrest seen in Elliptio and arrest induced by electrical and other stimuli, and the decremental response may depend upon electrotonic spread of potential change produced at the stimulus site. If this were coupled to transient changes in Ca++ permeability of the cell membrane, a local rise in Ca++ concentration might inhibit ciliary beat at a sensitive point in the stroke cycle to produce the observed arrest.  相似文献   

High-affinity folate binding in human prostate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of3H-folate in Triton X-100 solubilized human prostate homogenate was of a high-affinity type and displayed apparent positive cooperativity typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4, but rapid at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography reveled two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 and 25kDa), but only one single band (Mr65–70 kDa) was detectable on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein. Concentration of folate binding protein in prostate homogenate expressed as maximum3H-folate binding was 1.10 nmol/g protein, and the cross-reactivity with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein serum was 15% as determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (median values; n=6).  相似文献   

High-affinity3H-folate binding in Triton X-100 solubilized human mammary gland tissue displayed characteristics, e.g. apparent positive cooperativity and increasing affinity with decreasing concentration of folate binding protein, shown to be typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4. A major fraction of the bound radioligand dissociated rapidly at pH 3.5, while a residual binding of 20% persisted even after prolonged dialysis at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography revealed two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 kDa and 25 kDa). However, only one single band was detectable on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting. The highest folate binding activity per g protein was associated with the upper triglyceride-containing layer of the 1000 g supernatant of the homogenate. The folate binding protein extracted from this layer had a low cross-reactivity (<5%) with rabbit antibodies against 25 kDa human milk folate binding protein. The folate binding protein in the 1000 g pellet and the aqueous phase of the 1000 g supernatant was present at a low concentration and had a cross-reactivity of 100%.  相似文献   

High-affinity binding of3H-folate in Triton X-100 solubilized membranes of human liver displayed characteristics, e.g. apparent positive cooperativity, which are typical of specific folate binding. Ultrogel® AcA 44 chromatography of solubilized membranes saturated with3H-folate revealed a major peak of 100 kDa and a minor peak of 25 kDa. The 100 kDa peak could represent a hydrophobic membrane associated molecular form of the protein. This notion was supported by the fact that the two peaks had identical molecular weights as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Equilibrium dialysis studies on competitive binding of 59FeCl3 to xanthine oxidase and citrate or ATP have been carried out. Iron binding to the enzyme was observed in the presence of 0.1 mM of either chelator, suggesting that xanthine oxidase is likely to have iron bound in many in vitro experimental systems and raising the possibility that it may be able to compete for intracellular chelatable iron. One high-affinity-binding site per monomer was found, with an affinity constant of 5 × 1012 M−1. The significance of this iron as a Fenton reaction catalyst is discussed.  相似文献   

Oocyte membrane fragments bind specifically radioiodinated VLD lipoprotein (very-low density lipoprotein) and LD lipoprotein (low-density lipoprotein). Competitive binding assays showed 2-3 times more VLD lipoprotein than LD lipoprotein bound at 4 degrees C. Equilibrium-binding data revealed the presence of one class of non-interacting sites for VLD lipoprotein (kD 12 microgram/ml) and co-operative binding for LD lipoprotein. The binding of VLD lipoprotein showed a distinct pH maximum at 5.3, whereas an indistinct maximum at about pH 7.3 was observed for LD lipoprotein. Unlabelled VLD lipoprotein did compete with 125I-labelled LD lipoprotein binding, but unlabelled LD lipoprotein did not compete with 125I-labelled VLD lipoprotein binding. VLD lipoprotein binding was inhibited by HD lipoprotein (high-density lipoprotein), but not by lysozyme, collagen, poly-L-lysine or poly-L-arginine; LD lipoprotein binding was inhibited by lysozyme and collagen, but not by HD lipoprotein. On the basis of these studies, we suggest that: (1) VLD lipoprotein and LD lipoprotein enter the oocytes by a receptor-mediated transport mechanism; (2) the receptors for VLD lipoprotein and LD lipoprotein are distinct; and (3) the binding of LD lipoprotein to chicken oocyte membranes differs from that to other cell types.  相似文献   

Saturable, high-affinity binding sites for [3H]spiroperidol can be demonstrated in crude suspensions of mussel gill tissue. This binding shows stereospecificity toward the d- and l-isomers of butaclamol. Competition studies show that both dopamine and serotonin can displace [3H]spiroperidol from binding sites at nanomolar concentrations. Evidence is presented that suggests that the [3H]spiroperidol-binding sites can be divided into two distinct groups: those with high affinity for dopamine and those with high affinity for serotonin.  相似文献   

Binding sites on human lymphocytes for prostaglandins were examined by incubating cells with [3H]prostaglandin (PG) A1, E1, E2, F, and F. Specific reversible binding for [3H]PGE1 and E2 was found with a Kd of ~2 × 10?9M and a B max of ~200 binding sites per cell, assuming uniform distribution. We detected no specific binding of [3H]PGA1, F, or F to lymphocytes. Also, the addition of 10- to 1000-fold greater amounts of unlabeled PGA, F, or F did not inhibit the binding of [3H]PGE. The time course of [3H]PGE binding appeared to be bimodal with one component complete within 5 min at 37 °C and another component of binding increasing over a 40-min incubation. We feel that the rapid component of binding may represent cell surface receptors for PGE while the slower component may represent a specific uptake mechanism for PGE into the cell. Glass adherent cells had fewer binding sites than nonadherent cells. Preincubation of the cells overnight resulted in a loss of binding sites.  相似文献   

The specific recognition by mitochondria of the precursor of porin and the insertion into the outer membrane were studied with a radiolabeled water-soluble form of porin derived from the mature protein. High-affinity binding sites had a number of 5-10 pmol/mg mitochondrial protein and a ka of 1-5 X 10(8) M-1. Binding was abolished after trypsin pretreatment of mitochondria indicating that binding sites were of protein-aceous nature. Specifically bound porin could be extracted at alkaline pH but not by high salt and was protected against low concentrations of proteinase K. It could be chased to a highly protease resistant form corresponding to mature porin. High-affinity binding sites could be extracted from mitochondria with detergent and reconstituted in asolectin-ergosterol liposomes. Water-soluble porin competed for the specific binding and import of the precursor of the ADP/ATP carrier, an inner membrane protein. We suggest that (i) binding of precursors to proteinaceous receptors serves as an initial step for recognition, (ii) the receptor for porin may also be involved in the import of precursors of inner membrane proteins, and (iii) interaction with the receptor triggers partial insertion of the precursor into the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Binding ofl-[3H]glutamate to membranes from whole chick retina and from subcellular fractions enriched with photoreceptor terminals (P1), or terminals from the inner plexiform layer (P2) was studied. Na+-dependent and Na+-independent binding to these membranes was demonstrated. Na+-independent binding was stereospecific. Kinetic analysis of the binding process indicated a single high-affinity system (K B=0.55 M) with a capacity of approximately 20 pmoles/mg protein in all the membrane fractions. [3H]Glutamate binding to P1 and P2 fractions was effectively displaced by several structural analogues of glutamate. Glutamate diethyl-ester appreciably displaced binding, whereas kainic acid did not displace bound glutamate. Data indicate the binding of [3H]glutamate to physiologically relevant receptors in the chick retina.  相似文献   

Human low-molecular-weight kininogen (LK) was shown by fluorescence titration to bind two molecules of cathepsins L and S and papain with high affinity. By contrast, binding of a second molecule of cathepsin H was much weaker. The 2:1 binding stoichiometry was confirmed by titration monitored by loss of enzyme activity and by sedimentation velocity experiments. The kinetics of binding of cathepsins L and S and papain showed the two proteinase binding sites to have association rate constants kass,1 = 10.7-24.5 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 and kass,2 = 0.83-1.4 x 10(6) M-1 s-1. Comparison of these kinetic constants with previous data for intact LK and its separated domains indicate that the faster-binding site is also the tighter-binding site and is present on domain 3, whereas the slower-binding, lower-affinity site is on domain 2. These results also indicate that there is no appreciable steric hindrance for the binding of proteinases between the two binding sites or from the kininogen light chain.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectrum of camel lens zeta-crystallin, a major protein in the lens of camelids and histicomorph rodents, showed maximum emission at 315 nm. This emission maximum is blue shifted compared to most proteins, including alpha-crystallin, and appeared to be due to tryptophan in highly hydrophobic environment. Interaction of NADPH with zeta-crystallin quenched the protein fluorescence and enhanced the fluorescence of bound NADPH. Analysis of fluorescence quenching suggested high-affinity interaction between NADPH and zeta-crystallin with an apparent Km<0.45 microM. This value is at least an order of magnitude lower than that suggested by activity measurements. Analysis of NADPH fluorescence showed a biphasic curve representing fluorescence of free- and bound-NADPH. The intersection between free- and bound-NADPH closely paralleled the enzyme concentration, suggesting one mole of NADPH was bound per subunit of the enzyme. Phenanthrenequinone (PQ), the substrate of zeta-crystallin, also was able to quench the fluorescence of zeta-crystallin, albeit weaker than NADPH. Quantitative analysis suggested that zeta-crystallin had low affinity for PQ in the absence of NADPH, and PQ binding induced significant conformational changes in zeta-crystallin.  相似文献   

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