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The thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactivity of human plasma was studied to evaluate its adequacy in quantifying lipid peroxidation as an index of systemic oxidative stress. Two spectrophotometric TBA tests based on the use of either phosphoric acid (pH 2.0, method A) or trichloroacetic plus hydrochloric acid (pH 0.9, method B) were employed with and without sodium sulfate (SS) to inhibit sialic acid (SA) reactivity with TBA. To correct for background absorption, the absorbance values at 572 nm were subtracted from those at 532 nm, which represent the absorption maximum of the TBA:MDA adduct. Method B gave values of TBA-reactive substances (TBARS) 2-fold higher than those detected with method A. SS lowered TBARS by about 50% with both methods, indicating a significant involvement of SA in plasma TBA reactivity. Standard SA, at a physiologically relevant concentration of 1.5 mM, reacted with TBA, creating interference problems, which were substantially eliminated by SS plus correction for background absorbance. When method B was carried out in the lipid and protein fraction of plasma, SS inhibited by 65% TBARS formation only in the latter. Protein TBARS may be largely ascribed to SA-containing glycoproteins and, to a minor extent, protein-bound MDA. Indeed, EDTA did not affect protein TBARS assessed in the presence of SS. TBA reactivity of whole plasma and of its lipid fraction was instead inhibited by EDTA, suggesting that lipoperoxides (and possibly monofunctional lipoperoxidation aldehydes) are involved as MDA precursors in the TBA test. Pretreatment of plasma with KI, a specific reductant of hydroperoxides, decreased TBARS by about 27%. Moreover, aspirin administration to humans to inhibit prostaglandin endoperoxide generation reduced plasma TBARS by 40%. In conclusion, reaction conditions affect the relationship between TBA reactivity and lipid peroxidation in human plasma. After correction for the interfering effects of SA in the TBA test, 40% of plasma TBARS appears related to in vivo generated prostaglandin endoperoxides and only about 60% to lipoperoxidation products. Thus, the TBA test is not totally specific to oxidant-driven lipid peroxidation in human plasma.  相似文献   

The specificity of the thiobarbituric acid reaction (TBA) has been investigated using techniques of high-performance thin-layer chromatography and spectrofluorimetry. It was found that malondialdehyde (MDA) derived from different lipid and nonlipid origins formed the same MDA-TBA complex. This complex could be separated from other TBA-reactive compounds by both chromatography and spectrofluorimetry. Normal human plasma and urine both formed an MDA-TBA complex along with other TBA-reactive compounds. In plasma this was associated mainly with phosphatidylcholine and appeared to be peroxidic in reaction. Urine, however, contained polar MDA-forming compounds probably resulting from the oxidation of 2-deoxyaldoses during the acid-heating stage of the TBA test.  相似文献   

The antioxidant ability of nitric oxide (NO) generated by a chemical donor and of commercially available antioxidant preparations was assayed. SNAP (S-Nitroso-N-acetylpenicilamine) was used as the NO donor, and Ginkgo biloba, wheat and alfalfa preparations were tested. Lipid peroxidation was assayed by EPR employing a reaction system consisting of rat liver microsomes, ADP, FeCl3, NADPH and POBN in phosphate buffer, pH=7.4. In vitro NO exposure decreased microsomal lipid peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner. The dose responsible for inhibiting the microsomal content of lipid radical adducts by 50% (LD50) for SNAP was 550 microM (NO generation rate 0.1 microM/min). The addition of 50 microM hemoglobin to the incubation media prevented NO effect on lipid peroxidation. The addition of an amount of the antioxidant preparations equivalent to the LD50 doses inhibited lipid peroxidation by 21, 15, and 33% for wheat, alfalfa, ginkgo biloba preparations respectively in the presence of 550 microM SNAP. We detected a decrease in the content of lipid radical adducts after simultaneous supplementation, although it was less than 50%, even when LD50 doses of the products were added. This suggests that NO and the natural antioxidants inhibit lipid peroxidation by a mechanism that has both common and non-shared features.  相似文献   

The stimulation of microsomal lipid peroxidation by FeSO4 and cysteine has been investigated. Although both FeSO4 and cysteine alone promoted an increase in malonaldehyde production, when these agents were added together to microsomes the resultant level of malonaldehyde was greater than the sum of the amounts formed by these pro-oxidants when acting individually. A further indication of an interaction between FeSO4 and cysteine was shown by the inhibitory action of chelating agents. Stimulation of peroxidation was shown to be independent of microsomal protein, including cytochrome P-450. The system has been characterized for the effects of cysteine, Fe2+ and O2 concentrations, pH, temperature and antioxidants. The results indicate that the high level of peroxidation attained with this system, its non-enzymic character and the involvement of hydroxyl radicals make it particularly useful for the investigation of the action of antioxidants. Furthermore it may also be a model of way in which decompartmentalized, delocalized or 'free' iron initiates peroxidation in vivo.  相似文献   

Antioxidants suppress the formation of radicals in peroxidase processes. The chemiluminescence kinetic curves in the horseradish peroxidase/luminol/H2O2 system have been compared with those obtained from the mathematical model of the reaction. It was shown that the effect of trolox, ascorbate, and mexidol is a result of the reaction of the luminol radical with the inhibitor molecule (rate constants, 1.0·1010, 9.0·109, and 2.3·105 mol–1 min–1, respectively). The antiradical action of quercetin has been described by eight reactions that were based on the assumption of two reaction centers in the molecule, each reacting with two radicals. The hypothesis that the antioxidant molecule captures the enzyme intermediate radicals in peroxidase cycle, rather than the radical of the reaction product was not confirmed because the calculated curves differed from the experimental point positions. Apparently, the formation of radicals in the presence of peroxidases in living cells and the subsequent events, such as apoptosis, may be prevented not only by the inhibition of an enzyme but also by antioxidants that capture free-radical reaction products  相似文献   

Oxidative damage was assessed through the estimation of lipid peroxides (LP) in the lungs of an ageing short-lived species of reptile, Calotes versicolor, commonly known as the garden lizard. Attempts were also made to trace its relationship with the age pigment, lipofuscin and the antioxidant ascorbic acid. While LP increased with advancing age the contents of both lipofuscin and ascorbic acid did not show appreciable change during maturation ( < 1-1 year old) but declined during senescence phase (1 to 2-4 year old). While the pattern of age associated changes in LP and ascorbic acid indicate similarity with the pattern observed in most of the mammals, the reduction of lipofuscin in older lizards is a significant departure from the common trend.  相似文献   

To study age-related peroxidation in annual beech ( Fagus silvatica Mill.) leaves and perennial fir ( Abies alba Mill.) needles, the concentration changes of the antioxidants vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (α-tocopherol) present in leaves and needles were determined, and the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactants was measured as an index of age-related lipid peroxidation. With age, the content of the lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamin E increased, and the increase was higher in beech leaves than in fir needles. A comparable age-dependent increase of the vitamin C content was found neither in leaves nor in needles. The concentration ratio of the vitamin C to the vitamin E present in leaves and needles, which determines the potency of the anti oxidative system consisting of both vitamins, declined with age. This decline was directly related to a higher peroxidation of lipids. The extent of age-related peroxidative damage of cells seems to be controlled by the potency of anti oxidative systems.  相似文献   

The thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactivity of rat liver and brain homogenates was characterized to elucidate what kinds of aldehyde species contributed to the reactivity. Characteristic pH dependence of the reactivity with a maximum at around pH 3 and marked enhancement of the reactivity by t-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH) and ferric ion were similar to those of alkadienals. The amounts of aldehyde species, including alkadienals determined as 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones, were high enough to account for the enhanced reactivity. The reactivity was inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) but not completely, suggesting the presence of malonaldehyde whose reactivity was not affected by EDTA. The amounts of malonaldehyde determined as 1-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)pyrazole could account for a part of the reactivity in the presence of EDTA. Hence, the TBA reactivity of liver and brain homogenates at around pH 3 in the presence of t-BuOOH and ferric ion may be accounted for by alkadienals and malonaldehyde and that in the presence of EDTA by malonaldehyde.  相似文献   

Chronic alcohol consumption reduces nitric oxide synthase-dependent responses of pial arterioles via mechanisms that remain uncertain. In addition, the temporal effects of alcohol on pial arterioles is unclear. Thus our goals were to examine the role of oxygen-derived free radicals in alcohol-induced impairment of cerebrovascular reactivity and the temporal effect of alcohol on reactivity of pial arterioles. Sprague-Dawley rats were pair-fed a liquid diet with or without alcohol for 2-3 wk, 2-3 mo, or 5-6 mo. We measured the in vivo diameter of pial arterioles in response to nitric oxide synthase-dependent dilators acetylcholine and ADP and the nitric oxide synthase-independent dilator nitroglycerin. In nonalcohol-fed rats, acetylcholine (1.0 and 10 microM) and ADP (10 and 100 microM) produced dose-related dilatation of pial arterioles. Whereas there was no difference in reactivity of arterioles to the agonists in rats fed the nonalcohol and alcohol diets for a period of 2-3 wk, there was a significant impairment in reactivity of arterioles to acetylcholine and ADP, but not nitroglycerin, in rats fed the alcohol diet for longer durations. We then found that treatment with superoxide dismutase did not alter baseline diameter of pial arterioles in nonalcohol-fed or alcohol-fed rats, but significantly improved impaired nitric oxide synthase-dependent dilatation of pial arterioles in alcohol-fed rats. Thus our findings suggest a temporal relationship in the effects of alcohol on reactivity of pial arterioles and that impaired nitric oxide synthase-dependent cerebral vasodilatation during chronic alcohol consumption may be related, in part, to enhanced release of oxygen-derived free radicals.  相似文献   

J M Gutteridge 《FEBS letters》1986,201(2):291-295
Hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides react with haemoglobin to release iron which can be complexed to apotransferrin, bleomycin and desferrioxamine. This released iron promotes deoxyribose degradation by a Fenton reaction, DNA degradation in the presence of bleomycin and stimulates lipid peroxidation. It is likely that iron released from haemoglobin is the true generator of hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

Radicals generated by the peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of a wide variety of substrates oxidize GSH, NADH, or arachidonate with accompanying oxygen activation. Substrates studied include carcinogens, drugs, or xenobiotics. The effectiveness of the various radicals is partly related to their one-electron oxidation potential. High redox potential radicals were particularly effective at oxidizing these biomolecules. Low redox potential radicals did not react with GSH, NADH, or arachidonate, but can directly activate oxygen to form hydroxyl radicals or undergo scission to carbon radicals. The hydroxyl and carbon radicals have a high redox potential and readily oxidize biomolecules. DNA strand breakage also occurs with some high redox potential radicals, but DNA did not react with low redox potential radicals. The extensive binding of xenobiotics to DNA in the peroxidase system was attributed to noncovalent binding by polymeric products or covalent binding by the two electron oxidation product (formed by radical dismutation or oxidation). The latter can cause alkali labile DNA strand breaks. GSH conjugate formation was also attributed to the two electron oxidation product. Radicals have been trapped in intact cells and oxygen activation or lipid peroxidation has been demonstrated but it is still not clear whether the associated GSH oxidation, DNA strand breakage and cytotoxicity is the result of direct action by radicals. Indirect enzymic mechanisms for free radical mediated DNA strand breakage and cytotoxicity are discussed.  相似文献   

Methanolic extract of Musa sapientum var. Paradisiaca (MSE, 100 mg/kg) was studied for its antiulcer and mucosal defensive factors in normal and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) rats. NIDDM was induced by administering streptozotocin (STZ, 70 mg/kg, ip) to 5 days old rat pups. The animals showing blood glucose level >140mg/dL after 12 weeks of STZ administration were considered as NIDDM positive. Effects of MSE were compared with known ulcer protective drug, sucralfate (SFT, 500 mg/kg) and anti-diabetic drug glibenclamide (GLC, 0.6 mg/kg) when administered orally, once daily for 6 days against gastric ulcers (GU) induced by cold-restraint stress (CRS) and ethanol and subsequent changes in gastric mucosal glycoproteins, cell proliferation, free radicals (lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide) and anti-oxidants enzymes (super oxide dismutase and catalase) and glutathione (GSH) levels. MSE showed better ulcer protective effect in NIDDM rats compared with SFT and GLC in CRS-induced GU. NIDDM caused a significant decrease in gastric mucosal glycoprotein level without having any effect on cell proliferation. However, all the test drugs reversed the decrease in glycoprotein level in NIDDM rats, but cell proliferation was enhanced in case of MSE alone. Both CRS or NIDDM as such enhanced gastric mucosal LPO, NO and SOD, but decreased CAT levels while CRS plus NIDDM rats caused further increase in LPO and NO level without causing any further changes in SOD and CAT level. MSE pretreatment showed reversal in the levels of all the above parameters better than GLC. Ethanol caused a decrease in glutathione level which was further reduced in NIDDM-ethanol rats. MSE reversed the above changes significantly in both normal as well as in NIDDM rats, while GLC reversed it only in NIDDM rats. However, SFT was ineffective in reversing the changes induced by CRS or ethanol or when given in NIDDM-CRS or NIDDM-ethanol rats. The results indicated that the ulcer protective effect of MSE could be due to its predominant effect on mucosal glycoprotein, cell proliferation, free radicals and antioxidant systems.  相似文献   

Thiobarbituric acid-reactants (TBARs) are considered to be an index of lipid peroxidation. In the present experiments, the effect of stress and hormones on hepatic TBARs levels was studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. In unstressed conditions adrenalectomized rats showed higher TBARs levels than sham-adrenalectomized rats. The effect of adrenalectomy was reverted by the administration of corticosterone but not by that of aldosterone, indicating that glucocorticoids exert a negative role on the regulation of liver TBARs. The effect of these hormones appears to be a permissive one, since the administration of a long lasting ACTH preparation did not reduce liver TBARs. In contrast to that observed in unstressed rats, glucocorticoids appeared to increase liver TBARs in stressed rats. Nevertheless, other alternative explanations are possible. Finally, no evidence for a role of catecholamines in the regulation of hepatic TBARs was found.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) and uric acid (UA) have been found to undergo a protective reaction effecting the fast chemical repair of oxidative free-radical damage to DNA. This antioxidant reaction does not occur with normal concentrations of other, more abundant, antioxidants and our findings suggest that DA and UA are important for the preservation of the DNA in certain brains cells per se. These studies point to the need for drugs that undergo a similar antioxidant reaction with DNA radicals to prevent or arrest DNA damage associated with Parkinson's disease when the levels of DA and UA fall.  相似文献   

N-Phthaloyl GABA was administrated daily (50 mg/kg body weight-i.p) to Wistar rats for 21 days and circadian rhythms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and antioxidants such as reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were studied. N-Phthaloyl GABA was found to delay TBARS and to advance GSH, CAT and SOD acrophases. Amplitude and mesor values of these rhythms were found to be altered during N-Phthaloyl GABA treatment. Since GABA is hypothesized to be involved in conveying dark information to clock, exogenous administration of P-GABA might alter the photic information received by the clock. Our study shows that P-GABA administration alters the temporal patterns of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in Wistar rats. But the exact mechanism remains to be explored and further research is needed.  相似文献   

The reactions of the primary water radicals with the biopolymer hyaluronic acid have been studied by pulse radiolysis. Bimolecular rate constants, expressed in terms of the disaccharide repeating sub-unit of hyaluronic acid, for OH., H. and eaq- were found to be 7 X 10(8) M-1 X s-1, 5 X 10(7) M-1 X s-1 and less than 5 X 10(6) M-1 X s-1, respectively. By comparing the viscosities of samples, gamma-irradiated in the steady state under a variety of conditions, with unirradiated controls, the efficiencies with which selected radicals cause chain breakage have been determined. Efficiencies of 30%, 15%, 0%, 0.2% and 5% were estimated for OH., H., eaq-, methanol radicals and tert-butanol radicals, respectively. The presence of oxygen during irradiation increased the extent of chain breakage by a factor of 1.75.  相似文献   

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