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Stretching or aligning DNA molecules onto a surface by means of molecular combing techniques is one of the critical steps in single DNA molecule analysis. However, many of the current studies have focused on λ-DNA, or other large DNA molecules. There are very few studies on stretching methodologies for DNA molecules generated via PCR (typically smaller than 20 kb). Here we describe a simple method of stretching DNA molecules up to 18 kb in size on a modified glass surface. The very low background fluorescence allows efficient detection of single fluorescent dye labels incorporated into the stretched DNA molecules.  相似文献   

To detect partially condensed conformations of a double-stranded DNA molecule, single molecule fluorescence microscopy is performed here. The single DNA molecules are ethidium stained, 670 kilobase pair bacteriophage G genomes that are observed both during and after expulsion from capsids. Expulsion occurs in an agarose gel. Just after expulsion, the entire G DNA molecule typically has a partially condensed conformation not previously described (called a balloon). A balloon subsequently extrudes a filamentous segment of DNA. The filamentous segment becomes gently elongated via diffusion into the network that forms the agarose gel. The elongated DNA molecule usually has bright spots that undergo both appearance/disappearance and apparent motion. These spots are called dynamic spots. A dynamic spot is assumed to be the image of a zone of partially condensed DNA segments (globule). The positions of globules along an elongated DNA molecule 1) are restricted primarily to time-stable regions with comparatively high thermal motion-induced, micrometer-scale bending of the DNA molecule and 2) move within a given region on a time scale smaller than the time scale of recording. Less mobile globules are observed when either magnesium cation or ethanol is added before gel-embedding DNA molecules. These observations are explained by globules induced at equilibrium by a bending-dependent, inter-DNA segment force. Theory has previously predicted that globules are induced by electrostatic forces along an electrically charged polymer at equilibrium. The hypothesis is proposed that intracellular DNA globules assist action-at-a-distance during DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The dynamics of individual DNA molecules in a thin gel were studied with fluorescence microscopy. Driven by an electric field, molecules hooked around isolated obstacles and became extended. By analyzing molecular images, we identified the reptation tube and primitive chain. When the field was turned off, the molecules relaxed. The relaxation time tau1 and primitive chain length at equilibrium depend on N, the size of the molecule in base pairs, consistently with reptation theory. Using five yeast chromosomal DNAs ranging in size from 245 kb to 980 kb, we found that: These results constitute a way of sizing individual DNA molecules by imaging rather than by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Infection by tailed dsDNA phages is initiated by release of the viral DNA from the capsid and its polarized injection into the host. The driving force for the genome transport remains poorly defined. Among many hypothesis [1], it has been proposed that the internal pressure built up during packaging of the DNA in the capsid is responsible for its injection [2-4]. Whether the energy stored during packaging is sufficient to cause full DNA ejection or only to initiate the process was tested on phage T5 whose DNA (121,400 bp) can be released in vitro by mere interaction of the phage with its E. coli membrane receptor FhuA [5-7]. We present a fluorescence microscopy study investigating in real time the dynamics of DNA ejection from single T5 phages adsorbed onto a microfluidic cell. The ejected DNA was fluorescently stained, and its length was measured at different stages of the ejection after being stretched in a hydrodynamic flow. We conclude that DNA release is not an all-or-none process but occurs in a stepwise fashion and at a rate reaching 75,000 bp/sec. The relevance of this stepwise ejection to the in vivo DNA transfer is discussed.  相似文献   

Flors C 《Biopolymers》2011,95(5):290-297
With the expansion of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy methods, it is now possible to access the organization of cells and materials at the nanoscale by optical means. This review discusses recent progress in super-resolution imaging of isolated and cell DNA using single-molecule localization methods. A high labeling density of photoswitchable fluorophores is crucial for these techniques, which can be provided by sequence independent DNA stains in which photoblinking reactions can be induced. In particular, unsymmetrical cyanine intercalating dyes in combination with special buffers can be used to image isolated DNA with a spatial resolution of 30-40 nm. For super-resolution imaging of chromatin, cell permeant cyanine dyes that bind the minor groove of DNA have the potential to become a useful alternative to the labeling of histones and other DNA-associated proteins. Other recent developments that are interesting in this context such as high density labeling methods or new DNA probes with photoswitching functionalities are also surveyed. Progress in labeling, optics, and single-molecule localization algorithms is being rapid, and it is likely to provide real insight into DNA structuring in cells and materials.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, advances in laser and detector technologies have enabled single fluorophores to be visualized in aqueous solution. Here, we describe methods based on total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) that we have developed to study the behavior of individual protein molecules within living mammalian cells. We have used cultured myoblasts that were transiently transfected with DNA plasmids encoding a target protein fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Expression levels were quantified from confocal images of control dilutions of GFP and cells with 1-100 nM GFP were then examined using TIRFM. An evanescent field was produced by a totally internally reflected, argon ion laser beam that illuminated a shallow region (50-100 nm deep) at the glass-water interface. Individual GFP-tagged proteins that entered the evanescent field appeared as individual, diffraction-limited spots of light, which were clearly resolved from background fluorescence. Molecules that bound to the basal cell membrane remained fixed in position for many seconds, whereas those diffusing freely in the cytoplasm disappeared within a few milliseconds. We developed automated detection and tracking methods to recognize and characterize the behavior of single molecules in recorded video sequences. This enabled us to measure the kinetics of photobleaching and lateral diffusion of membrane-bound molecules.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy of DNA molecules.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
J Yang  K Takeyasu  Z Shao 《FEBS letters》1992,301(2):173-176
DNA-cytochrome c complexes adsorbed on carbon-coated mica surfaces were directly imaged by atomic force microscopy in air using commercially available cantilevers, with a routine resolution of 6 nm. Images of M13 phage DNA and M13-DNA polymerase complex are also shown.  相似文献   

We report detection and quantification of ultraviolet (UV) damage in DNA at a single molecule level by atomic force microscopy (AFM). By combining the supercoiled plasmid relaxation assay with AFM imaging, we find that high doses of medium wave ultraviolet (UVB) and short wave ultraviolet (UVC) light not only produce cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) as reported but also cause significant DNA degradation. Specifically, 12.5 kJ/m(2) of UVC and 165 kJ/m(2) of UVB directly relax 95% and 78% of pUC18 supercoiled plasmids, respectively. We also use a novel combination of the supercoiled plasmid assay with T4 Endonuclease V treatment of irradiated plasmids and AFM imaging of their relaxation to detect damage caused by low UVB doses, which on average produced approximately 0.5 CPD per single plasmid. We find that at very low UVB doses, the relationship between the number of CPDs and UVB dose is almost linear, with 4.4 CPDs produced per Mbp per J/m(2) of UVB radiation. We verified these AFM results by agarose gel electrophoresis separation of UV-irradiated and T4 Endonuclease V treated plasmids. Our AFM and gel electrophoresis results are consistent with the previous result obtained using other traditional DNA damage detection methods. We also show that damage detection assay sensitivity increases with plasmid size. In addition, we used photolyase to mark the sites of UV lesions in supercoiled plasmids for detection and quantification by AFM, and these results were found to be consistent with the results obtained by the plasmid relaxation assay. Our results suggest that AFM can supplement traditional methods for high resolution measurements of UV damage to DNA.  相似文献   

An optical microscope capable of measuring time resolved luminescence (phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence) images has been developed. The technique employs two phase-locked mechanical choppers and a slow-scan scientific CCD camera attached to a normal fluorescence microscope. The sample is illuminated by a periodic train of light pulses and the image is recorded within a defined time interval after the end of each excitation period. The time resolution discriminates completely against light scattering, reflection, autofluorescence, and extraneous prompt fluorescence, which ordinarily decrease contrast in normal fluorescence microscopy measurements. Time resolved image microscopy produces a high contrast image and particular structures can be emphasized by displaying a new parameter, the ratio of the phosphorescence to fluorescence. Objects differing in luminescence decay rates are easily resolved. The lifetime of the long lived luminescence can be measured at each pixel of the microscope image by analyzing a series of images that differ by a variable time delay. The distribution of luminescence decay rates is displayed directly as an image. Several examples demonstrate the utility of the instrument and the complementarity it offers to conventional fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Single particle fluorescence imaging (SPFI) uses the high sensitivity of fluorescence to visualize individual molecules that have been selectively labeled with small fluorescent particles. The positions of particles are determined by fitting the intensity profile of their images to a 2-D Gaussian function. We have exploited the positional information obtained from SPFI to develop a method for detecting colocalization of cell surface molecules. This involves labeling two different molecules with different colored fluorophores and determining their positions separately by dual wavelength imaging. The images are analyzed to quantify the overlap of the particle images and hence determine the extent of colocalization of the labeled molecules. Simulated images and experiments with a model system are used to investigate the extent to which colocalization occurs from chance proximity of randomly distributed molecules. A method of correcting for positional shifts that result from chromatic aberration is presented. The technique provides quantification of the extent of colocalization and can detect whether colocalized molecules occur singly or in clusters. We have obtained preliminary data for colocalization of molecules on intact cells. Cells often exhibit particulate autofluorescence that can interfere with the measurements; a method for overcoming this problem by triple wavelength imaging is described.  相似文献   

We are developing a laser based technique for the rapid sequencing of large fragments (approximately 40 kb) of DNA based upon the detection of single, fluorescently tagged nucleotides cleaved from a single DNA fragment. We have demonstrated significant progress on several of the important steps of this technique. The projected rate of sequencing is several hundred bases per second which is orders of magnitude faster than existing methods. Once developed, this technology could be utilized by investigators for rapid sequencing of genetic material from virtually any source.  相似文献   

Real-time multi-wavelength fluorescence imaging of living cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S J Morris 《BioTechniques》1990,8(3):296-308
We describe a new real-time fluorescence video microscope design for capturing intensified images of cells containing dual wavelength "ratio" dyes or multiple dyes. The microscope will perform real-time capture of two separate fluorescence emission images simultaneously, improving the time resolution of spatial distribution of fluorescence to video frame rates (30 frames/s or faster). Each emission wavelength is imaged simultaneously by one of two cameras, then digitized, background corrected and appropriately combined at standard video frame rates to be stored at high resolution on tape or digital video disk for further off-line analysis. Use of low noise, high sensitivity image intensifiers, coupled to CCD cameras produce stable, high contrast images using ultra low light levels with little persistence or bloom. The design has no moving parts in its optical train, which overcomes a number of technical difficulties encountered in the present filter wheel designs for multiple imaging. Coupled to compatible image processing software utilizing PC-AT computers, the new design can be built for a significantly lower cost than many presently available commercial machines. The system is ideal for ratio imaging applications; the software can calculate the ratio of fluorescence intensities pixel by pixel and provide the information to generate false-color images of the intensity data as well as other calculations based on the two images. Thus, it provides a powerful, inexpensive tool for studying the real-time kinetics of changes in living cells. Examples are presented for the kinetics of rapidly changing intracellular calcium detected by the calcium indicator probe indo-1 and the redistribution kinetics of multiple vital dyes placed in cells undergoing cell fusion.  相似文献   

Sequencing single molecules of DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 2004, the NIH set a remarkable challenge: the 1000 dollars genome. Roughly speaking, success would provide, by 2015, the ability to sequence the complete genome of an individual human, quickly and at an accessible price. An intermediate goal of a 100,000 dollars genome was set for 2010. While the cost of Sanger sequencing has dropped dramatically over the past two decades, it is unlikely that the 100,000 dollars genome will be achieved by this means. New massively parallel technologies will push the cost of sequencing towards this mark, but it is doubtful whether these efforts will match the 1000 dollars goal. The best bets for ultrarapid, low-cost sequencing are single-molecule approaches.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin is a processive motor protein that keeps "walking" along a microtubule using chemical energy released by ATP hydrolysis. We previously studied the effects of temperature between 15 degrees and 35 degrees C on the moving velocity, force, and processivity of single kinesin molecules using a bead assay [Kawaguchi and Ishiwata, 2000b: Biochem Biophys Res Commun 272:895-899]. However, we could not examine the effects of temperature higher than 35 degrees C because of the thermal damage to proteins. Here, using temperature pulse microscopy (TPM) [Kato et al., 1999: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:9602-9606], we could examine the temperature dependence of the gliding velocity of single kinesin molecules interacting with a microtubule above 35 degrees C up to 50 degrees C (instantaneously, approximately 60 degrees C), where the velocity reached 3.68 microm/s, the highest ever reported. The Arrhenius plot showed no breaks between 15 degrees and 50 degrees C with a unique activation energy of about 50 kJ/mol, suggesting that the molecular mechanism of kinesin motility is common over a broad temperature range including physiological temperature.  相似文献   

We report on far-field fluorescence imaging of single molecules in spherical polymer microparticles produced from solution by using microdroplet techniques. The fluorescence photobleaching quantum yields of rhodamine 6G in a common water-soluble polymer (polyvinyl alcohol) are at least five times smaller, corresponding to proportionally larger average fluorescence signals, than those in ethanolic solvents. This allows for acquisition of multiple images from a single molecule on a time scale of several minutes. We also show that fluorescent images of single molecules in microspheres can be calculated from semiclassic electrodynamics, which may ultimately be useful in retrieving dynamical information from experimental images.  相似文献   

A large DNA analysis method which enable to obtain spatial information of positions of specific sequences along DNA molecule has been developed. Making use of the phenomenon that large DNA molecule is elongated stably under alternative current field in a concentrated linear polymer solution, direct observation of elongated individual lambda DNA molecules with fluorescence probes was carried out using fluorescence microscopy. Then, the spatial positions of the fluorescence spot of the probe on the DNA molecule were determined by image analysis.  相似文献   

The complex C1 triggers the activation of the Complement classical pathway through the recognition and binding of antigen-antibody complex by its subunit C1q. The globular region of C1q is responsible for C1 binding to the immune complex. C1q can also bind nonimmune molecules such as DNA and sulfated polysaccharides, leading either to the activation or inhibition of Complement. The binding site of these nonimmune ligands is debated in the literature, and it has been proposed to be located either in the globular region or in the collagen-like region of C1q, or in both. Using single molecule fluorescence microscopy and DNA molecular combing as reporters of interactions, we have probed the C1q binding properties of T4 DNA and of fucoidan, an algal sulfated fucose-based polysaccharide endowed with potent anticomplementary activity. We have been able to visualize the binding of C1q as well as of C1 and of the isolated collagen-like region to individual DNA strands, indicating that the collagen-like region is the main binding site of DNA. From binding assays with C1r, one of the protease components of C1, we concluded that the DNA binding site on the collagen-like region is located within the stalk part. Competition experiments between fucoidan and DNA for the binding of C1q showed that fucoidan binds also to the collagen-like region part of C1q. Unlike DNA, the binding of fucoidan to collagen-like region involves interactions with the hinge region that accommodate the catalytic tetramer C1r2-C1s2 of C1. This binding property of fucoidan to C1q provides a mechanistic basis for the anticomplementary activity of the sulfated polysaccharide.  相似文献   

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