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We counted songbirds in crops planted on shooting estates specifically for game management purposes on farmland in Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Winter game crops provide cover and feed areas for pheasants Phasianus colchicus and red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa, while summer game crops are designed to provide brood-rearing cover for these species. In central and southern England, 30 plots of winter game crops, either kale, quinoa or cereal up to 2 ha in area, and 30 adjacent arable-field plots, were surveyed for birds up to six times at monthly intervals during the winter 1997–1998. In the Scottish lowlands, six plots of summer game crops up to 4 ha in area, and adjacent arable fields were surveyed in summer 1999 or 2000. The winter game plots contained more than ten songbirds per hectare in most months, while the adjacent arable-field plots contained less than one. In all three winter game crop types, songbird numbers declined significantly in the second half of the winter while numbers in the arable fields did not. Of the 26 species recorded in the winter game crops, 10 have undergone rapid decline over the last 30 years. Considering these declining species alone, the winter game crops still contained more individuals than the adjacent arable fields throughout the winter. Densities in both the kale and quinoa were higher than in the cereal game crop. The six summer game crops sampled in mid-summer contained on average 2.9 songbirds per hectare, while the adjacent arable fields contained 0.4. Of the 14 species recorded in these summer game crops, eight have undergone rapid or moderate declines over the last 30 years. Although winter and summer game crops are planted in relatively small plots and hence concentrate birds, these plots are widely planted and our results suggest that they benefit birds on farmland.  相似文献   

A survey of aphids and virus diseases of sugar-beet root crops in eastern England was made between 1940 and 1948. Prior to 1943 the observations were made on fertilizer experiments; from 1943 onwards they were made on commercial fields selected for position in relation to beet and mangold seed crops. The incidence of beet yellows increased with increasing numbers of Myzus persicae , but not of Aphis fabae. The relation with M. persicae was sufficiently close to suggest that it is the most important, possibly the only important, vector of beet yellows virus. Beet mosaic virus also increased with increasing numbers of M. persicae , but the relation was not close enough to exclude the possibility of other vectors.
Numbers of A. fabae on sugar beet were slightly, but consistently, depressed by the use of salt as a fertilizer. Other fertilizers had variable effects. Neither aphids nor virus are likely to be greatly affected by fertilizers.
Beet yellows is most prevalent in areas where seed crops are grown, but within these areas nearness to individual seed crops did not appear to increase its incidence. M. persicae were more numerous on sugar beet in seed-crop areas than elsewhere, and this alone might account for the prevalence of yellows. Beet mosaic virus is more closely associated with seed crops than is beet yellows. It is most prevalent near to seed crops within the seed-crop areas.  相似文献   

Today's intensive farming practices are known to have affected farmland biodiversity negatively in many different ways. As far as birds are concerned, they are known to have suffered during both summer and winter. Relatively little is known about the effects on birds during migration. We studied the stopover ecology of the Eurasian golden plover Pluvialis apricaria, a species listed in EU Birds Directive, in intensively farmed arable land in southernmost Sweden in the autumns of 2003–2007. We used key ecological variables (length of stay, fat deposition and moult) as fitness proxies to evaluate how the birds manage in this habitat. Eurasian golden plovers were present in large numbers mainly on arable fields from early August to November and radio‐tagged birds were found to stay in the area for up to three months. Adult birds carried out a substantial part of their flight feather moult during their stay. Body mass increased only somewhat during moult, but from the last stages of moult and onwards fuel loads corresponding to 24% above lean body mass (LBM) were accumulated at a rate of 0.5% of LBM per day, before the birds departed. Juveniles arrived later, from mid Sep., and had a similar pattern of fuel deposition. The fact that the birds choose to stay for long periods, moult in the area, and manage to store substantial fuel loads strongly suggests that Eurasian golden plovers do well in this intensively farmed arable land.  相似文献   

We present the results of spring and winter surveys of birds using 22 willow short-rotation coppice (SRC) fields and 22 paired arable or grassland controls over a 5 year period in central and northern England. The study sites were linked to the first commercial wood-fuelled electricity plant in Yorkshire and were managed commercially. We use the findings of this study, in the context of other work on birds in energy crops, to suggest how birds may be affected by commercial cropping of SRC or energy grasses on UK farmland. For willow SRC, most existing farmland species were not completely displaced by SRC cropping. Even farmland specialists such as Skylark Alauda arvensis used cut SRC fields. Some species characteristic of scrub and wood-type habitats were attracted onto farmland by SRC. Birds were more abundant in hedgerows next to SRC than in those adjoining arable or grass. The interior of large SRC plots contained fewer birds than the edge-zone (< 50 m). In winter, the same resident species occured in SRC as the summer, plus winter migrants such as Snipe Gallinago gallinago and Fieldfare Turdus pilaris . Overall, more individuals and species were recorded in and around SRC than equivalent arable or grassland throughout the year. Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava and certain locally occurring farmland specialists may be displaced by SRC plantations. Equivalent census data for energy grasses in the UK are not available. The impact of large regional energy crop developments on birds is not known. We do not know if species commonly recorded in these crops survive and breed well so population effects are unknown. However SRC crops are often weedy and insect rich and hence have potential as foraging habitats in summer and winter. The scope for agri-environment schemes to include energy crops is discussed.  相似文献   

Populations of European hares (Lepus europaeus) have experienced a dramatic decline throughout Europe in recent decades. European hares are assumed to prefer weeds over arable crops, and weed abundance was reduced by the intensification of agriculture. Therefore, modern agriculture has been blamed as a major factor affecting European hare populations. However, it is questionable whether European hares select weeds at all, as previous studies had major methodological limitations. By comparing availability and use of plants with Chesson’s Electivity Index, we investigated whether the European hare actually feeds selectively on different plants in arable land. Food availability and use were dominated by cultivated crops (e.g. winter wheat, spring barley and sugar beet). Diet selection analysis revealed that in autumn and winter, European hares predominantly preferred cultivated crops (winter wheat) and food items provided by hunters (tubers of sugar beet and carrot). In spring and summer, apart from soy, only weeds (e.g. clover and corn poppy) were positively selected, especially after cereal crops were harvested. We suggest that the decline in European hare populations throughout Europe was facilitated by the decrease in weed abundance. Wildlife-friendly set-asides in arable land have the potential to reconcile the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy with wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

The ecology of Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) on arable farmland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhys  Green 《Journal of Zoology》1979,188(3):357-377
The ecology of Wood mice ( Apodemus sylvaticus ) was studied by live trapping and by examining the stomach contents of killed animals on an arable farm in West Suffolk. The study area included several fields but only a short length of hedgerow and was distant from other hedges and woods. Wood mice were trapped in the open fields throughout the year and their burrows were also found there. Population densities were comparable with those reported from deciduous woodland and seasonal population changes, ranging behaviour and timing of the breeding season were also broadly similar. The survival rate of juvenile mice varied greatly within and between breeding seasons tending to improve when young of the year replaced overwintered animals in the adult breeding population. Wood mice showed no marked preference for fields with different crops in winter when the main foods were grain, waste sugar beet roots, weed seeds and soil invertebrates. In spring and early summer they preferred winter wheat fields where seeding weeds provided most of their food.  相似文献   

Current agricultural practices are believed to have contributed to the declines of many farmland bird species, especially seed‐eaters, throughout Europe. We investigated associations between the spatial distribution of fourteen granivorous farmland bird species and agricultural land‐use in Britain, using breeding bird atlas data and national agricultural statistics. Analyses were spatially referenced by 10x10 km square and variation due to broad‐scale geography and spatial auto‐correlation was controlled for. Generalized linear modelling analyses were used to select models describing variation in distribution explained by the available land‐use variables. The results show that relationships between distribution and agriculture tend to be species‐specific, but that some general effects can be identified. Features of intensive arable farming including large areas of sugar beet, wheat and oilseed rape tended to be associated with low frequencies of occurrence for 9–11 species, while large areas of younger (re‐seeded) grassland and high sheep stocking densities were associated with low frequencies in pastoral farmland for up to 12 species. One key feature of lower intensity farming, the presence of larger areas of fallow land, was positively related to frequency index for up to 11 species. The proportion of barley sown in spring and agricultural diversity were each associated with a range of complex relationships with frequency index across species, probably reflecting combinations of positive influences and artefacts of scale and geography. A variable describing the heterogeneity of farmland (the extent to which it is a mix of arable and pastoral land‐use) was negatively related to frequency index for eight species, but other results suggested that farming which is mixed at a smaller spatial scale is widely beneficial. The results reveal relationships between agriculture and the occurrence of granivorous farmland bird species which suggest both hypotheses for the causes of population change and directions for management action. However, data on several key features of agricultural practice (such as pesticide use) were unavailable, so their effects could not be tested, and the effects of the variables included could not be separated from those of other factors which are subject to complex geographical variation. Experimental comparisons of the effects of land‐use at the farm scale are needed to investigate such confounded influences on farmland bird occurrence.  相似文献   

The proposed introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) crops, with claims of improved weed control, has prompted fears about possible environmental impacts of their widespread adoption, particularly on arable weeds, insects and associated farmland birds. In response to this, we have developed a novel weed-management system for GMHT sugar beet, based on band spraying, which exploits the flexibility offered by the broad-spectrum partner herbicides. Here, we show the results from two series of field experiments which, taken together, demonstrate that, by using this system, crops can be managed for enhanced weed and insect biomass without compromising yield, thus potentially offering food and shelter to farmland birds and other wildlife. These results could be applicable widely to other row crops, and indicate that creative use of GMHT technology could be a powerful tool for developing more sustainable farming systems in the future.  相似文献   

Capsule Yellow Wagtails successfully raised two consecutive broods in landscapes dominated by autumn-sown crops and did not require spring crops or fallow plots for later nesting.

Aims To assess whether arable landscapes dominated by winter cropping provide habitats that allow Yellow Wagtails to raise two successful broods. To assess the utility of spring cultivated agri-environment fallow plots as a nesting and foraging habitat for Yellow Wagtails.

Methods Nesting success and foraging behaviour of Yellow Wagtails was monitored on lowland arable farmland dominated by winter cropping during two successive breeding seasons.

Results Yellow Wagtails successfully raised first and second broods mainly in winter cereals, with later nests being more successful. Some nests were initiated in bean fields where egg-stage failure rates were high, probably as a consequence of depredation. Fallow plots were not used for nesting but, along with other areas of sparse vegetation, were regularly used for foraging.

Conclusions Yellow Wagtails breeding at relatively low densities achieved high rates of reproductive success in a landscape dominated by winter cereals and with few spring-sown crops. This study suggests that spring-sown crops may not be necessary for Yellow Wagtails to rear two successful broods each summer within arable landscapes.  相似文献   

The western Palaearctic continental flyway that connects the tundra and taiga belts of Russia with north‐west Europe is the major migratory avenue for an estimated 9.3 million herbivorous water birds (swans, geese and ducks). Agricultural practices together with protection measures subsidize the carrying capacity of winter habitats of the birds. Densities of these birds are highest in the Netherlands, where nitrogen (N) inputs to farmland have increased during the last 70 years and became the highest in Europe (>250 kg manure and fertilizer ha?1 yr?1). A comparison of population trends of 13 species of avian herbivores reveals generally expanding populations in the past 50 years, with the greatest increases from 1970 to 1990. Populations of the smallest avian herbivores, such as ducks, are either stable or have peaked and are now in decline, whereas numbers of larger herbivores (geese and swans) continue to increase and barnacle and greylag geese now breed in the Netherlands, in addition to northern sites. During the northerly spring migration, stop‐over sites, mostly in the agricultural regions of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, lie between the 3 and 6°C mean daily temperature isotherms in April, temperatures at which grasses start to grow, where flooding of riparian wetlands frequently occurs and fertilizers are applied to farmland. However, the restructuring of agricultural practices in an enlarged EU is likely to affect water bird populations and their migration routes. The reduced use of N in the Netherlands is predicted to constrain population growth, especially of the smallest avian herbivores with their high basal metabolic rates, because of the declining food quality of grass leaves. The introduction of large‐scale farming of oilseed rape, winter cereals, sugar beet and potatoes at the expense of grassland also will adversely affect these birds, whereas larger species are likely to continue exploiting these crops.  相似文献   

Using a soil debris isolation method, populations of Rhizoctonia solani were monitored over a 4 -yr period in four fields which were initially cropped to sugar beet and in which four areas of Rhizoctonia crown rot diseased beets (DA) and four areas of apparently healthy beets (AH) had been selected and precisely located. Soil from these areas was assayed during the subsequent crops, which included sugar beet, tomato, cucumber, maize and soybean. No significant differences in colony counts were found between the soils in DA and AH on any of 30 sampling dates. R. solani population counts were, in general, quite low, except under sugar beet and following tomato harvest. Areas of diseased beet and high R. solani soil populations that developed in subsequent sugar beet crops did not necessarily coincide with the previously selected diseased areas. High R. solani populations developed from parasitic activity on sugar beet or saprophytically on tomato crop residues. Of the other crops, both maize and soybean may have slightly increased the low R. solani residual populations in soil. The monitoring of R. solani populations in the season prior to, and during the early season of sugar beet cropping did not provide a basis for forecasting disease in fields or sites within fields. The initiation of disease patches in these sugar beet fields was therefore governed by factors other than inoculum density.  相似文献   

Monthly surveys of Bewick's Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii , Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus and Mute Swans Cygnus olor in Britain and Ireland were made during the 1990–1991 winter to determine factors affecting the swans' selection of feeding sites. Geographic location and habitat both influenced site selection. Whooper Swans occurred in greatest numbers at sites in Scotland, northeastern England and Northern Ireland, whereas Bewick's Swans had a more southerly distribution, reflecting differences in the migratory routes used by these two species. The resident Mute Swans were more widespread, with large flocks occurring in southeastern England and in parts of Scotland. Whooper and Mute Swans were found mainly on permanent inland waters (68% and 61%, respectively), but the majority of Bewick's Swans (60%) were on arable land. The percentage of Bewick's Swan flocks found on permanent inland waters (42%) was higher than that found on arable fields (23%), indicating that the large number recorded on arable land was a result of the birds congregating at a comparatively small number of sites. Overall, less than 15% of Whooper Swans and 3% of Mute Swans were on arable crops during the winter, but the largest flocks were associated with arable land for all three species. Thus, although the occurrence of large flocks at particular arable sites may give an impression that swans feed mainly on farmland, the swans are in fact more widely dispersed. Regional variation in the percentage of juveniles present was recorded for all three species. Changes during the winter in the distribution of juveniles, and of the swans as a whole, are considered in relation to food supply and to migratory routes for the Bewick's and Whooper Swans.  相似文献   

Mark F. Hulme  Will Cresswell 《Ibis》2012,154(4):680-692
The Whinchat Saxicola rubetra is an Afro‐Palaearctic migrant undergoing widespread population decline. Whinchats winter in West Africa but there are almost no data on their habitat use and behaviour there that may help to explain the cause of this decline. We measured the density of Whinchats, the habitat characteristics associated with their occurrence on farmland, and the relationships between behavioural and habitat variation on farmland around Jos, central Nigeria, over three winters. Whinchats occurred in many fields harvested in the dry season, the density at three sites varying from 0.03 to 0.43 birds/ha, but they were absent at a fourth site. Whinchats were less likely to be found in farmland without particular crops (e.g. structural stem crops such as maize and millet), with more trees, lower amounts of short vegetation (grass, weeds, crops and crop stubble less than 10 cm in height), and higher amounts of medium vegetation (coverage of vegetation 10–100 cm in height) and litter (dead, unburned, vegetation on the ground). Whinchat abundance in areas of farmland where they were present was independent of most variables considered, but density was higher where there was more short vegetation cover. Foraging behaviour did not vary significantly between farmland habitats. All predictors were consistent between season, years and across sites. The presence/absence model was very poor at predicting presence and there were no strong predictors of abundance or foraging variation. This is consistent with a species well below carrying capacity within its environment so that many suitable areas do not have birds present and there is little aggregation at better sites. Overall, Whinchats were abundant and appeared to have plentiful habitat; densities have probably increased alongside the intensification of agriculture (presence of fallow farmland, short vegetation and structural crops). The results suggest that West African farmland in the dry season can support large numbers of Whinchats and that recent population declines in Europe are unlikely to be caused primarily by lack of suitable wintering habitat.  相似文献   

Carabid beetle communities were studied at three levels of spatial scale, i.e. within fields (three sets of traps, mean distance 15 m), between fields (five fields within 1 km from each other) and between patches of farmland (four study areas 4-8 km from each other). We compared carabid assemblages sampled on five crop types in each study area, i.e. ley. set-aside, spring cereal, potato, and sugar beet. Because of small sample sizes, only the community composition was studied within fields with a DCA ordination, but the differences were small. Analyses of species richness, activity density, community composition as revealed by DCA ordinations, dominance structure, diversity, and evenness showed that carabid communities varied significantly among patches of farmland but not between fields with different crops within the patches. Only the communities of potato fields were found lo resemble each other. Only five carabid beetle species showed a preference for crops, and twelve species favoured some study areas. We conclude that the effect of spatial scale should be emphasised in further studies as it seems that carabid beetles may be very localised even in agricultural habitats.  相似文献   

Crop diversification and maintenance of semi-natural habitats (grasslands and field boundaries) are suggested to enhance farmland biodiversity, but the relative importance of these factors remains poorly known. We evaluated how crop diversity and availability of semi-natural grasslands at a landscape-scale interacted with local farming management (three management types from low to high intensity: ley < winter wheat < sugar beet) in their effect on ground beetle assemblages in southern Sweden. Ground beetle diversity increased with crop diversity either independently of local management (Simpson species diversity), or only in the less intensively managed habitats (rarefied species richness). While ground beetle diversity in leys tended to increase with field boundary length, no such relationship was observed in winter wheat or sugar beet fields. In contrast, the landscape proportions of leys and semi-natural grasslands did not affect ground beetle species richness and diversity. We conclude that (a) semi-natural grasslands and leys may not function as source habitats at a landscape-scale if they comprise a low proportion of the total land-use, while (b) increasing crop diversity is correlated to ground beetle richness and diversity in agricultural landscapes dominated by arable land. The beneficial effect of landscape-scale crop diversification on farmland biodiversity may depend on the general level of agricultural intensity of a region.  相似文献   

The UK Farm Scale Evaluations (FSEs) have shown that the use of broad spectrum herbicides on genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) crops can have dramatic effects on weed seed production compared to management of conventional varieties. Here, we use FSE data and information on bird diets to determine how GMHT cropping might change the food resources available to farmland birds. More than 60 fields of each of four crops, spring- and winter-sown oilseed rape, beet and maize, were split, one half being sown with a conventional variety, the other with a GMHT variety. Seed rain from weeds known to be important in the diets of 17 granivorous farmland bird species was measured under the two treatments. In beet and spring oilseed rape, rain of weed seeds important in the diets of 16 bird species was significantly reduced in GMHT compared to conventional halves; for no species did it increase. In winter oilseed rape, rain of weed seeds important in the diets of 10 species was significantly reduced in GMHT halves; for only one species did it increase significantly. By contrast, in maize, rain of weed seeds important in the diets of seven species was significantly greater in GMHT halves; for no species was it reduced. Treatment effects for the total weed seed energy available to each bird species were very similar to those for seed rain alone. Measuring the effects on individual bird species was outside the scope of this study. Despite this, these results suggest that should beet, spring and winter rape crops in the UK be largely replaced by GMHT varieties and managed as in the FSEs, this would markedly reduce important food resources for farmland birds, many of which declined during the last quarter of the twentieth century. By contrast, GMHT maize would be beneficial to farmland birds.  相似文献   

Habitat use by seed-eating birds: a scale-dependent approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seedbank in arable farmland represents an important foraging resource for birds, particularly in grassland landscapes where alternative foraging opportunities may be scarce. We used a stepwise approach to examine the importance of seed food resources for farmland birds in winter. First, results from a large-scale experiment in which seed resources were manipulated to test the notion that birds aggregate at food resources, subject to a minimum threshold level. Secondly, a multiscale approach was used to characterize habitat use at a landscape scale and how this may inform agri-environment implementation. Overall seed resources declined sharply over the winter and were relatively low in most arable fields. Large-scale declines in the arable seedbank mean that much habitat may not be of sufficient quality to support foraging bird populations through a winter. At a landscape scale, extensive analyses of breeding season abundance show that bird abundance is most influenced by arable (i.e. seed-rich) habitat in grassland landscapes. The scale at which birds respond to habitat differs between species, and is related to the extent of between-season movements. Implementation of agri-environment schemes will need to consider both the quality of habitat and the context in which it is provided if recent declines in farmland bird populations are to be reversed.  相似文献   

Mantovi  Paolo  Bonazzi  Giuseppe  Maestri  Elena  Marmiroli  Nelson 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(2):249-257
In Northern Italy it is a common practice to utilise slurries and other manure from intensive animal farming to fertilise agricultural soils. Due to the relatively high copper and zinc contents of these materials, this practice could lead to contamination of soils and the crops grown on them. In this study we have evaluated the extent of copper and zinc contamination of soils subjected to different levels of fertilisation with liquid manure and the copper and zinc concentrations in the edible tissues of three crops (maize, sugar beet and lucerne) grown on the same soils. There was a direct correlation between soil copper and zinc contents and the levels of application of animal wastes and copper concentrations were high enough to represent a risk, according to current European legislation. The metal contents in the edible tissues of the three crops were relatively low and variable, but showed no clear correlations with the intensity of liquid manure applications. Overall, there was no risk of contamination of the food chain, as all concentrations were well below levels considered to be toxic to animals.  相似文献   

The assemblage of carabid species trapped over a 3 yr period in eight separate but contiguous fields was analysed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Seven of the fields were subject to arable crop rotations involving a mixture of autumn and early spring‐sown cereals (wheat or barley), late spring‐sown crops (potatoes, sugar and fodder beet and maize) and short‐term uncultivated grass leys, The eighth field was an established ‘permanent’ grass pasture of at least 50 yrs standing, Pooled samples collected in the first half of the growing season (April‐June) showed clear evidence of soil cultivation effects on community structure, Systematic exclusion of samples and re‐analysis distinguished the fauna of firstly, old pasture samples, samples from ley pastures of increasing age and finally samples from fields with different times of soil cultivation, In the latter analysis, the main effects of soil cultivation were related to differences in ground cover over the winter and a direct effect of spring soil cultivation on autumn breeding populations, The ordination of pooled catches for the second half of the growing season (July‐September) could not be related to known year, field or crop cultivation variables, The underlying species ordination suggested that later in the summer the effect of crop cover on soil microclimate may mask cultivation effects by influencing the post‐emergence dispersal of autumn‐breeding populations and the reproductive success of spring‐breeders, The combination of earlier soil cultivation effects, and probably microclimatic influences later in the season, resulted in the strong distinction of whole season carabid catches from individual fields, It is concluded that the uniqueness of individual field histories may provide a mechanism to promote the co‐existence of ecologically similar species within the farmed landscape and enhance the abundance and bio‐diversity of species in the face of routine soil cultivation.  相似文献   

Severe and irregular stunting of sugar beet has been associated with Helicotylenchus vulgaris but little is known of the pathogenicity of this nematode. A survey was made at 10 sites in East Anglia on calcareous soils (Wantage series) on which the original damage was reported. Numbers were usually maintained under a variety of crops, despite fluctuations during the period. In field trials, aldicarb treatment did not improve the yield of either sugar beet or winter wheat on land infested with H. vulgaris. In pot tests growth of sugar beet was stimulated by low nematode inocula; this effect diminished as numbers inoculated increased. Sugar beet grown at 10 °C and 15 °C with H. vulgaris grew markedly better in sterilised soil than in untreated field soil, especially at the higher temperature early in the experiment. It is concluded that though H. vulgaris may damage sugar beet it requires an atypical combination of external conditions to cause significant yield loss.  相似文献   

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