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The conformations of two synthetic trisaccharides of blood group A and B (alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->2)-[alpha-D-GalpNAc-(1-->3)]-alpha-D-Galp and alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->2)-[alpha-D-Galp-(1-->3)]-alpha-D-Galp, respectively) and of a type A tetrasaccharide alditol, Fucp-(1-->2)-[alpha-D-GalpNAc-(1-->3)]-beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)-GalNAc-ol, were studied by NMR measurements of one-bond C-H residual dipolar couplings in partially oriented liquid crystal solutions. The conformations of the three oligosaccharides were analyzed by generating thousands of structures using a Monte-Carlo method. Two different strategies were applied to calculate theoretical dipolar couplings for these structures. In the first method, the orientation of the molecule was calculated from the optimal fit of the molecular model to the experimental data, while in the second method the orientation tensor was calculated directly from the moment of inertia of the molecular model. Both methods of analysis give similar results but with slightly better agreement with experiment for the former one. The analysis of the results implies a single unique conformation for both blood group epitopes in solution in disagreement with theoretical models suggesting the existence of two conformers in solution.  相似文献   

A 2D-HSQC-carbon selective/proton selective-constant time COSY, 2D-HSQC-(sel C, sel H)-CT COSY experiment, which is applicable to uniformly 13C isotopically enriched samples (U-13C) of oligosaccharides or oligonucleotides is proposed for the measurement of proton–proton RDC in crowded regions of 2D-spectra. In addition, a heteronuclear constant time-COSY experiment, 13C-13C CT-COSY, is proposed for the measurement of one bond carbon–carbon RDC in these molecules. These two methods provide an extension, to U-13C molecules, of the original homonuclear constant time-COSY experiment proposed by Tian et al. (1999) for saccharides. The combination of a number of these RDC with NOE data may provide the method of choice to study oligosaccharide conformation in the free and receptor-bound state.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for the prediction of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in unfolded proteins under weakly aligning conditions is presented. The unfolded polypeptide chain is modeled as a random flight chain while the alignment medium is represented by a set of regularly arranged obstacles. For the case of bicelles oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field, a closed-form analytical result is derived. With the obtained analytical expression the RDCs are readily accessible for any locus along the chain, for chains of differing length, and for varying bicelle concentrations. The two general features predicted by the model are (i) RDCs in the center segments of a polypeptide chain are larger than RDCs in the end segments, resulting in a bell-shaped sequential distribution of RDCs, and (ii) couplings are larger for shorter chains than for longer chains at a given bicelle concentration. Experimental data available from the literature confirm the first prediction of the model, providing a tool for recognizing fully unfolded polypeptide chains. With less certainty experimental data appear to support the second prediction as well. However, more systematic experimental studies are needed in order to validate or disprove the predictions of the model. The presented framework is an important step towards a solid theoretical foundation for the analysis of experimentally measured RDCs in unfolded proteins in the case of alignment media such as polyacrylamide gels and neutral bicelle systems which align biomacromolecules by a steric mechanism. Various improvements and generalizations are possible within the suggested approach.  相似文献   

A method is described for quantitatively investigating the dynamic conformation of small oligosaccharides containing an (16) linkage. It was applied to the oligosaccharide Man-(13) {Man- (16)}Man--O-Me, which is a core region frequently observed in N-linked glycans. The approach tests an aqueous molecular dynamics simulation, capable of predicting microscopic dynamics, against experimental residual dipolar couplings, by assuming that alignment is caused purely by steric hindrance. The experimental constraints were heteronuclear and homonuclear residual dipolar couplings, and in particular those within the (16) linkage itself. Powerful spin-state-selective pulse sequences and editing schemes were used to obtain the most relevant couplings for testing the model. Molecular dynamics simulations in water over a period of 50 ns were not able to predict the correct rotamer population at the (16) linkage to agree with the experimental data. However, this sampling problem could be corrected using a simple maximum likelihood optimisation, indicating that the simulation was modelling local dynamics correctly. The maximum likelihood prediction of the residual dipolar couplings was found to be an almost equal population of the gg and gt rotamer conformations at the (16) linkage, and the tg conformation was predicted to be unstable and unpopulated in aqueous solution. In this case all twelve measured residual dipolar couplings could be satisfied. This conformer population could also be used to make predictions of scalar couplings with the use of a previously derived empirical equation, and is qualitatively in agreement with previous predictions based on NMR, X-ray crystallography and optical data.  相似文献   

The conformational propensities of unfolded states of apomyoglobin have been investigated by measurement of residual dipolar couplings between (15)N and (1)H in backbone amide groups. Weak alignment of apomyoglobin in acid and urea-unfolded states was induced with both stretched and compressed polyacrylamide gels. In 8 M urea solution at pH 2.3, conditions under which apomyoglobin contains no detectable secondary or tertiary structure, significant residual dipolar couplings of uniform sign were observed for all residues. At pH 2.3 in the absence of urea, a change in the magnitude and/or sign of the residual dipolar couplings occurs in local regions of the polypeptide where there is a high propensity for helical secondary structure. These results are interpreted on the basis of the statistical properties of the unfolded polypeptide chain, viewed as a polymer of statistical segments. For a folded protein, the magnitude and sign of the residual dipolar couplings depend on the orientation of each bond vector relative to the alignment tensor of the entire molecule, which reorients as a single entity. For unfolded proteins, there is no global alignment tensor; instead, residual dipolar couplings are attributed to alignment of the statistical segments or of transient elements of secondary structure. For apomyoglobin in 8 M urea, the backbone is highly extended, with phi and psi dihedral angles favoring the beta or P(II) regions. Each statistical segment has a highly anisotropic shape, with the N-H bond vectors approximately perpendicular to the long axis, and becomes weakly aligned in the anisotropic environment of the strained acrylamide gels. Local regions of enhanced flexibility or chain compaction are characterized by a decrease in the magnitude of the residual dipolar couplings. The formation of a small population of helical structure in the acid-denatured state of apomyoglobin leads to a change in sign of the residual dipolar couplings in local regions of the polypeptide; the population of helix estimated from the residual dipolar couplings is in excellent agreement with that determined from chemical shifts. The alignment model described here for apomyoglobin can also explain the pattern of residual dipolar couplings reported previously for denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease and other proteins. In conjunction with other NMR experiments, residual dipolar couplings can provide valuable insights into the dynamic conformational propensities of unfolded and partly folded states of proteins and thereby help to chart the upper reaches of the folding landscape.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings (RDC), measured by dissolving proteins in dilute liquid crystal media, or by studying naturally paramagnetic molecules, have rapidly become established as routine measurements in the investigation of the structure of macromolecules by NMR. One of the most obvious applications of the previously inaccessible long-range angular information afforded by RDC is the accurate definition of domain orientation in multi-module macromolecules or complexes. In this paper we describe a novel program developed to allow the determination of alignment tensor parameters for individual or multiple domains in macromolecules from residual dipolar couplings and to facilitate their manipulation to construct low-resolution models of macromolecular structure. For multi-domain systems the program determines the relative orientation of individual structured domains, and provides graphical user-driven rigid-body modeling of the different modules relative to the common tensorial frame. Translational freedom in the common frame, and equivalent rotations about the diagonalized (x,y,z) axes are used to position the different modules in the common frame to find a model in best agreement with experimentally measured couplings alone or in combination with additional experimental or covalent information.  相似文献   

A mixture of dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) and 3-(cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio-2-hydroxyl-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSO) in water forms disc shaped bicelles that become ordered at high magnetic fields over a wide range of temperatures. As illustrated for the FK506 binding protein (FKBP), large residual dipolar couplings can be measured for proteins dissolved in low concentrations (5% w/v) of a DLPC/CHAPSO medium at a molar ratio of 4.2:1. This system is especially useful for measuring residual dipolar couplings for molecules that are only stable at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Weak alignment of solute molecules with the magnetic field can be achieved in a dilute liquid crystalline medium, consisting of an aqueous mixture of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dihexanoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DHPC). For a certain range of molar ratios, DMPC and DHPC can form large, disc-shaped particles, commonly referred to as bicelles (Sanders and Schwonek, 1992), which cooperatively align in the magnetic field and induce a small degree of alignment on asymmetrically shaped solute molecules. As a result, dipolar couplings between pairs of 1H, 13C or 15N nuclei are no longer averaged to zero by rotational diffusion and they can be readily measured, providing valuable structural information. The stability of these liquid crystals and the degree of alignment of the solute molecules depend strongly on experimental variables such as the DMPC:DHPC ratio and concentration, the preparation protocol of the DMPC/DHPC mixtures, as well as salt, temperature, and pH. The lower temperature limit for which the liquid crystalline phase is stable can be reduced to 20 °C by using a ternary mixture of DHPC, DMPC, and 1-myristoyl-2-myristoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, or a binary mixture of DHPC and ditridecanoyl-phosphatidylcholine. These issues are discussed, with an emphasis on the use of the medium for obtaining weak alignment of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

Three transverse relaxation optimised NMR experiments (TROSY) for the measurement of scalar and dipolar couplings suitable for proteins dissolved in aqueous iso- and anisotropic solutions are described. The triple-spin-state-selective experiments yield couplings between 1HN-13C, 15N-13C, 1HN-13C i–1, 15N-13C i–1, 1HN-13Ci–1, 15N-13Ci–1, and 13Ci–1-13C i–1 without introducing nonessential spectral crowding compared with an ordinary two-dimensional 15N-1H correlation spectrum and without requiring explicit knowledge of carbon assignments. This set of /-J-TROSY experiments is most useful for perdeuterated proteins in studies of structure–activity relationships by NMR to observe, in addition to epitopes for ligands, also conformational changes induced by binding of ligands.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings arise from small degrees of alignment of molecules in a magnetic field. Most biomolecules lack sufficient intrinsic magnetic susceptibility anisotropies for practical purposes; however, alignment can be achieved using dilute aqueous phospholipid mixtures, colloidal suspensions of rod-shaped viruses, complex phases of surfactant systems and strained gels. The stability of the liquid crystalline phases varies with respect to temperature range, pH variation and time and is critically dependent on sample composition and experimental conditions. The magnitude of the residual dipolar couplings depends upon the degree of ordering and allows the determination of the corresponding inter-nuclear vectors with respect to the molecule's alignment frame. Inclusion of dipolar constraints into NMR structure calculations leads to improved precision and accuracy of the resulting structures, especially in cases where the information content provided by traditional NOE constraints is limited. In addition, rapid evaluation of backbone protein folds and determination of the relative orientations of individual components in multi-molecular complexes have become feasible. Dipolar coupling based strategies may well emerge as the most critical developments, in establishing NMR as a valuable and competitive methodology in the structural genomics initiative.  相似文献   

For an increasing fraction of proteins whose structures are being studied, sequence homology to known structures permits building of low resolution structural models. It is demonstrated that dipolar couplings, measured in a liquid crystalline medium, not only can validate such structural models, but also refine them. Here, experimental 1H-15N, 1H-13C, and 13C-13C dipolar couplings are shown to decrease the backbone rmsd between various homology models of calmodulin (CaM) and its crystal structure. Starting from a model of the Ca2+-saturated C-terminal domain of CaM, built from the structure of Ca2+-free recoverin on the basis of remote sequence homology, dipolar couplings are used to decrease the rmsd between the model and the crystal structure from 5.0 to 1.25 Å. A better starting model, built from the crystal structure of Ca2+-saturated parvalbumin, decreases in rmsd from 1.25 to 0.93 Å. Similarly, starting from the structure of the Ca2+-ligated CaM N-terminal domain, experimental dipolar couplings measured for the Ca2+-free form decrease the backbone rmsd relative to the refined solution structure of apo-CaM from 4.2 to 1.0 Å.  相似文献   

The ligand-binding properties of a 53 kDa homomultimeric trimer from mannose-binding protein (MBP) have been investigated using residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) that are easily measured from NMR spectra of the ligand and isotopically labeled protein. Using a limited set of 1H-15N backbone amide NMR assignments for MBP and orientational information derived from the RDC measurements in aligned media, an order tensor for MBP has been determined that is consistent with symmetry-based predictions of an axially symmetric system. 13C-1H couplings for a bound trisaccharide ligand, methyl 3,6-di-O-(alpha-D-mannopyranosyl)-alpha-D-mannopyranoside (trimannoside) have been determined at natural abundance and used as orientational constraints. The bound ligand geometry and orientational constraints allowed docking of the trimannoside ligand in the binding site of MBP to produce a structural model for MBP-oligosaccharide interactions.  相似文献   

In order to measure residual dipolar couplings, the molecule under study has to be partially oriented in the presence of the magnetic field. It has been observed that some protein samples are not stable under the conditions imposed by the orienting media. If different types of dipolar couplings are measured sequentially, their values will not agree with a unique alignment tensor that is changing slowly over time. This could bias the structure calculation. It would be more appropriate to obtain different types of dipolar couplings simultaneously, such that all the data correspond to one effective alignment tensor. We describe here a general NMR strategy designed to do so, that can be adapted to various existing pulse sequences.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings are useful global structural restraints. The dipolar couplings define the orientation of a vector with respect to the alignment tensor. Although the size of the alignment tensor can be derived from the distribution of the experimental dipolar couplings, its orientation with respect to the coordinate system of the molecule is unknown at the beginning of structure determination. This causes convergence problems in the simulated annealing process. We therefore propose a protocol that translates dipolar couplings into intervector projection angles, which are independent of the orientation of the alignment tensor with respect to the molecule. These restraints can be used during the whole simulated annealing protocol.  相似文献   

Coiled-coil motifs play essential roles in protein assembly and molecular recognition, and are therefore the targets of many ongoing structural and functional studies. However, owing to the dynamic nature of many of the smaller coiled-coil domains, crystallization for X-ray studies is very challenging. Determination of elongated structures using standard NMR approaches is inefficient and usually yields low-resolution structures due to accumulation of small errors over long distances. Here we describe a solution NMR approach based on residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) for rapid and accurate structure determination of coiled-coil dimers. Using this approach, we were able to determine the high-resolution structure of the coiled-coil domain of cGMP-dependent protein kinase Ialpha, a protein of previously unknown structure that is critical for physiological relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. This approach can be extended to solve coiled-coil structures with higher order assemblies.  相似文献   

The structure of the 13C,15N-labeled d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, as determined by NMR spectroscopy and refined using molecular dynamics with NOE-derived distances, torsion angles, and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), is presented. Although the studied molecule is of small size, it is demonstrated that the incorporation of diminutive RDCs can significantly improve local structure determination of regions undefined by the conventional restraints. Very good correlation between the experimental and back-calculated small one- and two-bond 1H-13C, 1H-15N, 13C-13C and 13C-15N coupling constants has been attained. The final structures clearly show typical features of the miniloop architecture. The structure is discussed in context of the extraordinary stability of the d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, which originates from a complex interplay between the aromatic base stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

A new set of HCACO based three-dimensional NMR experiments for measuring residual dipolar couplings in proteins is presented. Using spin-state selection and editing in three dimensions, the experiments allow accurate measurement of intraresidual , and scalar and residual dipolar couplings of 15N/13C labeled proteins in D2O and dilute liquid crystals with minimal spectral crowding. The presented experiments are especially suitable for small or medium sized proline-rich proteins, or proteins that require high pH solvent conditions, making 1HN detected experiments unattractive. In addition, the tetrahedral coordination of C is superior to the planar peptide bond for determination of local alignments in partially structured polypeptides. For the efficient use of spectrometer time and to avoid complications arising from the varying magnitude of the alignment tensor during relatively long experiments, the and couplings can also be measured simultaneously in an E.COSY like manner with high accuracy. The pulse sequences are balanced for cross-correlation effects and minimized for relaxation losses. The pulse sequences are tested with a sample of 15N/13C human ubiquitin. We find internuclear vector directions determined from the dipolar couplings to have an excellent correlation with those of ubiquitins refined solution structure.  相似文献   

Lanthanide-substituted calcium binding proteins are known to partially orient in high magnetic fields. Orientation provides residual dipolar couplings (rdc's). Two of these systems, Tm3+- and Dy3+-substituted calbindin D9k, dissolved in an external orienting medium (nonionic liquid crystalline phase) provide rdc values which are the sum of those induced by the lanthanides and by the liquid crystalline phase on the native calcium binding protein. This structure-independent check shows the innocence of the orienting medium with respect to the structure of the protein in solution. Furthermore, the simultaneous use of lanthanide substitution and external orienting media provides a further effective tool to control and tune the orientation tensor.  相似文献   

The solution structure and dynamics of sucrose are examined using a combination of NMR residual dipolar coupling and molecular mechanics force fields. It is found that the alignment tensors of the individual rings are different, and that fitting 35 measured residual dipolar couplings to structures with specific phi, psi values indicates the presence of three major conformations: phi, psi=(120 degrees ,270 degrees), (45 degrees, 300 degrees) and (90 degrees ,180 degrees). Furthermore, fitting two structures simultaneously to the 35 residual dipolar couplings results in a substantial improvement in the fits. The existence of multiple conformations having similar stabilities is a strong indication of motion, due to the interconversion among these states. Results from four molecular mechanics force fields are in general agreement with the experimental results. However, there are major disagreements between force fields. Because fits of residual dipolar couplings to structures are dependent on the force field used to calculate the structures, multiple force fields were used to interpret NMR data. It is demonstrated that the pucker of the fructofuranosyl ring affects the calculated potential energy surface, and the fit to the residual dipolar couplings data. Previously published 13C nuclear relaxation results suggesting that sucrose is rigid are not inconsistent with the present results when motional timescales are considered.  相似文献   

The solution structure of d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 has been determined on the basis of an exceptionally large set of residual dipolar couplings. In addition to the heteronuclear 13C-1H and 15N-1H and qualitative homonuclear 1H-1H dipolar couplings, previously measured in bicelle medium, more than 300 quantitative 1H-1H and 22 31P-1H dipolar restraints were obtained in liquid crystalline Pf1 medium, and 22 31P chemical shift anisotropy restraints. High quality DNA structures can be obtained solely on the basis of these new restraints, and these structures are in close agreement with those calculated previously on the basis of 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings. In the newly calculated structures, 31P-1H dipolar and 3Jsub H3 P sub couplings and 31P CSA data restrain the phosphodiester backbone torsion angles. The final structure represents a quite regular B-form helix with a modest bending of 10°, which is essentially independent of whether or not electrostatic terms are used in the calculation. Combined, the number of homo- and heteronuclear dipolar couplings significantly exceeds the number of degrees of freedom in the system. Results indicate that the dipolar coupling data cannot be fit by a single structure, but are compatible with the presence of rapid equilibria between C2-endo and C3-endo deoxyribose puckers (sugar switching). The C2-H2/H2 dipolar couplings in B-form DNA are particularly sensitive to sugar pucker and yield the largest discrepancies when fit to a single structure. To resolve these discrepancies, we suggest a simplified dipolar coupling analysis that yields N/S equilibria for the ribose sugar puckers, which are in good agreement with previous analyses of NMR JHH couplings, with a population of the minor C3-endo form higher for pyrimidines than for purines.  相似文献   

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