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A mouse monoclonal anti-alpha-tubulin antibody was used to investigate the disposition of the cytoskeletal microtubules of three tissue culture cell lines--J774 macrophages, BSC-1, and Vero cells--infected with the Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Indirect immunofluorescence light microscopy was used to demonstrate the antigenic response in host cells and parasites, simultaneously. In all morphotypes of T. cruzi, the monoclonal antibody reacted with all subpopulations of microtubules, inclusively, the subpellicular, flagellar, cytopharyngeal, and mitotic. The host cell cytoskeletal microtubule framework was revealed and the redistribution and destruction of the microtubular lattice in response to parasite infection over a 120 h period recorded. Our results show that after the initial inoculation of tissue cultures with trypomastigotes, the parasites penetrate the cells and locate in the perinuclear region of the cell where they multiply. The number and distribution of host cell microtubules were altered during the infection. The normal radial distribution of microtubules extending from the center of the cell to the periphery was destroyed. The remaining microtubules were observed at the periphery encircling, but well removed from the proliferating parasites. The complete transformation of the parasites was monitored throughout the infection with the end result being the liberation of parasites and the near complete destruction of the microtubular framework of the host cell. A residual population of dividing spheromastigotes was observed in cells liberating trypomastigotes. Colloidal gold labeling of thin sections as seen in the electron microscope affirmed the specificity of our monoclonal antibody to all subpopulations of microtubules in T. cruzi.  相似文献   

S Schenkman  M S Jiang  G W Hart  V Nussenzweig 《Cell》1991,65(7):1117-1125
When trypomastigotes of T. cruzi emerge from cells of the mammalian host, they contain little or no sialic acids on their surfaces. However, rapidly upon entering the circulation, they express a unique cell surface trans-sialidase activity. This enzyme specifically transfers alpha (2-3)-linked sialic acid from extrinsic host-derived macromolecules to parasite surface molecules, leading to the assembly of Ssp-3, a trypomastigote-specific epitope. The T. cruzi trans-sialidase does not utilize cytidine 5' monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid as a donor substrate, but readily transfers sialic acid from exogenously supplied alpha (2-3)-sialyllactose. Monoclonal antibodies that recognize sialic acid residues of Ssp-3 inhibit attachment of trypomastigotes to host cells, suggesting that the unusual trans-sialidase provides Ssp-3 with structural features required for target cell recognition.  相似文献   

Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease, results in elevated levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum and infected tissues. However, it remains unknown whether IL-6 plays a role in host defence against T. cruzi. To determine whether IL-6 underlies disease progression, we followed the time course of T. cruzi-infected mice bearing IL-6 +/+ and minus sign/minus sign genotypes, respectively. We found that IL-6 minus sign/minus sign mice were more susceptible to T. cruzi infection as they exhibited about 3-fold higher parasitaemia and died earlier than wild-type animals. Unlike what might be expected, T. cruzi-infected IL-6 minus sign/minus sign mice did not show at peak infection a decrease in the secretion of IFN-gamma, a Th1 cytokine crucial for controlling the parasite. Instead, they exhibited a much reduced splenocyte recall response to T. cruzi antigens. Our results suggest that IL-6 mediates anti-parasite protective responses against T. cruzi.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody, WIC 29.26 Ab, has previously been characterized as recognizing a carbohydrate epitope on a 72,000 m.w. glycoprotein (GP72) expressed on the surface of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and metacyclic trypomastigotes. This molecule has been implicated as a receptor in the control of parasite transformation, and when used as an immunogen in mice, partially protects against T. cruzi infection. In previous experiments in which a radioimmunoassay was used, WIC 29.26 Ab was found to react with approximately 50% of T. cruzi strains and clones derived from a variety of sources. In this study, we attempted to determine whether the WIC 29.26 Ab-nonreactive isolates lack the entire GP72 or merely lack the epitope recognized by this monoclonal antibody. WIC 226.4 Ab, a monoclonal antibody raised against periodate-treated GP72, reacted in an immunofluorescence assay with all strains and clones studied, including those which had not reacted with WIC 29.26 Ab. Likewise, two polyvalent rabbit sera, directed specifically against GP72, bound to all T. cruzi isolates tested. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of detergent lysates of surface-labeled epimastigotes immunoprecipitated with WIC 29.26 Ab showed that the epitope bound by this antibody was present in all but one of the parasites that were surface-nonreactive, as well as in all those that were surface-reactive. WIC 29.26 Ab precipitated a single 72K Mr band from most strains and clones, but in several cases 79K Mr and 66K Mr bands were seen. Isolates from both the surface-reactive and the surface-nonreactive groups showed the latter pattern. These results demonstrate that GP72, or similar electrophoretic variants--and with one exception, the carbohydrate epitope bound by WIC 29.26 Ab--are present in the surface membrane of all strains and clones tested. This observation suggests that in intact epimastigotes of the surface-nonreactive isolates, the epitope is not accessible because of structural changes in the molecule itself or because of differences in the membrane environment of GP72.  相似文献   

Phenothiazines were observed to have a direct effect on Trypanosoma cruzi and on its in vitro interaction with host cells. They caused lysis of trypomastigotes (50 uM/24 h) and, in axenic medium, dose-dependent inhibition of amastigote and, to a lesser extent, epimastigote proliferation. Treatment of infected peritoneal macrophages with 12.5 uM chlorpromazine or triflupromazine inhibited the infection; this effect was found to be partially reversible if the drugs were removed after 24 h of treatment. At 60 uM, the drugs caused damage to amastigotes interiorized in heart muscle cells. However, the narrow margin of toxicity between antitrypanosomal activity and damage to host cells mitigates against in vivo investigation at the present time. Possible hypotheses for the mechanism of action of phenothiazines are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of treatment of virulent blood forms of Trypanosoma cruzi with ethidium bromide (EtBr)-an intercalating drug that inhibits DNA synthesis-on parasite association with (a term to mean surface binding plus internalization) and multiplication within different types of host cells were investigated. EtBr markedly reduced the extent of T. cruzi association with Vero cells or rat heart myoblasts (RHM) as evidenced by significant decreases in both the number of flagellates per cell and the percentage of infected cells with respect to control values obtained with organisms treated with medium alone. In contrast, treatment of Vero cells with EtBr had no significant consequence on the extent of cell-T. cruzi association and did not affect the capacity of the parasites to transform into amastigotes and multiply intracellularly. Very few organisms were able to gain access to the cytoplasms of the host cells after treated with 1 X 10(-5) M EtBr but these were virtually unable to multiply intracellularly. Parasites treated with 1 X 10(-6) M EtBr multiplied at a slower rate than medium-treated organisms. Unlike untreated trypomastigotes, parasites treated with 1 X 10(-5) M EtBr were unable to transform into amastigotes in a cell-free medium that supported the growth of untreated organisms. A marked reduction in the rate of amastigote multiplication was seen in cells with an established infection when they were treated with EtBr. These results suggest that ongoing DNA synthesis by T. cruzi is required for it to effectively bind and infect host cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The specific antibody responses were compared among susceptible (A/Sn), moderately susceptible (Balb/c) and resistant (C57 BL/10J) mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain). Sera obtained during the second week of infection recognized a surface trypomastigote antigen of apparent Mr 80 kDa while displaying complex reactivity to surface epimastigote antigens. Complex trypomastigote antigens recognition was detected around the middle of the third week of infection. No major differences were observed along the infection, among the three strains of mice, neither in the patterns of surface antigen recognition by sera, nor in the titres of antibodies against blood trypomastigotes (lytic antibodies), tissue culture trypomastigotes or epimastigotes. On immunoblot analysis, however, IgG of the resistant strain displayed the most complex array of specificities against both trypo and epimastigote antigens, followed by the susceptible strain. IgM antibodies exhibited a more restricted antigen reactivity, in the three mouse strains studied. Balb/c sera (IgG and IgM) showed the least complex patterns of reactivity to antigens in the range of 30 kDa to 80 kDa. The onset of reactivity in the serum to trypomastigote surface antigens was also dependent on the parasite load to which the experimental animal was subjected.  相似文献   

Stage-specific mAb have been produced to amastigotes and epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi (Brazil strain). mAb C-1 through C-6 reacted specifically with T. cruzi strains; no cross-reactions were found with membranes of promastigotes or amastigotes of Leishmania species. One mAb produced against the epimastigote membranes (C-5) was found to be specific against this stage by radioimmune binding assay, immunofluorescence, and radioimmunoprecipitation. mAb C-5 recognized a novel epimastigote protein at Mr (greater than 200,000) on immunoprecipitation with radiolabeled epimastigotes. Three amastigote stage-specific monoclonal antibodies were produced against membrane-enriched preparations of T. cruzi (Brazil strain) amastigotes grown in axenic culture (C-1 through C-3). By indirect immunofluorescence assay, monoclonal antibody C-2 bound only to T. cruzi amastigotes; no reaction with either tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes or epimastigotes was observed. mAb C-1 and C-2 each specifically immunoprecipitated a single protein molecule with Mr 83,000 from [35S]-methionine-labeled amastigotes. mAb C-2 was also used to affinity purify an 83-kDa Ag that was recognized by human Chagasic sera from patients of endemic countries of Latin America in an enzyme immunoassay. Amino acid composition and preliminary sequence data of the 83-kDa protein are presented. These mAb and/or purified Ag may be useful in studying stage differentiation, monitoring transformation, and for further taxonomic, epidemiologic, and immunologic studies of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

The precursor of the major merozoite surface Ag (PMMSA) represents one of the principal molecules of the erythrocytic stages of malarial parasites. Previously we reported that mAb 302 recognizing the 230-kDa PMMSA of Plasmodium yoelii provided passive protection to mice challenged with this parasite. We now report that the protective capacity of mAb 302 is variant specific, affording protection against infection with only three of five P. yoelii lines. Immunoprecipitation analyses of their PMMSA revealed that the expression of the epitope recognized by mAb 302 also varied and correlated completely with the results of the passive protection studies. Although this specific determinant was not present on the merozoite Ag of all P. yoelii lines, the common expression of other B cell epitopes was noted by the demonstration of serologic cross-reactivity between these molecules. Furthermore, the relatedness of the genes encoding the PMMSA of several murine plasmodial strains and species was clearly shown in nucleic acid hybridization studies. Although strain-common and strain-variable epitopes have been observed in the PMMSA of the human parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, little is known concerning the variability of its biologically relevant epitopes. The current studies using the P. yoelii model system demonstrate that the epitope recognized by a protective mAb is strain variable. Because of the similarities between these antigens of P. falciparum and P. yoelii, this information may impact on the construction of an effective blood-stage malarial vaccine.  相似文献   

The nature of surface antigens of culture epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated by light and electron microscopy using indirect immunofluorescence and peroxidase labeling techniques and antisera against unique, common, and contaminant antigens. A specific antigen, identified by monospecific rabbit antiserum (anti-component 5 antiserum), is the major constituent of the cell surface and flagellar membrane of both the culture epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms. Antigens of heterologous stercorarian trypanosomes (Trypanosoma rangeli) and of culture medium proteins could not be detected on the cell surface of culture epimastigote forms and bloodstream trypomastigote forms.  相似文献   

Broadly cross-reactive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-neutralizing antibodies are infrequently elicited in infected humans. The two best-characterized gp41-specific cross-reactive neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies, 4E10 and 2F5, target linear epitopes in the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) and bind to cardiolipin and several other autoantigens. It has been hypothesized that, because of such reactivity to self-antigens, elicitation of 2F5 and 4E10 and similar antibodies by vaccine immunogens based on the MPER could be affected by tolerance mechanisms. Here, we report the identification and characterization of a novel anti-gp41 monoclonal antibody, designated m44, which neutralized most of the 22 HIV type 1 (HIV-1) primary isolates from different clades tested in assays based on infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells by replication-competent virus but did not bind to cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and a Biacore assay nor to any protein or DNA autoantigens tested in Luminex assays. m44 bound to membrane-associated HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Envs), to recombinant Envs lacking the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail (gp140s), and to gp41 structures containing five-helix bundles and six-helix bundles, but not to N-heptad repeat trimers, suggesting that the C-heptad repeat is involved in m44 binding. In contrast to 2F5, 4E10, and Z13, m44 did not bind to any significant degree to denatured gp140 and linear peptides derived from gp41, suggesting a conformational nature of the epitope. This is the first report of a gp41-specific cross-reactive HIV-1-neutralizing human antibody that does not have detectable reactivity to autoantigens. Its novel conserved conformational epitope on gp41 could be helpful in the design of vaccine immunogens and as a target for therapeutics.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) codes for at least three glycoproteins, gp350, gp220, and gp85. The two largest glycoproteins are thought to be involved in the attachment of the virus to its receptor on B cells, but despite the fact that gp85 induces neutralizing antibody, no function has been attributed to it. As an indirect approach to understanding the role of gp85 in the initiation of infection, we determined the point at which a neutralizing, monoclonal antibody that reacted with the glycoprotein interfered with virus replication. The antibody had no effect on virus binding. To examine the effect of the antibody on later stages of infection, the fusion assay of Hoekstra and colleagues (D. Hoekstra, T. de Boer, K. Klappe, and J. Wilshaut, Biochemistry 23:5675-5681, 1984) was adapted for use with EBV. The virus was labeled with a fluorescent amphiphile that was self-quenched at the high concentration obtained in the virus membrane. When the virus and cell membrane fused, there was a measurable relief of self-quenching that could be monitored kinetically. Labeling had no effect on virus binding or infectivity. The assay could be used to monitor virus fusion with lymphoblastoid lines or normal B cells, and its validity was confirmed by the use of fixed cells and the Molt 4 cell line, which binds but does not internalize the virus. The monoclonal antibody to gp85 that neutralized virus infectivity, but not a second nonneutralizing antibody to the same molecule, inhibited the relief of self-quenching in a dose-dependent manner. This finding suggests that gp85 may play an active role in the fusion of EBV with B-cell membranes.  相似文献   

Chagas' disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, has quite a variable clinical presentation, ranging from asymptomatic to severe chronic cardiac and/or gastrointestinal disease. The reason for that is not completely understood, but both parasite and host genetic traits are certainly involved. Recently, we have demonstrated clinically and experimentally that the genetic variability of T. cruzi is one of the determinants of the pattern of tissue involvement in Chagas' disease. We then decided to turn our attention to the role of host genetic background. To study this, we compared the infection of four lineages of mice [three inbred (BALB/c, DBA-2, and c57Black/6) and one outbred (Swiss)] with two T. cruzi clonal populations, the Col1.7G2 clone and the JG monoclonal strain. The tissue distribution of T. cruzi strains was identical for BALB/c and DBA-2 mice, but very different in C57BL/6 (H-2b) and outbred Swiss mice. This result clearly demonstrates the importance of host genetic aspects in the process. Since BALB/c and DBA-2 have the same H-2 haplotype (H-2d) and C57BL/6 does not (H-2b), it is possible that MHC variability may be involved in influencing the tissue distribution of involvement in experimental Chagas' disease of the mouse.Abbreviations: PCR, polymerase chain reaction; LSSP-PCR, low-stringency single specific primer PCR; kDNA, kinetoplast DNA; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; dNTP, 2-deoxynucleotide 5-triphosphate  相似文献   

We report here that a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb 1575) mapped to the conserved putative intracellular region from amino acid residues 735 to 752 (735-752 region) of gp41 also recognizes a region in an extracellular portion of p17. Both epitopes have a core recognition sequence (IEEE) in a nonhomologous context. The IEEE motif found in HIV-1 p17 is located in a region known as HGP-30 (residues 86 to 115) which has been previously associated with virus neutralization, cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity, and mother-to-child transmission. An analysis of available gp41 and p17 sequences demonstrates that in these regions both IEEE sequences are highly conserved in different HIV-1 clades. The presence of the IEEE epitope in p17 allows us to explain some unexpected neutralizing characteristics of MAb 1575. In addition, the gp41 735-752 region has been previously reported both in intra- and extracellular locations. Our results suggest that the extracellular location was the result of cross-reactivity with p17.  相似文献   

We describe a monoclonal antibody, WT-31, that reacted with all human T lymphocytes. Electrophoretic analysis of the material reacting with WT-31 revealed that it precipitated predominantly an 80-kD disulfide-linked heterodimer from the cell surface-labeled T leukemic cell line HPB-ALL. This heterodimer was identical to the one precipitated with a recently described monoclonal reagent, T40/25, which recognizes a clonotypic structure on HPB-ALL. The target antigen of WT-31 comodulated with T3 after incubation of T cells with excess anti-T3 antibody, indicating that the WT-31 target antigen is associated with T3. We also found that anti-T3 reagents, but not the clonotypic reagent T40/25, blocked binding of FITC-labeled WT-31 to HPB-ALL cells. This indicates that the T cell receptor epitope recognized by WT-31 is located close to the epitopes recognized by the anti-T3 reagents anti-Leu-4 and SPV-T3b but distal from the clonotypic T40/25 epitope. Functional studies showed that WT-31 reacts similar to anti-T3 antibodies. It is mitogenic for resting T cells, blocks cytolysis mediated by alloantigen-specific CTL clones, and induces antigen-nonspecific cytolysis by CTL clones against Daudi target cells. WT-31 did not inhibit the formation of conjugates, but it blocked cytolysis just before or during the Ca2++-dependent programming for lysis. We conclude that WT-31 is an antibody that recognizes a common determinant on the T cell receptor for antigen. The present results support the notion that the two chains of the T cell receptor (alpha and beta) form a functional protein ensemble with the three invariable T3 polypeptide chains (T3-gamma-, delta-, epsilon).  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody MPM-12, raised by using partially purified extract of mitotic HeLa cells as the immunogen, preferentially stains the cytoplasm of mitotic cells by indirect immunofluorescence without exhibiting any species specificity. On immunoblots, MPM-12 recognizes three bands, of 155, 88, and 68 kDa, in mitotic HeLa cell extract but only the 68-kDa band in interphase cell extract. The 68-kDa band seems to be associated with chromatin while the other two are not. All three MPM-12 reactive peptides are phosphorylated, and the phosphorylation seems to be required for MPM-12 reactivity. The MPM-12 immunocomplexes exhibit autophosphorylating and histone H1 kinase activity.  相似文献   

An analysis of antibody recognition of Trypanosoma cruzi exoantigens by immunoblotting revealed a unique banding pattern that seems to be characteristic of each strain or isolate. Trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens (TESA) present in supernatants of LLC-MK2 cells infected with 5 strains and 10 isolates of T. cruzi produced 13 different immunoblotting patterns. The same bands were observed when probed with acute-phase Chagas' disease serum or with serum from a rabbit immunized with the repetitive domain of T. cruzi transialidase recombinant protein (anti-shed acute-phase antigens). Three similar patterns were observed with TESA from 3 human isolates that probably belong to the same T. cruzi strain. When clone CL Brener, clone CL-14, and CL parental strain were analyzed, the same bands were observed, although they presented different biological behavior. These results suggest that immunoblotting analysis of TESA may be a useful tool for characterization of T. cruzi strains and isolates.  相似文献   

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