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次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶( hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase,HGPRT )的功能缺失与痛风、肾结石和雷纳综合症(Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome)等疾病相关.制作HGPRT基因表达降低的模式动物,将有利于人们对这种疾病的发病机理和治疗做进一步的研究.构建了针对HGPRT基因表达的shRNA干扰载体,并将质粒转染兔成纤维细胞,获得携带该干扰片段的转基因细胞系,经PCR鉴定转基因成纤维细胞克隆阳性率为83.3%.RT-PCR及Western blot检测结果表明转基因干扰成纤维细胞系HGPRT mRNA和蛋白质表达量明显降低.最后,以转基因成纤维细胞进行核移植,囊胚率为27.8%,与正常来源的成纤维细胞囊胚率相比较差异不显著.说明,通过RNAi可稳定干扰兔成纤维细胞HGPRT基因的表达,为进一步通过核移植技术建立HGPRT RNAi转基因兔模型创造条件.  相似文献   

The importance of coupling the process of endocytosis to factors regulating actin dynamics has been clearly demonstrated in yeast, and many proteins involved in these mechanisms have been identified and characterized. Here we demonstrate the importance of two additional cortical components, Ysc84p and Lsb5p, which together are essential for the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and for fluid phase endocytosis. Both Ysc84p and Lsb5p were identified through two-hybrid screens with different domains of the adaptor protein Sla1p. Ysc84p colocalizes with cortical actin and requires the presence of an intact actin cytoskeleton for its cortical localization. Ycl034w/Lsb5p localizes to the cell cortex but does not colocalize with actin. The Lsb5 protein contains putative VHS and GAT domains as well as an NPF motif, which are all domains characteristic of proteins involved in membrane trafficking. Deletion of either gene alone does not confer any dramatic phenotype on cells. However, deletion of both genes is lethal at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, at all temperatures this double mutant has depolarized actin and an almost undetectable level of fluid phase endocytosis. Our data demonstrate that Ysc84p and Lsb5p are important components of complexes involved in overlapping pathways coupling endocytosis with the actin cytoskeleton in yeast.  相似文献   

Clathrin heavy and light chains form triskelia, which assemble into polyhedral coats of membrane vesicles that mediate transport for endocytosis and organelle biogenesis. Light chain subunits regulate clathrin assembly in vitro by suppressing spontaneous self-assembly of the heavy chains. The residues that play this regulatory role are at the N terminus of a conserved 22-amino acid sequence that is shared by all vertebrate light chains. Here we show that these regulatory residues and others in the conserved sequence mediate light chain interaction with Hip1 and Hip1R. These related proteins were previously found to be enriched in clathrin-coated vesicles and to promote clathrin assembly in vitro. We demonstrate Hip1R binding preference for light chains associated with clathrin heavy chain and show that Hip1R stimulation of clathrin assembly in vitro is blocked by mutations in the conserved sequence of light chains that abolish interaction with Hip1 and Hip1R. In vivo overexpression of a fragment of clathrin light chain comprising the Hip1R-binding region affected cellular actin distribution. Together these results suggest that the roles of Hip1 and Hip1R in affecting clathrin assembly and actin distribution are mediated by their interaction with the conserved sequence of clathrin light chains.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization plays a critical role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis in many cell types, but how polymerization is regulated is not known. Hip1R may negatively regulate actin assembly during endocytosis because its depletion increases actin assembly at endocytic sites. Here, we show that the C-terminal proline-rich domain of Hip1R binds to the SH3 domain of cortactin, a protein that binds to dynamin, actin filaments and the Arp2/3 complex. We demonstrate that Hip1R deleted for the cortactin-binding site loses its ability to rescue fully the formation of abnormal actin structures at endocytic sites induced by Hip1R siRNA. To determine when this complex might function during endocytosis, we performed live cell imaging. The maximum in vivo recruitment of Hip1R, clathrin and cortactin to endocytic sites was coincident, and all three proteins disappeared together upon formation of a clathrin-coated vesicle. Finally, we showed that Hip1R inhibits actin assembly by forming a complex with cortactin that blocks actin filament barbed end elongation.  相似文献   

We used chemical genetics to control the activity of budding yeast Prk1p, which is a protein kinase that is related to mammalian GAK and AAK1, and which targets several actin regulatory proteins implicated in endocytosis. In vivo Prk1p inhibition blocked pheromone receptor endocytosis, and caused cortical actin patches to rapidly aggregate into large clumps that contained Abp1p, Sla2p, Pan1p, Sla1p, and Ent1p. Clump formation depended on Arp2p, suggesting that this phenotype might result from unregulated Arp2/3-stimulated actin assembly. Electron microscopy/immunoelectron microscopy analysis and tracking of the endocytic membrane marker FM4-64 revealed vesicles of likely endocytic origin within the actin clumps. Upon inhibitor washout, the actin clumps rapidly disassembled, and properly polarized actin patches reappeared. Our results suggest that actin clumps result from blockage at a normally transient step during which actin assembly is stimulated by endocytic proteins. Thus, we revealed tight phosphoregulation of an intrinsically dynamic, actin patch-related process, and propose that Prk1p negatively regulates the actin assembly-stimulating activity of endocytic proteins.  相似文献   

Arp2/3 complex nucleates branched actin filaments that drive processes like endocytosis and lamellipodial protrusion. WISH/DIP/SPIN90 (WDS) proteins form a class of Arp2/3 complex activators or nucleation promoting factors (NPFs) that, unlike WASP family NPFs, activate Arp2/3 complex without requiring preformed actin filaments. Therefore, activation of Arp2/3 complex by WDS proteins is thought to produce the initial actin filaments that seed branching nucleation by WASP-bound Arp2/3 complexes. However, whether activation of Arp2/3 complex by WDS proteins is important for the initiation of branched actin assembly in cells has not been directly tested. Here, we used structure-based point mutations of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe WDS protein Dip1 to test the importance of its Arp2/3-activating activity in cells. Six of thirteen Dip1 mutants caused severe defects in Arp2/3 complex activation in vitro, and we found a strong correlation between the ability of mutants to activate Arp2/3 complex and to rescue endocytic actin assembly defects caused by deleting Dip1. These data support a model in which Dip1 activates Arp2/3 complex to produce actin filaments that initiate branched actin assembly at endocytic sites. Dip1 mutants that synergized with WASP in activating Arp2/3 complex in vitro showed milder defects in cells compared to those that did not, suggesting that in cells the two NPFs may coactivate Arp2/3 complex to initiate actin assembly. Finally, the mutational data reveal important complementary electrostatic contacts at the Dip1–Arp2/3 complex interface and corroborate the previously proposed wedge model, which describes how Dip1 binding triggers structural changes that activate Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is the major mechanism by which proteins and membrane lipids gain access into cells. Over the past several years, an array of proteins has been identified that define the molecular machinery regulating the formation of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles. This article focuses on how the identification of this machinery has begun to reveal a molecular basis for a link between endocytosis and the actin cytoskeleton--a link that had long been suspected to exist in mammalian cells but which had remained elusive. In particular, I discuss the relationship between actin and three components of the endocytic machinery--dynamin, HIPs (huntingtin-interacting proteins) and intersectin.  相似文献   

Kaksonen M  Sun Y  Drubin DG 《Cell》2003,115(4):475-487
In budding yeast, many proteins involved in endocytic internalization, including adaptors and actin cytoskeletal proteins, are localized to cortical patches of differing protein composition. Using multicolor real-time fluorescence microscopy and particle tracking algorithms, we define an early endocytic pathway wherein an invariant sequence of changes in cortical patch protein composition correlates with changes in patch motility. Three Arp2/3 activators each showed a distinct behavior, suggesting distinct patch-related endocytic functions. Actin polymerization occurs late in the endocytic pathway and is required both for endocytic internalization and for patch disassembly. In cells lacking the highly conserved endocytic protein Sla2p, patch motility was arrested and actin comet tails associated with endocytic patch complexes. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of the actin comet tails revealed that endocytic complexes are nucleation sites for rapid actin polymerization. Attention is now focused on the mechanisms by which the order and timing of events in this endocytic pathway are achieved.  相似文献   

AbpA, SlaB and AmpA, three demonstrated components of the endocytic internalization machinery, are strongly polarized in Aspergillus nidulans hyphae, forming a ring that embraces the hyphal tip, leaving an area of exclusion at the apex. AbpA, a prototypic endocytic internalization marker, localizes to highly motile and transient (average half life, 24 +/- 5 s) peripheral punctate structures overlapping with actin patches, which also predominate in the tip. SlaB also localizes to peripheral patches, but these are markedly more abundant and cortical than those of AbpA. In contrast to its polarized distribution in hyphae, endocytic patches show random distribution during the isotropic growth phase preceding polarity establishment, but polarize as soon as a germtube primordium emerges from the swelled conidiospore. Thus, while endocytosis can occur along the hyphae, the apical predominance and the spatial organization of actin patches and of the above endocytic machinery proteins as a slightly subapical ring strongly suggests that tight spatial coupling of apical secretion and subapical compensatory endocytosis underlies hyphal growth. In agreement, the phenotype of a null slaB allele indicates that endocytosis is essential.  相似文献   

Sterol glycosyltransferases (SGTs) belong to family 1 of glycosyltransferases (GTs) and are enzymes responsible for synthesis of sterol–glucosides (SGs) in many organisms. WsSGTL1 is a SGT of Withania somnifera that has been found associated with plasma membranes. However its biological function in W.somnifera is largely unknown. In the present study, we have demonstrated through RNAi silencing of WsSGTL1 gene that it performs glycosylation of withanolides and sterols resulting in glycowithanolides and glycosylated sterols respectively, and affects the growth and development of transgenic W.somnifera. For this, RNAi construct (pFGC1008-WsSGTL1) was made and genetic transformation was done by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. HPLC analysis depicts the reduction of withanoside V (the glycowithanolide of W.somnifera) and a large increase of withanolides (majorly withaferin A) content. Also, a significant decrease in level of glycosylated sterols has been observed. Hence, the obtained data provides an insight into the biological function of WsSGTL1 gene in W.somnifera.  相似文献   

Profilins are thought to be essential for regulation of actin assembly. However, the functions of profilins in mammalian tissues are not well understood. In mice profilin I is expressed ubiquitously while profilin II is expressed at high levels only in brain. In extracts from mouse brain, profilin I and profilin II can form complexes with regulators of endocytosis, synaptic vesicle recycling and actin assembly. Using mass spectrometry and database searching we characterized a number of ligands for profilin I and profilin II from mouse brain extracts including dynamin I, clathrin, synapsin, Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase, the Rac-associated protein NAP1 and a member of the NSF/sec18 family. In vivo, profilins co-localize with dynamin I and synapsin in axonal and dendritic processes. Our findings strongly suggest that in brain profilin I and profilin II complexes link the actin cytoskeleton and endocytic membrane flow, directing actin and clathrin assembly to distinct membrane domains.  相似文献   

The upstream events by which endothelial cells perceive the necessity for migration and how this signal results in coordinated movement is unknown. The synchrony underlying these events shares parallels to events occurring during the movement of tissues in embryogenesis. While Wnt signaling is an important pathway in development, components of the cascade exist in postdevelopment endothelial cells. The objective of this study was to determine whether Dishevelled, a key modulation protein in canonical and PCP-CE Wnt signaling was present in endothelium and its potential function. Western blots of cell lysates and immunolabeling studies confirmed that Dishevelled 2 (Dvl2) is an abundant phosphoprotein in endothelial cells. Dvl2 was localized within the cytoplasm of cells as either F-actin-free or F-actin-associated. The disappearance of F-actin-free Dvl2 in vesicle-like organelles and targeting of actin filaments correlated with a loss in cell motility. Gene silencing of Dishevelled by siRNA duplexes resulted in cells with aberrant membrane activity and an inability to extend lamellipodia. Underlying these abnormalities was a disorganization of the actin filament system, including loss of actin-rich densities, indistinct stress fibers and an accompanying increase in diffuse and aggregate cytoplasmic actin. This study represents the first documentation of Dvl2 in postdevelopmental endothelial cells and its possible role in cell migration via manipulation of actin filament bundles.  相似文献   

The oncogene Bmi-1 is a member of the Polycomb group gene family. Its expression is found to be greatly increased in a number of malignant tumors including breast cancer. This could suggest Bmi-1 as a potent therapeutic target. In this study, RNAi was introduced to down-regulate the expression of Bmi-1 in a highly malignant breast adenocarcinoma cell line, MCF-7. A thorough study of the biological behavior and chemosensitivity changes of the MCF-7 cells was carried out in context to the therapeutic potential of Bmi-1. The results obtained indicated that siRNA targeting of Bmi-1 could lead to an efficient and specific inhibition of endogenous Bmi-1 activity. The mRNA and protein expression of Bmi-1 were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. Furthermore, silencing of Bmi-1 resulted in a drastic inhibition of the growth of MCF-7 cells as well as G(1) /S phase transition. The number of target cells was found to increase in phase G (0) /G (1) and decrease in the S phase, but no increase in the basal level of apoptosis was noticed. On the other hand, a reduction in the expression of cyclin D1 and an increase in the expression of p21 were also noticed. Silencing of Bmi-1 made the MCF-7 cells more sensitive to the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin and induced a significantly higher percentage of apoptotic cells. Here, we report on a study regarding the RNAi-mediated silencing of the Bmi-1 gene in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Ayscough KR 《Protoplasma》2005,226(1-2):81-88
Summary. Endocytosis is an essential eukaryotic process that, in many systems, has been reported to require a functional actin cytoskeleton. The process of endocytosis is critical for controlling the protein–lipid composition of the plasma membrane and uptake of nutrients as well as pathogens and also plays an important role in regulation of cell signalling. While several distinct pathways for endocytosis have been characterised, all of these require remodelling of the cell cortex. The importance of a dynamic actin cytoskeleton for facilitating endocytosis has been recognised for many years in budding yeast and is increasingly supported by studies in mammalian cells. Current evidence suggests that cortical patches are sites of endocytosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that these sites are composed of sequentially forming protein complexes. Distinct stages in complex formation are characterised by the presence of different activators of F-actin polymerisation. Disassembly of the complexes is also essential for the endocytosis to proceed. Mutants lacking the kinases Ark1 and Prk1 accumulate actin and endocytic machinery in a single large clump in cells. Phosphorylation of endocytic proteins including Sla1p is proposed to cause their removal from the complex and allow later stages of the invagination process to occur. Dephosphorylation of endocytic components may then allow subsequent reincorporation into new sites of endocytic complex assembly. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, Firth Court, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Molecular search for the homologues of the mammalian proteins in the unicellular eukaryote Paramecium involved in endocytosis and membrane trafficking is discussed. We cloned and sequenced the gene fragments encoding the following components participating in endosome formation, sorting and maturation of the proprotein precursors, respectively, dynamin 2, Rab7 and furin. There is a proof that all these genes are expressed in this unicellular organism. The function of the identified immunoanalogues of the above described components of Paramecium endocytic machinery as well as a high degree of sequence homology to the respective human counterparts points to the evolutionary conservancy of these pathways.  相似文献   

Purified bovine brain clathrin binds readily, in a pH-dependent fashion, to protein-free phospholipid bilayers. The association is tight and leads to inter-bilayer fusion, however, photolabeling studies using the amphiphilic photoreactive glycolipid 12-(4-azido-2-nitrophenoxy)stearoyl[1-14C]glucosamine provide no evidence for direct insertion of clathrin into the central, hydrophobic domain of of these target membranes. In contrast, similar photolabeling studies of isolated, intact clathrin-coated vesicles show that, in these structures, clathrin is readily accessible to a probe which is known to reside preferentially within the hydrophobic domain of the membrane. The results are consistent with a natural requirement, by clathrin, for accessory proteins in order to effect membrane penetration.  相似文献   

The limiting membrane of the lysosome contains a group of transmembrane glycoproteins named lysosome-associated membrane proteins (Lamps). These proteins are targeted to lysosomes by virtue of tyrosine-based sorting signals in their cytosolic tails. Four adaptor protein (AP) complexes, AP-1, AP-2, AP-3, and AP-4, interact with such signals and are therefore candidates for mediating sorting of the Lamps to lysosomes. However, the role of these complexes and of the coat protein, clathrin, in sorting of the Lamps in vivo has either not been addressed or remains controversial. We have used RNA interference to show that AP-2 and clathrin-and to a lesser extent the other AP complexes-are required for efficient delivery of the Lamps to lysosomes. Because AP-2 is exclusively associated with plasma membrane clathrin coats, our observations imply that a significant population of Lamps traffic via the plasma membrane en route to lysosomes.  相似文献   

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