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Although it has been suggested that induced and constitutive plant resistance should have different effects on insect herbivore population dynamics, there is little experimental evidence that plant resistance can influence herbivore populations longer than one season. We used a density-manipulation experiment and model fitting to examine the effects of constitutive and induced resistance on herbivore dynamics over both the short and long term. We used likelihood methods to fit population dynamic models to recruitment data for populations of Mexican bean beetles on soybean varieties with no resistance, constitutive resistance, or induced resistance. We compared model configurations that fit parameters for resistance types separately to models that did not account for resistance type. Models representing the hypothesis that the three resistance types differed in their effects on beetle dynamics received the most support. Induced resistance resulted in lower population growth rates and stronger density dependence than no resistance. Constitutive resistance resulted in lower population growth rates and stronger density dependence than induced resistance. Constitutive resistance had a stronger effect on both short-term beetle recruitment and predicted beetle population dynamics than induced resistance. The results of this study suggest that induced and constitutive resistance can differ in their effects on herbivore populations even in a relatively complex system.  相似文献   

Zhang PJ  Shu JP  Fu CX  Zhou Y  Hu Y  Zalucki MP  Liu SS 《Oecologia》2008,157(1):83-92
Constitutive and induced plant resistance against herbivores occurs throughout the plant kingdom, but little is known about the evolutionary relationship between these two types of resistances. We examined the relationships between constitutive and induced resistance to the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, in 11 wild species of crucifers, and analyzed the changes in volatiles associated with their expression in two species. We used larvae of P. xylostella and jasmonic acid (JA) as elicitors of the induced response. The level of resistance was estimated as the relative number of eggs laid on the plants by P. xylostella. Substantial variation in constitutive resistance was observed among the 11 crucifer species. When the plants were damaged by larvae, a negative correlation was found between constitutive and induced resistance. However, a positive correlation was detected between constitutive and induced resistance when the plants were treated by JA. The shift in resistance was associated with changes in the emission of volatiles. These results strongly suggest that (1) a trade-off occurs between constitutive and induced resistance in wild crucifers, and that (2) such a trade-off can be observed by treating the plants with a natural, but not an artificial, elicitor.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the static task-assignment problem in a cluster computing system as follows: Given a task composed of a number of interacting modules, assign the task modules to the processors in the system to minimize the communication cost while balancing the processors’ loads. Because these two optimization criteria conflict with each other, a compromise needs to be made between them according to the given task type. This paper proposes a new cost function to evaluate the static task assignments and a heuristic algorithm for solving the transformed problem explicitly describing the tradeoff between the two goals. The simulation results showed that this approach outperforms the existing representative approach for a range of tasks and processing systems.  相似文献   

The correlation between constitutive and induced resistance to herbivores in plants has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists, and various approaches to determining levels of resistance have been used in this field of research. In this study, we examined the relationship between constitutive and induced resistance to the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), in 11 closely related species of wild crucifers. We assessed the survival, development, and reproduction of the test insects and calculated their intrinsic rate of increase as an indicator of constitutive and induced resistance for the plants. We used larvae of P. xylostella and jasmonic acid as elicitors of the induced response. We failed to find a correlation between constitutive and induced resistance in these crucifer plants when the induction of resistance was initiated by either herbivory or jasmonic acid application. Analysis of the results suggests that the failure to detect a relationship between the two types of resistance could be caused by flaws in measuring constitutive resistance, which was apparently confounded with induced resistance. We discuss the difficulties and pitfalls in measuring constitutive resistance and ways to improve the methodology in investigating the relationships between constitutive and induced resistance in plants.  相似文献   

Plant–herbivore interactions are influenced by chemical plant traits, which can vary depending on the plants’ abiotic and biotic environment. Drought events, which are predicted to become more frequent and prolonged due to climate change, may affect primary and secondary plant metabolites contributing to constitutive resistance. Furthermore, the ability of plants to respond to herbivore attack in terms of induced resistance may be altered under drought conditions. We assessed the effects of drought stress on constitutive and induced apple plant resistance to a generalist insect herbivore by quantifying plant and herbivore responses in concert. Plants were exposed to different drought stress intensities (constitutive resistance) and subsequently to herbivore damage treatments that included different damage durations (induced resistance). As drought stress intensified, plant growth and concentrations of the leaf phenolic phloridzin decreased, whereas leaf glucose concentrations increased. Changes in fructose concentrations and in herbivore feeding preferences indicated a non-monotonic shift in constitutive resistance. Moderately stressed plants showed reduced fructose concentrations and were consumed least, while severely stressed plants were fructose-enriched and consumed most compared to well-watered control plants showing intermediate fructose concentrations and palatability. We found no evidence for effects of drought stress on induced resistance, as herbivore feeding preferences for undamaged over damaged plants were independent of drought intensity. Our results suggest a strong role of primary metabolites for drought-dependent variation in constitutive plant resistance and offer novel experimental insights into the effects of drought stress on induced plant resistance across a gradient of water deprivation.  相似文献   

Host defenses against parasites do not come for free. The evolution of increased resistance can be constrained by constitutive costs associated with possessing defense mechanisms, and by induced costs of deploying them. These two types of costs are typically considered with respect to resistance as a genetically determined trait, but they may also apply to resistance provided by ‘helpers’ such as bacterial endosymbionts. We investigated the costs of symbiont‐conferred resistance in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae (Scopoli), which receives strong protection against the parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum from the defensive endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa. Aphids infected with H. defensa were almost ten times more resistant to L. fabarum than genetically identical aphids without this symbiont, but in the absence of parasitoids, they had strongly reduced lifespans, resulting in lower lifetime reproduction. This is evidence for a substantial constitutive cost of harboring H. defensa. We did not observe any induced cost of symbiont‐conferred resistance. On the contrary, symbiont‐protected aphids that resisted a parasitoid attack enjoyed increased longevity and lifetime reproduction compared with unattacked controls, whereas unprotected aphids suffered a reduction of longevity and reproduction after resisting an attack. This surprising result suggests that by focusing exclusively on the protection, we might underestimate the selective advantage of infection with H. defensa in the presence of parasitoids.  相似文献   

Cotton plants contain suites of phytochemicals thought to be important in defense against herbivores, some of which are localized in pigment glands which contain gossypol and other terpenoid aldehydes. The simple genetic basis for the expression of these glands has led to the development of near-isogenic glanded and glandless genotypes. Glands may also be phenotypically induced by herbivory. We determined the consequences of constitutive and induced gland expression on two types of herbivores, spider mites (cell content feeders) and noctuid caterpillars (leaf chewers).Induction of glands was strongly dependent on the density of attackers. Spider mite herbivory on cotyledons (1) increased the density (but not total number) of glands on cotyledons linearly, (2) increased the density and total number of glands on the first true leaf linearly, and (3) affected the density and total number of glands on the second true leaf non-linearly, compared to controls. Neither constitutive nor induced expression of glands affected mite population growth. An equal reduction of mite population size on induced glanded and glandless plants (50%) relative to uninduced controls indicated that factors other than glands were associated with induced resistance to mites. Constitutive gland expression had a strong negative impact on caterpillar performance, reducing growth by 45%. Induced resistance to caterpillars was three times stronger in glanded genotypes than in glandless genotypes, indicating that factors associated with induced resistance to caterpillars are strongly associated with glands. Three cotton varieties were highly variable in their constitutive and induced resistance to mites and caterpillars.Thus, defense of cotton plants against herbivores can be roughly categorized as constitutive and inducible factors associated with terpenoid aldehyde containing pigment glands that are effective against caterpillars, and factors not associated with glands that are effective against mites.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lipid rafts are cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-rich microdomains in the cellular plasma membranes that play critical roles in compartmentalization (concentration, coupling, and isolation) of receptors and signal molecules. Therefore, detecting constitutive or induced raft associations of such proteins is of central interest in cell biology. This has mostly been done with time- and cell-consuming immunobiochemical techniques affected by several sources of artifacts. A flow cytometric analysis of immunocytochemical staining under differential circumstances of detergent treatment offers a new alternative to this method. METHODS: Membrane microdomains are resistant to nonionic detergents due to extensive, strong interactions between their molecular constituents. We used this feature to develop a rapid flow cytometric assay of differential detergent resistance based on immunocytochemical labeling of extracellular domain epitopes in membrane proteins. Data evaluation is based on comparative detection of their detergent solubility without and with cholesterol depletion of cell membranes, resolved by moderate concentrations of nonionic detergents. RESULTS: Nonionic detergents Triton X-100 and Nonidet-40 (0.05-0.1%) in cold or Brij-98 (0.1-0.5%) at 37 degrees C efficiently resolved detergent solubility or resistance of many lymphocyte cell surface proteins. Kinetic data revealed that a short (5-10 min) detergent treatment is sufficient for this assay. Comparison of detergent solubility in untreated and cholesterol-depleted cells differentiated membrane proteins associated with or excluded from raft microdomains, respectively. Confocal microscopy showed that this mild detergent treatment leaves the cytoskeleton of the cells intact, with a detectable expression of raft marker detergent-resistant proteins attached to it. An induced association with rafts of immunoglobulin E receptors upon antigen cross-linking was also easily detectable in rat mast cells by this approach. CONCLUSIONS: A protocol is proposed for a rapid (5-10 min) test of detergent resistance of membrane proteins in cells. The approach requires only a small amount of cells (10(4)/sample) and offers a good resolution of detergent solubility or resistance of membrane proteins, also in terms of the underlying mechanisms, with an advantage of applicability for all conventional bench-top flow cytometers.  相似文献   

The relationship between skin colour and experimental exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) B, with response measured as erythema was studied. Two reflectance methods were used to measure skin colour--tristimulus colorimetry using a Minolta instrument (summarized as the alpha characteristic angle) and the melanin index based on the Diastron reflectance instrument. As expected both measures are highly correlated (0.91). A dose-dependent relationship between skin colour measured as the alpha characteristic angle and UVR was established, with the gradient increasing from 0.99 at 119 mJ to 2.7 at 300 mJ, with the relevant standard errors being 0.39 and 0.47, respectively. Similarly, for the melanin index (where the scale goes in the opposite direction) the gradient differs between -0.49 for 119 mJ and -0.91 for 300 mJ, with the standard errors being 0.14 and 0.17 respectively. The proportion of variation explained is also greater at higher UVR challenge doses. Studies relating UVR sensitivity and pigmentation need to take account of the dose of UVR administered.  相似文献   

Women have been suggested to trade growth in height for reproduction, as an earlier age at menarche and first birth seem to be related to shorter adult stature. Although women likely accrue fitness benefits by maturing and starting reproduction at young age, short adult stature may be selected against by natural and sexual selection later in their life. We studied how age at menarche and first reproduction affected adult height and whether adult height in turn was related to lifetime reproductive success in Finnish women born 1946–1958. Our results show that a delay of 1 year in age at menarche and first reproduction was related to a 0.43- and 0.20-cm increase in adult height, respectively. The sex of the first-born offspring was not related to adult height. Moreover, women gained fitness benefits by starting reproduction early but not by growing tall. These findings among Finnish women are thus compatible with tradeoffs between reproduction and growth, by showing a compromised adult height at the cost of early age at menarche and first birth. However, in these women, natural selection favored those women who traded their stature for young motherhood.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - An exceptional property of skeletal muscles that distinguishes them from other soft tissues is their ability to contract by generating active forces,...  相似文献   

On the application of a constitutive equation for whole human blood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In consideration of the pulsatile blood flow in a conduit, the constitutive equation for the whole human blood of F. J. Walburn and D. J. Schneck (Biorheology, Vol. 13, 1976, pp. 201-210) is utilized. Governing equations are solved numerically yielding the velocity and the shear stress distributions. These results are discussed and compared with the Newtonian fluid, Casson's fluid, and Bingham fluid applications.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi often share a common substrate, and their spatial proximity in many environments has lead to either synergistic or antagonistic interactions. In this paper, the interaction of bacterial and fungal decomposers from an aquatic environment was studied. We found indications of a tradeoff between fungal growth and tolerance towards bacteria. Fungal strains growing best in absence of bacteria were most severely affected by bacterial presence, while those less suppressed during co-existence with bacteria had lower maximal growth rates in bacterial absence. Additionally, we show that the antagonism between bacteria and fungi is connected to competition for substrate, but that this competition can be drastically altered if fungi are given an opportunity to establish before inoculation of bacteria. Established fungi out-competed bacteria, and gained higher biomass than in simultaneously inoculated treatments with higher substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Oligomerization directs active site formation in homotrimeric 2'-deoxyuridine triphosphate pyrophosphatases (dUTPases). Stability of the homotrimer is a central determinant in enzyme function. The present comparative studies of bacterial and fruitfly dUTPases with homologous 3D structures by differential scanning microcalorimetry; fluorescence, circular dichorism and infrared spectroscopies, demonstrate that unfolding is a two-state highly cooperative transition in both dUTPases excluding a significantly populated intermediate state of dissociated and folded monomers. The eukaryotic protein is much less resistant against either thermal or guanidine hydrochloride-induced denaturation. Results suggest that hydrophobic packing of the inner threefold channel of the dUTPase homotrimer greatly contributes to stability.  相似文献   

Studies of induced plant resistance usually either examine physiological/chemical mechanisms or explore the ecological and evolutionary role of induced resistance. To connect these two methods of study, data are needed that address the relationships between plant chemistry and effects of induced resistance on herbivores under field conditions. In this paper we combine the results of a greenhouse experiment and a field experiment to try to make such a connection. Levels of induced and constitutive resistance to Mexican bean beetles in several soybean genotypes were measured in a greenhouse experiment using a behavioral bioassay. In a field experiment, beetle performance and induced and constitutive levels of cystein proteinase inhibitor activity were measured for these same genotypes. Greenhouse bioassay ratings of induced and constitutive resistance and induced and constitutive levels of proteinase inhibitor activity agree closely for individual genotypes, suggesting that proteinase inhibitors (PIs) are involved in induced resistance. However, while greenhouse bioassay measures of constitutive and induced resistance were good predictors of beetle performance in the field, proteinase inhibitor activity did not predict beetle performance well. While PIs appear to be involved in induced resistance, they were not strongly correlated to Mexican bean beetle performance in the field in this study. These results suggest that measurement of single aspects of plant chemistry may not encompass all ecologically important aspects of plant resistance.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous composition and mechanical properties of the supraspinatus tendon offer an opportunity for studying the structure-function relationships of fibrous musculoskeletal connective tissues. Previous uniaxial testing has demonstrated a correlation between the collagen fiber angle distribution and tendon mechanics in response to tensile loading both parallel and transverse to the tendon longitudinal axis. However, the planar mechanics of the supraspinatus tendon may be more appropriately characterized through biaxial tensile testing, which avoids the limitation of nonphysiologic traction-free boundary conditions present during uniaxial testing. Combined with a structural constitutive model, biaxial testing can help identify the specific structural mechanisms underlying the tendon's two-dimensional mechanical behavior. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of collagen fiber organization to the planar tensile mechanics of the human supraspinatus tendon by fitting biaxial tensile data with a structural constitutive model that incorporates a sample-specific angular distribution of nonlinear fibers. Regional samples were tested under several biaxial boundary conditions while simultaneously measuring the collagen fiber orientations via polarized light imaging. The histograms of fiber angles were fit with a von Mises probability distribution and input into a hyperelastic constitutive model incorporating the contributions of the uncrimped fibers. Samples with a wide fiber angle distribution produced greater transverse stresses than more highly aligned samples. The structural model fit the longitudinal stresses well (median R(2) ≥ 0.96) and was validated by successfully predicting the stress response to a mechanical protocol not used for parameter estimation. The transverse stresses were fit less well with greater errors observed for less aligned samples. Sensitivity analyses and relatively affine fiber kinematics suggest that these errors are not due to inaccuracies in measuring the collagen fiber organization. More likely, additional strain energy terms representing fiber-fiber interactions are necessary to provide a closer approximation of the transverse stresses. Nevertheless, this approach demonstrated that the longitudinal tensile mechanics of the supraspinatus tendon are primarily dependent on the moduli, crimp, and angular distribution of its collagen fibers. These results add to the existing knowledge of structure-function relationships in fibrous musculoskeletal tissue, which is valuable for understanding the etiology of degenerative disease, developing effective tissue engineering design strategies, and predicting outcomes of tissue repair.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined effects of nutrient availability on constitutive herbivore resistance of plants, but few have addressed effects on expression of rapid induced resistance (RIR). We quantified effects of two levels of nutrient availability on growth, biomass allocation, photosynthesis, and constitutive secondary metabolism of black poplar (Populus nigra). We also examined effects of nutrient availability on expression of constitutive resistance of poplar to gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and whitemarked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma), as well as RIR to both folivores in response to localized herbivory by gypsy moth. The high nutrient treatment had no effect on photosynthetic rate of poplar, but dramatically increased relative growth rate, total biomass, and total leaf area, while foliar phenolic concentrations and root:shoot ratio decreased. Plant growth was negatively correlated with foliar phenolic concentrations, which is consistent with predictions of the Growth/Differentiation Balance Hypothesis when increased nutrient availability increases growth without affecting photosynthesis. These responses of root:shoot ratio and constitutive secondary metabolism to nutrient availability are consistent with those proposed by models of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in resource allocation patterns. Nutrient availability affected constitutive resistance of poplar to first and fifth instar gypsy moth larvae, which grew much faster on high fertility plants. However, nutrient availability had no effect on constitutive resistance to whitemarked tussock moth. Localized herbivory elicited systemic RIR in poplar within 72 hours. However, the magnitude of RIR was dependent on nutrient availability, with differing effects on the two insect species. Expression of RIR to gypsy moth was most dramatic in the high fertility treatment. In contrast, RIR to whitemarked tussock moth was expressed only in the low fertility treatment. The idiosyncratic nature of effects of nutrient availability on constitutive and induced resistance challenges the value of using insect bioassays as surrogate measures of secondary metabolism for testing allocation models of plant defense, as well as the value of generalized plant defense models for predicting effects of environmental variation on resistance to specific herbivores. These results also suggest that the effects of nutrient availability on the expression of RIR may represent a largely over‐looked source of variation in plant/herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

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