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 Intron-containing fragments derived from the 5′ untranslated regions of the maize ubi1, maize adh1, rice act1 and sugarcane rbcS genes were tested for their enhancing effects on the banana bunchy top virus DNA-6 promoter (BT6.1) in banana (Musa spp. cv. Bluggoe) embryogenic cells. The rice act1 and maize ubi1 introns provided the highest levels of intron-mediated enhancement of GUS expression, increasing native BT6.1 promoter activity by about 300-fold and 100-fold, respectively. The sugarcane rbcS intron increased expression about tenfold, whereas the adh1 intron had no significant effect. In regenerated transgenic banana plants, the ubi1 intron significantly enhanced BT6.1 promoter activity to levels similar to that of the CaMV 35 S promoter and did not appear to affect the tissue specificity of the promoter. Received: 28 July 2000 / Revision received: 21 August 2000 / Accepted: 4 October 2000  相似文献   

The molecular basis of somaclonal variation is not precisely known, but both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms have been proposed. The available evidence points toward the existence of labile portions of the genome that can be modulated when the cells undergo the stress of tissue culture. Therefore, the hypothesis that there are identifiable and predictable DNA markers for the early diagnosis of somaclonal variation has been tested. Representational difference analysis was used to isolate unique fragments of DNA (difference products) between visible culture-induced off-type and normal banana plants. Markers generated from six difference products differentiated between some of the off-type and normal pairs. The genomic region around one of these difference products has been extensively characterized and has a high degree of polymorphism, with variation in up to 10% of the nucleotides sequenced in the region. This same region has been shown to vary in other pairs of off-type and normal banana plants derived from tissue culture as well as in plants propagated commercially in vitro. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that there is at least one particularly labile portion of the genome that is especially susceptible to the stress imposed during tissue culture and that is associated with higher rearrangement and mutation rates than other portions of the genome. Consequently, the regions that are reported here have the potential to be used as early detection tools for identifying somaclonal variants.  相似文献   

A 1369 bp DNA fragment (Sc) was isolated from a full-length clone of sugarcane bacilliform badnavirus (ScBV) and was shown to have promoter activity in transient expression assays using monocot (banana, maize, millet and sorghum) and dicot plant species (tobacco, sunflower, canola and Nicotiana benthamiana). This promoter was also tested for stable expression in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. These experiments showed that this promoter could drive high-level expression of the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in most plant cells. The expression level was comparable to the maize ubiquitin promoter in standardised transient assays in maize. In transgenic banana plants the expression levels were variable for different transgenic lines but was generally comparable with the activities of both the maize ubiquitin promoter and the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The Sc promoter appears to express in a near-constitutive manner in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. The promoter from sugarcane bacilliform virus represents a useful tool for the high-level expression of foreign genes in both monocot and dicot transgenic plants that could be used similarly to the CaMV 35S or maize polyubiquitin promoter.  相似文献   

The utilisation of cryopreservation for the eradication of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) or banana streak virus (BSV) from Musa spp. was investigated. Banana plants, cv. Williams (AAA, Cavendish subgroup), were mechanically infected with CMV or naturally infected with BSV, and proliferating meristems were produced from the infected plants. Excised meristematic clumps were cryopreserved through vitrification using PVS-2 solution. The health status of regenerated in vitro plants was first checked by means of ELISA. The putative virus-free material was subsequently tested a second time following greenhouse acclimatisation. The frequency of virus eradication for CMV and BSV was 30% and 90%, respectively, following cryopreservation. In comparison, the frequency of virus-free plants regenerated directly from highly proliferating meristems, corresponding to a spontaneous eradication rate, reached 0% and 52% for CMV and BSV, respectively. The conventional meristem culture resulted in 0% CMV-free plants and 76% BSV-free plants, while the cryoprotective treatment resulted in 2% CMV-free plants and 87% BSV-free plants. To understand the mode of action of cryopreservation for the eradication of viral particles, we examined the structure of the meristem tips by light microscopy. The cryopreservation method used only allowed survival of small areas of cells located in the meristematic dome and at the base of the primordia.  相似文献   

Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic heavy metal that negatively affects plant growth and physiology. Plants display multiple changes in physiological and...  相似文献   

Summary We report the isolation and regeneration of protoplasts from an embryogenic banana (Musa spp.) cell suspension culture initiated from in vitro proliferating meristems. A high yielding isolation method (up to 6×107 protoplasts.ml–1 packed cells) is discussed. Optimal regeneration, with more than 50% of the protoplasts showing initial cell division, occurred when high inoculation densities (106 protoplasts.ml–1) or nurse cultures were applied. Under these conditions, the frequency of microcolony formation was 20–40%. These microcolonies developed directly, without an intervening callus phase, into somatic embryos which later germinated and formed plantlets.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria were isolated from surface sterilized banana (Musa spp.) plants and constituted a minor proportion of banana endophytic bacteria. Some isolates were characterized by alloenzyme profiles, biochemical tests, 16S rRNA and rpoB partial gene sequences, plasmid profiles and plant colonization. A large group of enterobacterial isolates that could not be clearly affiliated, most of them ascribed to group I (with characteristics of Enterobacter cloacae) were the diazotrophs most frequently found in banana. Different Klebsiella spp. and Rhizobiumsp. were identified as well. Klebsiella spp. were isolated from inside the roots and stems of plants grown in the two geographical regions sampled and from tissue culture-derived plantlets. Rhizobium sp. isolates were obtained only from Colima where bananas are grown extensively. Group I isolates and Rhizobium sp. could be re-isolated from surface-sterilized banana derived from tissue culture at five months after inoculation and significant increases in stem and leave fresh weight were obtained with some of the isolates.  相似文献   

Three contrasted genotypes of Musa spp. (M. acuminata cv Grande Naine, M. acuminata spp. Banksii and M. balbisiana spp. Tani) were grown for 6 weeks under optimal conditions in hydroponics and were submitted to a wide range of Si supply (0–1.66 mM Si) to quantify the Si uptake and distribution in banana, as well as the effect of Si on banana growth. The level of Si supply did not affect plant growth, nor the rate of water and nutrient uptake. The rate of Si uptake and the Si concentration in plant tissues increased markedly with the Si supply. At the highest Si concentrations (1.66 mM), silicon absorption was essentially driven by mass flow of water (passive transport). However, at lower Si concentrations (0.02–0.83 mM), it was higher than its uptake by mass flow and caused the depletion of silicon in the nutrient solution, suggesting the existence of active processes in silicon transport. The distribution of silicon among shoot organs (pseudostem < petiole and midrib < young lamina < old leaf) confirmed the major role of transpiration in silicon accumulation and was not dependent on silicon supply. However, other mechanisms of transport might be operating in the roots and in the petiole and midrib of young leaves, whose silicon concentration was unexpectedly high at low Si supply (0.02 mM) compared to higher levels of Si. The three genotypes did not exhibit consistent differences in their responses to silicon supply.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana is considered a virulent pathogen against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. However, current field application techniques for effective control against this pest remain a limitation and an alternative method for effective field application needs to be investigated. Three screenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the ability of B. bassiana to form an endophytic relationship with tissue culture banana (Musa spp.) plants and to evaluate the plants for possible harmful effects resulting from this relationship. Three Ugandan strains of B. bassiana (G41, S204 and WA) were applied by dipping the roots and rhizome in a conidial suspension, by injecting a conidial suspension into the plant rhizome and by growing the plants in sterile soil mixed with B. bassiana-colonized rice substrate. Four weeks after inoculation, plant growth parameters were determined and plant tissue colonization assessed through re-isolation of B. bassiana. All B. bassiana strains were able to colonize banana plant roots, rhizomes and pseudostem bases. Dipping plants in a conidial suspension achieved the highest colonization with no negative effect on plant growth or survival. Beauveria bassiana strain G41 was the best colonizer (up to 68%, 79% and 41% in roots, rhizome and pseudostem base, respectively) when plants were dipped. This study demonstrated that, depending on strain and inoculation method, B. bassiana can form an endophytic relationship with tissue culture banana plants, causing no harmful effects and might provide an alternative method for biological control of C. sordidus.  相似文献   

Transgenic Research - Genetic improvement of commercially accepted banana cultivars is strongly reliant on the ability to introduce genes that encode important agro-traits such as disease...  相似文献   

In this study, we used the male germ cell-specific phosphoglycerate kinase 2 (Pgk2) promoter to generate Pgk2Cre transgenic mice to allow investigation of genes critically involved in meiosis. The Pgk2 promoter had been used previously to target transgene expression to spermatocytes and spermatids in several laboratories including ours. In several Cre targeting experiments using other promoters, ectopic Cre expression had been observed, but the timing and extent of this expression was not analyzed. We demonstrate that in adult mice the Pgk2Cre transgene is expressed specifically in spermatocytes and spermatids, as expected. However, in offspring from matings of Pgk2Cre mice and an H19loxP indicator strain, we discovered that recombination events had occurred in several, but not all, tissues to varying extents. The lacZ-loxP transgenic indicator strain was next used to uncover ectopic Cre expression even in single cells, which indicated that the Pgk2Cre transgene is expressed between days 11 and 15 during embryogenesis in several tissues and organs. Using an RT PCR assay we were unable to detect endogenous Pgk2 mRNA during embryogenesis or in adult tissues other than testis. In conclusion, the Pgk2 promoter is a valid choice for targeting gene expression to meiotic male germ cells, since transient ectopic expression is unlikely to have a discernable effect in most studies, but it may be inappropriate for utilization with Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

Four Musa cultivars, differing in nematode susceptibility, were selected to study their relative mycorrhizal dependency and to study the interaction between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus mosseae, and two migratory endoparasitic nematodes, Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus coffeae. Mycorrhization with G. mosseae resulted in significantly better plant growth, even in the presence of R. similis and P. coffeae. No differences in relative mycorrhizal dependency (RMD) were observed among the four cultivars. G. mosseae suppressed nematode population build-up in Grande Naine and Pisang Jari Buaya. Only in the case of R. similis (Indonesian population) in Pisang Jari Buaya, no significant suppression was observed. In the case of P. coffeae, the AMF reduced the damage in the roots, caused by the nematodes. For R. similis, no reduction of damage was observed. In all, except one experiment, the frequency of the mycorrhizal colonisation was negatively affected by the nematodes.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of banana and plantain cultivars (Musa spp.) were obtained by culturing young male flowers. Multiplication and maintenance of embryogenic cultures were achieved by culturing somatic embryos in a temporary immersion system (SIT). A multiplication rate of 40 allowed us to obtain more than 6000 somatic embryos after 6 mo. of subculture. Plant recovery frequencies were 60 to 70%. This method was expanded to different banana and plantain genomic groups.  相似文献   

Between 1991 to 1996, more than 50 Musa hybrids and 10 landraces were evaluated under field and screenhouse conditions for virus symptoms resembling those caused by banana streak badnavirus (BSV). The symptoms included chlorotic streaks, leaf deformation, stunting, cigar leaf death, distortion of the peduncle, bunch or fruits, and internal pseudostem necrosis. Immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) of randomly selected plants with one or more of these symptoms confirmed the presence of BSV particles in 15 tropical Musa plantain hybrids (TMPx) and five Musa landraces. Under both field and screenhouse conditions, the incidence of symptomatic plants in the hybrids was significantly higher than in the landraces. The hybrids also generally had a higher concentration of BSV antigens, as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). By contrast, most BSV-infected landraces were symptomless and had very low or undetectable amounts of BSV antigens. There was a significant variation in incidence of symptomatic plants between genotypes, experiments and year of observation. These results are discussed in relation to the higher natural BSV incidence observed on some Musa hybrids as compared with their parental genotypes.  相似文献   

Several plant species accumulate silicon, which is taken up by roots in soil solution. The Si concentration in soil solution can be governed by silicate dissolution and formation, and thus soil constitution. Here, we study the Si leaf content of mature banana plants (Musa acuminata cv Grande Naine) cropped on soils derived from andesitic ash in Guadeloupe through standard foliar analysis. The soils strongly differ in weathering stage and total Si content. The most desilicated soils (Andosol–Nitisol–Ferralsol) occur in the wettest areas, on the Eastern slopes (Es) of the volcano exposed to rain bearing winds. Least weathered soils (Andosol–Cambisol) occur on Western slopes (Ws). The average leaf Si concentration ranges from 2.7 to 3.9 g kg?1 for bananas cropped in Es soils, and from 7.7 to 9.6 g kg?1 in Ws soils. The leaf Si concentrations are lowest for the Es gibbsite-rich Andosols and Ferralsols. The leaf Si concentration is positively correlated with soil CaCl2-extractable Si content, soil Si content and total reserve in weatherable minerals. The silicon content of banana leaves thus reveals the weathering stage of volcanic ash soils in Guadeloupe.  相似文献   

During 2011–2012, 15 bacterial isolates were obtained from wilting banana plants from seven locations in Malaysia. Characterisation of the Malaysian isolates was determined by biovar determination, pathogenicity test, phylotype-specific multiplex PCR (Pmx-PCR) and endoglucanase (egl) gene amplification. Based on the genotype, phenotype and pathogenic characteristics, all isolates were identified as Ralstonia solanacearum. Pmx- and egl-PCRs indicated that all isolates belong to phylotype II of Ralstonia species complex hierarchical classification. The neighbour joining phylogenetic tree of egl sequences also verified the results where the isolates were all clustered into phylotype II, together with the reference sequences strains, UW070 and UW162. Therefore, the results of our study may provide a better understanding on the taxonomy of R. solanacearum species occupying banana plantations in Malaysia. This study is indeed the first report of phylotype II classification of R. solanacearum biovar 1 strains isolated from banana plants in Malaysia.  相似文献   


Transplant media as a means for the introduction of biological agents is currently being investigated in a variety of crops. This study aimed to investigate the impact of microbial inoculation in micropropagated banana plantlets to enhance their resistance against Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV). Virus indexed micropropagated plantlets of banana were subjected to root colonization followed by foliar spraying with bacterial strains Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1, CHA0 and Bacillus subtilis EPB22 during primary and secondary hardening stage in the nursery, at the time of repotting and 3 months after planting in the pot. Microbe inoculated plantlets showed enhanced PR proteins and defense enzymes besides reducing banana bunchy top disease incidence under glasshouse condition. The results indicated the effective use of beneficial microbes in reducing the disease incidence of BBTV in tissue culture banana plantlets. In addition, the molecular characterization of endophytes isolated from banana plantlets, using SDS-PAGE and RAPD-PCR revealed that endophytes were categorized into two distinct groups. These results emphasize the significance of microorganisms in protection of young plantlets from transplanting stresses in field. Further, the use of beneficial microorganisms instead of chemicals sustains an ecological niche in the agricultural ecosystem.  相似文献   

We report the use of chemical derivatization with MALDI-MS/MS analysis for de novo sequence analysis. Using three frequently used homology-based search algorithms, we were able to identify more than 40 proteins from banana, a nonmodel plant with unsequenced genome. Furthermore, this approach allowed the identification of different isoforms. We also observed that the identification score obtained varied according to the position of the peptide sequences in the query using the MS-Blast algorithm.  相似文献   

香蕉离体茎尖超低温保存研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以香蕉(Musaspp.)试管苗为试材,对其离体茎尖小滴玻璃化法超低温保存的影响因素进行了研究。小滴玻璃化法和玻璃化法超低温保存后再生率的差异表明,香蕉更适合用小滴玻璃化法进行超低温保存。香蕉小滴玻璃化法超低温保存的方案如下:试管苗在60g/L蔗糖的MS培养基上培养1~2个月,剥离带有1~2片叶原基的茎尖,室温下装载30m in(可延长至4h),0℃下PVS2处理40~50m in。6个基因型的14个品种的再生率平均为46.9%。通过SSR分子标记检测,再生植株的遗传稳定性没有发生改变。该结果为香蕉种质资源的长期保存提供了理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

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